Example #1
        public SDLTexture RenderTextBlended(SDLRenderer renderer,
                                            string text,
                                            Color color)
            // Check inputs.
            if (renderer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("renderer");

            // Convert color to SDL format.
            SDL.SDL_Color sdlColor = new SDL.SDL_Color();

            sdlColor.r = color.RedByte;
            sdlColor.g = color.GreenByte;
            sdlColor.b = color.BlueByte;

            // Render the text message to an SDL_Surface and then convert the surface into an
            // SDL texture.
            SDLTexture texture;

            using (SDLSurface surface = new SDLSurface(SDL_ttf.TTF_RenderText_Blended(
                texture = new SDLTexture(renderer, surface);

Example #2
        public void Draw(SDLTexture texture, int x, int y)
            // Sanity check our inputs, make sure they are valid.
            if (texture == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("texture");

            if (x < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("x");
            else if (y < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("y");

            // Set up the target rectangle, which is the area on the screen that this texture will
            // be drawn to.
            SDL.SDL_Rect target = new SDL.SDL_Rect();

            target.x = x;
            target.y = y;
            target.w = texture.Width;
            target.h = texture.Height;

            // Set up the source rectangle, which is the area of the texture that will be drawn to
            // the screen.
            SDL.SDL_Rect source = new SDL.SDL_Rect();

            source.x = 0;
            source.y = 0;
            source.w = texture.Width;
            source.h = texture.Height;

            // Now issue the draw command to SDL.
            SDL.SDL_RenderCopy(mRenderer, texture.TexturePtr, ref source, ref target);
Example #3
        private static void RunGame()
            // Create the main render window.
            SDLWindow window = new SDLWindow( "An SDL2 window", 100, 100, 800, 600 );
            SDLRenderer renderer = new SDLRenderer( window );

            // Load a test image.
            SDLTexture texture = new SDLTexture( renderer, "hello.bmp" );

            SDLFont font = new SDLFont( renderer, "hello.ttf", 24 );
            SDLTexture textTexture = font.RenderTextBlended( renderer, "Hello World!!", Color.BlueColor );

            // Event loop.
            SDL.SDL_Event eventInfo = new SDL.SDL_Event();
            bool shouldQuit = false;

            while ( !shouldQuit )

                // Pump and process pending OS events.
                while ( SDL.SDL_PollEvent( out eventInfo ) != 0 )
                    if ( eventInfo.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_QUIT )
                        shouldQuit = true;

                // Render all of our stuffs.
                renderer.Draw( texture, 32, 32 );
                renderer.Draw( textTexture, 0, 400 );
Example #4
        public void Draw( SDLTexture texture, int x, int y )
            // Sanity check our inputs, make sure they are valid.
            if ( texture == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "texture" );

            if ( x < 0 )
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "x" );
            else if ( y < 0 )
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "y" );

            // Set up the target rectangle, which is the area on the screen that this texture will
            // be drawn to.
            SDL.SDL_Rect target = new SDL.SDL_Rect();

            target.x = x;
            target.y = y;
            target.w = texture.Width;
            target.h = texture.Height;

            // Set up the source rectangle, which is the area of the texture that will be drawn to
            // the screen.
            SDL.SDL_Rect source = new SDL.SDL_Rect();

            source.x = 0;
            source.y = 0;
            source.w = texture.Width;
            source.h = texture.Height;

            // Now issue the draw command to SDL.
            SDL.SDL_RenderCopy( mRenderer, texture.TexturePtr, ref source, ref target );
Example #5
        public SDLTexture RenderTextBlended( SDLRenderer renderer,
                                             string text,
                                             Color color )
            // Check inputs.
            if ( renderer == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "renderer" );

            // Convert color to SDL format.
            SDL.SDL_Color sdlColor = new SDL.SDL_Color();

            sdlColor.r = color.RedByte;
            sdlColor.g = color.GreenByte;
            sdlColor.b = color.BlueByte;

            // Render the text message to an SDL_Surface and then convert the surface into an
            // SDL texture.
            SDLTexture texture;

            using ( SDLSurface surface = new SDLSurface( SDL_ttf.TTF_RenderText_Blended(
                                                            sdlColor ) ) )
                texture = new SDLTexture( renderer, surface );

            return texture;