public void ReaderThread()
            for (; ;)
                // Get the first unread reply off of the queue, send that to the SpectraCyber object for processing
                cCommandItem oCommandItem = mReplyQueue.GetFirstItem();
                moSSP4.ProcessReply(oCommandItem.Reply, oCommandItem.CommandType);

                // The program is closing, gracefully stop this thread
                if (oCommandItem.CommandType == eCommandType.Termination)

            // The thread is done running, empty out the command queue
        // #### Thread functions #### //
        public void CommunicationThread()
            string strCommand;

            // Init the serial port, set the timeout value, open the port.
            mrSerialPort             = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(mstrCommPort, miBaudRate, mparParity, miDataBits, mstpBits);
            mrSerialPort.ReadTimeout = miTimeout;

            if (!(mrSerialPort.IsOpen))
                catch (Exception e)

                for (; ;)
                    // Get the first unread item off of the queue (which blocks this thread if no item exists)
                    cCommandItem oCommandItem = mCommandQueue.GetFirstItem();

                    // TODO: Figure out how to repeat commands.
                    if (oCommandItem.CommandType == eCommandType.Repeat)

                    strCommand = oCommandItem.Command;

                    // Break out of the loop if a eCommandType.Termination command is sent
                    if (oCommandItem.CommandType == eCommandType.Termination || !(mrSerialPort.IsOpen))
                        // Copy the command into the reply for this queue item.
                        oCommandItem.Reply = strCommand;
                    else if (oCommandItem.CommandType == eCommandType.ScanStop)
                        // The command to stop is also the reply, copy that over.
                        oCommandItem.Reply = strCommand;

                        // Essentially clear off the command queue by selecting only the repeating commands
                        List <cCommandItem> lstCommands = mCommandQueue.FindAll(CommandRepeats);

                        for (int i = 0; i < lstCommands.Count; i++)

                    if (!(oCommandItem.CommandType == eCommandType.ScanStart || oCommandItem.CommandType == eCommandType.ScanEnd)) // || oCommandItem.CommandType == eCommandType.ScanStop))
                        mrSerialPort.WriteLine(strCommand + "\r\n");

                    // DEBUGGING: Set the command window text:
                    //moSSP4.SetCommandWindowText(strCommand);  // Output The Command sent to the SSP-4
                    //moSSP4.SetCommandWindowText("Waiting for " + oCommandItem.CommandWaitTime);   // Output The Waiting Time before data is read from the SSP-4

                    // Give the Device some time to process the command.

                    // Handle the replies:
                    if (oCommandItem.CommandType == eCommandType.DataDiscard)
                    else if (oCommandItem.ExpectReply)
                        string strReply = "";
                        byte   tmpByte;                                             // Used in Mono-compatable reading method
                        //char[] carrInBuffer = new char[miCharInputBufferSize];    // Used in Windows-only reading method

                            // Mono-compatable method for reading data from the serial port.
                            // Read from the serial port using bytes.
                            tmpByte = (byte)mrSerialPort.ReadByte();
                            while (tmpByte != 0x0A) // Read until a newline character found.
                                strReply += ((char)tmpByte);
                                tmpByte   = (byte)mrSerialPort.ReadByte();

                            // Windows-only method for reading data.
                            // Read characters from the input buffer
                            //mrSerialPort.Read(carrInBuffer, 0, oCommandItem.NumCharactersToRead);
                            //foreach (char cCharacter in carrInBuffer)
                            //    strReply += cCharacter;

                            // Clear the buffer:
                        catch (TimeoutException e)  // Probably caused by the box being off or the wrong COMM port being selected
                            oCommandItem.CommandType = eCommandType.Error;
                            strReply = "COMM_TIMEOUT_ERROR";
                        catch (Exception e)
                            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Unknown Error");
                            strReply = "UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION";
                            oCommandItem.CommandType = eCommandType.Error;

                        // Set the reply
                        oCommandItem.Reply = strReply;
                    else // Remove the first character from the command string and use that as the reply.
                        oCommandItem.Reply = strCommand.Remove(0, 1);

                    // Now, move the command to the other queue

                    // Finally, sleep until the next command should be processed

            // The thread is done running. Close the connection to the serial port