private async Task <IUserMessage> SaveScores(string reason) { Tuple <Db.Db.Comparaison, int> newScore; if (_guild == null && _contributors.Count == 0) { return(await PostText(reason)); // TODO } else { newScore = await Program.p.db.SetNewScore(_saveName, _score, _guild == null?_contributors[0] : _guild.Id, string.Join("|", _contributors)); } if (newScore.Item1 == Db.Db.Comparaison.Best) { return(await PostText(reason + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.NewBestScore(_guild, newScore.Item2.ToString(), _score.ToString()))); } else if (newScore.Item1 == Db.Db.Comparaison.Equal) { return(await PostText(reason + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.EqualizedScore(_guild, _score.ToString()))); } else { return(await PostText(reason + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.DidntBeatScore(_guild, newScore.Item2.ToString(), _score.ToString()))); } }
public async Task Start() { if (_gameState != GameState.WaitingForPlayers) // In case someone use the 'Start' command right when the game was about to be launched by itself { return; } _gameState = GameState.Running; if (HaveMultiplayerLobby()) { // Setup for multiplayer: if (await _lobby.LoadNames(_chan)) // We try to load the nickname of everyone in the lobby { await _chan.SendMessageAsync(_lobby.GetReadyMessage(_chan.GuildId)); } else { _gameState = GameState.Lost; await _chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.LobbyLeftChannel(_chan.GuildId)); } if (_multiType == APreload.MultiplayerType.Elimination) { await PostText(Sentences.AnnounceTurn(_chan.GuildId, _lobby.GetTurnName())); } } await PostAsync(); }
protected override async Task <string> GetCheckCorrectAsync(string userAnswer) { string cleanUserAnswer = Utilities.CleanWord(userAnswer); foreach (string s in _toGuess) { if (cleanUserAnswer == Utilities.CleanWord(s)) { return(null); } } if (IsDictionnaryFull()) { if (!_dictionnary.Any(x => Utilities.CleanWord(x) == cleanUserAnswer)) { return("❌"); } } foreach (string s in _toGuess) { string cleanGuess = Utilities.CleanWord(s); if (cleanUserAnswer.Contains(cleanGuess) || cleanGuess.Contains(cleanUserAnswer)) { return(Sentences.BooruGuessClose(GetGuild(), userAnswer.Replace("@everyone", "@ everyone"))); } } return("❌"); }
public async Task Start() { if (_gameState != GameState.WaitingForPlayers) // In case someone use the 'Start' command right when the game was about to be launched by itself { return; } _gameState = GameState.Running; if (HaveMultiplayerLobby()) { // Setup for multiplayer: if (await _lobby.LoadNames(_chan as ITextChannel)) // We try to load the nickname of everyone in the lobby { var msg = await _chan.SendMessageAsync(_lobby.GetReadyMessage(_guild)); var ids = _lobby.GetPlayersId(); foreach (var id in ids) { await, ids.Count, null, msg, id); } } else { _gameState = GameState.Lost; await _chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.LobbyLeftChannel(_guild)); } if (_multiType == APreload.MultiplayerType.Elimination) { await PostText(Sentences.AnnounceTurn(_guild, _lobby.GetTurnName())); } } await PostAsync(); }
public string JoinGame(ulong guildId, ulong chanId, ulong playerId) { AGame game = _games.Find(x => x.IsSelf(chanId)); if (game == null) { return(Sentences.LobbyNoWaiting(guildId)); } if (!game.IsWaitingForPlayers()) { return(Sentences.LobbyNoWaiting(guildId)); } if (!game.HaveMultiplayerLobby()) { return(Sentences.LobbySoloJoin(guildId)); } if (game.IsFull()) { return(Sentences.LobbyFull(guildId)); } if (game.IsPlayerInLobby(playerId)) { return(Sentences.LobbyAlreadyInThis(guildId)); } if (_games.Any(x => x.IsPlayerInLobby(playerId))) { return(Sentences.LobbyAlreadyIn(guildId)); } game.AddPlayerToLobby(playerId); return(Sentences.LobbyJoined(guildId, game.GetName())); }
public async Task LooseAsync(string reason) { _gameState = GameState.Lost; if (HaveMultiplayerLobby()) // Multiplayer scores aren't saved { if (_multiType == APreload.MultiplayerType.Elimination) { _lobby.RemoveCurrentPlayer(); if (_lobby.HaveEnoughPlayer()) { _gameState = GameState.Running; _startTime = DateTime.Now; await PostText(Sentences.YouLost(_guild) + (reason == null ? "" : reason + Environment.NewLine) + Sentences.AnnounceTurn(_guild, _lobby.GetTurnName())); _postImage = false; return; } await PostText(Sentences.YouLost(_guild) + (reason == null ? "" : reason + Environment.NewLine) + await GetLoose() + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.WonMulti(_guild, _lobby.GetLastStanding())); LeaveVocalChannel(); } else { LeaveVocalChannel(); throw new ArgumentException("Multiplayer game " + _gameName + " ended in an unexpected way: " + reason); } } else { IUserMessage gameOverMsg; if (reason == null) { gameOverMsg = await SaveScores(Sentences.YouLost(_guild) + await GetLoose()); } else { gameOverMsg = await SaveScores(Sentences.YouLost(_guild) + reason + Environment.NewLine + await GetLoose()); } if (this is AQuizz) { foreach (ulong c in _contributors) { await, _score, null, gameOverMsg, c); } if (_isShaded != APreload.Shadow.None) { foreach (ulong c in _contributors) { await, _score, null, gameOverMsg, c); } } } LeaveVocalChannel(); } }
public async Task Cancel(params string[] _) { Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild, Program.Module.Game); await Program.p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Game); if ( { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.ResetDone(Context.Guild)); } else { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.ResetNone(Context.Guild)); } }
private async Task SaveScores(string reason) { var newScore = await Program.p.db.SetNewScore(_saveName, _score, _chan.GuildId, string.Join("|", _contributors)); if (newScore.Item1 == Db.Db.Comparaison.Best) { await PostText(reason + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.NewBestScore(_chan.GuildId, newScore.Item2.ToString(), _score.ToString())); } else if (newScore.Item1 == Db.Db.Comparaison.Equal) { await PostText(reason + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.EqualizedScore(_chan.GuildId, _score.ToString())); } else { await PostText(reason + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.DidntBeatScore(_chan.GuildId, newScore.Item2.ToString(), _score.ToString())); } }
public static string GetInformation(IGuild guild) { StringBuilder finalStr = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var game in Constants.allDictionnaries) { finalStr.Append("**" + game.Item1(guild) + ":** "); if (game.Item2.Count == 0) { finalStr.Append(Sentences.NotLoaded(guild)); } else { finalStr.Append(game.Item2.Count + " " + Sentences.Words(guild)); } finalStr.Append(Environment.NewLine); } return(finalStr.ToString()); }
public string LeaveGame(ulong guildId, ulong chanId, ulong playerId) { AGame game = _games.Find(x => x.IsSelf(chanId)); if (game == null) { return(Sentences.LobbyNoWaiting(guildId)); } if (!game.IsWaitingForPlayers()) { return(Sentences.LobbyAlreadyStarted(guildId)); } if (!game.HaveMultiplayerLobby()) { return(Sentences.LobbySoloLeave(guildId)); } if (!game.IsPlayerInLobby(playerId)) { return(Sentences.LobbyAlreadyOut(guildId)); } game.RemovePlayerFromLobby(playerId); return(Sentences.LobbyLeaved(guildId) + (game.IsLobbyEmpty() ? Environment.NewLine + Sentences.LobbyEmpty(guildId) : "")); }
public async Task <string> StartGame(ulong guildId, ulong chanId, ulong playerId) { AGame game = _games.Find(x => x.IsSelf(chanId)); if (game == null) { return(Sentences.LobbyNoWaiting(guildId)); } if (!game.IsWaitingForPlayers()) { return(Sentences.LobbyNoWaiting(guildId)); } if (!game.IsPlayerInLobby(playerId)) { return(Sentences.LobbyAlreadyOut(guildId)); } if (!game.HaveEnoughPlayer()) { return(Sentences.LobbyNotEnoughPlayer(guildId)); } await game.Start(); return(null); }
public async Task LooseAsync(string reason) { _gameState = GameState.Lost; if (HaveMultiplayerLobby()) // Multiplayer scores aren't saved { if (_multiType == APreload.MultiplayerType.Elimination) { _lobby.RemoveCurrentPlayer(); if (_lobby.HaveEnoughPlayer()) { _gameState = GameState.Running; _startTime = DateTime.Now; await PostText(Sentences.YouLost(_chan.GuildId) + (reason == null ? "" : reason + Environment.NewLine) + Sentences.AnnounceTurn(_chan.GuildId, _lobby.GetTurnName())); _postImage = false; return; } await PostText(Sentences.YouLost(_chan.GuildId) + (reason == null ? "" : reason + Environment.NewLine) + await GetLoose() + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.WonMulti(_chan.GuildId, _lobby.GetLastStanding())); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Multiplayer game " + _gameName + " ended in an unexpected way: " + reason); } } else { if (reason == null) { await SaveScores(Sentences.YouLost(_chan.GuildId) + await GetLoose()); } else { await SaveScores(Sentences.YouLost(_chan.GuildId) + reason + Environment.NewLine + await GetLoose()); } } }
private async Task BestOfOutOfRound(bool didFindGuess) { List <string> bestName = new List <string>(); int bestScore = 0; foreach (var name in _lobby.GetFullNames()) { int currScore = _bestOfScore.ContainsKey(name) ? _bestOfScore[name] : 0; if (currScore == bestScore) { bestName.Add(name); } else if (currScore > bestScore) { bestName = new List <string>(); bestName.Add(name); bestScore = currScore; } } string finalStr = ""; if (didFindGuess) { finalStr += Sentences.GuessGood(_guild) + Environment.NewLine; } finalStr += Sentences.CurrentScore(_guild) + Environment.NewLine + GetBestOfScore() + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.ReversiGameEnded(_guild) + Environment.NewLine; if (bestName.Count == _lobby.GetFullNames().Count) { await PostText(finalStr + Sentences.Draw(_guild)); } else { await PostText(finalStr + Sentences.WonMulti(_guild, string.Join(", ", bestName))); } _gameState = GameState.Lost; }
public async Task LooseTimerAsync() { if (_gameState != GameState.Running) // No need to check if we already lost { return; } if (_postImage || _checkingAnswer) // If we are already doing something (posting image or checking answer) we wait for it { return; } if (_startTime.AddSeconds(_timer).CompareTo(DateTime.Now) < 0) { if (HaveMultiplayerLobby() && _multiType == APreload.MultiplayerType.BestOf) { _bestOfRemainingRounds--; string finalStr = Sentences.TimeOut(_guild) + await GetLoose() + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.CurrentScore(_guild) + Environment.NewLine; finalStr += GetBestOfScore(); await PostText(finalStr); if (_bestOfRemainingRounds == 0) { await BestOfOutOfRound(false); } else { _bestOfTries = new Dictionary <string, int>(); await PostAsync(); } } else { await LooseAsync(Sentences.TimeoutGame(_guild)); } } }
public string GetReadyMessage(IGuild guild) => Sentences.Participants(guild) + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(", ", _players.Select(x => "<@" + x + ">"));
private async Task <Func <ulong, string> > PlayInternal(string[] args, ITextChannel chan, ulong playerId) { if (args.Length == 0) { return(Sentences.InvalidGameName); } string gameName = args[0].ToLower(); Difficulty difficulty = Difficulty.Normal; bool isFull = false; bool sendImage = false; bool isCropped = false; APreload.Shadow isShaded = APreload.Shadow.None; APreload.Multiplayer isMultiplayer = APreload.Multiplayer.SoloOnly; if (args.Length > 1) { foreach (string s in args.Skip(1).Select(x => x.ToLower())) { switch (s) { case "full": isFull = true; break; case "multi": case "multiplayer": isMultiplayer = APreload.Multiplayer.MultiOnly; break; case "easy": difficulty = Difficulty.Easy; break; case "normal": case "solo": break; // These case exist so the user can precise them, but they do nothing case "crop": case "cropped": isCropped = true; break; case "shade": case "shadow": case "shaded": isShaded = APreload.Shadow.Transparency; break; case "image": sendImage = true; break; default: return(Sentences.InvalidGameArgument); } } } foreach (var game in Constants.allGames) { APreload preload = (APreload)Activator.CreateInstance(game.Item1); if (preload.ContainsName(gameName)) { if (!chan.IsNsfw && preload.IsNsfw()) { return(Modules.Base.Sentences.ChanIsNotNsfw); } if (isMultiplayer == APreload.Multiplayer.MultiOnly && preload.DoesAllowMultiplayer() == APreload.Multiplayer.SoloOnly) { return(Sentences.MultiNotAvailable); } if (isMultiplayer == APreload.Multiplayer.SoloOnly && preload.DoesAllowMultiplayer() == APreload.Multiplayer.MultiOnly) { return(Sentences.SoloNotAvailable); } if (isFull && !preload.DoesAllowFull()) { return(Sentences.FullNotAvailable); } if (sendImage && !preload.DoesAllowSendImage()) { return(Sentences.SendImageNotAvailable); } if (isCropped && !preload.DoesAllowCropped()) { return(Sentences.CropNotAvailable); } if (isCropped && preload.DoesAllowShadow() == APreload.Shadow.None) { return(Sentences.ShadowNotAvailable); } if (isShaded != APreload.Shadow.None) { isShaded = preload.DoesAllowShadow(); } try { string introMsg = ""; if (isMultiplayer == APreload.Multiplayer.MultiOnly) { introMsg += Sentences.LobbyCreation(chan.GuildId, MultiplayerLobby.lobbyTime.ToString()) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; } introMsg += "**" + Sentences.Rules(chan.GuildId) + ":**" + Environment.NewLine + preload.GetRules(chan.GuildId, isMultiplayer == APreload.Multiplayer.MultiOnly) + Environment.NewLine; if (isMultiplayer == APreload.Multiplayer.MultiOnly) { if (preload.GetMultiplayerType() == APreload.MultiplayerType.Elimination) { introMsg += Sentences.RulesMultiElimination(chan.GuildId) + Environment.NewLine; } else { introMsg += Sentences.RulesMultiBestOf(chan.GuildId, AGame.nbMaxTry, AGame.nbQuestions) + Environment.NewLine; } } introMsg += Sentences.RulesTimer(chan.GuildId, preload.GetTimer() * (int)difficulty) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.RulesReset(chan.GuildId); await chan.SendMessageAsync(introMsg); AGame newGame = (AGame)Activator.CreateInstance(game.Item2, chan, new Config(preload.GetTimer(), difficulty, preload.GetGameName(), isFull, sendImage, isCropped, isShaded, isMultiplayer, preload.GetMultiplayerType()), playerId); _games.Add(newGame); if (Program.p.sendStats) { await Program.p.UpdateElement(new Tuple <string, string>[] { new Tuple <string, string>("games", preload.GetGameName()) }); } return(null); } catch (NoDictionnaryException) { return(Sentences.NoDictionnary); } } } return(Sentences.InvalidGameName); }
public async Task CheckCorrectAsync(IUser user, string userAnswer, SocketUserMessage msg) { if (_gameState != GameState.Running || userAnswer.StartsWith("//") || userAnswer.StartsWith("#")) { return; } _checkingAnswer = true; if (HaveMultiplayerLobby()) // If is in multiplayer { if (!_lobby.IsPlayerIn(user.Id)) // Player isn't in the multiplayer lobby { return; } // Check if it's the player's turn (elimination mode only) else if (_multiType == APreload.MultiplayerType.Elimination && !_lobby.IsMyTurn(user.Id)) { await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("🚫")); _checkingAnswer = false; return; } // Check if the player is out of tries else if (_multiType == APreload.MultiplayerType.BestOf && _bestOfTries.ContainsKey(user.ToString()) && _bestOfTries[user.ToString()] == nbMaxTry - 1) { await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("🚫")); _checkingAnswer = false; return; } } if (_postImage) // Image is being posted { await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("❌")); _checkingAnswer = false; return; } string error; try { error = await GetCheckCorrectAsync(userAnswer); } catch (Exception e) { await _chan.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Red, Title = e.GetType().ToString(), Description = Sentences.ExceptionGameCheck(_guild), Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = e.Message } }.Build()); await Program.p.LogError(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, e.Source, e.Message, e)); await LooseAsync(null); return; } if (error != null) { if (error.Length < 5) { await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(error)); error = ""; } if (HaveMultiplayerLobby() && _multiType == APreload.MultiplayerType.BestOf) { if (_bestOfTries.ContainsKey(user.ToString())) { _bestOfTries[user.ToString()]++; } else { _bestOfTries.Add(user.ToString(), 1); } error += Environment.NewLine + Sentences.TurnsRemaining(_guild, nbMaxTry - _bestOfTries[user.ToString()], user.ToString()); } if (error != "") { await PostText(error); } _checkingAnswer = false; return; } if (!_contributors.Contains(user.Id)) { _contributors.Add(user.Id); } string finalStr = AnnounceNextTurnInternal(); if (CongratulateOnGuess()) { finalStr += Sentences.GuessGood(_guild); } if (HaveMultiplayerLobby()) { if (_multiType == APreload.MultiplayerType.Elimination) { await NextTurn(); if (finalStr != "") { finalStr += Environment.NewLine; } finalStr += Sentences.AnnounceTurn(_guild, _lobby.GetTurnName()); } else if (_multiType == APreload.MultiplayerType.BestOf) { if (_bestOfScore.ContainsKey(user.ToString())) { _bestOfScore[user.ToString()]++; } else { _bestOfScore.Add(user.ToString(), 1); } _bestOfRemainingRounds--; if (_bestOfRemainingRounds == 0) { await BestOfOutOfRound(true); return; } _bestOfTries = new Dictionary <string, int>(); finalStr += Environment.NewLine + Sentences.CurrentScore(_guild) + Environment.NewLine; finalStr += GetBestOfScore(); } } if (_gameState != GameState.Running || _isFound) { return; } _isFound = true; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(finalStr)) { await PostText(finalStr); } _score++; await PostAsync(); _checkingAnswer = false; }
public async Task PostAsync() { if (_gameState != GameState.Running) { return; } _postImage = true; int counter = 0; while (true) { if (_gameState != GameState.Running) // Can happen if the game is canceled { return; } string finding = ""; // For error handling try { PostType type = GetPostType(); if (type == PostType.Text) { foreach (string s in await GetPostAsync()) { if (s == null) { continue; } finding = s; await PostText(s); } } else if (type == PostType.Url) { foreach (string s in await GetPostAsync()) { if (s == null) { continue; } finding = s; var answer = await _http.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Head, s)); if (!answer.IsSuccessStatusCode) { throw new HttpRequestException("Invalid code " + answer.StatusCode); } await PostFromUrl(s); } } else if (type == PostType.LocalPath) { foreach (string s in await GetPostAsync()) { if (s == null) { continue; } finding = s; await PostFromLocalPath(s); File.Delete(s); } } else { if (_audioFilePath != null) { File.Delete(_audioFilePath); } string url = (await GetPostAsync()).First(); _audioFilePath = "Saves/" + _guild.Id + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmssff") + ".mp3"; File.WriteAllBytes(_audioFilePath, await _http.GetByteArrayAsync(url)); _audioStream = _voiceSession.CreatePCMStream(AudioApplication.Voice); await PostText("Audio started, use the 'replay' command to play it again."); await PlayAudioFile(); } _startTime = DateTime.Now; _isFound = false; break; } catch (LooseException le) { _postImage = false; await LooseAsync(le.Message); break; } catch (Exception e) { counter++; string msg = "Error posting for game " + _gameName + ": " + finding; if (counter == 3) { await _chan.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Red, Title = e.GetType().ToString(), Description = Sentences.ExceptionGameStop(_guild), Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = e.Message } }.Build()); await Program.p.LogError(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, e.Source, e.Message, new GameException(msg, e))); _postImage = false; await LooseAsync(null); break; } else { await _chan.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Orange, Title = e.GetType().ToString(), Description = Sentences.ExceptionGame(_guild, e.Message), Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = e.Message } }.Build()); await Program.p.LogError(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, e.Source, e.Message, new GameException(msg, e))); } } } string help = Help(); if (help != null) { await PostText(help); } _postImage = false; }
protected override async Task <string> GetLoose() => Sentences.GoodAnswerWas(GetGuild(), FormatAnswer());
public async Task DisplayCantStart() { await _chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.LobbyNotEnoughPlayerFatal(_guild)); _gameState = GameState.Lost; }
public async Task Score(params string[] _) { if (Context.Guild == null) { await ReplyAsync(Modules.Base.Sentences.CommandDontPm(Context.Guild)); return; } Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild, Program.Module.Game); await Program.p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Game); var scores = await Program.p.db.GetAllScores(); if (!scores.Any(x => x.Key == Context.Guild.Id.ToString())) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.NoScore(Context.Guild)); return; } var me = scores[Context.Guild.Id.ToString()]; StringBuilder finalStr = new StringBuilder(); float finalScore = 0; bool ranked = false; int nbGuilds = scores.Count(x => x.Value.Count > 0); foreach (var game in Constants.allRankedGames) { APreload preload = (APreload)Activator.CreateInstance(game.Item1); string gameName = preload.GetGameName(); if (!me.ContainsKey(preload.GetGameName())) { finalStr.Append("**" + preload.GetGameSentence(Context.Guild) + "**:" + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.NotRanked(Context.Guild) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); continue; } ranked = true; string[] myElems = me[gameName].Split('|'); var users = await Context.Guild.GetUsersAsync(); int myScore = int.Parse(myElems[0]); string[] contributors = myElems.Skip(1).Select(x => users.Where(y => y.Id.ToString() == x).FirstOrDefault()?.ToString() ?? "(Unknown)").ToArray(); int rankedNumber = scores.Where(x => Program.p.client.GetGuild(ulong.Parse(x.Key)) != null && x.Value.ContainsKey(gameName)).Count(); int myRanking = scores.Where(x => Program.p.client.GetGuild(ulong.Parse(x.Key)) != null && x.Value.ContainsKey(gameName) && int.Parse(x.Value[gameName].Split('|')[0]) > myScore).Count() + 1; int bestScore = scores.Where(x => x.Value.ContainsKey(gameName)).Max(x => int.Parse(x.Value[gameName].Split('|')[0])); finalStr.Append("**" + preload.GetGameSentence(Context.Guild) + "**:" + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.ScoreText(Context.Guild, myRanking, rankedNumber, myScore, bestScore) + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.ScoreContributors(Context.Guild) + " " + string.Join(", ", contributors) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); finalScore += myScore * 100f / bestScore; } int myGlobalRanking = 1; if (ranked) { foreach (var s in scores) { int sScore = 0; foreach (var elem in s.Value) { int best = scores.Where(x => x.Value.ContainsKey(elem.Key)).Max(x => int.Parse(x.Value[elem.Key].Split('|')[0])); sScore += int.Parse(elem.Value.Split('|')[0]) * 100 / best; } if (sScore > finalScore) { myGlobalRanking++; } } } await ReplyAsync((ranked ? Sentences.GlobalRanking(Context.Guild, myGlobalRanking, nbGuilds, finalScore / Constants.allRankedGames.Length) : Sentences.NoGlobalRanking(Context.Guild)) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + finalStr.ToString()); }
public async Task PostAsync() { if (_gameState != GameState.Running) { return; } _postImage = true; int counter = 0; while (true) { if (_gameState != GameState.Running) // Can happen if the game is canceled { return; } string finding = ""; // For error handling try { PostType type = GetPostType(); if (type == PostType.Text) { foreach (string s in await GetPostAsync()) { if (s == null) { continue; } finding = s; await PostText(s); } } else if (type == PostType.Url) { foreach (string s in await GetPostAsync()) { if (s == null) { continue; } finding = s; using (HttpClient hc = new HttpClient()) { var answer = await hc.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Head, s)); if (!answer.IsSuccessStatusCode) { throw new HttpRequestException("Invalid code " + answer.StatusCode); } } await PostFromUrl(s); } } else { foreach (string s in await GetPostAsync()) { if (s == null) { continue; } finding = s; await PostFromLocalPath(s); File.Delete(s); } } _startTime = DateTime.Now; _isFound = false; break; } catch (LooseException le) { _postImage = false; await LooseAsync(le.Message); break; } catch (Exception e) { counter++; string msg = "Error posting " + finding; if (counter == 3) { await _chan.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Red, Title = e.GetType().ToString(), Description = Sentences.ExceptionGameStop(_chan.GuildId), Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = e.Message } }.Build()); await Program.p.LogError(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, e.Source, e.Message, new GameException(msg, e))); _postImage = false; await LooseAsync(null); break; } else { await _chan.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Orange, Title = e.GetType().ToString(), Description = Sentences.ExceptionGame(_chan.GuildId, e.Message), Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = e.Message } }.Build()); await Program.p.LogError(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, e.Source, e.Message, new GameException(msg, e))); } } } string help = Help(); if (help != null) { await PostText(help); } _postImage = false; }