Example #1
 public Enemy(string Name, SeenAt seenAt, double chanceToAppear, Statistics statistics, double chanceToEscape, Weapon weapon, string PathToImage)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Name is empty.");
     if (chanceToAppear <= 0 || chanceToAppear > 1)
         throw new ArgumentException("chanceToAppear must be in the diapason of (0, 1].");
     if (chanceToEscape < 0 || chanceToEscape > 1)
         throw new ArgumentException("chanceToEscape must be in the diapason of [0, 1].");
     if (!File.Exists(PathToImage))
         throw new ArgumentException("Could not find the image file");
     this.Name = Name;
     this.seenAt = seenAt;
     this.chanceToAppear = chanceToAppear;
     this.statistics = statistics;
     this.chanceToEscape = chanceToEscape;
     this.weapon = weapon;
Example #2
 public Hero(string name, Statistics statistics, Weapon weapon, string[] image, Statistics levelUpStats)
     : base(name, image)
     this.Statistics = statistics;
     this.Weapon = weapon;
     this.LevelUpStats = levelUpStats;
Example #3
 public Hero(string Name, Statistics statistics, Weapon weapon, VisualElement visibleHero, string pathToImage)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Name is empty.");
     if (!File.Exists(pathToImage))
         throw new ArgumentException("Could not find the specified file.");
     this.Name = Name;
     this.statistics = statistics;
     this.weapon = weapon;
     this.visibleHero = visibleHero;
     this.pathToImage = pathToImage;
Example #4
        public Enemy(string name, double chanceToAppear, Statistics statistics, double chanceToEscape, Weapon weapon, string[] image)
            : base(name, image)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Name is empty.");
            if (chanceToAppear <= 0 || chanceToAppear > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("chanceToAppear must be in the diapason of (0, 1].");
            if (chanceToEscape < 0 || chanceToEscape > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("chanceToEscape must be in the diapason of [0, 1].");

            this.chanceToAppear = chanceToAppear;
            this.statistics = statistics;
            this.chanceToEscape = chanceToEscape;
            this.weapon = weapon;
        private void DrawMenuInConsole(Hero hero, Weapon weapon)
            Drawer draw = new Drawer();


            string message = "You have found a new weapon!";
            draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                6, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);

            message = "The weapon is " + weapon.name + " and it's damage is " + weapon.damage;
            draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                10, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);

            message = "The weapon's magic is " + weapon.magic.Name + " and it's effects are: ";
            draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                11, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);

            int line = 13;
            if (weapon.magic.damage > 0)
                message = "Damage: " + weapon.magic.damage;
                draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                    line, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);
            if (weapon.magic.damageOnSelf != 0)
                if (weapon.magic.damageOnSelf > 0)
                    message = "Damage on self: " + weapon.magic.damageOnSelf;
                    draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                        line, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);
                    message = "Heal: " + (0 - weapon.magic.damageOnSelf);
                    draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                        line, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);
            if (weapon.magic.chanceToStun > 0)
                message = "Chance to stun: " + (100 * weapon.magic.chanceToStun) + "%";
                draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                    line, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);

            message = "Your current weapon is " + hero.Weapon.name + " and it's damage is " + hero.Weapon.damage;
            draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                17, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);

            message = "The weapon's magic is " + hero.Weapon.magic.Name + " and it's effects are: ";
            draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                18, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);

            line = 20;
            if (hero.Weapon.magic.damage > 0)
                message = "Damage: " + hero.Weapon.magic.damage;
                draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                    line, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);
            if (hero.Weapon.magic.damageOnSelf != 0)
                if (hero.Weapon.magic.damageOnSelf > 0)
                    message = "Damage on self: " + hero.Weapon.magic.damageOnSelf;
                    draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                        line, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);
                    message = "Heal: " + (0 - hero.Weapon.magic.damageOnSelf);
                    draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                        line, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);
            if (hero.Weapon.magic.chanceToStun > 0)
                message = "Chance to stun: " + (100 * hero.Weapon.magic.chanceToStun) + "%";
                draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                    line, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);

            message = "Do you want to leave your weapon behind, and take the new weapon?";
            draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                    25, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);
            message = "[Y /N] ";
            draw.DrawString(message, ConsoleColor.Black,
                    27, Console.WindowWidth / 2 - message.Length / 2);
            Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);