private void OnTextUpdate(string cmd) { // update the page List <MediaVideoData> videos = MediaVideoMgr.SelectVideoDataById(entities, EditVideoId); if (videos != null) { MediaVideoData videoData = videos[0]; GetAttachments(EditVideoId, (int)MediaAttachmentType.Text, videoData.VideoTextList.Count); if (videoData.Video.TEXT_ADDED || videoData.VideoTextList.Count > 0) { cbVideoText.Checked = true; //dvText.Visible = true; dvText.Style.Add("display", "block"); } else { cbVideoText.Checked = false; //dvText.Visible = false; dvText.Style.Add("display", "none"); } } }
protected void rgVideoList_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item is GridDataItem) { GridDataItem item = (GridDataItem)e.Item; HiddenField hf; Label lbl; MediaVideoData data = (MediaVideoData)e.Item.DataItem; LinkButton lnk = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lbVideoId"); lnk.Text = WebSiteCommon.FormatID(data.Video.VIDEO_ID, 6); lnk.CommandArgument = data.Video.VIDEO_ID.ToString(); //if (SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PERSON_ID == data.Person.PERSON_ID) // lnk.CommandArgument = data.Video.VIDEO_ID.ToString() + "~" + data.Status; //else if (!data.Status.Equals("C")) // lnk.CommandArgument = data.Audit.AUDIT_ID.ToString() + "~D"; //else // lnk.CommandArgument = data.Audit.AUDIT_ID.ToString() + "~C"; RadButton rlnk = (RadButton)e.Item.FindControl("lbnDelete"); if (data.Video.SOURCE_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.Audit || data.Video.SOURCE_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.HealthSafetyIncident) { rlnk.Visible = false; } else { rlnk.Visible = true; } if (data.Video.TITLE.Length > 120) { lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblVideoTitle"); lbl.Text = data.Video.TITLE.Substring(0, 117) + "..."; } if (data.Person != null) { lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblVideoBy"); lbl.Text = SQMModelMgr.FormatPersonListItem(data.Person); } lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblVideoStatus"); // what to do with this? try { lbl.Text = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(listXLAT, "MEDIA_VIDEO_STATUS", data.Video.VIDEO_STATUS).DESCRIPTION; } catch { } //if (data.Video.VIDEO_STATUS == "C") //{ // DateTime clsDate = (DateTime)data.Audit.CLOSE_DATE_DATA_COMPLETE; // lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("auditStatus", "C") + " " + SQMBasePage.FormatDate(clsDate, "d", false); //} //else //{ // if (data.DaysToClose == 0) // { // DateTime tmp = ((DateTime)data.Audit.AUDIT_DT).AddDays(data.AuditType.DAYS_TO_COMPLETE); // lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("auditStatus", "X") + "<br/>(" + SQMBasePage.FormatDate(tmp, "d", false) + ")"; // } // else if (data.Audit.PERCENT_COMPLETE > 0) // lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("auditStatus", "I") + "<br/>(" + data.DaysToClose + ")"; // else // lbl.Text = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("auditStatus", "A") + "<br/>(" + data.DaysToClose + ")"; //} } }
public void LoadVideoInformation() { // populate all the fields List <XLAT> listXLAT = SQMBasePage.SelectXLATList(new string[5] { "INJURY_PART", "INJURY_TYPE", "MEDIA_VIDEO_SOURCE", "MEDIA_VIDEO_STATUS", "MEDIA_VIDEO_TYPE" }, 1); List <MediaVideoData> videos = MediaVideoMgr.SelectVideoDataById(entities, EditVideoId); if (videos != null) { MediaVideoData videoData = videos[0]; BusinessLocation location = new BusinessLocation().Initialize((decimal)videoData.Video.PLANT_ID); lblVideoSourceType.Text = ((TaskRecordType)videoData.Video.SOURCE_TYPE).ToString(); if ((TaskRecordType)videoData.Video.SOURCE_TYPE != TaskRecordType.Media) { lblVideoSourceType.Text += " " + videoData.Video.SOURCE_ID; } lblVideoLocation.Text = location.Plant.PLANT_NAME + " " + location.BusinessOrg.ORG_NAME; lblVideoPersonName.Text = videoData.Person.LAST_NAME + ", " + videoData.Person.FIRST_NAME; DateTime dt = (DateTime)videoData.Video.VIDEO_DT; lblVideoDate.Text = dt.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); dt = (DateTime)videoData.Video.INCIDENT_DT; lblVideoIncidentDate.Text = dt.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); lblVideoInjuryType.Text = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(listXLAT, "INJURY_TYPE", videoData.Video.INJURY_TYPES).DESCRIPTION; // for now we assume only one lblVideoBodyPart.Text = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(listXLAT, "INJURY_PART", videoData.Video.BODY_PARTS).DESCRIPTION; // for now we assume only one tbTitle.Text = videoData.Video.TITLE; tbDescription.Text = videoData.Video.DESCRIPTION; if (ddlVideoType.Items.Count == 0) { PopulateVideoTypeDropDown(); } if (videoData.Video.VIDEO_TYPE == null) { ddlVideoType.SelectedValue = ""; } else { ddlVideoType.SelectedValue = videoData.Video.VIDEO_TYPE; } if (videoData.Video.VIDEO_AVAILABILITY == null) { ddlAvailability.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { ddlAvailability.SelectedValue = videoData.Video.VIDEO_AVAILABILITY; } litVideoDownloadLink.Text = "<a href='/Shared/FileHandler.ashx?DOC=v&DOC_ID=" + EditVideoId + "&FILE_NAME=" + videoData.Video.FILE_NAME + "' target='_blank'>" + Resources.LocalizedText.VideoDownload + "</a>"; litVideoViewLink.Text = "<a href='/Shared/VideoHandler.aspx?DOC=v&DOC_ID=" + EditVideoId + "' target='_blank'>" + Resources.LocalizedText.VideoView + "</a>"; rcbStatusSelect = SQMBasePage.SetComboBoxItemsFromXLAT(rcbStatusSelect, listXLAT.Where(l => l.XLAT_GROUP == "MEDIA_VIDEO_STATUS" && l.STATUS == "A").OrderBy(h => h.SORT_ORDER).ToList(), "SHORT"); rcbStatusSelect.Items.Insert(0, new RadComboBoxItem("Select a status", "")); rcbStatusSelect.SelectedValue = videoData.Video.VIDEO_STATUS; cbVideoText.Checked = videoData.Video.SPEAKER_AUDIO; // populate release form list if (videoData.Video.RELEASE_REQUIRED) { cbReleaseForms.Checked = true; //dvAttach.Visible = true; dvAttach.Style.Add("display", "block"); // get the new async working GetAttachments(EditVideoId, (int)MediaAttachmentType.ReleaseForm, videoData.ReleaseFormList.Count); } else { cbReleaseForms.Checked = false; //dvAttach.Visible = false; dvAttach.Style.Add("display", "none"); } uploadReleases.SetViewMode(true); // populate text list GetAttachments(EditVideoId, (int)MediaAttachmentType.Text, videoData.VideoTextList.Count); if (videoData.Video.TEXT_ADDED || videoData.VideoTextList.Count > 0) { cbVideoText.Checked = true; //dvText.Visible = true; dvText.Style.Add("display", "block"); } else { cbVideoText.Checked = false; //dvText.Visible = false; dvText.Style.Add("display", "none"); } pnlAddEdit.Visible = true; pnlVideoHeader.Visible = true; divVideoForm.Visible = true; if (videoData.Video.SOURCE_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.Audit || videoData.Video.SOURCE_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.HealthSafetyIncident) { btnDelete.Visible = false; } else { btnDelete.Visible = true; } // if not edit mode, all fields are display only if (!IsEditContext) { tbTitle.Enabled = false; tbDescription.Enabled = false; ddlAvailability.Enabled = false; ddlVideoType.Enabled = false; cbReleaseForms.Enabled = false; cbVideoText.Enabled = false; cbSpeakerAudio.Enabled = false; } } }