private void repositoryItemButtonEditPrint_ButtonClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ButtonPressedEventArgs e) { //GetBillDetial(); //DataTable dt1 = (DataTable)gridControlEditDetails.DataSource; DataRow row = gridViewEdit.GetFocusedDataRow(); XRepBillResit report = new XRepBillResit(); report.LoadDataSource(row["StoreTrID"].ToString()); report.LblStoreTrIDTYPE.Text = row["StoreTrIDTYPE"].ToString(); report.LblStoreTrIDDAY.Text = row["StoreTrIDDAY"].ToString(); report.LblStoreTrDate.Text = DEStoreTrDate.Text; DataTable alsofof_NAMETbl = FXFW.SqlDB.LoadDataTable(String.Format(@"SELECT alsofof_NAME FROM CDalsofof WHERE alsofof_code = (SELECT alsofof_code FROM student WHERE asase_code = (Select Max(asase_code) From student) AND stu_code = (SELECT PERSONID FROM TBLStoreTransaction WHERE StoreTrID = {0}) )", row["StoreTrID"])); if (alsofof_NAMETbl.Rows.Count > 0) report.LblSaf.Text = alsofof_NAMETbl.Rows[0][0].ToString(); report.LblPERSONID.Text = LUEPERSONID.Text; report.LblTotal.Text = LblTotal.Text; report.LblPayed.Text = LblTotal.Text; report.xrBarCodeItem.Text = row["StoreTrID"].ToString(); DataTable dt = FXFW.SqlDB.LoadDataTable("SELECT Company FROM CDCompany"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) report.LblCompany.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Company"].ToString(); else report.LblCompany.Text = string.Empty; Program.ShowPrintPreview(report); }
private void BtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //check for - data if (TxtBillID.Text.Trim().Length == 0 || DEStoreTrDate.EditValue == null || LUEPERSONID.EditValue == null || LUEEMPID.EditValue == null || LUEStoreID.EditValue == null || LUEBillPayType.EditValue == null) { string ErrorText = "يجب ادخال كلا من" + "\n"; ErrorText += "تاريخ الفاتوره" + "\n"; ErrorText += "اسم المورد" + "\n"; ErrorText += "المستلم" + "\n"; ErrorText += "المخزن" + "\n"; ErrorText += "نوع الدفع"; MessageBox.Show(ErrorText, "بيانات غير مكتمله", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (ItemDetials.Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("يجب ادخال تفاصيل الفاتوره", "بيانات غير مكتمله", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } foreach (DataRow row in ItemDetials.Rows) { if (row["SanfID"].ToString() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("يجب ادخال الصنف", "بيانات غير مكتمله", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } if (MessageBox.Show("هل انت متأكد؟","حفظ الفاتوره...",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.No) return; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(FXFW.SqlDB.SqlConStr); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("", con); try { foreach (DataRow row in ItemDetials.Rows) { if (row["SanfID"].ToString() == string.Empty || row["Quantity"].ToString() == string.Empty || row["Price"].ToString() == string.Empty || row["DiscountTypeId"].ToString() == string.Empty || row["Discount"].ToString() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("بيانات صنف غير مكتمله", "بيانات غير مكتمله", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (ItemAvailability(row["SanfID"].ToString(), row["Quantity"].ToString()) == false) { Program.msg("لا يوجد كميه كافيه في المخزن", true, "", this); return; } } con.Open(); string Totalkasm = "0", REM = "NULL", StoreTrID = "NULL", DiscountTypeId = "NULL", EMPID = "NULL"; string StoreTrDate = string.Format("Convert(Datetime, '{0}', 103)", DEStoreTrDate.Text); string Today = string.Format("Convert(Datetime, '{0}/{1}/{2}', 103)", DEStoreTrDate.DateTime.Day, DEStoreTrDate.DateTime.Month, DEStoreTrDate.DateTime.Year); if (TxtTotalkasm.Text.Trim().Length != 0 && LUEDiscountTypeId.EditValue.ToString() != ((int)Program.DiscountType.بدون_خصم).ToString()) Totalkasm = TxtTotalkasm.Text.Trim(); if (MemInfo.Text.Trim().Length != 0) REM = String.Format("N'{0}'", MemInfo.Text.Trim()); if (LUEDiscountTypeId.EditValue != null) DiscountTypeId = LUEDiscountTypeId.EditValue.ToString(); if (LUEEMPID.EditValue != null) EMPID = LUEEMPID.EditValue.ToString(); StoreTrID = Program.GetNewID("TBLStoreTransaction", "StoreTrID"); string StoreTrIDDAY = Program.GetNewID("TBLStoreTransaction", "StoreTrIDDAY", "StoreTrDate = " + Today); string StoreTrIDTYPE = Program.GetNewID("TBLStoreTransaction", "StoreTrIDTYPE", "STTRANSTYPEID = 2"); cmd.CommandText = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO TBLStoreTransaction (StoreTrID, STTRANSTYPEID, StoreTrDate, StoreTrIDDAY, StoreTrIDTYPE, PERSONID, BillPayTypeID, Totalkasm, REM, StoreID, EMPID, TRHEL, UserIN, TimeIN) VALUES ({0}, 2, {1}, {2}, (Select Isnull(Max(StoreTrIDTYPE) + 1, 1) From TBLStoreTransaction Where STTRANSTYPEID = 2), {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, '{9}', {10}, GETDATE())", StoreTrID, StoreTrDate, StoreTrIDDAY, LUEPERSONID.EditValue, LUEBillPayType.EditValue, Totalkasm, REM, LUEStoreID.EditValue, EMPID, "False", FXFW.SqlDB.UserInfo.UserID); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); bool HaveNoMortaga3 = false; foreach (DataRow row in ItemDetials.Rows) { string SanfID = "NULL", Quantity = "0", Price = "0", Discount = "0"; SanfID = row["SanfID"].ToString(); if (row["Quantity"].ToString() != string.Empty) Quantity = row["Quantity"].ToString(); if (row["Price"].ToString() != string.Empty) Price = row["Price"].ToString(); if (row["Discount"].ToString() != string.Empty) Discount = row["Discount"].ToString(); string harakatype = "2"; if (row["harakatype"].ToString() != string.Empty) { harakatype = row["harakatype"].ToString(); if (row["harakatype"].ToString() == "1" | row["harakatype"].ToString() == "3")// should do not show print if its mortaga3 HaveNoMortaga3 = true; } cmd.CommandText = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO StoreTransactionDetailes (StoreTrID, SanfID, Quantity, Price, Discount, harakatype, DiscountTypeId, ohda, ohdatypeid) VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, 'false', 1)", StoreTrID, row["SanfID"], row["Quantity"], row["Price"], row["Discount"], harakatype, row["DiscountTypeId"]); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } // string ActionId = "2"; // if (Convert.ToDouble(LblTotal.Text) <= 0) // { // ActionId = "1"; // LblTotal.Text = (Convert.ToDouble(LblTotal.Text) * -1).ToString(); // } // cmd.CommandText = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO TblAlkazna (ActionId, HarakaNo, ActionDate, Amony, notes, namee, closek, UserIn, TimeIn) // VALUES ({0}, (Select Isnull(Max(HarakaNo) + 1, 1) From TblAlkazna Where ActionId = {0}), {1}, {2}, N'{3}', N'{4}', 1, {5}, GETDATE())", // ActionId, StoreTrDate, LblTotal.Text, MemInfo.Text, "فاتورة مبيعات", FXFW.SqlDB.UserInfo.UserID); // cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Print Bill Resit ShowTotal(); XRepBillResit report = new XRepBillResit(); report.LoadDataSource(StoreTrID); report.LblStoreTrIDTYPE.Text = StoreTrIDTYPE; report.LblStoreTrIDDAY.Text = StoreTrIDDAY; report.LblStoreTrDate.Text = DEStoreTrDate.Text; report.LblSaf.Text = FXFW.SqlDB.LoadDataTable(String.Format(@"SELECT alsofof_NAME FROM CDalsofof WHERE alsofof_code = (SELECT alsofof_code FROM student WHERE asase_code = (Select Max(asase_code) From student) AND stu_code = (SELECT PERSONID FROM TBLStoreTransaction WHERE StoreTrID = {0}) )", StoreTrID)).Rows[0][0].ToString() + ")"; report.LblPERSONID.Text = LUEPERSONID.Text; report.LblTotal.Text = LblTotal.Text; report.LblPayed.Text = LblTotal.Text; report.xrBarCodeItem.Text = StoreTrID; DataTable dt = FXFW.SqlDB.LoadDataTable("SELECT Company FROM CDCompany"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) report.LblCompany.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Company"].ToString(); else report.LblCompany.Text = string.Empty; if (HaveNoMortaga3 == false) Program.ShowPrintPreview(report); //using (BillResitFrm PrintResit = new BillResitFrm(StoreTrID, StoreTrIDDAY, StoreTrIDTYPE, DEStoreTrDate.Text, LUEPERSONID.Text, LblTotal.Text, LblTotal.Text)) // PrintResit.ShowDialog(); MessageBox.Show("تم حفظ الفاتوره", "تمت الاضافه", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); BtnNew_Click(BtnNew, new EventArgs()); LUEPERSONID.Focus(); } catch (SqlException ex) { //Trn.Rollback(); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.ErrorCode.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } con.Close(); }