Example #1
        public bool LoadData(bool reset = false)
            ListNameColumnPeople = new List <KeyValueClass>();
            ListNameColumnPeople.Add(new KeyValueClass("Status", 0));
            ListNameColumnPeople.Add(new KeyValueClass("Tz", 0));
            ListNameColumnPeople.Add(new KeyValueClass("HealthStatus", 0));
            List <People> lst = new List <People>();
            SqlDataReader myreader;

            myreader = People.ReadAll(0, false, true);

            while (myreader.Read())
                People p = new People();
                PeopleManipulations.ReaderToPeople(ref p, ref myreader, PeopleManipulations.RtpFor.ForSearch);
 private void txtSearchShiduch_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (txtSearchShiduch.SelectedIndex > 0 || updateActivity || thisSideB || isNew_Active_From_Complete_Active)
         if (newActivity && !thisSideB && !isNew_Active_From_Complete_Active)
             int           id     = int.Parse((txtSearchShiduch.SelectedItem as KeyValueClass).Value.ToString());
             SqlDataReader reader = People.ReadById(id);
             while (reader.Read())
                 Shiduch = new People();
                 PeopleManipulations.ReaderToPeople(ref Shiduch, ref reader, true, true);
         txtNameShiduch.Text       = Shiduch.FirstName + " " + Shiduch.Lasname;
         txtAgeShiduch.Text        = Shiduch.Age.ToString();
         txtSchoolShiduch.Text     = Shiduch.Details.YeshivaGorSeminary;
         txtAdressShiduch.Text     = Shiduch.Details.Street + " " + Shiduch.City;
         txtWorkShiduch.Text       = Shiduch.WorkPlace;
         btnDetailsShiduch.Enabled = true;
         groupBoxSideB.Text        = "צד ב - " + Shiduch.FirstName + " " + Shiduch.Lasname;
         btnDetailsShiduch.Enabled = false;
         txtNameShiduch.Text       = "";
         txtAgeShiduch.Value       = 0;
         txtSchoolShiduch.Text     = "";
         txtAdressShiduch.Text     = "";
         txtWorkShiduch.Text       = "";
         Shiduch = null;
        private void RunMatchSearch(object obj)
            KeyValueClass id = new KeyValueClass();

            if ((int)obj > 0)
                id.Value = (int)obj;
                id = cmb_matchclient.SelectedItem as KeyValueClass;
            SqlDataReader read = People.ReadById((int)id.Value);

            People p = new People();

            PeopleManipulations.ReaderToPeople(ref p, ref read, false, true);
            ArrayList results = MatchesChecks.GetMatches(p);

            picmatch.Visible   = false;
            lblmatchfound.Text = "נמצאו : " + olstmatch.Items.Count.ToString() + " התאמות";
Example #4
        public void openShiduchActivityForm(ListView lst, People MyPeople = null)
            //עדכון פעילות
            if (lst.SelectedItems.Count <= 0)
            if (lst.Name == "lstReminder")
                openReminder = true;
            int idActivity = int.Parse(lst.SelectedItems[0].Tag.ToString());

            // int idSideB = int.Parse(lstMyActivity.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[5].Text);
            s = ReadById(idActivity);
            //להביא את ההערות של הכרטיס השני
            string notesSide = removeFromString(s.NotesSummary) + "\r\n" +
                               "=====צד ב'=====" + Environment.NewLine;
            string sql = "select NotesSummary from ShiduchActivity s " +
                         "where s.UserId=" + s.UserId + " and PeopleId=" +
                         s.IdSideB + " and IdSideB=" + s.PeopleId + " and Action=" + s.Action +
                         " and abs(DATEDIFF(day,s.Date,'" + s.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt") + "'))" +
                         " between 0 and 15";
            SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql);

            if (reader.Read())
                notesSide += removeFromString(reader["NotesSummary"].ToString());
            s.NotesSummary = notesSide;
            if (MyPeople == null)
                MyPeople = new People();
                SqlDataReader reader1 = People.ReadById(s.PeopleId);
                if (reader1.Read())
                    PeopleManipulations.ReaderToPeople(ref MyPeople, ref reader1);
            ShiduchActivityForm sForm;

            if (openReminder)//אם נפתח דרך התזכורות
                sForm = new ShiduchActivityForm(s, MyPeople, false, true, false, true);
                sForm = new ShiduchActivityForm(s, MyPeople, false, true, false);
            sForm.FormClosed += SForm_FormClosed;
        private void tabControl1_Selected(object sender, TabControlEventArgs e)
            if (isFirstLoad)
                // LoadShadcanim();
                isFirstLoad = false;
            if (e.TabPage == tabPage2)
                dtActivityDatefrom.Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7);
                LoadTab2(dtActivityDatefrom.Value, dtActivityDateto.Value);
            else if (e.TabPage == tabPage3 && Tab3 == false)
                //e.TabPage.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.bg;
                Tab3 = true;
                People        p = new People();
                SqlDataReader reader;
                reader = People.ReadAll(0, false, false, true);
                while (reader.Read())
                    PeopleManipulations.ReaderToPeople(ref p, ref reader, PeopleManipulations.RtpFor.ForSearch);
                    LoadResultToList(ref p, lstmyclients);

            else if (e.TabPage == tabPage9 && Tab9 == false)
                if (cmb_matchclient.Items.Count == 1)
                    cmb_matchclient.Items.Add(new KeyValueClass("", 1000));
                picmatch.Visible = true;
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(LoadTab9));
        private void OpenDetails(int id, bool show = true)
            FormCollection fc = Application.OpenForms;

            foreach (Form frm in fc)
                if (frm is DetailForm)
                    ((DetailForm)frm).btnceratehtml.Enabled = false;
                    ((DetailForm)frm).btnconfirm.Enabled    = false;
                    //((DetailForm)frm).btnshowinfo.Enabled = false;
            if (id == 0)
            SqlDataReader reader;
            People        p = new People();

            p.ID   = id;
            reader = People.ReadById(p.ID);
            while (reader.Read())
                PeopleManipulations.ReaderToPeople(ref p, ref reader, true, true);
            if (GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.User && p.Show == (int)People.ShowTypes.Personal)
                p.OpenForPersonalEdit = true;
            DetailForm detail = new DetailForm(p);

            if (show)
        private void LoadTxt()
            groupBoxSideA.Text += MyPeople.FirstName + " " + MyPeople.Lasname;
            if (MyPeople.Sexs == 2)
                lblSearchShiduch.Visible = false;
            lblActiveFor.Text += MyPeople.FirstName + " " + MyPeople.Lasname;
            //if (lblActiveFor.Location.X + lblActiveFor.Width > btnSaveOpenB.Location.X)
            //    lblActiveFor.Location = new Point(btnSaveOpenB.Location.X - lblActiveFor.Width - 20, lblActiveFor.Location.Y);
            txtName.Text     = MyPeople.FirstName + " " + MyPeople.Lasname;
            txtAge.Value     = decimal.Parse(MyPeople.Age.ToString());
            txtSchool.Text   = MyPeople.Details.YeshivaGorSeminary;
            txtAdress.Text   = MyPeople.Details.Street + " " + MyPeople.City;
            txtWork.Text     = MyPeople.WorkPlace;
            txtPhoneDad.Text = MyPeople.Details.Tel1;
            txtPhoneMom.Text = MyPeople.Details.Tel2;
            txtPhone.Text    = MyPeople.Details.Telephone;

            txtDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            if (newActivity && ShiduchActivity.IdSideB == 0)
            // if (updateActivity || ShiduchActivity.IdSideB > 0)

            //אם הפעילות נוצרה עם צד' ב
            if (ShiduchActivity.IdSideB != -1 && ShiduchActivity.IdSideB != 0)
                SqlDataReader reader = People.ReadById(ShiduchActivity.IdSideB);
                if (reader.Read())
                    Shiduch = new People();
                    PeopleManipulations.ReaderToPeople(ref Shiduch, ref reader, true, true);
                KeyValueClass item = new KeyValueClass();
                item.Text = Shiduch.FirstName + " " + Shiduch.Lasname + " " + Shiduch.Details.YeshivaGorSeminary
                            + " " + Shiduch.Details.Street + " " + Shiduch.City;
                item.Value = Shiduch.ID.ToString();
                txtSearchShiduch.SelectedIndex = 0;
                //שיהיה אותה הפעילות לשני הצדדים ולא לאפשר לשנות
                if (thisSideB || updateActivity)
                    radDate.Checked      = ShiduchActivity.Action == (int)ShiduchActivity.ActionType.date;
                    radProposal.Checked  = ShiduchActivity.Action == (int)ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal;
                    radProposal.Enabled  = radDate.Enabled = radOther.Enabled = radDetails.Enabled = txtOther.Enabled = false;
                    txtNotesSummary.Text = ShiduchActivity.NotesSummary;
            if (updateActivity)
                Text                  = "פעילות " + ShiduchActivity.ConvertAction((ShiduchActivity.ActionType)ShiduchActivity.Action) + " ל";
                txtDate.Text          = ShiduchActivity.Date.ToString();
                txtDateReminder.Value = ShiduchActivity.reminder.Date;
                radDate.Checked       = ShiduchActivity.Action == (int)ShiduchActivity.ActionType.date;
                radProposal.Checked   = ShiduchActivity.Action == (int)ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal;
                radDetails.Checked    = ShiduchActivity.Action == (int)ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details;
                radOther.Checked      = ShiduchActivity.Action == (int)ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other;
                if (radOther.Checked)
                    string text = ShiduchActivity.NotesSummary.Substring(0, ShiduchActivity.NotesSummary.IndexOf('^'));
                    string t    = ShiduchActivity.NotesSummary.Substring(ShiduchActivity.NotesSummary.IndexOf('^') + 3);
                    txtOther.Text        = text;
                    txtNotesSummary.Text = t;
                    txtNotesSummary.Text = ShiduchActivity.NotesSummary;
                radComplete.Checked   = ShiduchActivity.Status == 1;
                radNoRelevant.Checked = ShiduchActivity.Status == 2;
                radProposal.Enabled   = radDate.Enabled = radOther.Enabled = radDetails.Enabled = txtOther.Enabled = false;
                //אחרי שהפעילות נוצרה רק המנהל הראשי יכול לשנות אצ בטיפול של
                if (GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control != User.TypeControl.Admin)
                    txtReminderInCare.Enabled = false;
            Text += MyPeople.FirstName + " " + MyPeople.Lasname;
        private void Search(object obj)
            SqlDataReader reader;

            SqlParameter[] prms          = new SqlParameter[25];
            string         Sql           = "";
            string         AgeSql        = "";
            string         whoami        = "";
            string         whoiwant      = "";
            string         sqlwhoiwant   = "";
            string         sqlwhoami     = "";
            string         noteswhoami   = "";
            string         noteswhoiwant = "";
            string         LearnStatus   = "";
            string         Subscription  = "";
            string         sexs          = "";
            int            fromage       = (int)txtfromage.Value;
            int            tillage       = (int)txttillage.Value;
            string         show          = " AND SHOW <> 8 AND (show <2 or (show=5 and chadchan like '%{" + GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID + "}%') or (show=4 and chadchan like '%{" + GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID + "}%'))";
            string         IdFilter      = "";

            if (GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.Manger || GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.Admin)
                show = " and show <> 8";

            if (txtlearnstatus.SelectedIndex != -1)
                LearnStatus = BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[16], txtlearnstatus.Text, "LearnStatus", BuildSql.SqlKind.EQUAL);
            if (tillage > 0)
                AgeSql = BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[0], fromage, "age", BuildSql.SqlKind.BETWEEN, true, tillage);
            // if(chksubscription.Checked)
            // Subscription= BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[17], chksubscription.Checked, "Subscription", BuildSql.SqlKind.EQUAL,false);
            if (txtid.Value != 0)
                IdFilter = " peoples.ID=" + txtid.Value + " AND ";

            if (txtwhoami.Text.Length > 0)
                noteswhoami = whoami = "(";
                foreach (string s in splitwords(txtwhoami.Text))
                    if (s.Trim().Length > 0)
                        whoami      += " whoami like N'%" + s + "%' and";
                        noteswhoami += " notes like N'%" + s + "%' and";
                whoami       = whoami.Remove(whoami.Length - 3, 3);
                noteswhoami  = noteswhoami.Remove(noteswhoami.Length - 3, 3);
                noteswhoami += ")";
                whoami      += ")";
                sqlwhoami    = "(" + whoami + " or " + noteswhoami + ")";
            if (txtwhoiwant.Text.Length > 0)
                whoiwant = noteswhoiwant = "(";
                foreach (string s in splitwords(txtwhoiwant.Text))
                    if (s.Trim().Length > 0)
                        whoiwant      += " whoiwant like N'%" + s + "%' and";
                        noteswhoiwant += " notes like N'%" + s + "%' and";
                whoiwant       = whoiwant.Remove(whoiwant.Length - 3, 3);
                noteswhoiwant  = noteswhoiwant.Remove(noteswhoiwant.Length - 3, 3);
                noteswhoiwant += ")";
                whoiwant      += ")";
                sqlwhoiwant    = "(" + whoiwant + " or " + noteswhoiwant + ")";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whoiwant) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(whoami))
                sqlwhoami += " and ";
            if (txtsexs.SelectedIndex != -1)
                sexs = BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[12], txtsexs.SelectedIndex + 1, "sexs", BuildSql.SqlKind.EQUAL);

            Sql = " select schools,sexs,firstname,lastname,tall,age,City,fat," +
                  "FaceColor,Looks,WorkPlace,Beard,Zerem,Eda,LearnStatus,DadWork," +
                  "Background,Status,Tz,KindChasidut,HealthStatus,ZeremMom,Street," +
                  + "[peopledetails].[relatedid],[Peoples].[ID],Tel1,Tel2,Telephone,PhoneOfBachur from peoples inner join peopledetails on ID=relatedid  where temp='false' AND " +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[1], txtfname.Text, "FirstName", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[2], txtlname.Text, "Lastname", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[3], txtbeard.Text, "beard", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[4], txtbg.Text, "background", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[5], txtcoverhead.Text, "coverhead", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[6], txtdadwork.Text, "dadwork", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[7], txtfacecolor.Text, "facecolor", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) +
                  IdFilter +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[8], txtfat.Text, "fat", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) +
                  AgeSql +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[9], txtlooks.Text, "looks", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[10], txtpeticut.Text, "openhead", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[11], txtschool.Text, "schools", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) +
                  sexs +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[13], txtzerem.Text, "(eda", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE, false, null, true) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[14], txtzerem.Text, "zerem", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE, false, null, false, ") AND ") +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[15], txtstatus.Text, "Status", BuildSql.SqlKind.EQUAL) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[17], txtCity.Text, "City", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[18], txtPhone.Text, "(Tel1", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE, false, null, true) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[19], txtPhone.Text, "Tel2", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE, false, null, true) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[20], txtPhone.Text, "Telephone", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE, false, null, true) +
                  BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[21], txtPhone.Text, "PhoneOfBachur", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE, false, null, false, " ) AND ") +
                  sqlwhoami + sqlwhoiwant +
                  LearnStatus +
            Sql    = BuildSql.CheckForLastAnd(ref Sql);
            Sql   += show;
            Sql   += " ORDER BY ID DESC";
            reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(Sql, prms);

            // fs.Search(txtfreeserach.Text, (FreeSearch.accuracy)cmb_accuracy.SelectedIndex);
            List <People> lst = new List <People>();

            while (reader.Read())
                People p = new People();

                PeopleManipulations.ReaderToPeople(ref p, ref reader, PeopleManipulations.RtpFor.ForSearch);


            //picload.Visible = false;
            btnfilter.Enabled = true;