Example #1
        //Adjusts the finite field points by removing the high term monomial
        private static FFPoint AdjustPoint(int total, FFPoint point)
            FFPolynom corrector  = new FFPolynom(point.Y.PrimePolynom, BigInteger.One);
            FFPolynom corrFactor = point.X;

            for (int i = 1; i <= total; i++)
                corrector = corrector * corrFactor;

            FFPolynom newY     = point.Y + corrector;
            FFPoint   newPoint = new FFPoint(point.X, newY);

Example #2
        //Checks for matching with Regex and proccess the , and returns FiniteFieldPoint if success; otherwise null.
        internal static bool TryParse(Match matchedShare, out FFPoint res)
            if (!matchedShare.Success)
                res = null;
                //Parse the share string: x - number by order, y - the string after '.' sign
                //Gets the string matched by the particular expression. Change to lowcase and apply casing invariant
                string xStr = matchedShare.Groups["x"].Value.ToLowerInvariant();
                string yStr = matchedShare.Groups["y"].Value.ToLowerInvariant();

                //Remove initial 0s to compare with ordinal = 4
                while (xStr.StartsWith("0", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    xStr = xStr.Substring(1);

                // 1hexChar = 4 bits, so degree in bits = degree * 4
                int polynomialDegree = yStr.Length * 4;

                IrreduciblePolynom irp = new IrreduciblePolynom(polynomialDegree);

                FFPolynom x = new FFPolynom(irp, BigInteger.Parse(xStr));

                // Create an array of bites (big endian) with the length in bytes as initial phrase, initialize to 0
                byte[] yArr = new byte[yStr.Length / 2];

                for (int i = 0; i < yStr.Length; i += 2)
                    //Convert a hex-string to byte representation (1hex = 4 bits).. that's why i/2
                    yArr[i / 2] = Byte.Parse(yStr.Substring(i, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                //Convert yArr to BigInteger and create a finite field polynom
                FFPolynom y = new FFPolynom(irp, yArr.FromBigEndUnsignedBytesToBigInt());

                res = new FFPoint(x, y);
            catch (Exception e)
                res = null;
Example #3
        public static bool TryParse(string s, out Share share)
            //Check format for string of future share
            Match match = RegParser.Match(s);

            FFPoint point;

            if (!FFPoint.TryParse(match, out point) || !match.Success)
                share = null;

            share = new Share(point);

            share.ParsedVal = s;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// /Calculate f(0) in a finite field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static FFPolynom LagrInterpolate(IEnumerable <FFPoint> points)
            FFPoint[] originalPoints = points.ToArray();

            if (originalPoints.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            int threshold = originalPoints.Length;

            //"Correct" these points by removing the high term monomial
            FFPoint[] adjustedPoints = originalPoints.Select(p => AdjustPoint(threshold, p)).ToArray();

            //Use Lagrange interpolating polynomials ( http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange_polynomial )
            //to solve:

            //        (x-x2)(x-x3)...(x-xn)         (x-x1)(x-x3)...(x-xn)
            //P(x) = ------------------------ y1 + -------------------------- y2 + ... +
            //        (x1-x2)(x1-x3)...(x1-xn)      (x2-x1)(x2-x3)...(x2-xn-1)

            //Simplifying things is that x is 0 since we want to find the constant term

            //Polynomial that belongs to the GF[2] and represents the initially constructed polynom
            FFPolynom originalPolynom = originalPoints[0].Y;

            FFPolynom total = originalPolynom.ReturnValueInField(0);

            for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < threshold; iPoint++)// where iPoint is currently processing point
                FFPolynom processingNumerator   = originalPolynom.ReturnValueInField(1);
                FFPolynom processingDenominator = originalPolynom.ReturnValueInField(1);
                FFPoint   processingPoint       = adjustedPoints[iPoint];

                for (int tempPoint = 0; tempPoint < threshold; tempPoint++)
                    //Skip if both are the same
                    if (iPoint == tempPoint)

                    //numerator needs multiplied by
                    //(0-x_i) = -x_i = x_i
                    //subtraction and addition are the same in GF[2]
                    processingNumerator   *= adjustedPoints[tempPoint].X;
                    processingDenominator *= (processingPoint.X + adjustedPoints[tempPoint].X);

                //Dividing is just multiplying by the inverse
                FFPolynom denomInv = processingDenominator.GetInverse();

                FFPolynom fraction = processingNumerator * denomInv;

                //Multiply the fraction by the corresponding y_i
                FFPolynom currentTermValue = fraction * processingPoint.Y;
                total += currentTermValue;

Example #5
        //Helper, tryies to parse the string representation of share. Returns true if success
        private static bool TryParse(string s, out FFPoint result)
            Match m = Regex.Match(s, RegFormat);

            return(TryParse(m, out result));
Example #6
 public Share(FFPoint point)
     Point = point;