             * Appends a FontAwesomeIcon to the BootstrapText under construction
             * @return the updated builder instance
            public Builder AddFontAwesomeIcon(string iconCode)
                IIconSet iconSet = TypefaceProvider.RetrieveRegisteredIconSet(FontAwesome.FontAwesomePath, _editMode);

                _sb.Append(iconSet.UnicodeForKey(iconCode.Replace("\\-", "_")));
                _fontIndicesMap.Add(_sb.Length, iconSet);
             * @return a new instance of BootstrapText, constructed according to Builder arguments.
            public BootstrapText Build()
                BootstrapText bootstrapText = new BootstrapText(_sb.ToString());

                foreach (var entry in _fontIndicesMap)
                    int index = entry.Key;

                    var span = new AwesomeTypefaceSpan(TypefaceProvider.GetTypeface(_context.ApplicationContext, entry.Value));
                    bootstrapText.SetSpan(span, index - 1, index, SpanTypes.InclusiveInclusive);
         * Searches for the unicode character value for the Font Icon Code. This method searches all
         * active FontIcons in the application.
         * @param iconCode the font icon code
         * @return the unicode character matching the icon, or null if none matches
        private static IIconSet ResolveIconSet(String iconCode)
            foreach (var set in TypefaceProvider.GetRegisteredIconSets())
                if (set.FontPath.Equals(FontAwesome.FontAwesomePath))
                    continue; // already checked previously, ignore

                var unicode = set.UnicodeForKey(iconCode);

                if (unicode != null)

            var message = $"Could not find FontIcon value for '{iconCode}', " +
                          "please ensure that it is mapped to a valid font";

            throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
         * Resolves markdown to produce a BootstrapText instance. e.g. "{fa_android}" would be replaced
         * with the appropriate FontAwesome character and a SpannableString producec.
         * @param context  the current context
         * @param markdown the markdown string
         * @param editMode - whether the view requesting the icon set is displayed in the preview editor
         * @return a constructed BootstrapText
        public static BootstrapText ResolveMarkdown(Context context, String markdown, bool editMode)
            if (markdown == null)
            { // detect {fa_*} and split into spannable, ignore escaped chars
                BootstrapText.Builder builder = new BootstrapText.Builder(context, editMode);

                int lastAddedIndex = 0;
                int startIndex     = -1;
                int endIndex       = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < markdown.Length; i++)
                    char c = markdown[i];

                    if (c == '\\')
                    { // escape sequence, ignore next char
                        i += 2;

                    if (c == '{')
                        startIndex = i;
                    else if (c == '}')
                        endIndex = i;

                    if (startIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1)
                    { // recognised markdown string
                        if (startIndex >= 0 && endIndex < markdown.Length)
                            String iconCode = markdown.Substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex - startIndex - 1).Replace("\\-", "_");
                            builder.AddText(markdown.Substring(lastAddedIndex, startIndex - lastAddedIndex));

                            if (Regex.IsMatch(iconCode, REGEX_FONT_AWESOME))
                            { // text is FontAwesome code
                                if (editMode)
                                    builder.AddIcon(iconCode, TypefaceProvider.RetrieveRegisteredIconSet(FontAwesome.FontAwesomePath, false));
                                if (editMode)
                                    builder.AddIcon(iconCode, ResolveIconSet(iconCode));
                            lastAddedIndex = endIndex + 1;
                        startIndex = -1;
                        endIndex   = -1;
                return(builder.AddText(markdown.Substring(lastAddedIndex, markdown.Length - lastAddedIndex)).Build());