public PointData(Vector3 _pos, CurveData _curve, bool _moveTo = false) { pos = _pos; curve = _curve; moveTo = _moveTo; }
public PathData GetPointsFromPath(string d) { List <string> commands = GetCommands(d); List <List <float> > _params = GetParams(d); List <PointData> points = new List <PointData> (); List <Vector3> pathPoints = new List <Vector3> (); Vector3 moveTo =; CurveData curve = null; Vector2 diff =; float x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2; for (int i = 0, l = commands.Count; i < l; i++) { string command = commands [i]; string upperCaseCommand = command.ToUpper(); int commandLength = commandLengths [upperCaseCommand]; bool relative = IsRelative(command); if (commandLength > 0) { List <float> commandParams = _params [0]; _params.RemoveAt(0); int iterations = commandParams.Count / commandLength; for (int j = 0; j < iterations; j++) { PointData prevPoint = (points.Count != 0) ? points [points.Count - 1] : new PointData(, null); switch (upperCaseCommand) { case "M": x = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.x : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); y = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.y : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); if (j == 0) { moveTo = new Vector3(x, y, 0f); points.Add(new PointData(moveTo, null, true)); pathPoints.Add(moveTo); } else { Vector3 mpoint = new Vector3(x, y, 0f); points.Add(new PointData(mpoint, null)); pathPoints.Add(mpoint); } break; case "L": x = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.x : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); y = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.y : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); Vector3 lpoint = new Vector3(x, y, 0f); points.Add(new PointData(lpoint, null)); pathPoints.Add(lpoint); break; case "H": x = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.x : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); Vector3 hpoint = new Vector3(x, prevPoint.pos.y, 0f); points.Add(new PointData(hpoint, null)); pathPoints.Add(hpoint); break; case "V": y = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.y : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); Vector3 vpoint = new Vector3(prevPoint.pos.x, y, 0f); points.Add(new PointData(vpoint, null)); pathPoints.Add(vpoint); break; case "A": // TODO: try to convert arc to points curve = new CurveData(); curve.type = "arc"; curve.rx = commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); curve.ry = commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); curve.xAxisRotation = commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); curve.largeArcFlag = (int)commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); curve.sweepFlag = (int)commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); x = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.x : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); y = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.y : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); // 最後全体を、xAxisRotationする。 //Debug.Log (">>>>> prev:"+new Vector3 (prevPoint.pos.x, prevPoint.pos.y, 0f)); //Debug.Log (">>>>> current:"+new Vector3 (x, y, 0f)); points.Add(new PointData(new Vector3(x, y, 0f), curve)); /* * for (let k of optionalArcKeys) { * if (points[ points.length - 1 ][ 'curve' ][ k ] === 0) { * delete points[ points.length - 1 ][ 'curve' ][ k ] * } * } */ break; case "C": x1 = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.x : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); y1 = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.y : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); x2 = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.x : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); y2 = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.y : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); curve = new CurveData(); curve.type = "cubic"; curve.x1 = x1; curve.y1 = y1; curve.x2 = x2; curve.y2 = y2; x = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.x : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); y = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.y : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); points.Add(new PointData(new Vector3(x, y, 0f), curve)); getCurve(ref pathPoints, prevPoint.pos.x, prevPoint.pos.y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y, "cubic"); break; case "S": float sx2 = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.x : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); float sy2 = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.y : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); float sx = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.x : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); float sy = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.y : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); diff =; float sx1; float sy1; if (prevPoint.curve != null && prevPoint.curve.type == "cubic") { diff.x = Mathf.Abs(prevPoint.pos.x - prevPoint.curve.x2); diff.y = Mathf.Abs(prevPoint.pos.y - prevPoint.curve.y2); sx1 = prevPoint.pos.x < prevPoint.curve.x2 ? prevPoint.pos.x - diff.x : prevPoint.pos.x + diff.x; sy1 = prevPoint.pos.y < prevPoint.curve.y2 ? prevPoint.pos.y - diff.y : prevPoint.pos.y + diff.y; } else { diff.x = Mathf.Abs(sx - sx2); diff.y = Mathf.Abs(sy - sy2); sx1 = prevPoint.pos.x; sy1 = prevPoint.pos.y; } curve = new CurveData(); curve.type = "cubic"; curve.x1 = sx1; curve.y1 = sy1; curve.x2 = sx2; curve.y2 = sy2; points.Add(new PointData(new Vector3(sx, sy, 0f), curve)); getCurve(ref pathPoints, prevPoint.pos.x, prevPoint.pos.y, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, sx, sy, "cubic"); break; case "Q": x1 = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.x : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); y1 = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.y : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); curve = new CurveData(); curve.type = "quadratic"; curve.x1 = x1; curve.y1 = y1; x = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.x : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); y = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.y : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); points.Add(new PointData(new Vector3(x, y, 0f), curve)); getCurve(ref pathPoints, prevPoint.pos.x, prevPoint.pos.y, x1, y1, 0f, 0f, x, y, "quadratic"); break; case "T": float tx = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.x : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); float ty = (relative ? prevPoint.pos.y : 0f) + commandParams [0]; commandParams.RemoveAt(0); float tx1; float ty1; if (prevPoint.curve != null && prevPoint.curve.type == "quadratic") { diff = new Vector2( Mathf.Abs(prevPoint.pos.x - prevPoint.curve.x1), Mathf.Abs(prevPoint.pos.y - prevPoint.curve.y1) ); tx1 = prevPoint.pos.x < prevPoint.curve.x1 ? prevPoint.pos.x - diff.x : prevPoint.pos.x + diff.x; ty1 = prevPoint.pos.y < prevPoint.curve.y1 ? prevPoint.pos.y - diff.y : prevPoint.pos.y + diff.y; } else { tx1 = prevPoint.pos.x; ty1 = prevPoint.pos.y; } curve = new CurveData(); curve.type = "quadratic"; curve.x1 = tx1; curve.y1 = ty1; points.Add(new PointData(new Vector3(tx, ty, 0f), curve)); getCurve(ref pathPoints, prevPoint.pos.x, prevPoint.pos.y, tx1, ty1, 0f, 0f, tx, ty, "quadratic"); break; } } } else { PointData prevPoint = (points.Count != 0) ? points [points.Count - 1] : new PointData(, null); if (prevPoint.pos.x != moveTo.x || prevPoint.pos.y != moveTo.y) { Vector3 moveToPoint = new Vector3(moveTo.x, moveTo.y, 0f); points.Add(new PointData(moveToPoint, null)); pathPoints.Add(moveToPoint); } } } PathData pdata = new PathData(); pdata.svgPoints = points; pdata.points = pathPoints; return(pdata); }