public MQMsgRef receive(int timeout, MQMsgRef mqMsgRef) { if (cfgReceiveData == null) { throw new EisException("Fail to init receive queue."); } MQMessage receiveMsg = getMQMsg(mqMsgRef, timeout); if (receiveMsg == null) { throw new EisException("Fail to get mq msg."); } byte[] response = MQQueueAccesser.getBytesFromMQMessage(receiveMsg); //"replyToQueueManagerName::" + receiveMsg.replyToQueueManagerName); // if (logUtil.isInfoEnabled()) { // StringBuffer sb; // try { // sb = new StringBuffer().append("receive message:\n").append(new String(response, encoding)); //; // } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // logUtil.error("Exception:", e); // } // sb = null; // } MQMsgRef mQMsgRef = new MQMsgRef(receiveMsg.MessageId, response); return(mQMsgRef); }
public MQMsgRef send(MQMsgRef msg) { if (cfgSendData == null) { throw new EisException("Fail to init send queue."); } if (msg == null || msg.MQMsgBody == null) { throw new EisException("Error in MQConnection : send message is null."); } // if (logUtil.isInfoEnabled()) { // StringBuffer sb; // try { // sb = new StringBuffer().append("send message:\n").append(new String(msg.MQMsgBody, encoding)); //; // } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // logUtil.error("Exception:", e); // } // sb = null; // } MQMessage sendMsg = MQQueueAccesser.getMQMessageFromBytes(msg.MQMsgBody); //设置消息id if (msg != null && msg.MQMsgId != null && msg.MQMsgId.Length > 0) { sendMsg.MessageId = msg.MQMsgId; sendMsg.CorrelationId = msg.MQMsgId; } //设置消息队列管理器 if (msg != null && msg.ReplyToQMgr != null) { sendMsg.ReplyToQueueManagerName = msg.ReplyToQMgr; sendMsg.MessageType = MQC.MQMT_REPLY; } // sendMsg.encoding = cfgSendData.mqParameter.getCcsid(); sendMsg.CharacterSet = cfgSendData.mqParameter.getCcsid(); // sendMsg.format = MQC.MQFMT_STRING; Boolean ret = putMQMsg(sendMsg); if (!ret) { throw new EisException("Fail to put mq msg."); } MQMsgRef mQMsgRef = new MQMsgRef(); mQMsgRef.MQMsgId = sendMsg.MessageId; return(mQMsgRef); }
private MQMessage getMQMsg(MQMsgRef mqMsgRef, int timeout) { MQMessage receiveMsg = null; try{ int i = 0; while (true) { try{ if (cfgReceiveData.qManager == null || cfgReceiveData.queue == null) { initMQConnection(); } if (mqMsgRef == null || mqMsgRef.MQMsgId == null || mqMsgRef.MQMsgId.Length <= 0) { receiveMsg = MQQueueAccesser.getMsgFromQueue(null, cfgReceiveData, timeout); } else { receiveMsg = MQQueueAccesser.getMsgFromQueue(mqMsgRef.MQMsgId, cfgReceiveData, timeout); } return(receiveMsg); }catch (MQException mqe) { i++; int ret = MQQueueAccesser.handleMQException(mqe); if (ret == -1) { Boolean isT = initMQConnection(); if (!isT) { throw new EisException(MQCException.MQ_CONNECT_ERROR_EXCEPTION_CODE); } } else if (ret == 1) { throw mqe; } if (i > MQQueueAccesser.getConnGetMsgCount()) { throw mqe; } } } }catch (MQException mqe) { int ret = MQQueueAccesser.handleMQException(mqe); if (ret == 1) { throw new EisException(MQCException.MQ_MSG_RECEIVE_GETMSG_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION_CODE, MQCException.MQ_MSG_RECEIVE_GETMSG_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION_DESC); } else if (ret == -1) { throw new EisException(MQCException.MQ_CONNECT_ERROR_EXCEPTION_CODE); } else { throw new EisException(MQCException.MQ_MSG_RECEIVE_GETMSG_ERROR_EXCEPTION_CODE + mqe); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new EisException(MQCException.MQ_MSG_RECEIVE_GETMSG_ERROR_EXCEPTION_CODE, MQCException.MQ_MSG_RECEIVE_GETMSG_ERROR_EXCEPTION_DESC); } }