Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses all XML files found in the source directory including sub-directories
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List with jQueryUI entries</returns>
        public IList<Entry> Parse()
            DirectoryInfo source = new DirectoryInfo(SourcePath);
            FileInfo[] files = source.GetFiles("*.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            IList<Entry> entities = new List<Entry>();

            foreach (FileInfo file in files.OrderBy(f => f.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "widget.xml" ? 1 : 2)) {
                var entry = ParseFile(file.FullName);
                if (entry != null) {
                    if (file.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "widget.xml")
                        Widget = entry;

            return entities;
Example #2
        private Entry ParseEntry(XmlNode xmlEntry)
            if (xmlEntry == null) {
                return null;

            Entry entry = new Entry();

            entry.Name = GetAttributeStringValue(xmlEntry, "name");
            entry.Namespace = GetAttributeStringValue(xmlEntry, "namespace");
            entry.Type = GetAttributeStringValue(xmlEntry, "type");
            entry.WidgetNamespace = GetAttributeStringValue(xmlEntry, "widgetnamespace");

            entry.Description = GetNodeInnerXml(xmlEntry, "desc");
            entry.LongDescription = GetNodeInnerXml(xmlEntry, "longdesc");
            entry.Created = GetNodeInnerXml(xmlEntry, "created");
            entry.Signatures = ParseSignatures(GetNodeList(xmlEntry, "signature"));

            entry.Options = ParseOptions(GetNodeList(xmlEntry, "//options//option"));
            entry.Events = ParseEvents(GetNodeList(xmlEntry, "//events//event"));
            entry.Methods = ParseMethods(GetNodeList(xmlEntry, "//methods//method"));

            XmlNode xmlExample = xmlEntry.SelectSingleNode("//example");
            if (xmlExample != null) {
                entry.Example = ParseExample(xmlExample);

            XmlNode xmlCategory = xmlEntry.SelectSingleNode("//category");
            if (xmlCategory != null) {
                entry.Category = ParseCategory(xmlCategory);

            return entry;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets namespace for an entry
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry">Entry to be generated</param>
        /// <returns>The namespace</returns>
        public static string GetNamespace(Entry entry)
            string @namespace = "jQueryApi.UI";

            if (entry == null) {
                return @namespace;

            if (entry.Name.ToLower() == "widget" || entry.Category.ToLower() == "utilities") {
                return @namespace;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Category)) {
                return @namespace;

            return @namespace + "." + PascalCase(entry.Category);
Example #4
        private void RenderPositionExtensionMethods(Entry entry)
            string content =
            @"using System;
            using System.Html;
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

            namespace jQueryApi.UI {{

            public static class PositionExtensions {{{0}

            var methods = new StringBuilder();
            methods.AppendLine("        /// <summary>");
            methods.AppendLine("        /// " + Utils.FormatXmlComment(entry.Description.Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name)));
            methods.AppendLine("        /// </summary>");
            methods.AppendLine("        [InstanceMethodOnFirstArgument]");
            methods.AppendLine("        public static jQueryObject " + Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name) + "(this jQueryObject q, " + Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name) + "Options options) {");
            methods.AppendLine("            return null;");
            methods.AppendLine("        }");

            Utils.CreateFile(Path.Combine(DestinationPath, "Position"), "PositionExtensions", string.Format(content, methods.ToString()));
Example #5
        private void RenderOptions(Entry entry)
            if (entry.Events.Count == 0 && entry.Options.Count == 0) {

            string className = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name) + @"Options";

            string content =
            @"using System;
            using System.Html;
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

            namespace {3} {{

            public sealed class {0} {{
            {1}{2}    }}
            StringBuilder eventsContent = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Event @event in entry.Events.OrderBy(e => e.Name)) {
                if ([email protected]("function")) {
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@event.Description)) {
            /// <summary>
            /// " + Utils.FormatXmlComment(@event.Description.Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name)) + @"
            /// </summary>");

                    string eventType;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(@event.Type)) {
                        eventType = "jQueryEventHandler";
                    } else {
                        if (@event.Arguments.All(a => a.Properties.Count == 0)) {
                            eventType = "jQueryUIEventHandler<jQueryObject>";
                        } else {
                            eventType = "jQueryUIEventHandler<" + Utils.PascalCase(@event.Type.Replace(@event.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), Utils.PascalCase(@event.Name))) + "Event" + ">";


            [ScriptName(""" + @event.Name + @""")]
            public " + eventType + " On" + Utils.PascalCase(@event.Name) + @" {
             get; set;

            StringBuilder optionsContent = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var option in entry.Options
                                           .OrderBy(o => o.Name)
                                           .GroupBy(o => o.Name)) {
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.Min(o => o.Description))) {
            /// <summary>
            /// " + Utils.FormatXmlComment(option.Min(o => o.Description).Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name)) + @"
            /// </summary>");

            public " + Utils.MapDataType(option.Select(o => o.Type), className, option.Min(o => o.Description)) + @" " + Utils.PascalCase(option.Key) + @" {
            get; set;

            Utils.CreateFile(Path.Combine(DestinationPath, Utils.PascalCase(entry.Category), Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name)), className
                , string.Format(content
                                , className
                                , optionsContent.ToString()
                                , eventsContent.ToString()
                                , Utils.GetNamespace(entry)));
Example #6
        private void RenderObject(Entry entry)
            string className = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name) + @"Object";

            string content =
            @"using System;
            using System.Html;
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

            namespace {5} {{

            /// <summary>
            /// {1}
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// {2}
            /// </remarks>
            public sealed class {0} {{

            private {0}() {{

            public static explicit operator jQueryObject({0} o) {{
            return null;

            public static explicit operator {0}(jQueryObject o) {{
            return null;
            StringBuilder methodsContent = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var method in entry.Methods
                                        // exclude the jQuery methods as they will be inherit
                                        .Where(m => entry.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "widget" || !excludeJQueryMethods.Contains(m.Name.ToLowerInvariant()))
                                        .OrderBy(m => m.Name)) {

                methodsContent.AppendLine("        /// <summary>");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("        /// " + Utils.FormatXmlComment(method.Description.Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name)));
                methodsContent.AppendLine("        /// </summary>");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("        [InlineCode(\"{this}." + entry.Name + "('" + method.Name + "'" + string.Join("", method.Arguments.Select(a => ", {" + a.Name + "}")) + ")\")]");

                methodsContent.Append("        public " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(method.ReturnType) ? "void" : Utils.MapDataType(method.ReturnType, className, "")) + " " + Utils.PascalCase(method.Name) + "(");
                List<string> args = new List<string>();
                foreach (Argument arg in method.Arguments) {
                    args.Add(Utils.MapDataType(arg.Type, className, arg.Description) + " " + (arg.Name == "event" ? "@event" : arg.Name));
                methodsContent.AppendLine(string.Join(", ", args) + ") {");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(method.ReturnType)) {
                    methodsContent.AppendLine("                return " + Utils.GetDefaultValue(method.ReturnType) + ";");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("        }");

            foreach (var option in entry.Options
                                        .OrderBy(o => o.Name)
                                        .GroupBy(o => o.Name)) {
                string name = (entry.Methods.Any(m => m.Name == option.Key) ? "Option" : "") + Utils.PascalCase(option.Key);
                string description = option.Min(o => o.Description);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) {
                    methodsContent.AppendLine("        /// <summary>");
                    methodsContent.AppendLine("        /// " + Utils.FormatXmlComment(description.Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name)));
                    methodsContent.AppendLine("        /// </summary>");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("        public " + Utils.MapDataType(option.Select(o => o.Type), className, option.Min(o => o.Description)) + " " + name + " {");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("            [InlineCode(\"{this}." + entry.Name + "('option', '" + option.Key + "')\")]");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("            get;");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("            [InlineCode(\"{this}." + entry.Name + "('option', '" + option.Key + "', {value})\")]");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("            set;");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("        }");

            foreach (Event @event in entry.Events.Where(e => !e.Type.StartsWith("function")).OrderBy(e => e.Name)) {
                string eventType;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(@event.Type)) {
                    eventType = "jQueryEventHandler";
                else if (@event.Arguments.All(a => a.Properties.Count == 0)) {
                    eventType = "jQueryUIEventHandler<jQueryObject>";
                else {
                    eventType = "jQueryUIEventHandler<" + Utils.PascalCase(@event.Type.Replace(@event.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), Utils.PascalCase(@event.Name))) + "Event" + ">";

                methodsContent.AppendLine("        /// <summary>");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("        /// " + Utils.FormatXmlComment(@event.Description.Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name)));
                methodsContent.AppendLine("        /// </summary>");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("        public event " + eventType + " On" + Utils.PascalCase(@event.Name) + " {");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("            [InlineCode(\"{this}.bind('" + @event.Name + "', {value})\")]");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("            add {");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("            }");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("            [InlineCode(\"{this}.unbind('" + @event.Name + "', {value})\")]");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("            remove {");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("            }");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("        }");

            string formatedContent
                = string.Format(content
                                , className
                                , Utils.FormatXmlComment(entry.Description.Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name))
                                , Utils.FormatXmlComment(entry.LongDescription.Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name))
                                , methodsContent.ToString()
                                , string.Empty
                                , Utils.GetNamespace(entry));

            Utils.CreateFile(Path.Combine(DestinationPath, Utils.PascalCase(entry.Category), Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name)), className, formatedContent);
Example #7
        private void RenderEvents(Entry entry)
            if (entry.Events.Count == 0) {

            string content =
            @"using System;
            using System.Html;
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

            namespace {2} {{

            public sealed class {0} {{{1}
            string property = @"

            public {1} {0} {{
            get; set;

            string className;

            foreach (var @event in entry.Events
                                          .OrderBy(e => e.Name)) {
                if (@event.Type.StartsWith("function")) continue;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(@event.Type)) continue;

                string eventType = @event.Type.Replace(@event.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), Utils.PascalCase(@event.Name));

                foreach (Argument arg in @event.Arguments) {
                    if (arg.Name != "ui") continue;
                    if (arg.Properties.Count == 0) continue;

                    className = Utils.PascalCase(eventType) + "Event";

                    StringBuilder properties = new StringBuilder();

                    foreach (Property prop in arg.Properties.OrderBy(p => p.Name)) {
                        properties.Append(string.Format(property, Utils.PascalCase(prop.Name), Utils.MapDataType(prop.Type, className, prop.Description)));

                    Utils.CreateFile(Path.Combine(DestinationPath, Utils.PascalCase(entry.Category), Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name))
                                    , className
                                    , string.Format(content, className, properties.ToString(), Utils.GetNamespace(entry)));
Example #8
        private void RenderEntry(Entry entry, Entry baseEntry = null)
            if (entry == null || entry.Name == "widget") {

            if (entry.Category != "effect" && entry.Name != "position") {
Example #9
        private void RenderOptions(Entry entry)
            if (entry.Events.Count == 0 && entry.Options.Count == 0) {

            string className = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name) + @"Options";

            string content =
            @"using System;
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

            namespace {4} {{

            /// <summary>
            /// Options used to initialize or customize {5}.
            /// </summary>
            public {3} class {0} {{

            public {0}() {{

            public {0}(params object[] nameValuePairs) {{
            {1}{2}    }}
            StringBuilder eventsContent = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Event @event in entry.Events.AsQueryable().OrderBy(e => e.Name)) {
                if ([email protected]("function")) {
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@event.Description)) {
            /// <summary>
            /// " + Utils.FormatXmlComment(@event.Description.Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name)) + @"
            /// </summary>");

                    string eventType;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(@event.Type)) {
                        eventType = "jQueryEventHandler";
                    } else {
                        if (@event.Arguments.All(a => a.Properties.Count == 0)) {
                            eventType = "jQueryUIEventHandler<jQueryObject>";
                        } else {
                            eventType = "jQueryUIEventHandler<" + Utils.PascalCase(@event.Type.Replace(@event.Name.ToLower(), Utils.PascalCase(@event.Name))) + "Event" + ">";


            public " + eventType + " " + Utils.PascalCase(@event.Name) + " {" +
             get {
                return null;
             set {

            StringBuilder optionsContent = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var option in entry.Options.AsQueryable()
                                           .OrderBy(o => o.Name)
                                           .GroupBy(o => o.Name)) {
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.Min(o => o.Description))) {
            /// <summary>
            /// " + Utils.FormatXmlComment(option.Min(o => o.Description).Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name)) + @"
            /// </summary>");

            public " + Utils.MapDataType(option.Min(o => o.Type)) + @" " + Utils.PascalCase(option.Key) + @" {" +
            get {
                return " + Utils.GetDefaultValue(option.Min(o => o.Type)) + @";
            set {

            string name = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name);
            if ((name == "jQueryUI") || (name == "Position")) {
                name = "";
            string category = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Category);
            if ((category == "Widgets") && (name == "Widget")) {
                category = "";
                name = "";
            Utils.CreateFile(Path.Combine(DestinationPath, category, name), className
                , string.Format(content
                                , className
                                , eventsContent.ToString()
                                , optionsContent.ToString()
                                , (entry.Name.ToLower() != "widget") ? "sealed" : string.Empty
                                , Utils.GetNamespace(entry)
                                , Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name)));
Example #10
        private void RenderOptionEnum(Entry entry, Entry baseEntry = null)
            if (entry.Options.Count == 0) {

            string className = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name) + @"Option";

            string content =
            @"using System;
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

            namespace {2} {{

            /// <summary>
            /// Options for use with {3}.
            /// </summary>
            public enum {0} {{{1}
            StringBuilder enumValues = new StringBuilder();

            IEnumerable<Option> options = entry.Options.AsQueryable();

            if (baseEntry != null) {
                options = options.Union(baseEntry.Options);

            foreach (var option in options.OrderBy(o => o.Name)
                                          .GroupBy(o => o.Name)) {
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.Min(o => o.Description))) {
                    enumValues.AppendLine("        /// <summary>");
                    enumValues.AppendLine("        /// " + Utils.FormatXmlComment(option.Min(o => o.Description).Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name)));
                    enumValues.AppendLine("        /// </summary>");
                enumValues.Append("        " + Utils.PascalCase(option.Key) + ",");

            string name = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name);
            if ((name == "jQueryUI") || (name == "Position")) {
                name = "";
            string category = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Category);
            if ((category == "Widgets") && (name == "Widget")) {
                category = "";
                name = "";
            Utils.CreateFile(Path.Combine(DestinationPath, category, name), className
                , string.Format(content, className, enumValues.ToString().Trim(','), Utils.GetNamespace(entry), Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name)));
Example #11
        private void RenderObject(Entry entry)
            if (entry.Type == "method")
                return; // Skip over the method entry. These objects will be added to the jQueryUI object

            string className = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name) + @"Object";

            string content =
            @"using System;
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

            namespace {8} {{

            /// <summary>
            /// {1}
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// {2}
            /// </remarks>
            public "
            + (abstractObjects.Contains(entry.Name.ToLower()) ? "abstract" : "sealed") + @" class {0} : "
            + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Type) ? "jQuery" : Utils.PascalCase(entry.Type)) + @"Object {{

            + (abstractObjects.Contains(entry.Name.ToLower()) ? "protected" : "private") + @" {0}() {{

            string overload1 =

            public {2}{1}Object {1}() {{
            return null;

            string overload2 =

            public {1}Object {1}({1}Options options) {{
            return null;

            string overload3 =

            public object {1}({1}Method method, params object[] options) {{
            return null;

            string overload4 =

            public static object Prototype {{
            get {{
                return null;

            public jQueryObject Element {{
            get {{
                return null;

            public object Options {{
            get {{
                return null;

            public Function SetOption {{
            get {{
                return null;

            public Function SetOptions {{
            get {{
                return null;


            StringBuilder methodsContent = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var method in entry.Methods
                // exclude the jQuery methods as they will be inherit
                                        .Where(m => entry.Name.ToLower() == "widget" || !excludeJQueryMethods.Contains(m.Name.ToLower()))
                                        .OrderBy(m => m.Name)) {

                // TODO: temporal solution for SetOption & SetOptions. Cannot have property and Method with the same name.
                if (method.Name.ToLower() == "_setoption" || method.Name.ToLower() == "_setoptions") {

                methodsContent.AppendLine("        /// <summary>");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("        /// " + Utils.FormatXmlComment(method.Description.Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name)));
                methodsContent.AppendLine("        /// </summary>");
                if (Utils.PascalCase(method.Name).ToLower() != method.Name.ToLower()) {
                    methodsContent.AppendLine("        [ScriptName(\"" + method.Name + "\")]");

                methodsContent.Append("        public "
                    + (method.Name.ToLower() == "length" ? "new " : string.Empty)
                    + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(method.ReturnType) ? "void" : Utils.MapDataType(method.ReturnType)) + " " + Utils.PascalCase(method.Name) + "(");
                List<string> args = new List<string>();
                foreach (Argument arg in method.Arguments) {
                    args.Add(Utils.MapDataType(arg.Type) + " " + (arg.Name == "event" ? "@event" : arg.Name));
                methodsContent.AppendLine(string.Join(", ", args) + ") {");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(method.ReturnType)) {
                    methodsContent.AppendLine("                return " + Utils.GetDefaultValue(method.ReturnType) + ";");
                methodsContent.AppendLine("        }");

            string formatedContent = string.Empty;

            if (entry.Name.ToLower() == "widget") {
                        = string.Format(content
                                        , className
                                        , Utils.FormatXmlComment(entry.Description.Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name))
                                        , Utils.FormatXmlComment(entry.LongDescription.Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name))
                                        , string.Empty
                                        , string.Empty
                                        , string.Empty
                                        , string.Format(overload4, entry.Name, Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name)) + methodsContent.ToString()
                                        , @"
                                        , Utils.GetNamespace(entry));
            } else {
                    = string.Format(content
                                    , className
                                    , Utils.FormatXmlComment(entry.Description.Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name))
                                    , Utils.FormatXmlComment(entry.LongDescription.Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name))
                                    , string.Format(overload1, entry.Name, Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name), (entry.Name.ToLower() == "position" || entry.Name.ToLower() == "size") ? "new " : string.Empty)
                                    , (entry.Options.Count > 0) ? string.Format(overload2, entry.Name, Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name)) : string.Empty
                                    , (entry.Methods.Where(m => !excludeJQueryMethods.Contains(m.Name.ToLower())).Count() > 0) ? string.Format(overload3, entry.Name, Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name)) : string.Empty
                                    , methodsContent.ToString()
                                    , string.Empty
                                    , Utils.GetNamespace(entry));

            string name = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name);
            if ((name == "jQueryUI") || (name == "Position")) {
                name = "";
            string category = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Category);
            if ((category == "Widgets") && (name == "Widget")) {
                category = "";
                name = "";
            Utils.CreateFile(Path.Combine(DestinationPath, category, name), className, formatedContent);
Example #12
        private void RenderMethodEnum(Entry entry, Entry baseEntry = null)
            if (entry.Methods.Count == 0) {

            if (entry.Methods.Where(m => !excludeJQueryMethods.Contains(m.Name.ToLower())).Count() == 0) {

            string className = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name) + @"Method";

            string content =
            @"using System;
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

            namespace {2} {{

            /// <summary>
            /// Operations supported by {3}.
            /// </summary>
            public enum {0} {{{1}
            StringBuilder enumValues = new StringBuilder();

            IEnumerable<Method> methods = entry.Methods.AsQueryable();

            if (baseEntry != null) {
                methods = methods.Union(baseEntry.Methods
                    // filter private methods from the base entry
                                                 .Where(m => !m.Name.StartsWith("_")))
                                 .Where(m => !excludeJQueryMethods.Contains(m.Name.ToLower()));

            foreach (var method in methods.OrderBy(m => m.Name)
                                          .GroupBy(m => m.Name)) {
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(method.Min(m => m.Description))) {
                    enumValues.AppendLine("        /// <summary>");
                    enumValues.AppendLine("        /// " + Utils.FormatXmlComment(method.Min(m => m.Description).Replace("<entryname />", entry.Name)));
                    enumValues.AppendLine("        /// </summary>");
                if (Utils.PascalCase(method.Key).ToLower() != method.Key.ToLower()) {
                    enumValues.AppendLine("        [ScriptName(\"" + method.Key + "\")]");
                enumValues.Append("        " + Utils.PascalCase(method.Key) + ",");

            string name = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name);
            if ((name == "jQueryUI") || (name == "Position")) {
                name = "";
            string category = Utils.PascalCase(entry.Category);
            if ((category == "Widgets") && (name == "Widget")) {
                category = "";
                name = "";
            Utils.CreateFile(Path.Combine(DestinationPath, category, name), className
                , string.Format(content, className, enumValues.ToString().Trim(','), Utils.GetNamespace(entry), Utils.PascalCase(entry.Name)));
Example #13
        private void RenderEntry(Entry entry, Entry baseEntry = null)
            if (entry == null) {


            RenderOptionEnum(entry, baseEntry);
            RenderEventsEnum(entry, baseEntry);
            RenderMethodEnum(entry, baseEntry);