Example #1
        public static bool SolveTwoJointsIkCCD(MyCharacterBone[] characterBones, int firstBoneIndex, int secondBoneIndex, int endBoneIndex, ref Matrix finalTransform, ref MatrixD worldMatrix, MyCharacterBone finalBone = null, bool allowFinalBoneTranslation = true)
            Matrix bindTransform;

            if (finalBone == null)
            Vector3         translation = finalTransform.Translation;
            int             num         = 0;
            int             num2        = 50;
            float           num3        = 2.5E-05f;
            MyCharacterBone bone1       = characterBones[firstBoneIndex];
            MyCharacterBone bone3       = characterBones[secondBoneIndex];
            MyCharacterBone bone        = characterBones[endBoneIndex];

            int[] numArray = new int[] { endBoneIndex };
            numArray[2] = firstBoneIndex;
            numArray[1] = secondBoneIndex;
            Vector3 zero = Vector3.Zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                MyCharacterBone bone4 = characterBones[numArray[i]];
                bindTransform = bone4.BindTransform;
                Vector3    vector5  = bindTransform.Translation;
                Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(bone4.BindTransform);
                bone4.SetCompleteTransform(ref vector5, ref rotation);
            zero = bone.AbsoluteTransform.Translation;
            float num4 = 1f / ((float)Vector3D.DistanceSquared(zero, translation));

            while (true)
                int index = 0;
                while (true)
                    if (index >= 3)
                        if ((num < num2) && (Vector3D.DistanceSquared(zero, translation) > num3))
                        if (finalTransform.IsValid())
                            MatrixD xd = !allowFinalBoneTranslation ? (finalTransform.GetOrientation() * MatrixD.Invert(finalBone.BindTransform * finalBone.Parent.AbsoluteTransform)) : (finalTransform * MatrixD.Invert(finalBone.BindTransform * finalBone.Parent.AbsoluteTransform));
                            finalBone.Rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(Matrix.Normalize((Matrix)xd.GetOrientation()));
                            if (allowFinalBoneTranslation)
                                finalBone.Translation = (Vector3)xd.Translation;
                    MyCharacterBone bone2 = characterBones[numArray[index]];
                    Matrix  absoluteTransform = bone2.AbsoluteTransform;
                    Vector3 vector2           = absoluteTransform.Translation;
                    zero = bone.AbsoluteTransform.Translation;
                    double num7 = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(zero, translation);
                    if (num7 > num3)
                        Vector3 vector4 = zero - vector2;
                        Vector3 v       = translation - vector2;
                        double  num8    = vector4.LengthSquared();
                        double  num9    = v.LengthSquared();
                        double  num10   = vector4.Dot(v);
                        if ((num10 < 0.0) || ((num10 * num10) < ((num8 * num9) * 0.99998998641967773)))
                            Matrix  matrix3;
                            Vector3 toVector = Vector3.Lerp(vector4, v, 1f / ((num4 * ((float)num7)) + 1f));
                            Matrix.CreateRotationFromTwoVectors(ref vector4, ref toVector, out matrix3);
                            bindTransform = Matrix.Normalize(absoluteTransform);
                            Matrix identity = Matrix.Identity;
                            if (bone2.Parent != null)
                                identity = bone2.Parent.AbsoluteTransform;
                            identity       = Matrix.Normalize(identity);
                            bone2.Rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(Matrix.Multiply(bindTransform.GetOrientation() * matrix3, Matrix.Invert(bone2.BindTransform * identity)));
            /// <summary>
            /// Set the bone based on the supplied position value
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="position"></param>
            public void SetPosition(float position)
                if (ClipBone == null)

                List <AnimationClip.Keyframe> keyframes = ClipBone.Keyframes;

                if (keyframes.Count == 0)

                // If our current position is less that the first keyframe
                // we move the position backward until we get to the right keyframe
                while (position < Keyframe1.Time && m_currentKeyframe > 0)
                    // We need to move backwards in time

                // If our current position is greater than the second keyframe
                // we move the position forward until we get to the right keyframe
                while (position >= Keyframe2.Time && m_currentKeyframe < ClipBone.Keyframes.Count - 2)
                    // We need to move forwards in time

                if (Keyframe1 == Keyframe2)
                    // Keyframes are equal
                    m_rotation    = Keyframe1.Rotation;
                    m_translation = Keyframe1.Translation;
                    // Interpolate between keyframes
                    float t = (float)((position - Keyframe1.Time) / (Keyframe2.Time - Keyframe1.Time));

                    if (t > 1)
                        t = 1;
                    if (t < 0)
                        t = 0;

                    Quaternion.Slerp(ref Keyframe1.Rotation, ref Keyframe2.Rotation, t, out m_rotation);
                    Vector3.Lerp(ref Keyframe1.Translation, ref Keyframe2.Translation, t, out m_translation);

                m_valid = true;
                if (m_assignedBone != null)
                    Quaternion rotation = m_rotation;

                    //if (m_assignedBone.Name == "Soldier Spine2")
                    if (CalculateSpineAdditionalRotation)
                        //rotation = m_rotation * Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Forward, -1.2f);
                        rotation = m_rotation * Player.SpineAdditionalRotation;

                    if (CalculateHeadAdditionalRotation)
                        //rotation = m_rotation * Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Forward, -1.2f);
                        rotation = m_rotation * Player.HeadAdditionalRotation;

                    if (CalculateHandAdditionalRotation)
                        //rotation = m_rotation * Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Forward, -1.2f);
                        rotation = m_rotation * Player.HandAdditionalRotation;

                    if (CalculateUpperHandAdditionalRotation != 0)
                        //rotation = m_rotation * Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Forward, -1.2f);
                        Quaternion rot = Player.UpperHandAdditionalRotation;
                        if (CalculateUpperHandAdditionalRotation == -1)
                            rot = Quaternion.Inverse(Player.UpperHandAdditionalRotation);

                        rotation = m_rotation * rot;

                    // Send to the model
                    // Make it a matrix first
                    Matrix m;
                    Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(ref rotation, out m);
                    m.Translation = m_translation;

                    m_assignedBone.SetCompleteTransform(m, Player.Weight);