public Dev_Hierarchy_Browser() { onShown += (uiControl c) => { Refresh(); }; Autosize = true; Autosize_Method = AutosizeMethod.FILL; list = uiControl.Create <uiListView>(this); list.Set_Width(300); list.Autosize = false; //list.CONFIRM_LAYOUT = true; info_panel = uiControl.Create <uiPanel>(this); info_panel.Scrollable = false; info_panel.Autosize = true; info_panel.Autosize_Method = AutosizeMethod.FILL; info_panel.onLayout += Info_panel_onLayout; info_panel.Set_Padding(3); lbl_components = Create <uiText>(info_panel); lbl_components.Text = "Scripts"; var_components = Create <uiListView>(info_panel); //var_components.Autosize = false; var_child_count = Create <uiVarText>(info_panel); var_child_count.Text = "Children: "; }
public Plugin_StoreItem() : base(uiControlType.Panel) { Set_Padding(4, 2, 2, 2); Set_Margin(2, 2, 2, 2); //Set_Size(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); Autosize_Method = AutosizeMethod.BLOCK; Util.Set_BG_Color(local_style.normal, new Color32(32, 32, 32, 200)); Util.Set_BG_Color(local_style.hover, new Color32(64, 64, 64, 255)); const float b = 0.5f; Border.normal.color = new Color(b, b, b, 1f); const float g = 0.8f; TextColor = new Color(g, g, g, 1f); TextColor_Hover = Color.white; //Utility.Set_BG_Color(local_style.hover, new Color32(32, 40, 60, 255)); uiText name = uiControl.Create <uiText>("name", this); name.Clone_Text_Style(this); name.TextStyle = FontStyle.Bold; name.TextSize = 14; name.Autosize_Method = AutosizeMethod.BLOCK; uiText auth = uiControl.Create <uiText>("author", this); auth.Clone_Text_Style(this); auth.TextStyle = FontStyle.Normal; auth.TextSize = 12; auth.Autosize_Method = AutosizeMethod.BLOCK; download_info = Create <uiCollapser>("download_info", this); download_info.Size_Height_Collapsed = 0; download_info.onLayout += Download_info_onLayout; download_info.Set_Margin(0); download_info.Set_Padding(0); //Util.Set_BG_Color(download_info.local_style.normal, new Color(0.1f, 0.5f, 1.0f)); download_info.Set_Collapsed(true); progress_bar = Create <uiProgressBar>("progress", download_info); progress_bar.Set_Height(4f); progress_bar.Value = 0; progress_bar.show_progress_text = false; Util.Set_BG_Color(progress_bar.prog_bar.local_style.normal, new Color(0.1f, 0.5f, 1.0f)); Util.Set_BG_Color(progress_bar.local_style.normal, new Color(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f)); progress_text = uiControl.Create <uiVarText>("progress_text", download_info); progress_text.Clone_Text_Style(this); progress_text.TextAlign = TextAnchor.LowerRight; progress_text.TextStyle = FontStyle.Normal; progress_text.TextSize = 12; progress_text.Text = "Downloading:"; //progress_text.Text = "0%"; }
public static void Setup() { SiscosHooks.register(HOOK_ID.Level_Loaded, onLevelLoaded); Init(); Root = uiControl.Create <uiPanel>(); Root.Name = "DebugUI"; Root.Set_Padding(5); Root.FloodXY(); Root.local_style.normal.background = null; Root.isVisible = false; //Because our State var is inactive by default var list = uiControl.Create <uiListView>(Root); // Using a uiListView to contain all of our debug var displays makes them all auto layout, which is nice list.alignLeftSide(); list.alignTop(200); lbl_player_pos = uiControl.Create <uiVarText>(list); lbl_player_pos.Text = "Player Pos:"; lbl_player_pos.Set_Margin(0); lbl_player_pos.Set_Padding(0); lbl_cam_pos = uiControl.Create <uiVarText>(list); lbl_cam_pos.Text = "Cam Pos:"; lbl_cam_pos.Set_Margin(0); lbl_cam_pos.Set_Padding(0); lbl_cam_rot = uiControl.Create <uiVarText>(list); lbl_cam_rot.Text = "Cam Rot:"; lbl_cam_rot.Set_Margin(0); lbl_cam_rot.Set_Padding(0); lbl_debug_mode = uiControl.Create <uiText>(list); //lbl_debug_mode.isVisible = false;//only shows when the debug drawing mode isnt NONE uiControl.dbg_mouse_tooltip_style = new GUIStyle(); uiControl.dbg_mouse_tooltip_style.normal.textColor = Color.white; Util.Set_BG_Color(uiControl.dbg_mouse_tooltip_style.normal, new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.5f)); }
public PluginStore() { onLayout += PluginStore_onLayout; Title = "Plugin Store"; Set_Size(800, 600); Center(); lbl_pl_count = Create <uiVarText>(this); lbl_pl_count.Text = "Total Plugins:"; lbl_pl_count.Value = "0"; lbl_pl_count.text_style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; search = uiControl.Create <uiTextbox>(this); search.onChange += Search_onChange; lbl_search = uiControl.Create <uiText>(this); lbl_search.Text = "Search "; btn_config = Create <uiIconButton>(this); btn_config.Text = "Settings"; btn_config.Icon = TextureHelper.icon_arrow_left; btn_config.Border.type = uiBorderType.NONE; //btn_config.Skin = uiSkinPreset.FLAT; btn_config.Border.normal.color = Color.white; btn_config.Border.normal.size = new RectOffset(1, 1, 1, 1); btn_config.onClicked += Btn_config_onClicked; tabPanel = Create <uiTabPanel>(this); tabPanel.Add_Tab(MAIN_TAB_NAME); tabPanel.CurrentTab.onLayout += InfoTab_onLayout; tabPanel.Set_Margin(2);// This margin gives us that light colored area surrounding the list and tabpanel pl_title = uiControl.Create <uiText>(tabPanel); pl_title.Text = ""; var sty = new GUIStyle(pl_title.Style); sty.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; sty.fontSize = 22; pl_title.Set_Style(sty); pl_auth = uiControl.Create <uiText>(tabPanel); pl_auth.Text = ""; pl_desc = uiControl.Create <uiTextArea>(tabPanel); pl_desc.Text = ""; pl_desc.Set_Padding(2); pl_desc.Border.normal.color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.3f); install_btn = uiControl.Create <uiButton>(tabPanel); install_btn.local_style.fontSize = 18; install_btn.local_style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; install_btn.Text = "Download"; install_btn.onClicked += Install_btn_onClicked; Color blue = new Color(0.2f, 0.4f, 1f, 1f); Util.Set_BG_Gradient(install_btn.local_style.normal, 64, GRADIENT_DIR.TOP_BOTTOM, blue, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f) * blue); // INSTRUCTIONS TAB tabPanel.Add_Tab(INSTRUCTION_TAB_NAME); tabPanel.CurrentTab.onLayout += InstructionsTab_onLayout;; ins_title = Create <uiTextArea>(tabPanel); ins_title.Text = "Welcome"; ins_title.TextSize = 22; ins_title.TextStyle = FontStyle.Bold; ins_text = Create <uiTextArea>(tabPanel); ins_text.Text = "Here you can find and download new plugins.\nTo get started select a plugin from the list on the left to see more information about it.\nWhen you find a plugin you wish to install you can do so by clicking the \"Install\" button!"; ins_text.TextStyle = FontStyle.Italic; ins_text.TextAlign = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; ins_text.Autosize = true; statusPanel = Create <uiTabPanel>(this); statusPanel.Set_Width(200); statusPanel.Set_Margin(2, 0, 2, 2); statusPanel.onLayout += StatusPanel_onLayout; loading_tab = statusPanel.Add_Tab("loading_tab"); ld_text = Create <uiTextArea>("ld_text", statusPanel); ld_text.Text = "..."; ld_text.TextSize = 16; ld_text.TextAlign = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; retry_pl_list_btn = Create <uiButton>(statusPanel); retry_pl_list_btn.Set_Margin(0, 0, 4, 0); retry_pl_list_btn.Text = "Refresh"; retry_pl_list_btn.TextSize = 16; Util.Set_BG_Gradient(retry_pl_list_btn.local_style.normal, 64, GRADIENT_DIR.TOP_BOTTOM, blue, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f) * blue); retry_pl_list_btn.onClicked += retry_btn_onClicked; retry_pl_list_btn.isVisible = false; statusPanel.CurrentTab.onLayout += CurrentTab_onLayout; plugins_tab = statusPanel.Add_Tab("plugins_tab"); list = Create <uiListView>(plugins_tab); list.disableBG = true; list.Autosize_Method = AutosizeMethod.FILL; list.FloodXY(); loading_tab.Select(); }