public async Task leave(string serverName = null) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Settings); if (Context.User.Id != Sentences.ownerId) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.onlyMasterStr(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { if (serverName == null) { await Context.Guild.LeaveAsync(); } else { IGuild g = p.client.Guilds.ToList().Find(x => x.Name.ToUpper() == serverName.ToUpper()); if (g == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.noCorrespondingGuild(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await g.LeaveAsync(); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.doneStr(Context.Guild.Id)); } } } }
public async Task randomPastebin() { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.GoogleShortener); if (!(Context.Channel as ITextChannel).IsNsfw) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.chanIsNotNsfw(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { Tuple <string, string> result = null; try { result = await getUrl(); } catch (GoogleApiException ex) { if (ex.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.tooManyRequests(Context.Guild.Id, "")); return; } } if (result == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.nothingAfterXIterations(Context.Guild.Id, 500)); } else { await ReplyAsync("I found something, here is the short URL: " + result.Item1 + Environment.NewLine + ((result != null) ? ("It'll lead you here: " + result.Item2) : ("It will lead you nowhere since the URL was disabled..."))); } } }
public static async Task <Tuple <string, string> > GetYoutubeVideo(string[] words, IMessageChannel chan, int maxResult = 1) { if (words.Length == 0) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.youtubeHelp((chan as ITextChannel).GuildId)); return(null); } var searchListRequest = Program.p.youtubeService.Search.List("snippet"); searchListRequest.Q = Program.addArgs(words); searchListRequest.MaxResults = maxResult; var searchListResponse = await searchListRequest.ExecuteAsync(); if (searchListResponse.Items.Count < maxResult) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.youtubeNotFound((chan as ITextChannel).GuildId)); return(null); } Google.Apis.YouTube.v3.Data.SearchResult sr = searchListResponse.Items[maxResult - 1]; if (sr.Id.Kind != "youtube#video") { return(await GetYoutubeVideo(words, chan, maxResult + 1)); } else { return(new Tuple <string, string>("" + sr.Id.VideoId, sr.Snippet.Title)); } }
private async Task GuildJoin(SocketGuild arg) { string currTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("ddMMyyHHmmss"); ITextChannel chan = returnChannel(arg.Channels.ToList(), arg.Id); if (!Directory.Exists("Saves")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Saves"); } if (!File.Exists("Saves/sanaraDatas.dat")) { File.WriteAllText("Saves/sanaraDatas.dat", currTime); // Creation date } if (!Directory.Exists("Saves/Servers/" + arg.Id)) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Saves/Servers/" + arg.Id); File.WriteAllText("Saves/Servers/" + arg.Id + "/serverDatas.dat", currTime + Environment.NewLine + 0 + Environment.NewLine + arg.Name); // Join date | unused | server name await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.introductionMsg(arg.Id)); } if (!File.Exists("Saves/Servers/" + arg.Id + "/kancolle.dat")) { File.WriteAllText("Saves/Servers/" + arg.Id + "/kancolle.dat", "0" + Environment.NewLine + "0" + Environment.NewLine + "0" + Environment.NewLine + "0" + Environment.NewLine + "0"); } // Attempt game, attempt ship, ship found, bestScore, ids of people who help to have the best score if (!Directory.Exists("Saves/Users")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Saves/Users"); } guildLanguages.Add(arg.Id, (File.Exists("Saves/Servers/" + arg.Id + "/language.dat")) ? (File.ReadAllText("Saves/Servers/" + arg.Id + "/language.dat")) : ("en")); prefixs.Add(arg.Id, (File.Exists("Saves/Servers/" + arg.Id + "/prefix.dat")) ? (File.ReadAllText("Saves/Servers/" + arg.Id + "/prefix.dat")) : ("s.")); foreach (IUser u in arg.Users) { if (!File.Exists("Saves/Users/" + u.Id + ".dat")) { relations.Add(new Character(u.Id, u.Username)); } else { try { if (!relations.Any(x => x._name == Convert.ToUInt64(File.ReadAllLines("Saves/Users/" + u.Id + ".dat")[1]))) { relations.Add(new Character()); relations[relations.Count - 1].saveAndParseInfos(File.ReadAllLines("Saves/Users/" + u.Id + ".dat")); } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { if (arg.Id.ToString() == File.ReadAllLines("Saves/sanaraDatas.dat")[2]) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.introductionError(arg.Id, u.Id.ToString(), u.Username)); } } } } }
public async Task <bool> Skip(IMessageChannel chan) { if (m_process == null) { return(false); } await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.songSkipped((chan as ITextChannel).GuildId, m_musics[0].title)); m_process.Kill(); return(true); }
public async Task listRadio(params string[] words) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Radio); if (!p.radios.Any(x => x.m_guildId == Context.Guild.Id)) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.radioNotStarted(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await ReplyAsync(p.radios.Find(x => x.m_guildId == Context.Guild.Id).GetPlaylist(Context.Guild.Id)); } }
public async Task map(params string[] mapName) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Kancolle); if (mapName.Length != 2 || mapName[0].Length != 1 || mapName[1].Length != 1 || mapName[0][0] <= '0' || mapName[0][0] > '6' || mapName[1][0] <= '0' || mapName[1][0] > '6' || (mapName[0][0] != '1' && mapName[1][0] == '6')) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.mapHelp(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { string url = "" + mapName[0][0] + "/" + mapName[0][0] + "-" + mapName[1][0]; string html = wc.DownloadString(url); wc.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; string htmlRaw = wc.DownloadString(url + "?action=raw"); html = html.Split(new string[] { "typography-xl-optout" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]; string[] allLinks = html.Split(new string[] { "href=" }, StringSplitOptions.None); int currentTime = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss")); wc.DownloadFile(Program.getElementXml("\"", allLinks[1], '"'), "kancolleMap" + currentTime + "1.png"); wc.DownloadFile(Program.getElementXml("\"", allLinks[2], '"'), "kancolleMap" + currentTime + "2.png"); await ReplyAsync(Program.getElementXml("|en = ", htmlRaw, '\n')); await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync("kancolleMap" + currentTime + "1.png"); await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync("kancolleMap" + currentTime + "2.png"); File.Delete("kancolleMap" + currentTime + "1.png"); File.Delete("kancolleMap" + currentTime + "2.png"); string branchingRules; if (htmlRaw.Contains("{{MapBranchingTable")) { branchingRules = htmlRaw.Split(new string[] { "{{MapBranchingTable" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]; } else { branchingRules = htmlRaw.Split(new string[] { "{{Map/Branching" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]; } string[] allBranches = branchingRules.Split(new string[] { "}}" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0].Split('\n'); string finalStr = ""; foreach (string currBranch in allBranches) { if (currBranch.Length == 0 || currBranch.StartsWith("|title") || currBranch.StartsWith("|id")) { continue; } string line = currBranch.Substring(1, currBranch.Length - 1); finalStr += line + Environment.NewLine; } await ReplyAsync(finalStr); } }
public async Task randomXkcd(params string[] command) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Xkcd); int?myNb = null; if (command.Length > 0) { try { myNb = Convert.ToInt32(Program.addArgs(command)); } catch (FormatException) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.xkcdWrongArg(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } catch (OverflowException) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.xkcdWrongArg(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } } using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { string json = wc.DownloadString(""); int nbMax = Convert.ToInt32(Program.getElementXml("\"num\":", json, ',')); int nb; if (myNb == null) { nb = p.rand.Next(nbMax) + 1; } else { if (myNb < 1 || myNb > nbMax) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.xkcdWrongId(Context.Guild.Id, nbMax)); return; } nb = (int)myNb; } json = wc.DownloadString("" + nb.ToString() + "/info.0.json"); string dlUrl = Program.getElementXml("\"img\": \"", json, '"'); string currName = "xkcd" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmssfff") + Context.Guild.ToString() + Context.User.Id.ToString() + "." + dlUrl.Split('.')[dlUrl.Split('.').Length - 1]; wc.DownloadFile(dlUrl, currName); await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(currName); File.Delete(currName); } }
public async Task reloadLanguage() { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Settings); if (Context.User.Id != Sentences.ownerId) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.onlyMasterStr(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { p.UpdateLanguageFiles(); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.doneStr(Context.Guild.Id)); } }
public async Task playShiritori(params string[] gameName) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Game); if ( => x.m_chan == Context.Channel)) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.gameAlreadyRunning(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { string finalGameName = Program.addArgs(gameName); if (finalGameName == null || (finalGameName.ToLower() != "shiritori" && finalGameName.ToLower() != "kancolle" && finalGameName.ToLower() != "booru")) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.invalidGameName(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { if (!p.gameThread.IsAlive) { p.gameThread.Start(); } Game g = null; if (finalGameName.ToLower() == "shiritori") { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.rulesShiritori(Context.Guild.Id)); g = new Shiritori(Context.Channel, Context.Guild, Context.User); } else if (finalGameName.ToLower() == "kancolle") { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.rulesKancolle(Context.Guild.Id)); g = new Kancolle(Context.Channel, Context.Guild, Context.User); } else if (finalGameName.ToLower() == "booru") { if (!(Context.Channel as ITextChannel).IsNsfw) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.chanIsNotNsfw(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } await ReplyAsync(Sentences.rulesBooru(Context.Guild.Id)); g = new BooruGame(Context.Channel, Context.Guild, Context.User); }; g.Post(); } } }
public string GetPlaylist(ulong guildId) { if (m_process == null || m_process.HasExited) { return(Sentences.radioNoSong(guildId)); } string finalStr = "🎵 Current: " + m_musics[0].title + Environment.NewLine; for (int i = 1; i < m_musics.Count; i++) { finalStr += i + ". " + m_musics[i].title + ((m_musics[i].downloading) ? (" (Downloading...)") : ("")) + Environment.NewLine; } return(finalStr); }
public async Task addRadio(params string[] words) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Radio); if (words.Length == 0) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.radioNeedArg(Context.Guild.Id)); } else if (p.radios.Any(x => x.m_guildId == Context.Guild.Id) && !p.radios.Find(x => x.m_guildId == Context.Guild.Id).CanAddMusic()) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.radioTooMany(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { if (!p.radios.Any(x => x.m_guildId == Context.Guild.Id)) { if (!await StartRadio(Context.Channel)) { return; } } Tuple <string, string> youtubeResult = await YoutubeModule.GetYoutubeVideo(words, Context.Channel); if (youtubeResult != null) { RadioChannel radio = p.radios.Find(x => x.m_guildId == Context.Guild.Id); if (radio.ContainMusic(youtubeResult.Item1)) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.radioAlreadyInList(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } radio.AddMusic("Saves/Radio/" + radio.m_guildId + "/" + Program.cleanWord(youtubeResult.Item2) + ".mp3", youtubeResult.Item2, youtubeResult.Item1, await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(Sentences.myId), Context.Guild.Id.ToString()); YouTubeVideo video = GetYoutubeVideo(youtubeResult.Item1); if (video == null) { radio.RemoveSong(youtubeResult.Item1); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.cantDownload(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await ReplyAsync(youtubeResult.Item2 + " was added to the list."); DownloadAudio(video, radio, youtubeResult.Item1, Program.cleanWord(youtubeResult.Item2)); } } } }
public async Task stopRadio(params string[] words) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Radio); RadioChannel radio = p.radios.Find(x => x.m_guildId == Context.Guild.Id); if (radio == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.radioNotStarted(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await radio.Stop(); p.radios.Remove(radio); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.doneStr(Context.Guild.Id)); } }
public async Task skipRadio(params string[] words) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Radio); RadioChannel radio = p.radios.Find(x => x.m_guildId == Context.Guild.Id); if (radio == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.radioNotStarted(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { bool suceed = await radio.Skip(Context.Channel); if (!suceed) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.radioNoSong(Context.Guild.Id)); } } }
public async Task archive() { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Settings); if (Context.User.Id != 144851584478740481) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.onlyMasterStr(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.copyingFiles(Context.Guild.Id)); if (!Directory.Exists("Archives")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Archives"); } string currTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"); Directory.CreateDirectory("Archives/" + currTime); copyContent("Saves", "Archives/" + currTime); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.createArchiveStr(Context.Guild.Id, currTime)); } }
private async Task <bool> StartRadio(IMessageChannel chan) { if (p.radios.Any(x => x.m_guildId == Context.Guild.Id)) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.radioAlreadyStarted(Context.Guild.Id)); return(true); } IGuildUser guildUser = Context.User as IGuildUser; if (guildUser.VoiceChannel == null) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.radioNeedChannel(Context.Guild.Id)); return(false); } IAudioClient audioClient = await guildUser.VoiceChannel.ConnectAsync(); p.radios.Add(new RadioChannel(guildUser.VoiceChannel, Context.Channel, audioClient)); // You need opus.dll and libsodium.dll return(true); }
public async Task mal(params string[] animeNameArr) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.AnimeManga); string animeName = Program.addArgs(animeNameArr); if (animeName.Length == 0) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.animeHelp(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } try { string result = p.malClient.DownloadString("" + animeName.Replace(" ", "%20")); if (!result.Contains("<entry>")) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.animeNotFound(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { EmbedBuilder b = parseContent(result, animeName, (Context.Channel as ITextChannel).IsNsfw); await ReplyAsync("", false, b.Build()); } } catch (WebException ex) { HttpWebResponse code = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse; if (code != null) { if (code.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.tooManyRequests(Context.Guild.Id, "MyAnimeList")); } } else { await ReplyAsync("An unexpected error occured: " + ex.Message); } } }
public async Task malManga(params string[] mangaNameArr) // Stuck in loop ? { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.AnimeManga); string mangaName = Program.addArgs(mangaNameArr); if (mangaName.Length == 0) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.animeHelp(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } try { string result = p.malClient.DownloadString("" + mangaName.Replace(" ", "%20")); if (!result.Contains("<entry>")) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.mangaNotFound(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { EmbedBuilder b = parseContent(result, mangaName, (Context.Channel as ITextChannel).IsNsfw); if (b == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.chanIsNotNsfw(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await ReplyAsync("", false, b.Build()); } } } catch (WebException ex) { HttpWebResponse code = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse; if (code.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.tooManyRequests(Context.Guild.Id, "MyAnimeList")); } } }
public async Task Infos(params string[] command) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Communication); IGuildUser user; if (command.Length == 0) { user = Context.User as IGuildUser; } else { user = await Program.GetUser(Program.addArgs(command), Context.Guild); if (user == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.userNotExist(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } } await InfosUser(user); }
public async Task setLanguage(params string[] language) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Settings); if (Context.User.Id != Context.Guild.OwnerId) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.onlyOwnerStr(Context.Guild.Id, Context.Guild.OwnerId)); } else if (language.Length == 0) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.needLanguage(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { string nextLanguage = Program.addArgs(language); string lang = null; if (p.allLanguages.ContainsKey(nextLanguage)) { lang = nextLanguage; } foreach (var key in p.allLanguages) { if (key.Value.Contains(nextLanguage)) { lang = key.Key; break; } } if (lang == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.needLanguage(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { p.guildLanguages[Context.Guild.Id] = lang; File.WriteAllText("Saves/Servers/" + Context.Guild.Id + "/language.dat", lang); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.doneStr(Context.Guild.Id)); } } }
public async Task setPrefix(params string[] command) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Settings); if (Context.User.Id != Context.Guild.OwnerId) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.onlyOwnerStr(Context.Guild.Id, Context.Guild.OwnerId)); } else { if (command.Length == 0) { p.prefixs[Context.Guild.Id] = ""; File.WriteAllText("Saves/Servers/" + Context.Guild.Id + "/prefix.dat", ""); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.prefixRemoved(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { string prefix = Program.addArgs(command); p.prefixs[Context.Guild.Id] = prefix; File.WriteAllText("Saves/Servers/" + Context.Guild.Id + "/prefix.dat", prefix); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.doneStr(Context.Guild.Id)); } } }
private async Task HandleCommandAsync(SocketMessage arg) { var msg = arg as SocketUserMessage; if (msg == null) { return; } if (arg.Author.Id == 352216646267437059) { /// Get some informations about the bot for statistics purposes if (arg.Content == "<@&330483872544587776> Please send me your informations for comparison.") { List <ulong> users = new List <ulong>(); foreach (var g in client.Guilds) { foreach (var g2 in g.Users) { if (!users.Contains(g2.Id)) { users.Add(g2.Id); } } } int nbMsgs = 0; DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow; if (Directory.Exists("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString())) { foreach (string s in Directory.GetFiles("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString())) { nbMsgs += Convert.ToInt32(File.ReadAllText(s)); } } await(((ITextChannel)(arg.Channel))).SendMessageAsync($"<@{Sentences.idPikyu}> Here are the compare informations: " + client.Guilds.Count + "|" + users.Count + "|" + getLenghtFolder("Saves") + "o|Zirk|" + nbMsgs); } } /// When playing games else if (arg.Author.Id != Sentences.myId) { GameModule.Game game = games.Find(x => x.m_chan == arg.Channel); if (game != null) { game.CheckCorrect(arg.Content, arg.Author); } } int pos = 0; string prefix = prefixs[(arg.Channel as ITextChannel).GuildId]; if (msg.HasMentionPrefix(client.CurrentUser, ref pos) || (prefix != "" && msg.HasStringPrefix(prefix, ref pos))) { var context = new SocketCommandContext(client, msg); if (context.Guild == null) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.dontPm(446053427714326528)); // Workaround because can't get id of null guild return; } DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow; var result = await commands.ExecuteAsync(context, pos); // Count how many messages the bot receive if (result.IsSuccess && !context.User.IsBot) { commandReceived++; if (!Directory.Exists("Saves")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Saves"); } if (!Directory.Exists("Saves/Stats")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Saves/Stats"); } if (!Directory.Exists("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString())) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString()); } if (File.Exists("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString() + '/' + dt.Day.ToString() + ".dat")) { File.WriteAllText("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString() + '/' + dt.Day.ToString() + ".dat", (Convert.ToInt32(File.ReadAllText("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString() + '/' + dt.Day.ToString() + ".dat")) + 1).ToString()); } else { File.WriteAllText("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString() + '/' + dt.Day.ToString() + ".dat", "1"); } File.WriteAllText("Saves/CommandReceived.dat", commandReceived + Environment.NewLine + lastHourSent); } } }
public async Task Indent(params string[] arg) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Code); if (arg.Length == 0) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.indenteHelp(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } List <string> code = new List <string>(); string curr = ""; bool inCond = false; foreach (string s in arg) { if (s.StartsWith("```")) { curr += s; code.Add(curr); curr = ""; } else if (s[s.Length - 1] == ';') { curr += s; code.Add(curr); curr = ""; } else if (s == "try" || s == "{" || s == "}") { code.Add(curr); code.Add(s); curr = ""; } else if (s.StartsWith("for") || s.StartsWith("while") || s.StartsWith("if") || s.StartsWith("else") || s.StartsWith("catch")) { curr += s + ' '; inCond = true; } else if (inCond && s[s.Length - 1] == ')') { curr += s; code.Add(curr); curr = ""; inCond = false; } else { curr += s + ' '; } } string finalStr = ""; int currIndente = 0; bool tmpIdent = false; foreach (string s in code) { if (s == "") { continue; } string line = s; if (line.StartsWith("for") || line.StartsWith("while") || line.StartsWith("if") || line.StartsWith("else") || s.StartsWith("catch")) { tmpIdent = true; for (int i = 0; i < currIndente; i++) { finalStr += '\t'; } finalStr += line + Environment.NewLine; continue; } else if (line[0] == '{') { for (int i = 0; i < currIndente; i++) { finalStr += '\t'; } finalStr += line + Environment.NewLine; currIndente++; tmpIdent = false; continue; } else if (line[0] == '}') { currIndente--; tmpIdent = false; } for (int i = 0; i < currIndente; i++) { finalStr += '\t'; } if (tmpIdent) { finalStr += '\t'; } finalStr += line + Environment.NewLine; tmpIdent = false; } await ReplyAsync(finalStr); }
#pragma warning restore CS1998 /// <summary> /// Get an image given various informations /// </summary> /// <param name="booru">Which booru is concerned (see above)</param> /// <param name="tags">Tags that need to be contain on the image</param> /// <param name="chan">Channel the image will be post in</param> /// <param name="currName">Temporary name of the file</param> /// <param name="isSfw">Is the channel safe for work ?</param> /// <param name="isGame">If the request from Game module (doesn't count dl for stats and don't get informations about tags)</param> public static async void getImage(Booru booru, string[] tags, ITextChannel chan, string currName, bool isSfw, bool isGame) { if (!isSfw && !chan.IsNsfw) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.chanIsNotNsfw(chan.GuildId)); return; } IGuildUser me = await chan.Guild.GetUserAsync(Sentences.myId); if (!me.GuildPermissions.AttachFiles) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.needAttachFile(chan.GuildId)); return; } if (!isGame) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.prepareImage(chan.GuildId)); } string url = getBooruUrl(booru, tags); if (url == null) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.tagsNotFound(tags)); } else { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.Headers.Add("User-Agent: Sanara"); string json = wc.DownloadString(url); string image = booru.getFileUrl(json); string imageName = currName + "." + image.Split('.')[image.Split('.').Length - 1]; wc.Headers.Add("User-Agent: Sanara"); wc.DownloadFile(image, imageName); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(imageName); Program.p.statsMonth[(int)booru.getId()] += file.Length; if (file.Length >= 8000000) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.fileTooBig(chan.GuildId)); } else { while (true) { try { await chan.SendFileAsync(imageName); break; } catch (RateLimitedException) { } } if (!isGame) { List <string> finalStr = getTagsInfos(json, booru); foreach (string s in finalStr) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(s); } } } File.Delete(imageName); } if (!isGame) { string finalStrModule = ""; foreach (long i in Program.p.statsMonth) { finalStrModule += i + "|"; } finalStrModule = finalStrModule.Substring(0, finalStrModule.Length - 1); File.WriteAllText("Saves/MonthModules.dat", finalStrModule + Environment.NewLine + Program.p.lastMonthSent); } } }
public async Task WhoAreYou() { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Communication); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.whoIAmStr(Context.Guild.Id)); }
public async Task SayHi() { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Communication); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.hiStr(Context.Guild.Id)); }
public async Task help() { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Communication); await ReplyAsync("", false,, (Context.Channel as ITextChannel).IsNsfw)); }
public async Task getNhentai(params string[] keywords) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Doujinshi); if (!(Context.Channel as ITextChannel).IsNsfw) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.chanIsNotNsfw(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } string tags = ""; if (keywords.Length != 0) { foreach (string s in keywords) { tags += s + "+"; } tags = tags.Substring(0, tags.Length - 1); } string xml; using (WebClient w = new WebClient()) { w.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; if (keywords.Length == 0) { xml = w.DownloadString(""); } else { xml = w.DownloadString("" + tags + "&page=8000"); } } int page = p.rand.Next(Convert.ToInt32(Program.getElementXml("\"num_pages\":", xml, ','))) + 1; using (WebClient w = new WebClient()) { w.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; if (keywords.Length == 0) { xml = w.DownloadString("" + page); } else { xml = w.DownloadString("" + tags + "&page=" + page); } } List <string> allDoujinshi = xml.Split(new string[] { "title" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); allDoujinshi.RemoveAt(0); if (allDoujinshi.Count == 0) { string[] allTags = tags.Split(new string[] { "+" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.tagsNotFound(allTags)); } else { string curr = allDoujinshi[p.rand.Next(allDoujinshi.Count)]; string[] ids = curr.Split(new string[] { "}]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string currBlock = ""; for (int i = ids.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { currBlock = Program.getElementXml("id\":", ids[i], ','); if (currBlock != "") { if (keywords.Length == 0) { await ReplyAsync("" + currBlock); } else { string finalOk = ""; foreach (string t in keywords) { bool isOk = false; foreach (string s in ids[i - 1].Split(new string[] { "},{" }, StringSplitOptions.None)) { if (Program.getElementXml("\"name\":\"", s, '"').Contains(t)) { isOk = true; break; } } if (!isOk) { finalOk = t; break; } } if (finalOk == "") { await ReplyAsync("" + currBlock); } else { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.tagsNotFound(new string[] { finalOk })); } } break; } } } }
public async Task drop(params string[] shipNameArr) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Kancolle); if (shipNameArr.Length == 0) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.kancolleHelp(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } string shipName = Program.cleanWord(Program.addArgs(shipNameArr)); using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; string html = wc.DownloadString(""); List <string> allShipsName = html.Split(new string[] { "<tr" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); allShipsName.RemoveAt(0); string shipContain = allShipsName.Find(x => Program.cleanWord(Program.getElementXml("\">", x, '<')) == shipName); if (shipContain == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.shipgirlDontExist(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } shipName = Program.getElementXml("<td>", shipContain, '<'); html = wc.DownloadString(""); html = html.Split(new string[] { "<thead>" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]; html = html.Split(new string[] { "艦種別表" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0]; string[] shipgirls = html.Split(new string[] { "<tr>" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string shipgirl = shipgirls.ToList().Find(x => x.Contains(shipName)); string finalStr = ""; if (shipgirl == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.shipNotReferencedMap(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { string[] cathegories = shipgirl.Split(new string[] { "<td class=\"style_td\"" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int[] toKeep = new int[] { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, // World 1 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, // world 2 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, // World 3 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, // World 4 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, // World 5 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 }; // World 6 int level = 1; int world = 1; foreach (int i in toKeep) { string node = Program.getElementXml(">", cathegories[i], '<'); if (node.Length > 0) { switch (node[0]) { case '●': finalStr += world + "-" + level + ": Only on normal nodes" + Environment.NewLine; break; case '○': finalStr += world + "-" + level + ": Only on boss node" + Environment.NewLine; break; case '◎': finalStr += world + "-" + level + ": Anywhere on the map" + Environment.NewLine; break; default: finalStr += world + "-" + level + ": Findable on the map" + Environment.NewLine; break; } } level++; if ((world == 1 && level > 6) || (world > 1 && level > 5)) { world++; level = 1; } } if (finalStr.Length > 0) { string rarity = Program.getElementXml(">", cathegories[1], '<'); await ReplyAsync("Rarity: " + ((rarity.Length > 0) ? (rarity) : ("?")) + "/7" + Environment.NewLine + finalStr); } else { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.dontDropOnMaps(Context.Guild.Id)); } } wc.Headers.Add("User-Agent: Sanara"); html = wc.DownloadString(""); html = Regex.Replace( html, @"\\[Uu]([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})", m => char.ToString( (char)ushort.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier))); // Replace \\u1313 by \u1313 string[] htmlSplit = html.Split(new string[] { shipName }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (htmlSplit.Length == 1) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.shipNotReferencedConstruction(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } string[] allIds = htmlSplit[htmlSplit.Length - 2].Split(new string[] { "\",\"" }, StringSplitOptions.None); wc.Headers.Add("User-Agent: Sanara"); html = wc.DownloadString("" + (allIds[allIds.Length - 1].Split('"')[0])); html = html.Split(new string[] { "order_by_probability" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]; html = html.Split(new string[] { "flagship_order" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0]; string[] allElements = html.Split(new string[] { "{\"item1\":" }, StringSplitOptions.None); finalStr = "Ship Construction:" + Environment.NewLine; for (int i = 1; i < ((allElements.Length > 6) ? (6) : (allElements.Length)); i++) { string[] ressources = allElements[i].Split(new string[] { ",\"" }, StringSplitOptions.None); finalStr += Program.getElementXml(":", ressources[7], '}') + "% -- Fuel: " + ressources[0] + ", Ammos: " + Program.getElementXml(":", ressources[1], '?') + ", Iron: " + Program.getElementXml(":", ressources[2], '?') + ", Bauxite: " + Program.getElementXml(":", ressources[3], '?') + ", Dev mat: " + Program.getElementXml(":", ressources[4], '?') + Environment.NewLine; } await ReplyAsync(finalStr); } }
public async Task charac(params string[] shipNameArr) { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Kancolle); if (shipNameArr.Length == 0) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.kancolleHelp(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } string shipName = Program.addArgs(shipNameArr); IGuildUser me = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(Sentences.myId); string url = "" + shipName + "&limit=1"; try { using (WebClient w = new WebClient()) { w.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; List <string> finalStr = new List <string>(); finalStr.Add(""); ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; string json = w.DownloadString(url); string code = Program.getElementXml("\"id\":", json, ','); url = "" + code; json = w.DownloadString(url); string image = Program.getElementXml("\"thumbnail\":\"", json, '"'); if (Program.getElementXml("\"title\":\"", json, '"').ToUpper() != shipName.ToUpper()) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.shipgirlDontExist(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } url = "" + Program.getElementXml("\"title\":\"", json, '"') + "?action=raw"; json = w.DownloadString(url); if (Program.getElementXml("{{", json, '}') != "ShipPageHeader" && Program.getElementXml("{{", json, '}') != "Ship/Header") { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.shipgirlDontExist(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } int currentTime = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss")); if (me.GuildPermissions.AttachFiles) { image = image.Split(new string[] { ".jpg" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0] + ".jpg"; image = image.Replace("\\", ""); w.DownloadFile(image, "shipgirl" + currentTime + ".jpg"); } url = "" + code; json = w.DownloadString(url); string[] jsonInside = json.Split(new string[] { "\"title\"" }, StringSplitOptions.None); int currI = 0; foreach (string s in jsonInside) { if (s.Contains("Personality")) { finalStr[0] += "**Personality**" + Environment.NewLine; string[] allExplanations = s.Split(new string[] { "\"te" }, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (string str in allExplanations) { string per = Program.getElementXml("xt\":\"", str, '"'); if (per != "") { finalStr[0] += per + Environment.NewLine; } } break; } } foreach (string s in jsonInside) { if (s.Contains("Appearance")) { finalStr[0] += Environment.NewLine + "**Appearance**" + Environment.NewLine; string[] allExplanations = s.Split(new string[] { "\"te" }, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (string str in allExplanations) { string per = Program.getElementXml("xt\":\"", str, '"'); if (per != "") { if (finalStr[currI].Length + per.Length > 1500) { currI++; finalStr.Add(""); } finalStr[currI] += per + Environment.NewLine; } } break; } } foreach (string s in jsonInside) { if (s.Contains("Second Remodel")) { finalStr[0] += "**Second Remodel**" + Environment.NewLine; string[] allExplanations = s.Split(new string[] { "\"te" }, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (string str in allExplanations) { string per = Program.getElementXml("xt\":\"", str, '"'); if (per != "") { if (finalStr[currI].Length + per.Length > 1500) { currI++; finalStr.Add(""); } finalStr[currI] += per + Environment.NewLine; } } break; } } foreach (string s in jsonInside) { if (s.Contains("Trivia")) { finalStr[currI] += Environment.NewLine + "**Trivia**" + Environment.NewLine; string[] allExplanations = s.Split(new string[] { "\"te" }, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (string str in allExplanations) { string per = Program.getElementXml("xt\":\"", str, '"'); if (per != "") { if (finalStr[currI].Length + per.Length > 1500) { currI++; finalStr.Add(""); } finalStr[currI] += per + Environment.NewLine; } } break; } } if (me.GuildPermissions.AttachFiles) { await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync("shipgirl" + currentTime + ".jpg"); } foreach (string s in finalStr) { await ReplyAsync(Regex.Replace( s, @"\\[Uu]([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})", m => char.ToString( (char)ushort.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier)))); // Replace \\u1313 by \u1313 } if (me.GuildPermissions.AttachFiles) { File.Delete("shipgirl" + currentTime + ".jpg"); } } } catch (WebException ex) { HttpWebResponse code = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse; if (code.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.shipgirlDontExist(Context.Guild.Id)); } } }