Example #1
        private void loadModelStructure()
            _structure = new ScenarioResultStructure(this);


            //subbasin first and then HRUs to add hru to subbasin
            _subbasins  = readUnitBasicInfo(SWATUnitType.SUB);
            _hrus       = readUnitBasicInfo(SWATUnitType.HRU);
            _reaches    = readUnitBasicInfo(SWATUnitType.RCH);
            _reservoirs = readUnitBasicInfo(SWATUnitType.RES);
            _watershed  = new Watershed(this);

            //check HRU area percentage in subbasin and watershed
            double watershedPercent = 0.0;

            foreach (HRU hru in _hrus.Values)
                watershedPercent += hru.AreaFractionWatershed;
            if (Math.Abs(watershedPercent - 1.0) > 0.01)
                string msg = "The area of HRUs is not correct in result " + ModelType.ToString() +
                             ". They are not added to 1. The total is " + watershedPercent.ToString("F4") + ".Please check .hru files.";

            foreach (Subbasin sub in _subbasins.Values)
                double subbasinPercent = 0.0;
                foreach (HRU hru in sub.HRUs.Values)
                    subbasinPercent += hru.AreaFractionSub;
                if (Math.Abs(subbasinPercent - 1.0) > 0.01)
                    string msg = "The area of HRUs is not correct for subbasin " + sub.ID.ToString() +
                                 " in result " + ModelType.ToString() + ". The total is " + subbasinPercent.ToString("F4") + ". Please check .hru files.";
                    //SWAT_SQLite.showInformationWindow(msg); seems for swat2009 models there are too many warnings, just comment it. Or could just give one combined message. This is intent to give user some warning mesage.
        private void loadModelStructure()
            _structure = new ScenarioResultStructure(this);


            //subbasin first and then HRUs to add hru to subbasin
            _subbasins = readUnitBasicInfo(SWATUnitType.SUB);
            _hrus = readUnitBasicInfo(SWATUnitType.HRU);
            _reaches = readUnitBasicInfo(SWATUnitType.RCH);
            _reservoirs = readUnitBasicInfo(SWATUnitType.RES);
            _watershed = new Watershed(this);

            //check HRU area percentage in subbasin and watershed
            double watershedPercent = 0.0;
            foreach (HRU hru in _hrus.Values)
                watershedPercent += hru.AreaFractionWatershed;
            if (Math.Abs(watershedPercent - 1.0) > 0.01)
                string msg = "The area of HRUs is not correct in result " + ModelType.ToString() +
                    ". They are not added to 1. The total is " + watershedPercent.ToString("F4") + ".Please check .hru files.";

            foreach (Subbasin sub in _subbasins.Values)
                double subbasinPercent = 0.0;
                foreach (HRU hru in sub.HRUs.Values)
                    subbasinPercent += hru.AreaFractionSub;
                if (Math.Abs(subbasinPercent - 1.0) > 0.01)
                    string msg = "The area of HRUs is not correct for subbasin " + sub.ID.ToString() +
                        " in result " + ModelType.ToString() + ". The total is " + subbasinPercent.ToString("F4") + ". Please check .hru files.";
                    //SWAT_SQLite.showInformationWindow(msg); seems for swat2009 models there are too many warnings, just comment it. Or could just give one combined message. This is intent to give user some warning mesage.