public void LoadBored()
            if (_board != null)
                Cache[_board.Name] = _board;
                string boredName = string.Empty;
                if (ViewState["boardName"] == null)
                    ViewState["boardName"] = boredName = Request["cat"].ToString().URLDecodeToName();
                    boredName = ViewState["boardName"].ToString();

                _board = Cache[boredName] as ScoreBored;

                if (_board == null)
                        Cache[boredName] = _board = ScoreBored.Load(boredName);
                    catch { }
        protected void EditBoard(string boardName)
            ScoreBored board = ScoreBored.Load(boardName);

            MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser();

            if (board != null && board.UserId == user.ProviderUserKey.ToString())
                txtTheme.Text = board.Description;

                h1.InnerText  = "Edit Board";
                editWarn.Text = "Note:  Edits to the name of a Pros and Cons List or the Competitor Names in a Tournament will change the URL for the board.  This will invalidate social networking bookmarks and embedded mini-boards";

                rdoType.SelectedIndex = (board.IsProCon) ? 0 : 1;
                rdoType_SelectedIndexChanged(this, null);

                if (board.IsProCon)
                    txtName.Text   = board.Name;
                    txtMatch1.Text = "Pro";
                    txtMatch2.Text = "Con";

                    txtPro3.Text = board.Phrases[-3];
                    txtPro2.Text = board.Phrases[-2];
                    txtPro1.Text = board.Phrases[-1];

                    txtCon1.Text = board.Phrases[1];
                    txtCon2.Text = board.Phrases[2];
                    txtCon3.Text = board.Phrases[3];

                    chkIs.Checked = board.PhraseIs;
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "startup", "proConPre(); ", true);
                    txtMatch1.Text = board.ProName;
                    txtMatch2.Text = board.ConName;

                    txtVSphrase1.Text = board.Phrases[1];
                    txtVSphrase2.Text = board.Phrases[2];
                    txtVSphrase3.Text = board.Phrases[3];
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "startup", "matchPre(); ", true);