public MainWindow() { this.InitializeComponent(); STextBox msg = new STextBox("Hello") { Width = 150 }; SLabel lbl = new SLabel(msg.Text) { Width = 150, Margin = new Thickness(5, 0, 0, 0) }; this.Container.Children.Add(msg); this.Container.Children.Add(lbl); }
public MainWindow() { this.InitializeComponent(); STextBox msg = new STextBox("Hello") { Width = 150 }; Cell<string> reversed = msg.Text.Map(t => new string(t.Reverse().ToArray())); SLabel lbl = new SLabel(reversed) { Width = 150, Margin = new Thickness(5, 0, 0, 0) }; this.Container.Children.Add(msg); this.Container.Children.Add(lbl); }
public MainWindow() { this.InitializeComponent(); STextBox english = new STextBox("I like FRP") { Width = 150 }; this.TextBoxPlaceholder.Children.Add(english); Stream<string> sLatin = this.TranslateButton.SClicked.Snapshot(english.Text, (u, t) => Regex.Replace(t.Trim(), " |$", "us ")); Cell<string> latin = sLatin.Hold(string.Empty); SLabel lblLatin = new SLabel(latin); this.TextPlaceholder.Children.Add(lblLatin); }
public MainWindow() { this.InitializeComponent(); SButton red = new SButton { Content = "red", Width = 75 }; SButton green = new SButton { Content = "green", Width = 75, Margin = new Thickness(5, 0, 0, 0) }; Stream<string> sRed = red.SClicked.Map(_ => "red"); Stream<string> sGreen = green.SClicked.Map(_ => "green"); Stream<string> sColor = sRed.OrElse(sGreen); Cell<string> color = sColor.Hold(string.Empty); SLabel lbl = new SLabel(color) { Width = 75, Margin = new Thickness(5, 0, 0, 0) }; this.Container.Children.Add(red); this.Container.Children.Add(green); this.Container.Children.Add(lbl); }
public MainWindow() { this.InitializeComponent(); STextBox txtA = new STextBox("5") { Width = 100 }; STextBox txtB = new STextBox("10") { Width = 100 }; Cell<int> a = txtA.Text.Map(ParseInt); Cell<int> b = txtB.Text.Map(ParseInt); Cell<int> sum = a.Lift(b, (x, y) => x + y); SLabel lblSum = new SLabel(sum.Map(i => i.ToString())); this.Container.Children.Add(txtA); this.Container.Children.Add(txtB); this.Container.Children.Add(lblSum); }
public MainWindow() { this.InitializeComponent(); IReadOnlyList<Tuple<Grid, Grid>> emailAndValidationPlaceholders = new[] { Tuple.Create(this.Email1Placeholder, this.Email1ValidationPlaceholder), Tuple.Create(this.Email2Placeholder, this.Email2ValidationPlaceholder), Tuple.Create(this.Email3Placeholder, this.Email3ValidationPlaceholder), Tuple.Create(this.Email4Placeholder, this.Email4ValidationPlaceholder) }; int maxEmails = emailAndValidationPlaceholders.Count; STextBox name = new STextBox(string.Empty) { Width = 200 }; this.NamePlaceholder.Children.Add(name); Cell<string> nameValidationError = name.Text.Map(t => string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Trim()) ? "<-- enter something" : t.Trim().IndexOf(' ') < 0 ? "<-- must contain space" : string.Empty); Cell<bool> isNameValid = nameValidationError.Map(string.IsNullOrEmpty); SLabel validName = new SLabel(nameValidationError); this.NameValidationPlaceholder.Children.Add(validName); SSpinner number = SSpinner.Create(1); this.NumberOfEmailAddressesPlaceholder.Children.Add(number); Cell<string> numberOfEmailAddressesValidationError = number.Value.Map(n => n < 1 || n > maxEmails ? "<-- must be 1 to " + maxEmails : string.Empty); Cell<bool> isNumberOfEmailAddressesValid = numberOfEmailAddressesValidationError.Map(string.IsNullOrEmpty); SLabel validNumber = new SLabel(numberOfEmailAddressesValidationError); this.NumberOfEmailAddressesValidationPlaceholder.Children.Add(validNumber); IReadOnlyList<Cell<bool>> validEmails = emailAndValidationPlaceholders.Select((p, i) => { Cell<bool> enabled = number.Value.Map(n => i < n); STextBox email = new STextBox(string.Empty, enabled) { Width = 200 }; p.Item1.Children.Add(email); Cell<string> validText = email.Text.Lift(number.Value, (e, n) => i >= n ? string.Empty : string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Trim()) ? "<-- enter something" : e.IndexOf('@') < 0 ? "<-- must contain @" : string.Empty); SLabel validEmail = new SLabel(validText); p.Item2.Children.Add(validEmail); return validText.Map(string.IsNullOrEmpty); }).ToArray(); Cell<bool> allValid = validEmails.Concat(new[] { isNameValid, isNumberOfEmailAddressesValid }).Lift(vv => vv.All(v => v)); SButton ok = new SButton(allValid) { Content = "OK", Width = 75 }; this.ButtonPlaceholder.Children.Add(ok); }
public MainWindow() { this.InitializeComponent(); Transaction.RunVoid(() => { CellLoop<int> value = new CellLoop<int>(); SLabel lblValue = new SLabel(value.Map(i => i.ToString())); SButton plus = new SButton { Content = "+", Width = 25, Margin = new Thickness(5, 0, 0, 0) }; SButton minus = new SButton { Content = "-", Width = 25, Margin = new Thickness(5, 0, 0, 0) }; this.Container.Children.Add(lblValue); this.Container.Children.Add(plus); this.Container.Children.Add(minus); Stream<int> sPlusDelta = plus.SClicked.Map(_ => 1); Stream<int> sMinusDelta = minus.SClicked.Map(_ => -1); Stream<int> sDelta = sPlusDelta.OrElse(sMinusDelta); Stream<int> sUpdate = sDelta.Snapshot(value, (d, v) => v + d).Filter(n => n >= 0); value.Loop(sUpdate.Hold(0)); }); }