public void Handler(WebServiceHandler h)

            var f = h.GetFiles().FirstOrDefault(k => k.Name.SkipUntilLastOrEmpty("/") == h.Context.Request.Path.SkipUntilLastOrEmpty("/"));
            if (f != null)
                if (h.Context.Request.Path != "/" + f.Name)
                    h.Context.Response.Redirect("/" + f.Name);
        public /* will not be part of web service itself */ void Handler(WebServiceHandler h)
            Console.WriteLine("enter Handler");

            //script: error JSC1000: Java :
            // BCL needs another method, please define it.
            // Cannot call type without script attribute :
            // System.Threading.Monitor for Void Enter(System.Object, Boolean ByRef) used at
            // ExperimentalCompositeFileStream.ApplicationWebService.Handler at offset 0018.
            // If the use of this method is intended, an implementation should be provided with the attribute [Script(Implements=typeof(...)] set. You may have mistyped it.
            //System.InvalidOperationException: Java :
            // BCL needs another method, please define it.

            //lock (HandlerSync)
                Console.WriteLine("enter Handler lock");
                //Error	2	The type arguments for method 'System.Linq.Enumerable.Select<TSource,TResult>(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource>, System.Func<TSource,TResult>)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.	X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\android\ExperimentalCompositeFileStream\ExperimentalCompositeFileStream\ApplicationWebService.cs	33	22	ExperimentalCompositeFileStream

                //enter GetBytes
                //{ Name = ExperimentalCompositeFileStream.Application.exe.js }
                //{ Name = ScriptCoreLib.dll.js }
                //{ Name = Application.htm }
                //{ Name = assets/ExperimentalCompositeFileStream/App.css }
                //{ Name = assets/ScriptCoreLib/jsc.ico }
                //{ Name = assets/ScriptCoreLib/jsc.png }
                //{ Name = assets/ScriptCoreLib/loading.gif }
                //{ Name = assets/ScriptCoreLib/Windows Ding.wav }
                //{ Name = ExperimentalCompositeFileStream.Application.exe.jsgz }
                //exit GetBytes

                var e = new Stopwatch();

                var c = new XCompositeStream(
                         h.GetFiles().Select(k =>

                                 Console.WriteLine(new { k.Name });

                                 return new Func<Stream>(
                                     () =>
                                         Console.WriteLine(new { k.Name });
                                         return (Stream)File.OpenRead(k.Name);

                var count = 0;
                var buffer = new byte[1024 * 40];

                foreach (var y in c.GetBytes(buffer))

                    //if (count % (1024 * 40) == 0)
                    //    //I/System.Console(12919): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
                    //    //I/System.Console(12919):        at ScriptCoreLibJava.BCLImplementation.System.Net.Sockets.__NetworkStream.Flush(

                    count += y;

                    //                    I/System.Console(15969): before ReadByte { Length = 40960 }
                    //I/System.Console(15969): after ReadByte { y = 40960 }
                    //I/System.Console(15969): { count = 0 }
                    //I/System.Console(15969): before ReadByte { Length = 40960 }
                    //I/System.Console(15969): after ReadByte { y = 19844 }
                    //I/System.Console(15969): { count = 0 }
                    //I/System.Console(15969): before ReadByte { Length = 40960 }
                    //I/System.Console(15969): after ReadByte { y = -1 }
                    //I/System.Console(15969): before dispose

                    Console.WriteLine(new { count });


                // 26sec
                h.Context.Response.Write(new { count, e.ElapsedMilliseconds }.ToString());

            // { count = 1806719 }