Example #1
        public void preStartup()

            ip = ScarletUtil.getExternalIP();

            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(onProcessExit);
Example #2
        private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            Root = this.installDirectory.Replace(@"\", @"/");

            if (!Directory.Exists(Root))
                status = 11;

            status = 8;

            // Loads Server Repos XML
            XDocument xmlRepo = XDocument.Load(this.ServerRepo + "/repo.xml");

            // Saves it to Scarlet's APPDATA Folder
            string AppDataScarlet = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "/Scarlet/";

            // Create Directory & Save Repo XML
            xmlRepo.Save(AppDataScarlet + "repo.xml", SaveOptions.None);
            xmlRepo = XDocument.Load(AppDataScarlet + "repo.xml");

            status = 12;

            // Fetches ModRoot Directory from Server, or Defaults to /Server_Mods/
            // Don't use /Mods/ as a folder as your clan will bug you to ask where their custom 1337 mods have gone!
            // Eg. Root + /Mods_AAF/
            ModsRoot = Root + "/@Server_Mods/";
            foreach (XElement xelement in xmlRepo.Descendants((XName)"modDir"))
                ModsDirName = xelement.Element((XName)"name").Value;
                ModsRoot    = Root + "/" + xelement.Element((XName)"name").Value + "/";

            status = 4;

            // Create Directory if it doesn't already exist (Creates ModRoot)
            if (!Directory.Exists(ModsRoot))

            status = 5;

            // Deletes all Directories other than ones that exist in the Server Repos List //

            // Fetches all Dirs from XML
            List <string> dbDirs = new List <string>();

            foreach (XElement dir in xmlRepo.Descendants((XName)"directory"))
                dbDirs.Add(Root + dir.Element((XName)"name").Value);
            // Fetches all Dirs from Local
            List <string> allDirs = new List <string>();

            foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(ModsRoot, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                allDirs.Add(dir.Replace("\\", "/"));
            // Delete the difference
            foreach (string dir in Enumerable.Except <string>((IEnumerable <string>)allDirs, (IEnumerable <string>)dbDirs, (IEqualityComparer <string>)StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            status = 6;

            // Deletes all Files other than ones that exist in the Server Repos List //

            // Fetches all Files from XML
            List <string> dbFiles = new List <string>();

            foreach (XElement file in xmlRepo.Descendants((XName)"file"))
                dbFiles.Add(Root + file.Element((XName)"name").Value);
            // Fetches all Files from Local
            List <string> allFiles = new List <string>();

            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(ModsRoot, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                allFiles.Add(file.Replace("\\", "/"));
            // Delete the difference
            foreach (string file in Enumerable.Except <string>((IEnumerable <string>)allFiles, (IEnumerable <string>)dbFiles, (IEqualityComparer <string>)StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            status = 7;

            int filesDone = 0;
            int fileList  = xmlRepo.Descendants("file").Count();

            foreach (XContainer xcontainer in xmlRepo.Descendants("directory"))
                string str2 = xcontainer.Element("name").Value;
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Root + str2);
            foreach (var xelement in xmlRepo.Descendants("file"))
                if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending)
                    e.Cancel = true;
                    string str2 = xelement.Element("name").Value;
                    string a    = xelement.Element("hash").Value;
                    string sUrlToReadFileFrom = this.ServerRepo + "/" + str2;
                    string str3    = Root + str2;
                    double percent = (double)filesDone / fileList;
                    if (Root != null)
                        using (MD5.Create())
                            if (System.IO.File.Exists(Root + str2))
                                this.Invoke(new Action(() => { downloadLbl_Controller(percent, 1, str2); }));
                                FileStream stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(Root + str2);
                                string     b      = ScarletUtil.HashFile(stream);
                                if (!string.Equals(a, b))
                                    this.Invoke(new Action(() => { downloadLbl_Controller(percent, 0, str2); }));
                                    downloadFile(sUrlToReadFileFrom, str3, percent, fileList);
                                    wsm.Send("(" + ip + ") " + Username + " is Fetching File: " + str2 + " to");
                                    wsm.Send("(" + ip + ") " + Username + " Verified File: " + str2 + " to");
                                this.Invoke(new Action(() => { downloadLbl_Controller(percent, 0, str2); }));
                                downloadFile(sUrlToReadFileFrom, str3, percent, fileList);
                                wsm.Send("(" + ip + ") " + Username + " is Fetching File: " + str2 + " to");

                    backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress((int)(percent * 710));
            if (filesDone == fileList)
                status = 10;
                status = 9;