public ScrollingConsole(int width, int height, int bufferHeight) { controlsContainer = new SadConsole.ControlsConsole(1, height); mainConsole = new SadConsole.Console(width - 1, bufferHeight); mainConsole.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 0, width - 1, height); mainConsole.VirtualCursor.IsVisible = false; scrollBar = SadConsole.Controls.ScrollBar.Create(System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical, height); scrollBar.IsEnabled = false; scrollBar.ValueChanged += ScrollBar_ValueChanged; controlsContainer.Add(scrollBar); controlsContainer.Position = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(1 + mainConsole.TextSurface.Width, Position.Y); Children.Add(mainConsole); Children.Add(controlsContainer); scrollingCounter = 0; borderSurface = new SadConsole.Surfaces.BasicSurface(width + 2, height + 2, mainConsole.TextSurface.Font); var editor = new SadConsole.Surfaces.SurfaceEditor(borderSurface); SadConsole.Shapes.Box box = SadConsole.Shapes.Box.Thick(); box.Width = borderSurface.Width; box.Height = borderSurface.Height; box.Draw(editor); renderer = new SurfaceRenderer(); renderer.Render(borderSurface); }
private static void Init() { // Any setup if (Settings.UnlimitedFPS) { SadConsole.Game.Instance.Components.Add(new SadConsole.Game.FPSCounterComponent(SadConsole.Game.Instance)); } // Setup our custom theme. Theme.SetupThemes(); SadConsole.Game.Instance.Window.Title = "DemoProject Core"; // By default SadConsole adds a blank ready-to-go console to the rendering system. // We don't want to use that for the sample project so we'll remove it. //Global.MouseState.ProcessMouseWhenOffScreen = true; MainConsole = new Container(); // We'll instead use our demo consoles that show various features of SadConsole. Global.CurrentScreen = MainConsole; //Global.CurrentScreen.Print(1, 1, "Test".CreateColored(ColorAnsi.CyanBright, ColorAnsi.Cyan), ColorAnsi.BlueBright, ColorAnsi.Blue); var console = new SadConsole.ControlsConsole(50, 30) { new SadConsole.Controls.Button(7, 1) { Text = "Click", Position = new Point(5, 5) } }; console.Invalidated += (s, e) => { Rectangle boxArea = console.Controls[0].Bounds; boxArea.Inflate(1, 1); ((ControlsConsole)s).DrawBox(boxArea, new Cell(Color.Yellow), null, CellSurface.ConnectedLineThin); }; // Initialize the windows _characterWindow = new Windows.CharacterViewer(); }
public ScrollableConsole(int width, int height, int bufferHeight) : base(width - 1, bufferHeight, new Rectangle(0, 0, width - 1, height)) { controlsContainer = new SadConsole.ControlsConsole(1, height); ViewPort = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); scrollBar = SadConsole.Controls.ScrollBar.Create(Orientation.Vertical, height); scrollBar.IsEnabled = false; scrollBar.ValueChanged += ScrollBar_ValueChanged; controlsContainer.Add(scrollBar); controlsContainer.Position = new Point(Position.X + width - 1, Position.Y); controlsContainer.IsVisible = true; Cursor.IsVisible = true; Cursor.Print("Just start typing!"); IsVisible = false; scrollingCounter = 0; }
private static void Init() { var colors = SadConsole.Themes.Library.Default.Colors.Clone(); colors.Appearance_ControlNormal = new Cell(Color.White, Color.Black); colors.Appearance_ControlFocused = new Cell(Color.White, Color.Gray); colors.Appearance_ControlMouseDown = new Cell(Color.White, Color.DarkGray); colors.Appearance_ControlOver = new Cell(Color.White, Color.Gray); colors.Appearance_ControlSelected = new Cell(Color.White, Color.Gray); colors.TextLight = Color.White; colors.ControlBack = Color.Black; colors.ControlHostBack = Color.Black; colors.Text = Color.White; colors.TitleText = Color.White; SadConsole.Themes.Library.Default.Colors = colors; SadConsole.Themes.Library.Default.ButtonTheme = new SadConsole.Themes.ButtonLinesTheme { EndCharacterLeft = '|', EndCharacterRight = '|' }; var console = new SadConsole.ControlsConsole(Settings.Width, Settings.Height) { DefaultBackground = Color.Black, DefaultForeground = Color.White }; console.PrintCentre(Settings.Width / 2, 1, "Main Screen"); console.Add(new NavigateButton <GameScreen>(16, 3) { Text = "Play", Position = new Point(Settings.Width / 2 - 8, 6) }); console.Add(new NavigateButton <OptionsScreen>(16, 3) { Text = "Options", Position = new Point(Settings.Width / 2 - 8, 10) }); console.Add(new NavigateButton <InfoScreen>(16, 3) { Text = "Information", Position = new Point(Settings.Width / 2 - 8, 14) }); var exit = new SadConsole.Controls.Button(16, 3) { Text = "Exit Game", Position = new Point(Settings.Width / 2 - 8, Settings.Height - 8) }; exit.Click += (a, b) => { Environment.Exit(0); }; console.Add(exit); console.IsFocused = true; SadConsole.Global.CurrentScreen = console; GameScreen.PrintLine($"\nNeed some help? You can type <{Color.Cyan.ToInteger()},help>Help@ at any time to see all the commands you can use."); GameScreen.Print($" You can also enable <{Color.Orange.ToInteger()},>[info]@ messages and debug commands by enabling debug mode in the options menu."); GameScreen.PrintLine($"\nWhen you see a link <{Color.Cyan.ToInteger()},say you pressed a link!>like this@ you can click on it to quickly interact with objects or repeat commands."); }
public MainTestSelectorConsole() : base(Global.CurrentScreen.Width, Global.CurrentScreen.Height) { UseKeyboard = true; Cursor.Position = Point.Zero; SelectionConsole = new ControlsConsole(Global.CurrentScreen.Width, 6); // Test health and mana progress bars. SelectionConsole.Add(MakeTestButtonFor <TestHealthConsole>("Health bars", "BtnTestHealth", creator: () => { HUDConsole myHUDConsole; InventoryConsole myInventoryConsole; Children.Add(myHUDConsole = new HUDConsole(Global.CurrentScreen.Width, 4)); Children.Add(myInventoryConsole = new InventoryConsole() { Position = new Point(0, 8), IsVisible = false }); myHUDConsole.InventoryBtn.Click += (s, e) => myInventoryConsole.IsVisible = !myInventoryConsole.IsVisible; TestHealthConsole[] testHPConsoles = new[] { new TestHealthConsole(80, 20, myHUDConsole.HpProgressBar) { Position = new Point(0, 5) }, new TestHealthConsole(80, 20, myHUDConsole.ManaProgressBar) { Position = new Point(30, 5) } }; foreach (TestHealthConsole cli in testHPConsoles) { Children.Add(cli); } }, disposer: () => { Children.Clear(); })); // Test pixel offset. SelectionConsole.Add(MakeTestButtonFor <TestPixelOffsetConsole>("Pixel Offset", "BtnTestPixelOffsetConsole", creator: () => { Children.Add(new TestPixelOffsetConsole(10, 5)); }, disposer: () => { Children.Clear(); })); // Test animated entities. SelectionConsole.Add(MakeTestButtonFor <TestAnimatedEntitiesConsole>("Animated Entities", "BtnTestAnimatedEntities", creator: () => { Children.Add(new TestAnimatedEntitiesConsole()); }, disposer: () => { Children.Clear(); })); Children.Add(SelectionConsole); }