public List<PrefixListItemHP> GetDepartmentPrefixesFromHP()
            List<PrefixListItemHP> results = new List<PrefixListItemHP>();

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())

                var items = ctx.DEPT_DIV_Ms.OrderBy(d => d.DEPT_DIV).ToList<DEPT_DIV_M>();

                foreach (var item in items)

                    results.Add(new PrefixListItemHP
                        DisplayTitle = item.DEPT_DIV + " (" + item.TITLE + ")",
                        PrefixText = item.DEPT_DIV



            return results;
        /// <summary>
        /// GetCourseFootnote - This function returns the footnote from the classschedule database, based
        /// on the parameter that is passed in. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="footId">A FOOTNOTE_ID value from the CLASS_D Table for a specific course offering.</param>
        /// <returns>A string representing the footnote.</returns>
        public string GetCourseFootnote(string footId)
            string result = "";

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())
                var item = ctx.FOOTNOTE_Ms.Where(f => f.FOOTNOTE_CD == footId).SingleOrDefault<FOOTNOTE_M>();
                string footnote1 = "";
                string footnote2 = "";

                    if (item != null)
                        footnote1 = item.FOOTNOTE_TEXT_1.ToString();
                        footnote2 = item.FOOTNOTE_TEXT_2.ToString();

                        footnote1 = ProcessInstructorEmail(footnote1.TrimEnd());

                        footnote2 = ProcessInstructorEmail(footnote2.TrimEnd());

                        result = footnote1 +  footnote2;

                        //TODO: Decide whether we want to do this or not...
                        //result = ProcessWebsiteAddressInFootnote(result);

                        //Replace any multiple spaces with one space...
                        result = Regex.Replace(result, @"\s+", " ");
                    result = "" + result;

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// GetCourseTitle - This function retrives the latest Full Course Title from the ClassSchedule
        /// database, if the course has one available. If not, it simply returns the partial title passed in
        /// with the originalTitle parameter. If the course ID contains "255" or "155", this is a "Special Topics" or "DUmmy Course"
        /// and as such, we just return the original title.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Id">A Course ID, such as "ENGL&101".</param>
        /// <param name="originalTitle">A short course title from the CLASS_D table.</param>
        /// <param name="courseId">A string representing the course ID</param>
        /// <returns>A string representing a Full course title if available, otherwise the originalTitle.</returns>
        public string GetCourseTitle(string Id, string originalTitle, string courseId)
            string result = originalTitle;

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())

                if (courseId.Contains(SPECIAL_TOPICS_COURSE_NUMBER_LEV2) || courseId.Contains(SPECIAL_TOPICS_COURSE_NUMBER_LEV1))
                    result = originalTitle;
                    var item = ctx.COURSE_TITLE2_Ds.Where(c => c.COURSE_ID == Id).OrderByDescending(c => c.EFF_YRQ_BEG).Take(1).SingleOrDefault<COURSE_TITLE2_D>();

                        result = item.COURSE_TITLE2.Replace(CULTURAL_DIVERSITY_INDICATOR, "").ToString();
                        result = originalTitle;


            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// GetCourseDays - Processes the Days value for use in the user interface. It mostly handles
        /// values such as "ARRANGED" etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dayCd">A DAY_CD representing the days of the week in which a course meets.</param>
        /// <returns>A string representing the days of the week, such as "MWF" etc.</returns>
        public string GetCourseDays(string dayCd)
            string result = "";

            if (dayCd.TrimEnd() == "")
                return result;

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())
                var item = ctx.DAY_Ds.Where(d => d.DAY_CD == dayCd).SingleOrDefault<DAY_D>();
                string temp = item.ABBR_TITLE;

                if (temp.TrimEnd() == HP_ARRANGED_VALUE)
                    result = REPLACE_ARRANGED_VALUE;
                else if (temp.TrimEnd() == HP_DAILY_VALUE)
                    result = REPLACE_DAILY_VALUE;
                    result = temp;

                //var item = ctx.


            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// GetCourseDescription2 - Returns the second Course Description and/or Requisites text from the ClassSchedule
        /// database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Id">A COURSE_ID value, such as "ENGL&101".</param>
        /// <returns>A string representing a course description and/or requisite information.</returns>
        public string GetCourseDescription2(string Id, string yrq)
            string result = "";

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())

                    //get the most recent quarter that is less than or equal to the current quarter...
                    string effYrqItem = GetLatestApplicableYearQuarterDescription2(yrq, Id);

                    //var effYrqItem = ctx.COURSE_DESC2_Ds.Where(c => c.COURSE_ID == Id).OrderByDescending(c => c.EFF_YRQ_BEG).Take(1).SingleOrDefault<COURSE_DESC2_D>();

                    string effYrq = effYrqItem;

                    var items = ctx.COURSE_DESC2_Ds.Where(c => c.COURSE_ID == Id && c.EFF_YRQ_BEG == effYrq).OrderBy(c => c.LN_NUM).ToList<COURSE_DESC2_D>();
                    foreach (var item in items)
                        result = result + " " + item.DESC_TEXT.ToString();

                    //Replace any multiple spaces with one space...
                    result = Regex.Replace(result, @"\s+", " ");
                    result = "";

            return result;
        //instructor lists
        private List<InstructorModel> GetNormalDepartmentInstructors(int deptId, string yrq)
            List<InstructorModel> results = new List<InstructorModel>();

            results.Add(new InstructorModel
                DisplayName = ANY_INSTRUCTOR_VALUE,
                InstructorName = ANY_INSTRUCTOR_VALUE

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())
                var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<vw_CLASS_D>();

                //handle specifics for this department...
                string[] departmentPrefixes = GetDepartmentPrefixes(deptId);

                predicate = predicate.And(s => departmentPrefixes.Contains(s.CoursePrefix)); // && !s.CourseNumber.Contains("I"));

                //specify yearquarter
                predicate = predicate.And(s => s.YRQ == yrq);
                //don't show any where misc_srt = "XX", and any high school completion courses also not show here.
                predicate = predicate.And(s => !s.MISC_SRT.Contains("XX") && s.MISC_SRT != "HI");
                //handle excluded admin units
                string[] excludedAu = GetExcludedAdminUnits();

                predicate = predicate.And(s => !excludedAu.Contains(s.ADMIN_UNIT));

                string[] instrs = ctx.vw_CLASS_Ds.Where(predicate).OrderBy(d => d.INSTR_NAME).Select(d => d.INSTR_NAME).Distinct().ToArray<string>();

                foreach (string s in instrs)
                    results.Add(new InstructorModel
                        InstructorName = s,
                        DisplayName = s


            return results;
        /// <summary>
        /// FeeIsPerCredit - Checks to determine if the specified course fee is assessed as per credit 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="feeCode">The fee code for the course offering.</param>
        /// <param name="yrq">The year quarter for the course offering.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the fee is a per credit fee.</returns>
        public bool FeeIsPerCredit(string feeCode, string yrq)
            bool result = false;

            if (feeCode.TrimEnd() == "") return false;

            //Create the fee key with the college code, fee code, and the academic year;
            //using the yrq parameter, call GetAcademicYearForQuarter function
            //so it would be, for example, "1213" + " " in order to create the
            //fee key. (The HP requires the space at the end as this is how the database is...)

            string currAyr = GetAcademicYearForQuarter(yrq);

            string key = HP_COLLEGE_CODE_EDMONDS + feeCode.TrimEnd() + currAyr;

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())
                var item = ctx.FEE_CD_TBL_Ms.Where(s => s.FEE_CD_TBL_KEY.Trim() == key).SingleOrDefault<FEE_CD_TBL_M>();

                    result = (item.FEE_UNIT.TrimEnd() == HP_FEE_PER_CREDIT_INDICATOR);
                    result = false;

            return result;
        private string GetAcademicYearForQuarter(string yrq)
            string result = "";

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())

                var item = ctx.YRS_FYR_Ds.Where(y => y.YRQ == yrq).SingleOrDefault<YRS_FYR_D>();

                    result = item.FYR.ToString().Trim();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to retrive Year for " + yrq + ": " + ex.Message);


            return result;
        //handle special case departments
        private DepartmentModel GetNormalDepartment(SearchModel criteria)
            int deptId = GetDepartmentIDFromUrlName(criteria.DepartmentName);
            //specific courses...
            DepartmentModel result = GetDepartmentModelBasics(deptId);
            result.HasChildDepartments = false;

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())
                var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<vw_CLASS_D>();
                bool fPrefixes = false;

                //specify yearquarter
                predicate = predicate.And(s => s.YRQ == criteria.YearQuarterID);

                //handle specifics for this department...
                string[] departmentPrefixes = GetDepartmentPrefixes(deptId);
                if (departmentPrefixes.Count() > 0)
                    predicate = predicate.And(s => departmentPrefixes.Contains(s.CoursePrefix)); //&& !s.CourseNumber.Contains("I"));
                    fPrefixes = true;
                    fPrefixes = false;

                //Get the list of Misc Sort field values that will be used to filter results -
                //so any class offering with these values in the misc sort field will be excluded.
                string[] deptExcludedMiscSort = GetExcludedMiscSort(deptId);
                //exclude the misc sort field value(s) if there are any specified.
                if (deptExcludedMiscSort.Count() > 0)
                    predicate = predicate.And(s => !deptExcludedMiscSort.Contains(s.MISC_SRT.Trim()));

                //if we are not including cancelled classes (such as for the print schedule) we
                //want to exclude them from the search results...
                if (criteria.IncludeCanceledClasses == false)
                    predicate = predicate.And(s => s.SCHD_CHNG != SCHEDULE_CHANGE_CANCELLED);

                //Handles all inclusion and exclusion of MISC_SRT field values...
                //Get the list of Misc Sort field values that will be used to filter results -
                //so any class offering with these values in the misc sort field will be included.
                string[] deptIncludedMiscSort = GetIncludedMiscSort(deptId);

                //Robert.Pan 4/22/2013 - HACK!!!
                //<HACK BEGIN>.
                //Chad's original predicate construction was wrong.  Need to OR this clause to the original clause - not AND it.
                //I.e. Chad's code generated a predicate statement of (A && B && C && D) which is wrong.  Correct predicate statement is: (A && B && C) || (A && D).
                //Also reordered the predicate construction clauses to improve performance.
                if (deptIncludedMiscSort.Count() > 0)
                    var predicate2 = PredicateBuilder.True<vw_CLASS_D>();

                    //specify yearquarter
                    predicate2 = predicate2.And(s => s.YRQ == criteria.YearQuarterID);
                    //include the misc sort field value(s) if there are any specified.
                    predicate2 = predicate2.And(s => deptIncludedMiscSort.Contains(s.MISC_SRT.Trim()));

                    //If there are no prefixes, then the predicate should only be predicate2.  Else, it is
                    //predicate OR predicate2.  See Vic and/or Beth for an explanation of this logic.  Bob does
                    //not understand the logic.  He only coded the fix as per instructions.
                    if (fPrefixes == false)
                        predicate = predicate2;
                        predicate = predicate.Or(predicate2);
                //</HACK END>

                //handle excluded admin units
                string[] excludedAu = GetExcludedAdminUnits();

                predicate = predicate.And(s => !excludedAu.Contains(s.ADMIN_UNIT));

                //check to see what instructor criteria has been passed,
                //and include it if a specific instructor has been specified. If not, don't
                //add it as criteria.
                if (criteria.InstructorName != "Any Instructor")
                    predicate = predicate.And(d => d.INSTR_NAME == criteria.InstructorName);

                //If only online courses are specified, include it as a filter.
                if (criteria.OnlineOnly)
                    predicate = predicate.And(s => s.BRANCH == "OL");

                //If only hybrid courses are specified, include it as a filter.
                if (criteria.HybridOnly)
                    predicate = predicate.And(s => s.BRANCH == "HY");

                //If only Cultural Diversity courses are specified, include it as a filter.
                if (criteria.CulturalDiversityOnly)
                    predicate = predicate.And(s => s.COURSE_TITLE.Contains(":CD"));

                //If only evening courses are specified, include it as a filter.
                    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Parse("1900-01-01 17:00:00.000");
                    predicate = predicate.And(s => s.StartTime > startTime);

                //If only late start courses are specified, include it as a filter.
                if (criteria.LateStart)
                    predicate = predicate.And(d => d.STRT_DATE.Value > 0);

                //If only Continuous Enrollment courses are specified, include it as a filter.
                if (criteria.ContinuousEnrollment)
                    predicate = predicate.And(d => d.CONT_SEQ == "C");

                //Handle filters for Start After and End Before criteria if applicable.
                if (criteria.EndBefore != "Anytime")
                    DateTime endBefore = DateTime.Parse("1900-01-01 " + criteria.EndBefore);

                    predicate = predicate.And(d => d.EndTime < endBefore);

                if (criteria.StartAfter != "Anytime")
                    DateTime startAfter = DateTime.Parse("1900-01-01 " + criteria.StartAfter);
                    predicate = predicate.And(d => d.StartTime > startAfter);

                //Handle the days of the week filters if applicable.
                if (criteria.Friday == false)
                    string[] fridayCodes = GetDayCodesForFriday();
                    predicate = predicate.And(d => !fridayCodes.Contains(d.DAY_CD));

                if (criteria.Hybrid == false)
                    predicate = predicate.And(d => d.BRANCH != "HY");

                if (criteria.Monday == false)
                    string[] mondayCodes = GetDayCodesForMonday();
                    predicate = predicate.And(d => !mondayCodes.Contains(d.DAY_CD));

                if (criteria.Online == false)
                    predicate = predicate.And(d => d.BRANCH != "OL");

                if (criteria.Saturday == false)
                    string[] saturdayCodes = GetDayCodesForSaturday();
                    predicate = predicate.And(d => !saturdayCodes.Contains(d.DAY_CD));

                if (criteria.Sunday == false)
                    string[] sundayCodes = GetDayCodesForSunday();
                    predicate = predicate.And(d => !sundayCodes.Contains(d.DAY_CD));

                if (criteria.Thursday == false)
                    string[] thursdayCodes = GetDayCodesForThursday();
                    predicate = predicate.And(d => !thursdayCodes.Contains(d.DAY_CD));

                if (criteria.Tuesday == false)
                    string[] tuesdayCodes = GetDayCodesForTuesday();
                    predicate = predicate.And(d => !tuesdayCodes.Contains(d.DAY_CD));

                if (criteria.Wednesday == false)
                    string[] wednesdayCodes = GetDayCodesForWednesday();
                    predicate = predicate.And(d => !wednesdayCodes.Contains(d.DAY_CD));

                //Just getting the string for use in testing. This is commented out otherwise. For debugging
                string sql = ctx.vw_CLASS_Ds.Where(predicate).OrderBy(d => d.CourseNumber).ToString();

                //Get the collection of classes based on all of the above criteria...
                var classes = ctx.vw_CLASS_Ds.Where(predicate).OrderBy(d=>d.CourseNumber).ToList<vw_CLASS_D>();

                //Convert them into usable Course Objects for use by the user interface.
                result.Courses = GetCourseObjectsFromClasses(classes);

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// GetSectionInformation - returns information, such as Course Title, Online Registration,
        /// and other values for display in the User Interface when a user clicks the Itm Number.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemNumber">The Item Number for a specific course offering.</param>
        /// <param name="yrq">The Year Quarter Code for which the item number is to be located.</param>
        /// <returns>A SectionStatusUIDataModel object.</returns>
        public SectionStatusUIDataModel GetSectionInformation(string itemNumber, string yrq)
            SectionStatusUIDataModel model = new SectionStatusUIDataModel();

            model.OnlineRegistration = true;

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())
                var item = ctx.vw_CLASS_Ds.Where(c => c.CLASS_ID == (itemNumber + yrq)).SingleOrDefault<vw_CLASS_D>();

                    model.CourseID = item.COURSE_ID;

                    model.CourseTitle = GetCourseTitle(item.COURSE_ID, item.COURSE_TITLE, item.COURSE_ID);

                    model.ItemNumber = itemNumber;

                    if (item.ALLOW_TTONE_REG.TrimEnd() == HP_NO_VALUE)
                        model.OnlineRegistration = false;
                    model = new SectionStatusUIDataModel();

            return model;
        /// <summary>
        /// GetSectionAlsoMeets - returns a section model for a course offering, to provide any "Also Meets"
        /// value for a course found in the INSTR_ROOM_D of the ClassSchedule database. This is common for
        /// courses that are team taught and/or have alternate meeting information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classID">A string value representing a Class ID (item number + Year Quarter).</param>
        /// <returns>A SectionModel object list.</returns>
        public List<SectionModel> GetSectionAlsoMeets(string classID)
            List<SectionModel> models = new List<SectionModel>();

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())

                var items = ctx.INSTR_ROOM_Ds.Where(s => s.CLASS_ID == classID).ToList<INSTR_ROOM_D>();

                foreach (var item in items)
                    SectionModel sect = new SectionModel();
                    sect.Days = GetCourseDays(item.DAY_CD);

                    if (item.INSTR_NAME.TrimEnd() == "" || item.INSTR_NAME == null)
                        sect.Instructor = "";
                        sect.Instructor = item.INSTR_NAME.TrimEnd(); //GetInstructorName(item.INSTR_ID);// (item.INSTR_NAME.TrimEnd());

                    sect.Location = GetSectionLocationDisplay(item.ROOM_LOC);

                    if (item.STRT_TIME != null && item.END_TIME != null)
                        sect.Times = GetSectionTimeDisplay(item.STRT_TIME, item.END_TIME);
                        sect.Times = "";



            return models;
        public string GetLatestApplicableYearQuarterDescription2(string yrq, string courseId)
            string result = string.Empty;

            //we need to find all of the year quarters available in the EFF_YRQ_BEG field...

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())

                string[] quarters = ctx.COURSE_DESC2_Ds.Where(c => c.COURSE_ID == courseId).OrderByDescending(c => c.EFF_YRQ_BEG).Select(c => c.EFF_YRQ_BEG).Distinct().ToArray();

                //now that we have the list...
                if (quarters.Count() > 0)
                    var descQ = from d in quarters
                               orderby d descending
                               select d;

                    //we try to find the correct one...
                    foreach (string s in descQ)
                        if (string.Compare(s, yrq) <= 0)
                            result = s;

                    result = string.Empty;


            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// GetInstructorListDefault - Returns a list of all instructors that are teaching courses
        /// during the specified quarter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="yrq">A YRQ Code representing the quarter.</param>
        /// <returns>An InstructorModel list.</returns>
        public List<InstructorModel> GetInstructorListDefault(string yrq)
            List<InstructorModel> results = new List<InstructorModel>();

            results.Add(new InstructorModel
                DisplayName = ANY_INSTRUCTOR_VALUE,
                InstructorName = ANY_INSTRUCTOR_VALUE

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())

                string[] items = ctx.vw_CLASS_Ds.Where(d => d.YRQ == yrq).OrderBy(d => d.INSTR_NAME).Select(d => d.INSTR_NAME).Distinct().ToArray<string>();

                foreach (string s in items)
                    if (s.TrimEnd() != "")
                        results.Add(new InstructorModel
                            DisplayName = s,
                            InstructorName = s


            return results;
        //********************************Administrative functions*********************************//
        //                                                                                         //
        public List<QuarterListItemHP> GetHPQuarterList()
            List<QuarterListItemHP> results = new List<QuarterListItemHP>();

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())

                var items = ctx.YRQ_Ms.Where(s => s.FIRST_DAY_YRQ > 120924).OrderByDescending(s => s.YRQ).ToList<YRQ_M>();

                foreach (var item in items)

                    if (YearIsEqualToOrGreaterThan2012AcademicYear(item.FIRST_DAY_YRQ.Value))
                        results.Add(new QuarterListItemHP { QuarterID = item.YRQ, Title = item.ABBR_TITLE });


                results.Add(new QuarterListItemHP { QuarterID = "Z999", Title = "Open-ended" });


            return results;