Load() public method

Loads the XML document from the specified URL, with support for sage:include elements.
public Load ( string filename, SageContext context ) : void
filename string URL for the file containing the XML document to load. The URL can be either a local /// file or an HTTP URL (a Web address).
context SageContext The context under which the code is being invoked.
return void
Example #1
        private static CacheableXmlDocument LoadSourceDocument(string path, SageContext context)
            UrlResolver resolver = new UrlResolver(context);
            CacheableXmlDocument result = new CacheableXmlDocument();
            result.Load(path, context);

            return result;
Example #2
        private XmlDocument CombineVariations()
            constituents = new List<string>();

            LocaleInfo localeInfo;
            if (!context.ProjectConfiguration.Locales.TryGetValue(this.Locale, out localeInfo))
                throw new UnconfiguredLocaleException(this.Locale);

            // locales contains the list of locales ordered by priority (high to low)
            List<string> names = new List<string>(localeInfo.DictionaryNames);

            // documents are orderered as defined in the configuration, from high to low priority
            OrderedDictionary<string, List<CacheableXmlDocument>> allDictionaries = new OrderedDictionary<string, List<CacheableXmlDocument>>();
            foreach (string locale in names)
                List<CacheableXmlDocument> langDictionaries = new List<CacheableXmlDocument>();
                string documentPath = context.Path.GetDictionaryPath(locale, context.Category);

                // add extension dictionaries for the current locale
                // langDictionaries.AddRange(Application.Extensions.GetDictionaries(context, locale));

                // add the project dictionary for the current locale
                if (File.Exists(documentPath))
                    CacheableXmlDocument cacheable = new CacheableXmlDocument();


                if (langDictionaries.Count != 0)
                    allDictionaries.Add(locale, langDictionaries);

            if (allDictionaries.Count == 0)
                    string.Format("There are no dictionary files for locale '{0}' in category '{1}'.\n", this.Locale, context.Category));

                return null;

            // now create a combined document, adding items from each document starting with high priority
            // and moving through the lower priority ones
            string firstLocale = allDictionaries.Keys.First();

            XmlDocument result = allDictionaries[firstLocale][0];

            XmlElement rootNode = result.DocumentElement;
            XmlNodeList dictNodes = rootNode.SelectNodes("*");

            foreach (XmlElement phrase in dictNodes)
                phrase.SetAttribute("source", firstLocale);

            foreach (string locale in allDictionaries.Keys)
                for (int i = 0; i < allDictionaries[locale].Count; i++)
                    if (locale == firstLocale && i == 0)

                    dictNodes = allDictionaries[locale][i].DocumentElement.SelectNodes("*");
                    foreach (XmlElement node in dictNodes)
                        string phraseID = node.GetAttribute("id");
                        XmlNode existingNode = result.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("/*/*[@id='{0}']", phraseID.Replace("'", "&apos;")));
                        if (existingNode == null)
                            XmlElement phrase = rootNode.AppendElement(result.ImportNode(node, true));
                            phrase.SetAttribute("source", locale);

            foreach (XmlElement phraseNode in rootNode.SelectNodes("*"))
                string itemId = phraseNode.GetAttribute("id");
                string itemText = phraseNode.InnerText;
                if (this.Items.ContainsKey(itemId))
                    this.Items[itemId] = itemText;
                    this.Items.Add(itemId, itemText);

            return result;
Example #3
 internal CacheableXmlDocument LoadLocalizedSourceDocument(string locale)
     string fullPath = this.GetSourcePath(locale);
     CacheableXmlDocument document = new CacheableXmlDocument();
     document.Load(fullPath, context);
     return document;
Example #4
        internal CacheableXmlDocument LoadSourceDocument(string locale)
            string fullPath = context.Path.Localize(this.FilePath, locale, true);
            if (UrlResolver.GetScheme(fullPath) == "file" && !File.Exists(fullPath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("The resource file '{0}' could not be opened using locale '{1}'",
                    this.FilePath, locale));

            CacheableXmlDocument document = new CacheableXmlDocument();
            document.Load(fullPath, context);
            return document;
Example #5
 internal CacheableXmlDocument LoadGlobalizedDocument(string locale)
     string fullPath = this.GetInternationalizedName(locale, true);
     CacheableXmlDocument document = new CacheableXmlDocument();
     document.Load(fullPath, context);
     return document;