/// <summary> /// Page load event handler /// </summary> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { cdrPrevDate.VisibleDate = DateTime.Today; cdrCurrentDate.Enabled = false; //FillDatesUsingData(DateTime.Today); ddlPrevTime.Enabled = false; cdrPrevDate.Enabled = false; ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; userName = userName.Substring(userName.IndexOf('\\') + 1); if (Request.QueryString["user"] != null && Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { if (Request.QueryString["user"] == userName) { Dictionary<String, String> compareIDs = new Dictionary<String, String>(); compareIDs = dbAccess.getAllExistingCompareIDs(); Int32 compareIDSerial = (Request.QueryString["id"] == null) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); int i = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> userCompareIDs in compareIDs) { i = i + 1; if (i == compareIDSerial) { compareID = userCompareIDs.Key; } } dbAccess.DeleteCompareID(compareID, userName); } } //DataTable tblCompareIDs = getPrevCompareTable(); //List<String> compareIDList = new List<String>(); //compareIDList = dbAccess.getAllExistingCompareIDs(); //ClientScript.RegisterForEventValidation("mode_id"); } else { dsPrevDateSelectedData = (DataSet)ViewState["selectedPrevDateDataForMonth"]; // FillDatesUsingData(DateTime.Today); dsCurrentDateSelectedData = (DataSet)ViewState["selectedCurrentDateDataForMonth"]; compareID = Session["compareID"] == null ? "" : Session["compareID"].ToString(); ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField("isPostBack", "1"); } }
public List<CompareIDFields> getPrevCompareIDs() { ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); List<String> compareIDList = new List<String>(); compareIDList = dbAccess.getAllExistingCompareIDs(); CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; List<CompareIDFields> compareIDObjs = new List<CompareIDFields>(); String[] comparisonData; DateTime prevDateTime, currDateTime; String compareID; CompareIDFields compareIDObj; for (int i = 0; i < compareIDList.Count; i++) { compareID = compareIDList[i]; comparisonData = compareID.Split('_'); if (comparisonData != null) { compareIDObj = new CompareIDFields(); compareIDObj.Serial = i + 1; compareIDObj.Model = comparisonData[0]; prevDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(comparisonData[1] + " " + comparisonData[2], "yyyyMMdd HHmmss", provider); currDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(comparisonData[3] + " " + comparisonData[4], "yyyyMMdd HHmmss", provider); compareIDObj.Dates = prevDateTime.ToString() + " vs " + currDateTime.ToString(); compareIDObj.Version = comparisonData[5]; compareIDObj.Mode = comparisonData[6]; compareIDObj.Environment = comparisonData[7]; compareIDObj.Restriction = comparisonData[8]; compareIDObj.Customer = comparisonData[9]; compareIDObjs.Add(compareIDObj); } //allComparisonData.Add(comparisonData); //DataRow dr = tblCompareIDs.NewRow(); //tblCompareIDs.Rows.Add(processedCompareList); } return compareIDObjs; }
public static Dictionary<String, ArrayList> GetDefaultValues(String model) { ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); Dictionary<String, ArrayList> defaultValues = new Dictionary<string, ArrayList>(); defaultValues = dbAccess.GetDefaultLists(model); //for (int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < 10; loopIndex++) //{ // Thread.Sleep(1000); //} return defaultValues; }
private async void RefreshDataAsync(String previousDate, String currentDate, String tableType) { ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); //dbAccess.RefreshData(previousDate, currentDate, tableType); await dbAccess.RefreshDataAsync(previousDate, currentDate, tableType); }
private async Task Run(String typeOfTask) { userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; userName = userName.Substring(userName.IndexOf('\\') + 1); ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); progress = "Retrieving values from UI..."; try { if (typeOfTask == "History Compare") { DataTable tblCompareIDs = getPrevCompareTable(); String[] processedCompareList = new String[8]; CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; if (tblCompareIDs != null) { foreach (DataRow compareIDRow in tblCompareIDs.Rows) { if (compareIDRow.ItemArray[0].ToString() == Request.Form["rdoCompareID"].ToString()) { String[] datesArray = compareIDRow.ItemArray[2].ToString().Split(new String[] { "vs" }, StringSplitOptions.None); String prevDateTime2 = Convert.ToDateTime(datesArray[0]).ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"); String currentDateTime2 = Convert.ToDateTime(datesArray[1]).ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"); compareID = compareIDRow.ItemArray[1] + "_" + prevDateTime2 + "_" + currentDateTime2 + "_" + compareIDRow.ItemArray[3] + "_" + compareIDRow.ItemArray[4] + "_" + compareIDRow.ItemArray[5] + "_" + compareIDRow.ItemArray[6] + "_" + compareIDRow.ItemArray[7]; dbAccess.RefreshData("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", userName, compareID); } } } // compareID = lbCurrentUserGenCIDs.SelectedValue; //Response.Redirect(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("http://" + Server.MachineName + "/ScoringApp1/ScoringForm.aspx?id=" + compareID), false); } else { String model, version, mode, env, restriction, customer; String previousDate, currentDate; String loadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); String prevTime = Convert.ToDateTime(ddlPrevTime.SelectedValue.ToString()).ToString("HHmmss"); String currentTime = Convert.ToDateTime(ddlCurrentTime.SelectedValue.ToString()).ToString("HHmmss"); //Assigning default values for the variables previousDate = (hifPrevDate.Value == "") ? "20130210" : hifPrevDate.Value; currentDate = (hifCurrentDate.Value == "") ? "20130522" : hifCurrentDate.Value; previousDate = cdrPrevDate.SelectedDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_" + prevTime; currentDate = cdrCurrentDate.SelectedDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_" + currentTime; model = (hifModel.Value == "") ? "Risk View" : hifModel.Value; version = hifVersion.Value; mode = hifMode.Value; env = hifEnv.Value; restriction = hifRestriction.Value; customer = hifCustomer.Value; userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; userName = userName.Substring(userName.IndexOf('\\') + 1); compareID = model + "_" + previousDate + "_" + currentDate + "_" + version + "_" + mode + "_" + env + "_" + restriction + "_" + customer; Session["compareID"] = compareID; progress = "Running queries to generate data..."; //Task refreshDataTask = dbAccess.RefreshData(previousDate, currentDate, model, version, mode, env, restriction, customer, loadTime, userName, compareID); //await Task.WhenAny(refreshDataTask); dbAccess.RefreshData(previousDate, currentDate, model, version, mode, env, restriction, customer, loadTime, userName, compareID); ////RefreshDataAsync(previousDate, currentDate, tableType); //progress = "Generating Excel..."; ////dbAccess.GenerateExcel(); //summaryPath = (compareID == "") ? "Archive/noCompareID.xlsx" : "Archive/" + compareID + "-Summary.xlsx"; //Task generateSummaryExcelTask = dbAccess.getSummaryReport(summaryPath); //summaryPath = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("http://" + Server.MachineName + "/ScoringApp1/" + summaryPath); //await Task.WhenAny(generateSummaryExcelTask); ////btnGetSummaryReport.Enabled = true; //progress = "Summary Report Generated!"; //Thread.Sleep(2000); //progress = "Generating Detailed Report..."; //detailedPath = (compareID == "") ? "Archive/noCompareID.xlsx" : "Archive/" + compareID + "-Detailed.xlsx"; //Task generateDetailedExcelTask = dbAccess.getDetailedReport(detailedPath); //detailedPath = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("http://" + Server.MachineName + "/ScoringApp1/" + detailedPath); //await Task.WhenAny(generateDetailedExcelTask); //progress = "Detailed Report Generated!"; ////Thread.Sleep(5000); //Response.Redirect(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("http://" + Server.MachineName + "/ScoringApp1/ScoringForm.aspx?id=" + compareID), false); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } //progress = "Excel Generated"; }
/// <summary> /// Page load event handler /// </summary> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //userName = System.Environment.UserName + // System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + // HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; //lblUserName.Text = userName; //userName = System.Environment.UserName; //userName = userName.Substring(userName.IndexOf('\\') + 1); //cdrPrevDate.VisibleDate = DateTime.Today; //cdrCurrentDate.Enabled = false; //FillDatesUsingData(DateTime.Today); //ddlPrevTime.Enabled = false; ////populating default lists into viewstate for access using client script //Dictionary<String, ArrayList> defaultLists = new Dictionary<string, ArrayList>(); //ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); //lbDailyCompareIDs.DataBind(); //defaultLists = dbAccess.GetDefaultLists("Risk View"); //Page.ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField("vCode", ViewState["listsDictionary"].ToString()); cdrPrevDate.VisibleDate = DateTime.Today; cdrCurrentDate.Enabled = false; FillDatesUsingData(DateTime.Today); ddlPrevTime.Enabled = false; //populating default lists into viewstate for access using client script //Dictionary<String, ArrayList> defaultLists = new Dictionary<string, ArrayList>(); ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); //lbDailyCompareIDs.DataBind(); //defaultLists = dbAccess.GetDefaultLists("Risk View"); //ViewState["listsDictionary"] = defaultLists; //Page.ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField("vCode", ViewState["listsDictionary"].ToString()); //Code to generate existing compareIDs //userName = System.Environment.UserName + // System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + // HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; //lblUserName.Text = userName; userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; userName = userName.Substring(userName.IndexOf('\\') + 1); //foreach (String compareID in compareIDList) //{ // comparisonData = compareID.Split('_'); // allComparisonData.Add(comparisonData); //} DataTable tblCompareIDs = getPrevCompareTable(); grdPrevCompareIDs.DataSource = tblCompareIDs; grdPrevCompareIDs.DataBind(); } else { dsPrevDateSelectedData = (DataSet)ViewState["selectedPrevDateDataForMonth"]; dsCurrentDateSelectedData = (DataSet)ViewState["selectedCurrentDateDataForMonth"]; compareID = Session["compareID"] == null ? "" : Session["compareID"].ToString(); ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField("isPostBack", "1"); } }
protected void cdrCurrentDate_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet dsTimeStamps; ArrayList alTimeStamps = new ArrayList(); ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); dsTimeStamps = dbAccess.GetReportGenerationTimes(cdrCurrentDate.SelectedDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); ddlCurrentTime.Items.Clear(); if (dsTimeStamps != null) { ddlCurrentTime.Items.Add("Current Time"); foreach (DataRow drTimeStamp in dsTimeStamps.Tables[0].Rows) { String strCurrentTime = drTimeStamp["roxieTime"].ToString(); TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(strCurrentTime.Substring(0, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(strCurrentTime.Substring(2, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(strCurrentTime.Substring(4, 2))); DateTime prevTime = cdrCurrentDate.SelectedDate + ts; //DateTime prevTime = Convert.ToDateTime(strPrevTime.Substring(0, 2) + ":" + strPrevTime.Substring(2, 2) + ":" + strPrevTime.Substring(4, 2)); //alTimeStamps.Add("Current Time"); //alTimeStamps.Add(prevTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")); ddlCurrentTime.Items.Add(prevTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")); if (dsTimeStamps.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1) { ddlCurrentTime.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { ddlCurrentTime.SelectedIndex = 0; } ddlCurrentTime.Enabled = true; } //ddlCurrentTime.DataSource = alTimeStamps; //ddlCurrentTime.DataBind(); } btnSubmit.Enabled = true; }
protected void cdrPrevDate_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet dsTimeStamps; ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); dsTimeStamps = dbAccess.GetReportGenerationTimes(cdrPrevDate.SelectedDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); cdrCurrentDate.Enabled = true; cdrCurrentDate.VisibleDate = cdrPrevDate.SelectedDate; dsCurrentDateSelectedData = dbAccess.GetCurrentDatesWithData(cdrPrevDate.SelectedDate.Month.ToString(), cdrPrevDate.SelectedDate.Year.ToString(), cdrPrevDate.SelectedDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), (hifModel.Value == "") ? "Risk View" : hifModel.Value); ViewState["selectedCurrentDateDataForMonth"] = dsCurrentDateSelectedData; ddlPrevTime.Items.Clear(); if (dsTimeStamps != null) { ddlPrevTime.Items.Add("Previous Time"); foreach (DataRow drTimeStamp in dsTimeStamps.Tables[0].Rows) { String strPrevTime = drTimeStamp["roxieTime"].ToString(); TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(strPrevTime.Substring(0, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(strPrevTime.Substring(2, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(strPrevTime.Substring(4, 2))); DateTime prevTime = cdrPrevDate.SelectedDate + ts; //DateTime prevTime = Convert.ToDateTime(strPrevTime.Substring(0, 2) + ":" + strPrevTime.Substring(2, 2) + ":" + strPrevTime.Substring(4, 2)); ddlPrevTime.Items.Add(prevTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")); if (dsTimeStamps.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1) { ddlPrevTime.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { ddlPrevTime.SelectedIndex = 0; } ddlPrevTime.Enabled = true; } } // RenderControl(cdrPrevDate); //FillDatesUsingData(cdrPrevDate.SelectedDate); }
/// <summary> /// Get dates with data and fill the global dataset of dates with it /// </summary> private void FillDatesUsingData(DateTime visibleDate) { try { ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); String selectedMonth = visibleDate.Month.ToString(); String selectedYear = visibleDate.Year.ToString(); dsPrevDateSelectedData = dbAccess.GetDatesWithData(selectedMonth, selectedYear, (hifModel.Value == "") ? "Risk View" : hifModel.Value); ViewState["selectedPrevDateDataForMonth"] = dsPrevDateSelectedData; } catch (Exception ex) { //StreamWriter swException = new StreamWriter( // @"C:\Users\parevi01\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects " + // @"\ScoringApp1\ScoringApp1\Log\ScoringFormExcpetions.txt"); //swException.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "-" + ex.GetType() + "-" + ex.Message + "-" + ex.StackTrace); //swException.Close(); // throw; } }
private DataTable getPrevCompareTable() { List<String> compareIDList = new List<String>(); ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); compareIDList = dbAccess.getAllExistingCompareIDs(); String[] comparisonData; List<String[]> allComparisonData = new List<String[]>(); DataTable tblCompareIDs = grdPrevCompareIDs.DataSource as DataTable; String[] processedCompareList = new String[8]; CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; DateTime prevDateTime, currDateTime; String compareID; if (tblCompareIDs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < compareIDList.Count; i++) { compareID = compareIDList[i]; comparisonData = compareID.Split('_'); //allComparisonData.Add(comparisonData); DataRow dr = tblCompareIDs.NewRow(); tblCompareIDs.Rows.Add(comparisonData); } } else { tblCompareIDs = new DataTable(); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Serial"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Model"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Dates"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Version"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Mode"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Environment"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Restriction"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Customer"); for (int i = 0; i < compareIDList.Count; i++) { compareID = compareIDList[i]; comparisonData = compareID.Split('_'); if (comparisonData != null) { DataRow dr = tblCompareIDs.NewRow(); dr[0] = i + 1; dr[1] = comparisonData[0]; prevDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(comparisonData[1] + " " + comparisonData[2], "yyyyMMdd HHmmss", provider); currDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(comparisonData[3] + " " + comparisonData[4], "yyyyMMdd HHmmss", provider); dr[2] = prevDateTime.ToString() + " vs " + currDateTime.ToString(); dr[3] = comparisonData[5]; dr[4] = comparisonData[6]; dr[5] = comparisonData[7]; dr[6] = comparisonData[8]; dr[7] = comparisonData[9]; tblCompareIDs.Rows.Add(dr); } //allComparisonData.Add(comparisonData); //DataRow dr = tblCompareIDs.NewRow(); //tblCompareIDs.Rows.Add(processedCompareList); } } return tblCompareIDs; }
public static void DeleteCompareID(String serialID) { ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); String compareID = ""; Dictionary<String, String> compareIDs = new Dictionary<String, String>(); compareIDs = dbAccess.getAllExistingCompareIDs(); Int32 compareIDSerial = (serialID == null || serialID == "") ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(serialID); int i = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> userCompareIDs in compareIDs) { i = i + 1; if (i == compareIDSerial + 1) { compareID = userCompareIDs.Key; } } // dbAccess.DeleteCompareID(compareID); }
public static Dictionary<String, ArrayList> GetDefaultValues(String model) { ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); Dictionary<String, ArrayList> defaultValues = new Dictionary<string, ArrayList>(); //gets the default lists for the particular model that is selected by the user defaultValues = dbAccess.GetDefaultLists(model); return defaultValues; }
/// <summary> /// main execution code for running the comparisons /// </summary> private void Run(String typeOfTask) { //Current application user name userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; userName = userName.Substring(userName.IndexOf('\\') + 1); ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); //changing the progress that is to be displayed on the loading division progress = "Retrieving values from UI..."; try { //if the type of task is to compare based on the previous compareIDs, //then the stored proc is called with just the username and the compareID if (typeOfTask == "History Compare") { //getting all the compareIDs as a list. This list was sent to the //client during page load, as an ajax call from jquery. //When the datatable in prev comparison screen is clicked, //jquery returns the serial number on the grid, through which we fetch the compareID Dictionary<String, String> compareIDs = new Dictionary<String, String>(); compareIDs = dbAccess.getAllExistingCompareIDs(); Int32 compareIDSerial = (hifCompareIDSerial.Value == null) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(hifCompareIDSerial.Value); int i = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> userCompareIDs in compareIDs) { i = i + 1; if (i == compareIDSerial + 1) { compareID = userCompareIDs.Key; } } //calling DAL method that calls the stored procedure dbAccess.RefreshData("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", userName, compareID); progress = "Results populated in the database. Please refresh the specific excel to see the results."; } else { //this is the case where the user requested that the comparison results be generated at real time //server validation for dates if (!(cdrPrevDate.SelectedDate == Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM") || cdrCurrentDate.SelectedDate == Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM"))) { String model, version, mode, env, restriction, customer; String previousDate, currentDate; String loadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); //getting all the required values from the user interface, //that will be passed to the stored proc at the backend String prevTime = Convert.ToDateTime(ddlPrevTime.SelectedValue.ToString()).ToString("HHmmss"); String currentTime = Convert.ToDateTime(ddlCurrentTime.SelectedValue.ToString()).ToString("HHmmss"); previousDate = cdrPrevDate.SelectedDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_" + prevTime; currentDate = cdrCurrentDate.SelectedDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_" + currentTime; model = (hifModel.Value == "") ? "Risk View" : hifModel.Value; version = hifVersion.Value.Substring(1); mode = hifMode.Value; env = hifEnv.Value; restriction = hifRestriction.Value; customer = hifCustomer.Value; userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; userName = userName.Substring(userName.IndexOf('\\') + 1); //preparing a compareID that is passed to the stored proc compareID = model + "_" + previousDate + "_" + currentDate + "_" + version + "_" + mode + "_" + env + "_" + restriction + "_" + customer; //storing the compareID as a session variable Session["compareID"] = compareID; //changing the display status of the application progress = "Running queries to generate comparison results..."; //calling the DAL method using the parameters passed dbAccess.RefreshData(previousDate, currentDate, model, version, mode, env, restriction, customer, loadTime, userName, compareID); //updating the display status progress = "Results populated in the database. Please refresh the specific excel to see the results."; } else { //error while validating the calendar dates progress = "Please enter the values for all the previous and current comparison dates"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// Get dates with data and fill the global dataset of dates with it /// </summary> private void FillDatesUsingData(DateTime visibleDate) { try { ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); String selectedMonth = visibleDate.Month.ToString(); String selectedYear = visibleDate.Year.ToString(); //getting dates that have data - default value for model is taken as "Risk View" dsPrevDateSelectedData = dbAccess.GetDatesWithData(selectedMonth, selectedYear, (hifModel.Value == "") ? "Risk View" : hifModel.Value, (hifVersion.Value == "") ? "4" : hifVersion.Value, (mode_id.SelectedValue == "") ? "XML" : mode_id.SelectedValue); //this data is stored and sent as view state variables ViewState["selectedPrevDateDataForMonth"] = dsPrevDateSelectedData; } catch (Exception ex) { //StreamWriter swException = new StreamWriter( // @"C:\Users\parevi01\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects " + // @"\ScoringApp1\ScoringApp1\Log\ScoringFormExcpetions.txt"); //swException.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "-" + ex.GetType() + "-" + ex.Message + "-" + ex.StackTrace); //swException.Close(); // throw; } }
public static string getHTMLCompareTable() { Dictionary<String, String> compareIDs = new Dictionary<String, String>(); ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); compareIDs = dbAccess.getAllExistingCompareIDs(); String[] comparisonData; List<String[]> allComparisonData = new List<String[]>(); DataTable tblCompareIDs = new DataTable(); CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; DateTime prevDateTime, currDateTime; String compareID, ownerName; int i = 0; tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Serial"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Model"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Dates"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Version"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Mode"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Environment"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Restriction"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Customer"); tblCompareIDs.Columns.Add("Owner"); foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> userCompareID in compareIDs) { ownerName = userCompareID.Value; compareID = userCompareID.Key; comparisonData = compareID.Split('_'); if (comparisonData != null) { DataRow dr = tblCompareIDs.NewRow(); dr[0] = ++i; dr[1] = comparisonData[0]; prevDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(comparisonData[1] + " " + comparisonData[2], "yyyyMMdd HHmmss", provider); currDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(comparisonData[3] + " " + comparisonData[4], "yyyyMMdd HHmmss", provider); dr[2] = prevDateTime.ToString() + " vs " + currDateTime.ToString(); dr[3] = "v" + comparisonData[5]; dr[4] = comparisonData[6]; dr[5] = comparisonData[7]; dr[6] = comparisonData[8]; dr[7] = comparisonData[9]; dr[8] = ownerName; tblCompareIDs.Rows.Add(dr); } //allComparisonData.Add(comparisonData); //DataRow dr = tblCompareIDs.NewRow(); //tblCompareIDs.Rows.Add(processedCompareList); } // return "{\"aaData\" : " + GetJson(tblCompareIDs) + "}"; return GetJson(tblCompareIDs); }
public string getHTMLCompareTable1() { Dictionary<String, String> compareIDs = new Dictionary<String, String>(); ScoringDAL dbAccess = new ScoringDAL(); compareIDs = dbAccess.getAllExistingCompareIDs(); String compareID; String[] comparisonData; DateTime prevDateTime, currDateTime; CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; List<String[]> allCompareData = new List<String[]>(); int i = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<String,String> userCompareID in compareIDs) { compareID = userCompareID.Key; comparisonData = compareID.Split('_'); if (comparisonData != null) { String[] tableData = new String[8]; //dr[0] = i + 1 + "," + comparisonData[0] + "," + prevDateTime.ToString() + " vs " + // currDateTime.ToString() + "," + "v" + comparisonData[5] + "," + // comparisonData[6] + "," + comparisonData[7] + "," + comparisonData[8] + "," + comparisonData[9]; tableData[0] = (i + 1).ToString(); tableData[1] = comparisonData[0]; prevDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(comparisonData[1] + " " + comparisonData[2], "yyyyMMdd HHmmss", provider); currDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(comparisonData[3] + " " + comparisonData[4], "yyyyMMdd HHmmss", provider); tableData[2] = prevDateTime.ToString() + " vs " + currDateTime.ToString(); tableData[3] = "v" + comparisonData[5]; tableData[4] = comparisonData[6]; tableData[5] = comparisonData[7]; tableData[6] = comparisonData[8]; tableData[7] = comparisonData[9]; allCompareData.Add(tableData); } } //for (int i = 0; i < compareIDList.Count; i++) //{ // compareID = compareIDList[i]; // comparisonData = compareID.Split('_'); // if (comparisonData != null) // { // String[] tableData = new String[8]; // //dr[0] = i + 1 + "," + comparisonData[0] + "," + prevDateTime.ToString() + " vs " + // // currDateTime.ToString() + "," + "v" + comparisonData[5] + "," + // // comparisonData[6] + "," + comparisonData[7] + "," + comparisonData[8] + "," + comparisonData[9]; // tableData[0] = (i + 1).ToString(); // tableData[1] = comparisonData[0]; // prevDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(comparisonData[1] + " " + comparisonData[2], "yyyyMMdd HHmmss", provider); // currDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(comparisonData[3] + " " + comparisonData[4], "yyyyMMdd HHmmss", provider); // tableData[2] = prevDateTime.ToString() + " vs " + currDateTime.ToString(); // tableData[3] = "v" + comparisonData[5]; // tableData[4] = comparisonData[6]; // tableData[5] = comparisonData[7]; // tableData[6] = comparisonData[8]; // tableData[7] = comparisonData[9]; // allCompareData.Add(tableData); // } // //allComparisonData.Add(comparisonData); // //DataRow dr = tblCompareIDs.NewRow(); // //tblCompareIDs.Rows.Add(processedCompareList); //} // return "{\"aaData\" : " + GetJson(tblCompareIDs) + "}"; return GetJson1(allCompareData); }