public void Test_PlottablePopulations_Series() { // This example will display age, grouped by location. // This example has 1 series that contains 5 population objects. // for this example we will simulate countries by creating random data Random rand = new Random(0); var ages = new Population[] { new Population(rand, 54, 53, 5), // africa new Population(rand, 35, 72, 3), // americas new Population(rand, 48, 72, 4), // asia new Population(rand, 44, 78, 2), // europe new Population(rand, 14, 81, 1), // oceania }; var customPlottable = new PlottablePopulations(ages, color: System.Drawing.Color.CornflowerBlue); // plot the multi-series var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.Add(customPlottable); plt.XTicks(labels: new string[] { "Africas", "Americas", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania" }); plt.Ticks(fontSize: 18); // additional plot styling plt.Title("Life Expectancy in 2007", fontSize: 26); plt.YLabel("Age (years)", fontSize: 18); plt.Legend(location: legendLocation.lowerRight); plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot, enableVertical: false); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Test_PlottablePopulations_Population() { // This example will display a single population: mean age of every country in europe in 2007 // This example has 1 series that contains 1 population. // for this example we will simulate countries by creating random data Random rand = new Random(0); var ages = new Population(rand, 44, 78, 2); var customPlottable = new PlottablePopulations(ages); // plot the multi-series var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); plt.Add(customPlottable); plt.Ticks(displayTicksX: false); // additional plot styling plt.Title("Life Expectancy in European Countries in 2007"); plt.YLabel("Age (years)"); plt.Legend(location: legendLocation.lowerRight); plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot, enableVertical: false); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public static void PlotMonthlyChange(List <MonthlyClosedDifference> series, string propertyName, string folderName, string fileName) { // get and convert specific property of a list of objects to array of doubles PropertyInfo prop = typeof(MonthlyClosedDifference).GetProperty(propertyName); double[] valSeries = series.Select(x => Convert.ToDouble(prop.GetValue(x))).ToArray(); // months to x values and labels double[] x = DataGen.Consecutive(series.Count()); string[] labels = series.Select(x => x.Month).ToArray(); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(1000, 700); plt.Title(propertyName, fontName: "Segoe UI Light", color: Color.Black); plt.Ticks(dateTimeX: false, fontName: "Cascadia Mono"); plt.Grid(xSpacing: 1); // apply custom axis tick labels plt.XTicks(x, labels); // create folder if not exists System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(folderName); plt.PlotBar(x, valSeries, fillColor: Color.Orange); plt.SaveFig($"./{folderName}/{fileName}.png"); }
public static void PlotOHLC(List <StockHistoryDay> stockHistory, string folderName, string fileName) { List <ScottPlot.OHLC> valSeriesList = new List <ScottPlot.OHLC>(); foreach (StockHistoryDay stockHistoryDay in stockHistory) { ScottPlot.OHLC ohlc = new ScottPlot.OHLC( stockHistoryDay.Open, stockHistoryDay.High, stockHistoryDay.Low, stockHistoryDay.Close, stockHistoryDay.Date ); valSeriesList.Add(ohlc); } ScottPlot.OHLC[] valSeries = valSeriesList.ToArray(); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(1000, 700); plt.Title("MSFT", fontName: "Segoe UI Light", color: Color.Black); plt.Ticks(dateTimeX: true, fontName: "Cascadia Mono"); // grids at every 7 days plt.Grid(xSpacing: 7, xSpacingDateTimeUnit: ScottPlot.Config.DateTimeUnit.Day); plt.SetCulture(shortDatePattern: "M\\/dd"); // create folder if not exists System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(folderName); plt.PlotOHLC(valSeries); plt.SaveFig($"./{folderName}/{fileName}.png"); }
static public void RunJolka(List <Solver <string> > backtracks, List <Solver <string> > backtrackfws, string heuristicB = "", string heuristicBF = "", string type = "") { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(1280, 720); List <double> xlist = new List <double>(); List <double> yfwlist = new List <double>(); List <double> ylist = new List <double>(); foreach (var el in backtrackfws) { xlist.Add(; if (type == "time") { yfwlist.Add(el.solvedPuzzle.elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { yfwlist.Add(el.solvedPuzzle.Puzzle.steps); } } foreach (var el in backtracks) { if (type == "time") { ylist.Add(el.solvedPuzzle.elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { ylist.Add(el.solvedPuzzle.Puzzle.steps); } } double[] xs = xlist.ToArray(); ylist.Insert(2, (double)1); double[] dataB = Tools.Log10(ylist.ToArray()); double[] dataBF = Tools.Log10(yfwlist.ToArray()); plt.PlotBar(xs, dataB, label: "Backtrack w/ " + heuristicB, barWidth: .3, xOffset: -0.2, showValues: true); plt.PlotBar(xs, dataBF, label: "Backtrack with forward w/ " + heuristicBF, barWidth: .3, xOffset: 0.2, showValues: true); plt.Title(type + " over Jolka id"); plt.Ticks(useExponentialNotation: false, useMultiplierNotation: false, logScaleY: true); plt.Axis(y1: 0); plt.XTicks(new string[] { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" }); if (type == "time") { plt.YLabel("Execution time [10 ^ y ms]"); } else { plt.YLabel("Steps [10 ^ y]"); } plt.XLabel("Jolka ID"); plt.Legend(location: legendLocation.upperRight); plt.SaveFig(heuristicB + heuristicBF + type + "JolkaBvsBF" + ".png"); }
public void Test_LargePlot_DateTimeAxis() { Random rand = new Random(0); double[] data = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100_000); DateTime firstDay = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(4000, 400); plt.PlotSignal(data, sampleRate: 60 * 24, xOffset: firstDay.ToOADate()); plt.Ticks(dateTimeX: true); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Test_Layout_RotatedTicksWithRoom() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.Sin(51), xOffset: 1e6); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.Cos(51), xOffset: 1e6); // WARNING: this resets the layout, so you must call Layout() after this plt.XLabel("horizontal axis label"); plt.Ticks(xTickRotation: 45); plt.Layout(xScaleHeight: 50); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Test_PolygonVsScatter_Alignment() { double[] xs = { 75, 250, 280, 100 }; double[] ys = { -100, -75, -200, -220 }; var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(320, 240); plt.PlotPolygon(xs, ys, fillColor: Color.LightGreen); plt.PlotLine(xs[0], ys[0], xs[1], ys[1], Color.Blue); plt.Grid(false); plt.Frame(false); plt.Ticks(false, false); plt.Title("Line/Scatter"); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Test_ScaleBar_Simple() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.Sin(51)); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.Cos(51, mult: 1.5)); plt.PlotScaleBar(5, .25, "5 ms", "250 pA"); plt.Grid(false); plt.Frame(false); plt.Ticks(false, false); plt.AxisAuto(0); plt.LayoutFrameless(); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Test_tickFormat_timecode() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(800, 300); // simulate 10 seconds of audio data int pointsPerSecond = 44100; Random rand = new Random(0); double[] ys = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, pointsPerSecond * 10); // for DateTime compatibility, sample rate must be points/day double pointsPerDay = 24.0 * 60 * 60 * pointsPerSecond; plt.PlotSignal(ys, sampleRate: pointsPerDay); plt.Ticks(dateTimeX: true, dateTimeFormatStringX: "HH:mm:ss:fff"); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
private string MakeGraph(string[] labels, double[] values) { double[] xs = DataGen.Consecutive(labels.Count()); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(1920, 1080); plt.PlotBar(xs, values); // customize the plot to make it look nicer plt.Grid(enableVertical: false, lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot); plt.XTicks(xs, labels); plt.Ticks(fontSize: 25, xTickRotation: 45); plt.Layout(yScaleWidth: 80, titleHeight: 50, xLabelHeight: 200, y2LabelWidth: 20); string path = "graph.png"; plt.SaveFig(path); return path; }
public void Test_PolygonVsSignal_AlignmentWithLargeValues() { double[] xs = { 1e6 + 75, 1e6 + 250, 1e6 + 280, 1e6 + 100 }; double[] ys = { 1e6 - 100, 1e6 - 75, 1e6 - 200, 1e6 - 220 }; var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(320, 240); plt.PlotPolygon(xs, ys, fillColor: Color.LightGreen); plt.PlotSignal( ys: new double[] { ys[0], ys[1] }, sampleRate: 1.0 / (xs[1] - xs[0]), xOffset: xs[0], color: Color.Blue, markerSize: 0 ); plt.Grid(false); plt.Frame(false); plt.Ticks(false, false); plt.Title("Large Value Signal"); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
static public void RunSudoku(double[] difficulty, double[] dataB, double[] dataBF, string heuristicB = "", string heuristicBF = "", string type = "") { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(1280, 720); int pointCount = dataB.Length; plt.PlotBar(difficulty, dataB, label: "Backtrack w/ " + heuristicB, barWidth: .3, xOffset: -0.2); plt.PlotBar(difficulty, dataBF, label: "Backtrack with forward w/ " + heuristicBF, barWidth: .3, xOffset: 0.2); plt.Title("Average " + type + " over sudoku difficulty"); plt.Axis(y1: 0); if (type == "time") { plt.YLabel("Execution time [ms]"); } else { plt.YLabel("Steps"); } plt.XLabel("Difficulty"); plt.Legend(location: legendLocation.upperRight); plt.Ticks(useExponentialNotation: false, useMultiplierNotation: false); plt.SaveFig(heuristicB + heuristicBF + type + "BvsBF" + ".png"); }
public static void SetStyle(Plot existingPlot, Style style) { switch (style) { case (Style.Black): existingPlot.Style( figBg: Color.Black, dataBg: Color.Black, grid: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#2d2d2d"), tick: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#757575"), label: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#b9b9ba"), title: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF") ); break; case (Style.Blue1): existingPlot.Style( figBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#07263b"), dataBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#0b3049"), grid: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#0e3d54"), tick: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#145665"), label: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#b5bec5"), title: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#d0dae2") ); break; case (Style.Blue2): existingPlot.Style( figBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#1b2138"), dataBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#252c48"), grid: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#2c334e"), tick: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#bbbdc4"), label: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#bbbdc4"), title: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#d8dbe3") ); break; case (Style.Blue3): existingPlot.Style( figBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#001021"), dataBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#021d38"), grid: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#273c51"), tick: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#d3d3d3"), label: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#d3d3d3"), title: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF") ); break; case (Style.Gray1): existingPlot.Style( figBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#31363a"), dataBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#3a4149"), grid: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#444b52"), tick: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#757a80"), label: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#d6d7d8"), title: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF") ); break; case (Style.Gray2): existingPlot.Style( figBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#131519"), dataBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#262626"), grid: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#2d2d2d"), tick: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#757575"), label: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#b9b9ba"), title: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF") ); break; case (Style.Light1): existingPlot.Style( figBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF"), dataBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF"), grid: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ededed "), tick: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#7f7f7f"), label: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000"), title: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000") ); break; case (Style.Light2): existingPlot.Style( figBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#e4e6ec"), dataBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#f1f3f7"), grid: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#e5e7ea"), tick: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#77787b"), label: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000"), title: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000") ); break; case (Style.Control): existingPlot.Style( figBg: SystemColors.Control, dataBg: Color.White, grid: Color.LightGray, tick: Color.Black, label: Color.Black, title: Color.Black ); break; case (Style.Seaborn): existingPlot.Style( figBg: Color.White, dataBg: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#eaeaf2"), grid: Color.White, tick: ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#AAAAAA"), label: Color.Black, title: Color.Black ); existingPlot.Frame(false); existingPlot.Ticks(displayTicksXminor: false, displayTicksYminor: false); break; default: existingPlot.Style( figBg: Color.White, dataBg: Color.White, grid: Color.LightGray, tick: Color.Black, label: Color.Black, title: Color.Black ); break; } }
public void Test_PlottablePopulations_MultiSeries() { // This example will display age, grouped by location, and by year. // This example has 3 series (years), each of which has 5 population objects (locations). // for this example we will simulate countries by creating random data Random rand = new Random(0); // start by collecting series data as Population[] arrays var ages1957 = new Population[] { new Population(rand, 54, 42, 4), // africa new Population(rand, 35, 56, 6), // americas new Population(rand, 48, 47, 5), // asia new Population(rand, 44, 66, 2), // europe new Population(rand, 14, 70, 1), // oceania }; var ages1987 = new Population[] { new Population(rand, 54, 52, 8), // africa new Population(rand, 35, 70, 3), // americas new Population(rand, 48, 66, 3), // asia new Population(rand, 44, 75, 2), // europe new Population(rand, 14, 75, 1), // oceania }; var ages2007 = new Population[] { new Population(rand, 54, 53, 5), // africa new Population(rand, 35, 72, 3), // americas new Population(rand, 48, 72, 4), // asia new Population(rand, 44, 78, 2), // europe new Population(rand, 14, 81, 1), // oceania }; // now create a PopulationSeries object for each series string[] groupLabels = new string[] { "Africa", "Americas", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania" }; var series1957 = new PopulationSeries(ages1957, "1957", color: System.Drawing.Color.Red); var series1987 = new PopulationSeries(ages1987, "1987", color: System.Drawing.Color.Green); var series2007 = new PopulationSeries(ages2007, "2007", color: System.Drawing.Color.Blue); // now collect all the series into a MultiSeries var multiSeries = new PopulationSeries[] { series1957, series1987, series2007 }; var plottableMultiSeries = new PopulationMultiSeries(multiSeries); var customPlottable = new PlottablePopulations(plottableMultiSeries); // plot the multi-series var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.Add(customPlottable); plt.XTicks(labels: groupLabels); plt.Ticks(fontSize: 18); // additional plot styling plt.Title("Life Expectancy", fontSize: 26); plt.YLabel("Age (years)", fontSize: 18); plt.Legend(location: legendLocation.lowerRight); plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot, enableVertical: false); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public static string chart(string pair) { List <string> pena = new List <string>(); System.Net.WebClient wc1 = new System.Net.WebClient(); int sum_chart = 150; double last_price = 0; String link_Response = wc1.DownloadString("" + pair + "&interval=15m&limit=" + sum_chart); MatchCollection matchList = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(link_Response, @"(\d+.\d+)|\d+\d+|\d"); pena = matchList.Cast <Match>().Select(match => match.Value).ToList(); System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); int count = 0; int count_draw = 0; //Оишбка в апи hbc в конце несколкьо нулей 0 0 0 0 0 //введен костыль-переменная ScottPlot.OHLC[] ohlcs = new ScottPlot.OHLC[sum_chart]; var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(800, 400); for (int i = 0; i < sum_chart; i++) { double Open = Convert.ToDouble(pena[count_draw + 1]); double High = Convert.ToDouble(pena[count_draw + 2]); double Low = Convert.ToDouble(pena[count_draw + 3]); double Close = Convert.ToDouble(pena[count_draw + 4]); double Opentime = ((Convert.ToDouble(pena[count_draw])) / 1000) + (3600 * 3); ohlcs[count] = new ScottPlot.OHLC(Open, High, Low, Close, ConvertFromUnixTimestamp(Opentime), 1); count_draw = count_draw + 12; count++; last_price = Close; } plt.Title("15 Minute Chart"); plt.YLabel("Stock Price (" + pair + ")"); plt.Ticks(dateTimeX: true, dateTimeFormatStringX: "HH:mm:ss", numericFormatStringY: "n"); plt.PlotCandlestick(ohlcs); plt.Style(tick: Color.White, label: Color.White, title: Color.White, dataBg: Color.FromArgb(255, 36, 43, 60), grid: Color.FromArgb(255, 36, 43, 60), figBg: Color.FromArgb(255, 36, 43, 60)); DateTime date1 = new DateTime(); date1 = DateTime.Now; string name = "PlotTypes" + pair + "№" + date1.Ticks + ".png"; string name_file = name; string label_name = Convert.ToString(last_price); plt.PlotHLine(y: last_price, color: Color.Green, lineWidth: 0.5, label: label_name); plt.Legend(backColor: Color.FromArgb(255, 36, 43, 60), location: legendLocation.upperCenter); plt.SaveFig(name_file); return(name_file); }