public static commit_hook_info from_ptr(IntPtr p) { GCHandle h = (GCHandle)p; commit_hook_info hi = h.Target as commit_hook_info; return(hi); }
internal static commit_hook_info from_ptr(IntPtr p) { GCHandle h = (GCHandle)p; commit_hook_info hi = h.Target as commit_hook_info; // TODO assert(hi._h == h) return(hi); }
void ISQLite3Provider.sqlite3_commit_hook(IntPtr db, delegate_commit func, object v) { if (_commit_hook != null) { // TODO maybe turn off the hook here, for now; _commit_hook = null; } if (func != null) { _commit_hook = new commit_hook_info(func, v); SQLite3RuntimeProvider.sqlite3_commit_hook(db.ToInt64(), Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(new callback_commit(commit_hook_bridge)).ToInt64(), _commit_hook.ptr.ToInt64()); } else { SQLite3RuntimeProvider.sqlite3_commit_hook(db.ToInt64(), IntPtr.Zero.ToInt64(), IntPtr.Zero.ToInt64()); } }
void ISQLite3Provider.sqlite3_commit_hook(IntPtr db, delegate_commit func, object v) { if (_commit_hook != null) { // TODO maybe turn off the hook here, for now; _commit_hook = null; } if (func != null) { _commit_hook = new commit_hook_info(func, v); NativeMethods.sqlite3_commit_hook(db, commit_hook_bridge, _commit_hook.ptr); } else { NativeMethods.sqlite3_commit_hook(db, null, IntPtr.Zero); } }
static private int commit_hook_bridge(IntPtr p) { commit_hook_info hi = commit_hook_info.from_ptr(p); return(; }