Example #1
 public override string buildDropStatement(QueryBuilder qbl)
     string wSql = "drop ";
     wSql += ((AField)qbl.getFieldList()[0]).value;
     wSql += " " + ((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject + ";";
     return wSql;
Example #2
        public bool Bind(QueryBuilder qbl)
            this._queryObject = qbl;
            this._dataReader = qbl.getDatabaseObject().getResult(this._queryObject);
            ATable srcTable = qbl.getDatabaseObject().GetTableCache().getCachedTable(((ATable)((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject).name);

            // remove redundant fields from the field list.
            if (srcTable.getFieldList().Count != this._queryObject.getFieldList().Count)
                object[] test = utils.arrayIntersect(this._queryObject.getFieldList().ToArray(), srcTable.getFieldList().ToArray());
                this.setFieldList(new System.Collections.ArrayList(test));
             * */
            this.name = srcTable.name;
            return false;
Example #3
        public override string buildInsertStatement(QueryBuilder qbl)
            string tblname = ((string)((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject);
            ATable tblObj = qbl.getDatabaseObject().GetTableCache().getCachedTable(tblname);
            if (tblObj == null)
                throw (new Exception("Invalid table specified. Check query spelling and try again."));
            string wSql = "insert into [" + tblname + "] ";
            string fieldList = "";
            string valueList = "";
            ABSTRACTDATATYPES fieldType;

            // If our chosen table object does not have an autoincrementing primary key/id field
            // we can check for that here.

            // Build up field list and value list.
            foreach (AField field in qbl.getFieldList())
                AField refField = qbl.getDatabaseObject().getTableObject(field.owner).getFieldByName(field.name);
                if (tblObj.getFieldByName(field.name) == null)
                    throw(new Exception("Unable to build insert statement. An invalid field was included with the query."));
                fieldList += "["+field.name+"]";
                if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1]) fieldList += ",";

                fieldType = refField.type;

                if (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.ABool)
                    string boolRaw = Convert.ToString(field.value).ToLower();
                    bool relFieldValue = (boolRaw == "true" || boolRaw == "1" || boolRaw == "yes") ? true : false;
                    if (relFieldValue)
                        valueList += "1";
                        valueList += "0";

                else if (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.AForeignTable)
                    // This is tricky, we have to look up the value type from the
                    // referencing table's file.
                else if ((fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.ASmallInteger) || (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.ALargeInteger ))
                    valueList += field.value;
                else if ((fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.AString) || (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.AChar) || (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.ADateTime))
                    // convert mysql/csql style quoting to mssql style quoting
                    //field.value = Convert.ToString(field.value).Replace("''", @"\'");

                    // if the value is longer than the allowed nvarchar, then do a CONVERT/cast to text instead.
                    valueList += "'" + field.value + "'";

                else if (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.AData)
                    valueList += field.value;
                    // If we get here, then the field type is possibly unsupported.
                    // try to figure out what type of formatting to use.
                    string sValue = field.value != null?Convert.ToString(field.value):"";
                    if (sValue == "")
                        valueList += "''";
                        if (sValue.Substring(0, 1) == "'")
                            // convert mysql/csql style quoting to mssql style quoting
                            //field.value = Convert.ToString(field.value).Replace("''", @"\'");
                            valueList += "'" + field.value + "'";
                            valueList += field.value;

                if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1]) valueList += ",";
            wSql += "(";
            wSql += fieldList;
            wSql += ") VALUES (";
            wSql += valueList;
            wSql += ");";
            return wSql;
Example #4
        public override string buildUpdateStatement(QueryBuilder qbl)
            bool skipped = false;

            string tblname = ((object)((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject).ToString();

            ATable tblObj = qbl.getDatabaseObject().GetTableCache().getCachedTable(tblname);
            string wSql = "update " + tblname + " set ";
            foreach(AField field in qbl.getFieldList()) {
                skipped = false;
                if (!field.hasModifier(ABSTRACTFIELDMODIFIERS.PrimaryKey))
                // Skip the primary key as we cannot update it.
                    if (tblObj.getFieldByName(field.name).type == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.AString)
                        wSql += "[" + field.name + "]" + "='" + field.value + "'";
                    else if (tblObj.getFieldByName(field.name).type == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.ABool)
                        if (Convert.ToString(field.value) != "" && field.value != null)
                                wSql += "[" + field.name + "]" + "=1";
                                wSql += "[" + field.name + "]" + "=0";
                            skipped = true;
                    else if ((tblObj.getFieldByName(field.name).type == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.ALargeInteger)||(tblObj.getFieldByName(field.name).type == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.ASmallInteger))
                        if (Convert.ToString(field.value) != "" && field.value != null)
                            wSql += "[" + field.name + "]" + "=" + field.value;
                            skipped = true;
                    else if ((tblObj.getFieldByName(field.name).type == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.ADateTime))
                        if (Convert.ToString(field.value) != "" && field.value != null)
                            wSql += "[" + field.name + "]" + "=CONVERT(datetime, '" + field.value+"')";
                            skipped = true;
                else skipped = true;
                if ((Convert.ToString(field.value) != "" && field.value != null)||(tblObj.getFieldByName(field.name).type == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.AString))
                    if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1])
                        wSql += ", ";
                        wSql += " ";
                    wSql += " ";

            // sometimes the algorithm skips... fix it here
            wSql = wSql.Trim();
            if (wSql[wSql.Length - 1] == ',')
                wSql = wSql.Substring(0, wSql.Length - 1);
            if (wSql[wSql.Length - 1] != ' ') wSql += " ";
            if(qbl.conditionalString != null)
            if(qbl.conditionalString.Length > 2)
            wSql += "where " + qbl.conditionalString;
            return wSql;
Example #5
        public override string buildSelectStatement(QueryBuilder qbl)
            // Fix for limit code.
            if ((qbl.QueryLimit.lStart == 0) && (qbl.QueryLimit.lLimit == 0))
                qbl.QueryLimit.lStart = -1;
                qbl.QueryLimit.lLimit = -1;

            string wSql = "select ";
            if(qbl.QueryLimit.lStart != -1) {
                wSql += " TOP " + ((int)(qbl.QueryLimit.lStart + qbl.QueryLimit.lLimit)) + " ";
            // fields in selection.
            if (qbl.distinct)
                wSql += " DISTINCT ";
            string wGrouping = "";
            string wOrdering = "";
            string totFieldList = "";
            foreach (AField field in qbl.getFieldList())
                string fieldName = field.name;
                if (field.name[0] == '[') field.name = field.name.Substring(1);
                if (field.name[field.name.Length - 1] == ']') field.name = field.name.Substring(0, field.name.Length - 1);
                fieldName = "[" + field.name + "]";

                //field.owner = ((ATable)((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject).name;
                string wFieldstr = null;
                if ((field.owner == null) && (qbl.getSourceList().Count == 1))
                    wFieldstr = fieldName;

                    //if (((ATable)(((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject)).name != field.owner)
                    //    wFieldstr = field.owner + "." + ""+field.name+"";

                    System.Collections.ArrayList al = qbl.getSourceList();
                    wFieldstr = "" + fieldName + "";
                    foreach (QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING s in al)
                        if (((ATable)s.sourceObject).alias == field.owner) //logic using table alias

                            ATable ownr = ((ATable)s.sourceObject);
                            if (ownr.alias != null)
                                wFieldstr = ownr.alias + "." + "" + fieldName + "";
                                wFieldstr = field.owner + "." + "" + fieldName + "";


                    //wFieldstr = field.owner + "." + "" + field.name + "";

                if (field.function != 0)
                    if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Count)
                        wFieldstr = "Count(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Avg)
                        wFieldstr = "Avg(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.DistinctCount)
                        wFieldstr = "Count(Distinct " + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Max)
                        wFieldstr = "Max(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Min)
                        wFieldstr = "Min(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Sum)
                        wFieldstr = "Sum(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                wSql += wFieldstr;
                if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1])
                    wSql += ", ";
                if (field.GroupBy == true)
                    string wFieldGroup = "";
                    if ((field.owner == null) && (qbl.getSourceList().Count == 1))
                        wFieldGroup = field.name;
                        if (((ATable)(((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject)).name != field.owner)
                            wFieldGroup = field.owner + "." + field.name;
                            wFieldGroup = field.name;
                    wGrouping += " " + wFieldGroup;

                    if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1])
                        wGrouping += ", ";
                if (field.OrderBy != ABSTRACTORDERTYPE.None)
                    string fStatMode = (field.OrderBy == ABSTRACTORDERTYPE.Ascending)?"asc":"desc";
                    string wFieldOrder = "";
                    if ((field.owner == null) && (qbl.getSourceList().Count == 1))
                        wFieldOrder = field.name;
                        if (((ATable)(((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject)).name != field.owner)
                            wFieldOrder = field.owner + "." + field.name;
                            wFieldOrder = field.name;

                    wOrdering += " " + wFieldOrder + " "+ fStatMode;

                    if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1])
                        wOrdering += ", ";

                totFieldList += wFieldstr;
            wSql += " from ";

            // sources
            foreach (QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING src in qbl.getSourceList())
                if (src.bindType == 0)
                    // This is our main table name
                    wSql += ((ATable)src.sourceObject).name;
                    if ((((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias != null) && (((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias.Length > 0))
                        wSql += " " + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias;
                else if (src.bindType == ABSTRACTSOURCEBINDTYPES.INNERJOIN)

                    wSql += " INNER JOIN " + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).name;
                    if ((((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias != null) && (((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias.Length > 0))
                        wSql += " " + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias;

                            wSql += " on " + ((ATable)src.boundSource).alias + "." + ((String)src.srcMatchField) + "=" + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias + "." + ((String)src.dstMatchField) + " ";
                            wSql += " on " + ((ATable)src.boundSource).alias + "." + ((AField)src.srcMatchField).name + "=" + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias + "." + ((AField)src.dstMatchField).name + " ";
                        wSql += " on " + ((ATable)src.boundSource).name + "." + ((AField)src.srcMatchField).name + "=" + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).name + "." + ((AField)src.dstMatchField).name + " ";


            // conditional
            if((qbl.conditionalString != null) && (qbl.conditionalString.Length > 0))
            wSql += " where " + qbl.conditionalString + " ";

            // group by
            if (wGrouping.Trim() != "")
                wGrouping = wGrouping.Trim();
               if (wGrouping[wGrouping.Length-1].Equals(',') == true)
                    wGrouping = wGrouping.Substring(0, wGrouping.Length - 1);
                wSql += " group by " + wGrouping;

            // ordering by
            if (wOrdering.Trim() != "")
                wOrdering = wOrdering.Trim();
                if (wOrdering[wOrdering.Length - 1].Equals(',') == true)
                    wOrdering = wOrdering.Substring(0, wOrdering.Length - 1);


            if (qbl.QueryLimit.lStart > -1)
               //string fStatMode = (field.OrderBy == ABSTRACTORDERTYPE.Ascending)?"asc":"desc";

                string wFieldOrder = "";
                if ((qbl.getField("id").owner == null) && (qbl.getSourceList().Count == 1))
                    wFieldOrder = qbl.getField("id").name;
                    if (((ATable)(((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject)).name != qbl.getField("id").owner)
                        wFieldOrder = qbl.getField("id").owner + "." + qbl.getField("id").name;
                        wFieldOrder = qbl.getField("id").name;

               string fOrderingString = wFieldOrder;
               string sqlInner1 = "";
               string sqlInner2 = "";
                if(wOrdering != "") {
                sqlInner2 = String.Format("{0} order by {1} asc, {2}", wSql, fOrderingString, wOrdering);
                }else {
                sqlInner2 = String.Format("{0} order by {1} asc", wSql, fOrderingString); }

                if(wOrdering != "") {
                sqlInner1 = String.Format("select top {0} {1} from ({3}) as newtbl order by {2} desc, {3}", qbl.QueryLimit.lLimit, totFieldList, fOrderingString, sqlInner2, wOrdering);
                {sqlInner1 = String.Format("select top {0} {1} from ({3}) as newtbl order by {2} desc", qbl.QueryLimit.lLimit, totFieldList, fOrderingString, sqlInner2); }

                if(wOrdering != "")
                wSql = String.Format("select * from ({0}) as newtbl2 order by {1} asc, {2}", sqlInner1, fOrderingString, wOrdering);
                wSql = String.Format("select * from ({0}) as newtbl2 order by {1} asc", sqlInner1, fOrderingString);
             * */
            if(wOrdering != "")
            wSql += " order by " + wOrdering;
            return wSql;
Example #6
 public override string buildUpdateStatement(QueryBuilder qbl)
     string tblname = ((string)((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject);
     ATable tblObj = qbl.getDatabaseObject().GetTableCache().getCachedTable(tblname);
     string wSql = "update " + tblname + " set ";
     foreach (AField field in qbl.getFieldList())
         if (tblObj.getFieldByName(field.name).type == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.AString)
             wSql += field.name + "='" + field.value + "'";
             wSql += field.name + "=" + field.value;
         if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1])
             wSql += ", ";
             wSql += " ";
     wSql += "where " + qbl.conditionalString;
     return wSql;
Example #7
        public override string buildSelectStatement(QueryBuilder qbl)
            string wSql = "select ";
            // fields in selection.
            string wGrouping = "";
            foreach (AField field in qbl.getFieldList())
                string wFieldstr;
                wFieldstr = field.owner + "." + field.name;
                if (field.function != 0)
                    if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Count)
                        wFieldstr = "Count(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Avg)
                        wFieldstr = "Avg(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.DistinctCount)
                        wFieldstr = "Count(Distinct " + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Max)
                        wFieldstr = "Max(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Min)
                        wFieldstr = "Min(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Sum)
                        wFieldstr = "Sum(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                wSql += wFieldstr;
                if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1])
                    wSql += ", ";
                if (field.GroupBy == true)
                    wGrouping += " " + field.owner + "." + field.name;
                    if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1])
                        wGrouping += ", ";
            wSql += " from ";

            // sources
            foreach (QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING src in qbl.getSourceList())
                if (src.bindType == 0)
                    // This is our main table name
                    wSql += ((ATable)src.sourceObject).name;
                    if ((((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias != null) && (((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias.Length > 0))
                        wSql += " " + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias;
                else if (src.bindType == ABSTRACTSOURCEBINDTYPES.INNERJOIN)

                    wSql += " INNER JOIN " + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).name;
                    if ((((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias != null) && (((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias.Length > 0))
                        wSql += " " + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias;
                        wSql += " on " + ((ATable)src.boundSource).alias + "." + src.srcMatchField + "=" + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias + "." + src.dstMatchField + " ";
                        wSql += " on " + ((ATable)src.boundSource).name + "." + src.srcMatchField + "=" + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).name + "." + src.dstMatchField + " ";


            // conditional
            if ((qbl.conditionalString != null) && (qbl.conditionalString.Length > 0))
                wSql += " where " + qbl.conditionalString + " ";

            // group by
            if (wGrouping.Trim() != "")
                wGrouping = wGrouping.Trim();
                if (wGrouping[wGrouping.Length - 1].Equals(',') == true)
                    wGrouping = wGrouping.Substring(0, wGrouping.Length - 1);
                wSql += " group by " + wGrouping;

            return wSql;
Example #8
        public override string buildInsertStatement(QueryBuilder qbl)
            string tblname = ((string)((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject);
            ATable tblObj = qbl.getDatabaseObject().GetTableCache().getCachedTable(tblname);
            string wSql = "insert into " + tblname + " ";
            string fieldList = "";
            string valueList = "";
            ABSTRACTDATATYPES fieldType;

            // If our chosen table object does not have an autoincrementing primary key/id field
            // we can check for that here.

            // Build up field list and value list.
            foreach (AField field in qbl.getFieldList())
                fieldList += field.name;
                if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1]) fieldList += ",";

                fieldType = tblObj.getFieldByName(field.name).type;

                if (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.ABool)
                    if (((string)field.value == "true") || ((bool)field.value == true) || ((int)field.value == 1) || ((string)field.value == "1") || ((string)field.value == "yes"))
                        valueList += "1";

                else if (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.AForeignTable)
                    // This is tricky, we have to look up the value type from the
                    // referencing table's file.
                else if (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.ASmallInteger)
                    valueList += field.value;
                else if (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.AString)
                    valueList += "'" + field.value + "'";

                if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1]) valueList += ",";
            wSql += "(";
            wSql += fieldList;
            wSql += ") VALUES (";
            wSql += valueList;
            wSql += ");";
            return wSql;
Example #9
        public override string buildSelectStatement(QueryBuilder qbl)
            string wSql = "select ";
            // fields in selection.
            string wGrouping = "";
            string wOrdering = "";
            foreach (AField field in qbl.getFieldList())
                string wFieldstr;
                if((field.owner == null) && (qbl.getSourceList().Count == 1))
                    wFieldstr = field.name;
                //if (((ATable)(((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject)).Name != field.owner)
                    wFieldstr = field.owner + "." + field.name;
                //    wFieldstr = field.name;
                if (field.function != 0)
                    if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Count)
                        wFieldstr = "Count(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Avg)
                        wFieldstr = "Avg(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.DistinctCount)
                        wFieldstr = "Count(Distinct " + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Max)
                        wFieldstr = "Max(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Min)
                        wFieldstr = "Min(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                    else if (field.function == ABSTRACTAGGREGATE.Sum)
                        wFieldstr = "Sum(" + wFieldstr + ")";
                wSql += wFieldstr;
                if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1])
                    wSql += ", ";
                if (field.GroupBy == true)
                    wGrouping += " " + field.owner + "." + field.name;
                    if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1])
                        wGrouping += ", ";
                if (field.OrderBy != ABSTRACTORDERTYPE.None)
                    string fStatMode = (field.OrderBy == ABSTRACTORDERTYPE.Ascending) ? "asc" : "desc";
                    string wFieldOrder = "";
                    if ((field.owner == null) && (qbl.getSourceList().Count == 1))
                        wFieldOrder = field.name;
                        if (((ATable)(((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject)).name != field.owner)
                            wFieldOrder = field.owner + "." + field.name;
                            wFieldOrder = field.name;

                    wOrdering += " " + wFieldOrder + " " + fStatMode;

                    if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1])
                        wOrdering += ", ";
            wSql += " from ";

            // sources
            foreach (QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING src in qbl.getSourceList())
                if (src.bindType == 0)
                    // This is our main table name
                    wSql += ((ATable)src.sourceObject).name;
                    if ((((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias != null) && (((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias.Length > 0))
                        wSql += " " + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias;
                else if (src.bindType == ABSTRACTSOURCEBINDTYPES.INNERJOIN)

                    wSql += " INNER JOIN " + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).name;
                    if ((((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias != null) && (((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias.Length > 0))
                        wSql += " " + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias;
                        wSql += " on " + ((ATable)src.boundSource).alias + "." + src.srcMatchField + "=" + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).alias + "." + src.dstMatchField + " ";
                        wSql += " on " + ((ATable)src.boundSource).name + "." + src.srcMatchField + "=" + ((ATable)src.sourceObject).name + "." + src.dstMatchField + " ";


            // conditional
            if(qbl.conditionalString != null)
            if (qbl.conditionalString.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().IndexOf("=null") > 0)
                qbl.conditionalString = qbl.conditionalString.Replace("=", " IS ");

            if((qbl.conditionalString != null) && (qbl.conditionalString.Length > 0))
            wSql += " where " + qbl.conditionalString + " ";

            // group by
            if (wGrouping.Trim() != "")
                wGrouping = wGrouping.Trim();
               if (wGrouping[wGrouping.Length-1].Equals(',') == true)
                    wGrouping = wGrouping.Substring(0, wGrouping.Length - 1);
                wSql += " group by " + wGrouping;
            if (wOrdering.Trim() != "")
                wOrdering = wOrdering.Trim();
                if (wOrdering[wOrdering.Length - 1].Equals(',') == true)
                    wOrdering = wOrdering.Substring(0, wOrdering.Length - 1);
                wSql += " order by " + wOrdering;
            if (qbl.QueryLimit.lStart > -1)
                wSql += " limit " + qbl.QueryLimit.lStart + "," + qbl.QueryLimit.lLimit;
            return wSql;
Example #10
        public override string buildInsertStatement(QueryBuilder qbl)
            string tblname = (Convert.ToString(((QueryBuilder.SOURCEBINDING)qbl.getSourceList()[0]).sourceObject));
            ATable tblObj = qbl.getDatabaseObject().GetTableCache().getCachedTable(tblname);
            string wSql = "insert into " + tblname + " ";
            string fieldList = "";
            string valueList = "";
            ABSTRACTDATATYPES fieldType;

            // If our chosen table object does not have an autoincrementing primary key/id field
            // we can check for that here.

            // Build up field list and value list.
            foreach (AField field in qbl.getFieldList())
                fieldList += field.name;
                if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1]) fieldList += ",";

                fieldType = tblObj.getFieldByName(field.name).type;

                if (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.ABool)
                    if (((string)field.value == "true") || ((bool)field.value == true) || ((int)field.value == 1) || ((string)field.value == "1") || ((string)field.value == "yes"))
                        valueList += "1";

                else if (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.AForeignTable)
                    // This is tricky, we have to look up the value type from the
                    // referencing table's file.
                else if (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.ASmallInteger)
                    // Deal with blank values and default val...
                    if (field.defaultval == null)
                        if (field.hasModifier(ABSTRACTFIELDMODIFIERS.NotNull))
                            field.defaultval = 0;
                            field.defaultval = "NULL";
                    if (field.value == null || Convert.ToString(field.value) == "")
                        field.value = field.defaultval;

                    valueList += field.value;
                else if (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.AString)
                    valueList += "'" + field.value + "'";
                else if (fieldType == ABSTRACTDATATYPES.ADateTime)
                    if (Convert.ToString(field.value).ToLower().Trim() == "now()")
                        valueList += field.value;
                        valueList += "'" + field.value + "'";
                    if (field.value == null || Convert.ToString(field.value)== "")
                        field.value = field.defaultval;
                    valueList += field.value;

                if (field != qbl.getFieldList()[qbl.getFieldList().Count - 1]) valueList += ",";
            wSql += "(";
            wSql += fieldList;
            wSql += ") VALUES (";
            wSql += valueList;
            wSql += ");";
            return wSql;