internal static void SetNodeData(Node node, object data, Type type, FileStyle style) { if (data == null) { throw new Exception("you can't serialize null"); } string dataAsString = data as string; if (type == typeof(string) && (dataAsString.ContainsNewLine() || node.ChildNodes.Count > 0)) { BaseTypes.SerializeSpecialStringCase(dataAsString, node, style); } else if (BaseTypes.IsBaseType(type)) { node.Value = BaseTypes.SerializeBaseType(data, type, style); } else if (CollectionTypes.TrySetCollection(node, data, type, style)) { return; } else { ComplexTypes.SetComplexNode(node, data, type, style); } }
public override string SerializeObject(object value, FileStyle _) { if (value is T item) { return(SerializeItem(item)); } throw new ArgumentException($"Wrong type!!!!"); }
private static string SerializeEnum(object value, FileStyle style) { switch (style.EnumStyle) { case default: return(value.ToString()); case EnumStyle.number: return(((Enum)value).ToString("d")); } }
internal static string SerializeBaseType(object thing, Type type, FileStyle style) { if (BaseSerializeMethods.TryGetValue(type, out var method)) { return(method(thing)); } if (BaseStyledSerializeMethods.TryGetValue(type, out var stylemethod)) { return(stylemethod(thing, style)); } if (type.IsEnum) { return(SerializeEnum(thing, style)); } throw new Exception($"Cannot serialize base type {type} - are you sure it is a base type?"); }
private static string SerializeBool(object value, FileStyle style) { bool b = (bool)value; switch (style.BoolStyle) { case BoolStyle.true_false: default: return(b ? "true" : "false"); case BoolStyle.on_off: return(b ? "on" : "off"); case BoolStyle.yes_no: return(b ? "yes" : "no"); case BoolStyle.y_n: return(b ? "y" : "n"); } }
private static string SerializeString(object value, FileStyle style) { string text = (string)value; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { return(String.Empty); } if ( style.AlwaysQuoteStrings || text[0] == ' ' || text[text.Length - 1] == ' ' || text.IsQuoted() ) { text = text.Quote(); } return(text); }
private static string SerializeString(object value, FileStyle style) { string text = (string)value; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { return(String.Empty); } text = text.Replace("\t", " "); // SUCC files cannot contain tabs. Prevent saving strings with tabs in them. if ( style.AlwaysQuoteStrings || text[0] == ' ' || text[text.Length - 1] == ' ' || text.IsQuoted() ) { text = text.Quote(); } return(text); }
// support for multi-line strings internal static void SetStringSpecialCase(Node node, string value, FileStyle style) { if (value != null && value.ContainsNewLine()) { node.Value = MultiLineStringNode.Terminator; var lines = value.SplitIntoLines(); node.CapChildCount(lines.Length + 1); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { var newnode = node.GetChildAddresedByStringLineNumber(i); newnode.Value = BaseTypes.SerializeString(lines[i], style); } node.GetChildAddresedByStringLineNumber(lines.Length).MakeTerminator(); return; } else { node.ClearChildren(); node.Value = BaseTypes.SerializeString(value, style); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new DataFile object corresponding to a SUCC file in system storage, with the option to have a custom FileStyle. /// </summary> /// <param name="path"> the path of the file. Can be either absolute or relative to the default path. </param> /// <param name="style"> the rules for how this file styles newly saved data </param> /// <param name="defaultFileText"> optionally, if there isn't a file at the path, one can be created from the text supplied here. </param> /// <param name="autoSave"> if true, the DataFile will automatically save changes to disk with each Get or Set. Otherwise, you must call SaveAllData() manually. </param> /// <param name="autoReload"> if true, the DataFile will automatically reload when the file changes on disk. </param> public DataFile(string path, FileStyle style, string defaultFileText = null, bool autoSave = true, bool autoReload = false) : base(autoSave, style) { path = Utilities.AbsolutePath(path); path = Path.ChangeExtension(path, Utilities.FileExtension); this.FilePath = path; if (!Utilities.SuccFileExists(path)) { if (defaultFileText == null) { Directory.CreateDirectory(new FileInfo(path).Directory.FullName); File.Create(path).Close(); // create empty file on disk } else { File.WriteAllText(path, defaultFileText); } } this.ReloadAllData(); SetupWatcher(); // setup watcher AFTER file has been created this.AutoReload = autoReload; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new DataFile object corresponding to a SUCC file in system storage, with the option to have a custom FileStyle. /// </summary> /// <param name="path"> the path of the file. Can be either absolute or relative to the default path. </param> /// <param name="style"> the rules for how this file styles newly saved data </param> /// <param name="defaultFileText"> optionally, if there isn't a file at the path, one can be created from the text supplied here. </param> /// <param name="autoSave"> if true, the DataFile will automatically save changes to disk with each Get or Set. Otherwise, you must call SaveAllData() manually. </param> /// <param name="autoReload"> if true, the DataFile will automatically reload when the file changes on disk. </param> public DataFile(string path, FileStyle style, string defaultFileText = null, bool autoSave = true, bool autoReload = false) : base(path, defaultFileText, autoReload) { AutoSave = autoSave; Style = style; }
internal static void SetBaseTypeNode(Node node, object thing, Type type, FileStyle style) { node.CapChildCount(0); node.ChildNodeType = NodeChildrenType.none; node.Value = SerializeBaseType(thing, type, style); }
internal static string SerializeBaseType <T>(T thing, FileStyle style) => SerializeBaseType(thing, typeof(T), style);
public abstract string SerializeItem(T value, FileStyle style);
internal static void SetNodeData <T>(Node node, T data, FileStyle style) => SetNodeData(node, data, typeof(T), style);