void ChooseFuzzyMatches(LibraryManager library, MapResult result)
     if (result != null && result.FuzzyMatches.Count() > 0)
         TaskUtil.PerformForegroundTask(this, library.ChooseFuzzyMatchesAsync(this, result.FuzzyMatches),
                         fuzzyResult => ShowSummary(result, fuzzyResult),
                         error => MessageBox.Show("An error occured when updating the library." +
                                                  Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                                  "Details : " + error.Message, "Error!",
                                                  MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error));
        void ShowSummary(MapResult mapResult, ChooseFuzzyMatchesResult fuzzyResult)
            var totalUpdated = mapResult.Updated + fuzzyResult.Updated;
            var totalUpToDate = mapResult.AlreadyUpToDate + fuzzyResult.AlreadyUpToDate;
            var totalFailed = mapResult.UpdateFailed + fuzzyResult.UpdateFailed;
            var totalSkipped = totalFailed + mapResult.NotFound;

            if (totalFailed > 0)
                new ErrorReporter(mapResult.Errors.Concat(fuzzyResult.Errors)).ShowDialog(this);

            MessageBox.Show(totalUpdated + " entries updated, " +
                            totalUpToDate + " were already up to date, " +
                            totalSkipped + " were skipped.",
                            "Mapping complete", MessageBoxButtons.OK,