Example #1
        /// <summary>New 04/07/11 - split field values containing nested delimiters into a new table (named as tableName_columnName_split)</summary>
        /// <param name="dbName">Database file name</param>
        /// <param name="tableName">Database table name</param>
        /// <param name="columnName">Name of field containing nested delimiters</param>
        /// <param name="keyColumnName">Name of the key (ID) field from the specified table</param>
        /// <param name="delimiter">Character used as delimiter in the column</param>
        /// <returns>Number of new rows created</returns>  
        public static int DBColumnSplit(string dbName, string tableName, string columnName, string keyColumnName, char delimiter)
            // (re)create the split table as tableName_columnName_split
            String newTableName = tableName.Trim() + "_" + columnName.Trim() + "_split";
            DBEngineBase db = new SQLiteDBEngine(dbName);
            db.executeNonQuery(String.Format("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"{0}\";", newTableName));
            db.executeNonQuery(String.Format("CREATE TABLE \"{0}\" (\"{1}\" TEXT COLLATE NOCASE, \"{2}\" TEXT COLLATE NOCASE);", newTableName, keyColumnName, columnName));

            //get a DataTable of the values of the ID column and the delimited column
            DataTable dt1 = db.select(String.Format("SELECT {0}, {1} FROM {2} WHERE {1} IS NOT NULL", keyColumnName, columnName, tableName));

            // Create a new DataTable (same structure) to hold the split values
            DataTable dt2 = dt1.Clone();
            dt2.TableName = newTableName;

            //Split the values from dt1 and put them into dt2
            char[] delimiters = new char[] {delimiter};
            foreach(DataRow dr in dt1.Rows)
                String[] splitValues = dr[columnName].ToString().Split(delimiters);
                foreach(String s in splitValues)
                    String[] fieldValues = new String[2];
                    fieldValues[0] = dr[keyColumnName].ToString();
                    fieldValues[1] = s.Trim();
                    if (fieldValues[1] != String.Empty)

            //now insert all the data
            return db.bulkInsert(dt2);
Example #2
        //Write DataTable to database, recreate the table first to ensure structure is correct
        public static int DT2DB(String dbName, DataTable table, bool append)
            // Why didnt I use IDBEngine here? test...
            // IDBEngine db = new SQLiteDBEngine(dbName);
            DBEngineBase db = new SQLiteDBEngine(dbName);

            if (!append)
                //Drop the table if it already exists
                db.executeNonQuery(String.Format("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"{0}\";", table.TableName));

                //Create the table based on the structure of the DataTable
                String sql = String.Format("CREATE TABLE \"{0}\" (", table.TableName);
                foreach (DataColumn dc in table.Columns)
                    //Column names should already be valid (CSV2DT cleaned them up)
                    //sql += String.Format("\"{0}\" TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',", dc.ColumnName);
                    //sql += String.Format("\"{0}\" TEXT,", dc.ColumnName);//04/03/2010 - ensure case insensitive comparisons
                    sql += String.Format("\"{0}\" TEXT COLLATE NOCASE,", dc.ColumnName);

                //remove the last comma, complete and run the command
                sql = sql.Remove(sql.LastIndexOf(',')) + ");";

            //Created the table, now insert the data
            return db.bulkInsert(table);