Example #1
        public GUISprite(Point2f pos, Size2f size)
            vertices=	new Point3f[4];
            texcoords=	new TexCoord[4];
            colors=	new Color[4];
            faces=	new ushort[6];

            vertices[0]=	new Point3f(pos.x, pos.y, 0f);
            vertices[1]=	new Point3f(pos.x, pos.y+size.height, 0f);
            vertices[2]=	new Point3f(pos.x+size.width, pos.y+size.height, 0f);
            vertices[3]=	new Point3f(pos.x+size.width, pos.y, 0f);

            texcoords[0]=	new TexCoord(0f, 0f);
            texcoords[1]=	new TexCoord(0f, 1f);
            texcoords[2]=	new TexCoord(1f, 1f);
            texcoords[3]=	new TexCoord(1f, 0f);

            applyColor(new Color(255, 255, 255, 255));

            faces[0]=	0;	faces[1]=	1;	faces[2]=	3;
            faces[3]=	1;	faces[4]=	2;	faces[5]=	3;

            bvolume=	new BVRectangle(pos, pos+size);
            comp=	null;
            tb=	new Rectangle(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
Example #2
 // Resizes the sprite to accomidate the gui component
 public void resize(Point2i pt, Size2i size)
     vertices[0]=	new Point3f(pt.x, pt.y, 0f);
     vertices[1]=	new Point3f(pt.x, pt.y+size.height, 0f);
     vertices[2]=	new Point3f(pt.x+size.width, pt.y+size.height, 0f);
     vertices[3]=	new Point3f(pt.x+size.width, pt.y, 0f);
     bvolume=	new BVBox(pt.toPoint3f(), (pt+size).toPoint3f());
Example #3
        public GUISprite()
            vertices=	new Point3f[4];
            texcoords=	new TexCoord[4];
            colors=	new Color[4];
            faces=	new ushort[6];

            for(int i= 0; i< vertices.Length; i++)
                vertices[i]=	Point3f.ORIGIN;
            texcoords[0]=	new TexCoord(0f, 0f);
            texcoords[1]=	new TexCoord(0f, 1f);
            texcoords[2]=	new TexCoord(1f, 1f);
            texcoords[3]=	new TexCoord(1f, 0f);

            colors[0]=	new Color(1f);
            colors[1]=	new Color(1f);
            colors[2]=	new Color(1f);
            colors[3]=	new Color(1f);

            faces[0]=	0;	faces[1]=	1;	faces[2]=	3;
            faces[3]=	1;	faces[4]=	2;	faces[5]=	3;
            bvolume=	null;
Example #4
 public Rectangle(Point2f pmPos, Size2f pmSize)
     pPos=	pmPos;
     pSize=	pmSize;
     bvolume=	new BVRectangle(pPos, pPos+pSize);
Example #5
 // Resets the bounding volume
 private void resetBVolume()
     bvolume=	new BVRectangle(pPos, pPos+pSize);
Example #6
        // Finds if the two bounding volumes intersect each other
        public override bool intersects(ref BoundingVolume collider)
            if(collider== null)
                return false;

            if(collider is BVCircle)
                // Variables
                BVCircle	circ=	(BVCircle)collider;

                return intersects(ref circ);
            if(collider is BVRectangle)
                // Variables
                BVRectangle	rect=	(BVRectangle)collider;

                return intersects(ref rect);

            return false;
Example #7
 public LMesh(BoundingVolume bv)
     : this(bv, new Color(1f, 0f, 0f))
Example #8
 public LMesh(BoundingVolume bv, Color c)
     : this(bv.points, c, bv.getRendableLineIndices())
Example #9
 // Finds if the two bounding volumes intersect each other
 public override bool intersects(ref BoundingVolume collider)
     return false;
Example #10
 // Sets the bounds for rendering without calling the event
 internal void setBounds(Rectangle rect)
     vertices[0]=	new Point3f(rect.x, rect.y, 0f);
     vertices[1]=	new Point3f(rect.x, rect.y+rect.height, 0f);
     vertices[2]=	new Point3f(rect.x+rect.width, rect.y+rect.height, 0f);
     vertices[3]=	new Point3f(rect.x+rect.width, rect.y, 0f);
     bvolume=	new BVRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
Example #11
        // Finds if the two bounding volumes intersect each other
        public override bool intersects(ref BoundingVolume collider)
            if(collider== null)
                return false;

            if(collider is BVCylinder)
                // Variables
                BVCylinder	cyln=	(BVCylinder)collider;

                return intersects(ref cyln);
            if(collider is BVBox)
                // Variables
                BVBox	bbox=	(BVBox)collider;

                return intersects(ref bbox);

            return false;
Example #12
 public virtual bool intersects(BoundingVolume collider)
     return intersects(ref collider);
Example #13
 // Finds if the two bounding volumes intersect each other
 public abstract bool intersects(ref BoundingVolume collider);
Example #14
 public Circle(Point2f pmPos, float pmRadius)
     pPos=	pmPos;
     pRadius=	Math.Abs(pmRadius);
     bvolume=	new BVCircle(pPos, pmRadius);
Example #15
 // Resets the bounding volume
 public void resetBVolume()
     bvolume=	new BVCircle(pPos, pRadius);