public crmEditor(SageCRMBaseListBlock listcomponent, SageCRMBaseEntryBlock entrycomponent, SageCRMBaseFilterBlock filtercomponent, SageCRMTabGroup tabcomponent, SageCRMTopContent topcontentcomponent)
            this._block = listcomponent;
            string entityname = "";
            if (entrycomponent != null)
                _block = entrycomponent;
                _sagecrmentryblock = entrycomponent;
                label1.Text = "Active Screen: "+(_block as SageCRMBaseEntryBlock).EntryBlockName;
                entityname = (_block as SageCRMBaseEntryBlock).EntityName;
            if (listcomponent != null)
                _block = listcomponent;
                _sagecrmlistblock = listcomponent;
                label1.Text = "Active List: " + (_block as SageCRMBaseListBlock).ListBlock;
                entityname = (_block as SageCRMBaseListBlock).EntityName;
            } else
            if (filtercomponent != null)
                _block = filtercomponent;
                _sagecrmfilterblock = filtercomponent;
                label1.Text = "Active Filter: " + (_block as SageCRMBaseFilterBlock).EntryBlockName;
                entityname = (_block as SageCRMBaseFilterBlock).EntityName;
            else if (tabcomponent != null)
                _block = tabcomponent;
                _sagecrmtabgroup = tabcomponent;
                label1.Text = "Active Tab: " + (_block as SageCRMTabGroup).TabGroupName;
                entityname = (_block as SageCRMTabGroup).EntityName;
            else if (topcontentcomponent != null)
                _block = topcontentcomponent;
                _sagecrmtopcontent = topcontentcomponent;
                label1.Text = "Active Tab: " + (_block as SageCRMTopContent).EntryBlockName;
                entityname = (_block as SageCRMTopContent).EntityName;
            string _url = _block.editorURL.ToString();
            Uri anUri = new Uri(_url);
            textBox1.Text = _url;

            //due to a persistance issue we must first set the context of the entity that we are working on
            string persistance_url = _block.pathToCRM() + _block.CRMURL("1651") + "MenuName=&BC=Admin,Admin,AdminCustomization,Customization,," + entityname + "&Parent=" + entityname + "&Act2=830";
            Uri persistance_anUri = new Uri(persistance_url);
            webBrowser1.Url = persistance_anUri;

            //sleep for a second before navigating to the correct entity
            webBrowser1.Url = anUri;

            string _url2 = "";
            Uri anUri2 = new Uri(_url2);
           // webBrowser2.Url = anUri2;

 public void getSageObject()
     if (SageObject==null)
         SageCon=new SageCRMConnection();
         //change the CRMPortalPath to point to your install
         SageCon.CRMPortalPath = "http://localhost/Portaldemo/SageCRM/component/";
         SageObject=new SageCRMBaseClass();