Example #1
        //public int state;

        /* This creates a player and a random dungeon of the given difficulty level and node-capacity
         * The player is positioned at the dungeon's starting-node.
         * The constructor also randomly seeds monster-packs and items into the dungeon. The total
         * number of monsters are as specified. Monster-packs should be seeded as such that
         * the nodes' capacity are not violated. Furthermore the seeding of the monsters
         * and items should meet the balance requirements stated in the Project Document.
        public Game(uint difficultyLevel, uint nodeCapacityMultiplier, uint numberOfMonsters)
                Logger.log("Creating a game of difficulty level " + difficultyLevel + ", node capacity multiplier "
                           + nodeCapacityMultiplier + ", and " + numberOfMonsters + " monsters.");

                dungeon         = new Dungeon(difficultyLevel, nodeCapacityMultiplier, random);        //call dungeon constructor
                player          = new Player();
                player.location = dungeon.startNode;
                int  numberOfMonstersToPut = (int)numberOfMonsters; //a temporary variable to keep track of number of monsters to put in the dungeon
                int  min = 1, max = 1;                              //used in while loop to define number of monsters in a pack
                int  packId = 0;
                uint numberOfNodesInZone = 0;                       //a temporary variable to store number of nodes in a zone (in foreach loop)

                //Randomly seeds monsters into the dungeon
                //Currently puts all monsters in the dungeon at the creation
                Logger.log("Number of monsters to put in total : " + numberOfMonsters);
                while (numberOfMonstersToPut > 0)                   //while there are monsters to put in the dungeon
                    foreach (Zone z in dungeon.zones)               //Seeds monsters zone by zone
                        int monstersInZone = -1;                    // -1 is just for control does not have any meaning
                        if (z.id == difficultyLevel)
                        {                                           //if it is the last zone
                            monstersInZone = numberOfMonstersToPut; //put remainder monsters
                        else //else every zone gets proportioned number of monsters
                            monstersInZone = getProportion(numberOfMonsters, z.id, difficultyLevel); //gets number of monsters to put in this zone
                        Logger.log("Will put " + monstersInZone + " monsters to the zone " + z.id);
                        numberOfNodesInZone = (uint)z.nodesInZone.Count;                                   //get number of nodes (N)

                        while (monstersInZone > 0)                                                         //while there are monsters to put in the zone
                            int  nodeNumber   = random.Next(0, (int)numberOfNodesInZone);                  //randomly pick which node to locate
                            Node nodeToLocate = z.nodesInZone.ElementAt <Node>(nodeNumber);                //get this node instance

                            int nodeCapacity = (int)z.capacity - (nodeToLocate.currentNumberOfMonsters()); //number of monsters that can locate in that node
                                                                                                           //check the capacity nodeCapacity, if less than 1 try another node, else create a monster pack of size min=1 max=nodeCapacity
                            Logger.log("Node to locate: " + nodeToLocate.id + " with capacity " + nodeCapacity);
                            if (nodeCapacity > 1)
                                //the upper limit for max is either the node's capacity or remaining number of monsters that should be located in this zone
                                if (nodeCapacity < monstersInZone)
                                    max = nodeCapacity;                                //if node capacity is less than remaining monsters to put, update max limit
                                    max = monstersInZone;

                                int  monstersToLocate = random.Next(min, max + 1);                                   //decide how many monsters will be in this monster-pack between this number limit
                                Pack newPack          = new Pack("" + packId, (uint)monstersToLocate, this.dungeon); //Create a pack
                                Logger.log("Putting " + monstersToLocate + " monsters in pack" + packId + " locating in " + nodeToLocate.id);
                                newPack.location = z.nodesInZone.ElementAt <Node>(nodeNumber);                       //Assign this pack's location
                                packId++;                                                                            //increase pack ID
                                z.nodesInZone.ElementAt <Node>(nodeNumber).packs.Add(newPack);                       //add pack to the node
                                monstersInZone        -= monstersToLocate;                                           //decrease number of monsters to be located in the zone
                                numberOfMonstersToPut -= monstersToLocate;                                           //decrease number of monsters to be located in the dungeon
                                Logger.log("monsters to locate in zone: " + monstersInZone + " in dungeon: " + numberOfMonstersToPut);

                itemsToSeed = new List <Item>(); //stores the list of items to be seeded in the dungeon
                int itemTotal = 0;
                //There is a constraint for HP value of the player & HP values of items that player has in the bag
                //and HP values of items exist in the dungeon
                Logger.log("Upper limit " + (0.8 * getHPM()));
                while (getItemsHP() <= (0.8 * getHPM())) //while this constraint is satisfied, it creates items
                    int decide = random.Next(0, 2);      //0 or 1, 0 means create healing potion, 1 means create magic crystal
                    if (decide == 0)
                        //create healing potion
                        HealingPotion healingPotion = new HealingPotion("" + itemTotal); //create it with id
                        itemsToSeed.Add(healingPotion);                                  //add it into the list
                        Logger.log("Created healing potion " + healingPotion.id);
                    else if (decide == 1)
                        //create crystal
                        Crystal crystal = new Crystal("" + itemTotal);
                        itemsToSeed.Add(crystal); //add it into the list
                        Logger.log("Created crystal " + crystal.id);
                        Logger.log("Something went wrong");
                    Logger.log("Current itemsToSeedHP " + getItemsHP());
                //since it leaves the while loop just after this constraint is passed
                //remove last created item for property to hold
                itemsToSeed.RemoveAt(itemsToSeed.Count - 1);

                Logger.log("Current getITemsHP " + getItemsHP());

                //Randomly seed items in the itemsToSeed list
                //Currently puts all items in the dungeon at the creation
                int numberOfItemsToPut = itemsToSeed.Count;                               //number of items to seed is the length of the list
                Logger.log("Number of items to put in total : " + numberOfItemsToPut);
                int itemsInZone       = (int)(numberOfItemsToPut / (int)difficultyLevel); //Equally partition the number of items, except the last zone
                int normalItemsInZone = itemsInZone;                                      //used for indexing the items in itemsToSeed for the last level
                                                                                          //because itemsInZone for the last level changes, indexing changes
                int itemsIndex = 0;                                                       //index of the item in the itemsToSeed list
                while (numberOfItemsToPut > 0)                                            //while there are items to put in the dungeon
                    foreach (Zone z in dungeon.zones)                                     //for each zone
                        if (z.id == difficultyLevel)
                        {                                     //if it is the last zone
                            itemsInZone = numberOfItemsToPut; //put remainder items

                        Logger.log("Will put " + itemsInZone + " items to the zone " + z.id);
                        numberOfNodesInZone = (uint)z.nodesInZone.Count; //get number of nodes (N)

                        for (int i = 0; i < itemsInZone; i++)
                        {                                                                                                //for each item to put in this zone
                            int  nodeNumber   = random.Next(0, (int)numberOfNodesInZone);                                //randomly pick which node to locate
                            Node nodeToLocate = z.nodesInZone.ElementAt <Node>(nodeNumber);                              //get this node
                            Item itemToAdd    = itemsToSeed.ElementAt <Item>((int)(itemsIndex * normalItemsInZone + i)); //starts from 0 for level 1, 0+number of items put in each zone for level 2
                                                                                                                         //increases by number of items put in zone for every level
                            Logger.log("Putting item positioned " + (itemsIndex * normalItemsInZone + i) + " to " + nodeToLocate.id);
                            nodeToLocate.items.Add(itemToAdd);                                                           //add the item to this node
                            numberOfItemsToPut--;                                                                        //Decrease number of items to put
                        itemsIndex++;                                                                                    //increase items index
            }catch {
                throw new GameCreationException("Could not create the game");
Example #2
        public override void Attack(Creature foe)
            if (!(foe is Monster))
                throw new ArgumentException();
            Monster foe_ = foe as Monster;         //player can only attack a monster

            Pack tempPack = foe_.pack;             //monster's pack

            Node packLocation = tempPack.location; //same as player's location

            //gives information to the user
            Logger.log("Location is " + tempPack.location.id);
            Logger.log("All monsters in the pack: ");
            foreach (Monster m in tempPack.members)
            Logger.log("All packs in location ");
            foreach (Pack p in packLocation.packs)
            if (!accelerated)                                       //if user is not accelerated, player only attacks to parameter monster
                foe.HP = (int)Math.Max(0, foe.HP - AttackRating);   //HP can not be less than 0
                String killMsg = foe.HP == 0 ? ", KILLING it" : ""; //monster dies
                Logger.log("Creature " + id + " attacks " + foe.id + killMsg + ".");
                if (foe.HP == 0)                                    //if the monster died
                    tempPack.members.Remove(foe_);                  //remove monster from its pack

                    if (tempPack.members.Count == 0)                //check if the pack is empty
                        Logger.log("Pack is now empty' pack id " + tempPack.id);
                        Logger.log("Remaining packs in the location:");

                        foreach (Pack pack in packLocation.packs)
                            Logger.log("Pack " + pack.id + " in node " + packLocation);

                        //THIS PART SHOULD BE TESTED, I forgot why Chris and I checked for tempPack==null
                        // We probably forgot to change it back after debugging
                        //commented null comparison

                        //pack is removed from the node, regarding what AttackBool returns to the main flow

                         * if (tempPack == null)
                         * {
                         *  Logger.log("it is null");
                         *  foreach (Pack pack in packLocation.packs)
                         *  {
                         *      Logger.log("Pack " + pack.id + " in node " + packLocation);
                         *  }
                         * }
                         * else {
                         *  Logger.log("It is not null");
                         *  foreach (Pack pack in packLocation.packs)
                         *  {
                         *      Logger.log("Pack " + pack.id + " in node " + packLocation);
                         *  }
                         * }*/
                        //Logger.log("Killed the pack' commented remove");
            {                                                          //player attacks every monster in the pack
                int packCount = foe_.pack.members.Count;
                foe_.pack.members.RemoveAll(target => target.HP <= 0); //already dead monsters?
                KillPoint += (uint)(packCount - foe_.pack.members.Count);
                // Added the following
                for (int i = packCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)                  //for each monster in the pack
                    Monster target = foe_.pack.members.ElementAt(i);

                    target.HP = (int)Math.Max(0, target.HP - AttackRating);                     //player attacks to the monster
                    String killMsg = target.HP == 0 ? ", KILLING it" : "";
                    Logger.log("Creature " + id + " attacks " + target.id + killMsg + ".");
                    if (target.HP == 0)                   //if the monster dies
                        foe_.pack.members.Remove(target); //remove it from the list

                accelerated = false; //player not accelerated anymore
Example #3
 /* Create a monster with a random HP */
 public Monster(String id, Pack pack)
     this.pack = pack;
     this.id   = id; name = "Orc";
     HP        = 1 + RandomGenerator.rnd.Next(6);
Example #4
 public void SetPack(Pack p) => pack = p;