public static string GetClubForPlayer(long playerId, world world) { string folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + smcSqlite; int clubId = 0; using (var connection = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + folder)) { connection.Open(); var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @"select club_id from players where player_id = " + playerId.ToString(); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { clubId = reader.GetInt32(0); } } } if (clubId > 0) { return(world.clubs[clubId].name); } else { return("Unknown club"); } }
// TEMPLATE public static string ReportTemplate(long clubId, world world) { Dictionary <int, int> result = new Dictionary <int, int>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + Utilities.smcSqlite; using (var connection = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + folder)) { connection.Open(); var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @"select player_id, fitness, morale, wages, position, dob, foot, value, height, weight, country_id, club_id from players as p order by wages desc, club_id asc , value "; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { //reader.GetInt32(0); } } } return(sb.ToString()); }
// To parse this JSON data, add NuGet 'Newtonsoft.Json' then do: // // using QuickType; // // var getAgentsPlayers = GetAgentsPlayers.FromJson(jsonString); public static string AgentsPlayersReport(GetAgentsPlayers agentsPlayers, world world) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // sb.AppendLine(agentsPlayers.Result.Data) bool didHeader = false; foreach (var player in agentsPlayers.Result.Data) { if (!didHeader) { sb.AppendLine(player.AgentName); sb.AppendLine(new String('=', player.AgentName.Length)); didHeader = true; } string playerName = Utilities.GetPlayerNameFromId(player.PlayerId, world); string clubName = Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(player.ClubId, world); sb.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.AgentsPlayersReport, player.PlayerId.ToString(), playerName, player.ClubId.ToString(), clubName)); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public static string ClubOrderbookReport(long clubId, world world) { Dictionary <int, int> result = new Dictionary <int, int>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + Utilities.smcSqlite; using (var connection = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + folder)) { connection.Open(); var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @"select * from share_orders where share_type = ""club"" order by share_id, share_type, price desc, num, name "; int lastClubId = 0; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { // result.Add(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetInt32(1)); if (lastClubId != reader.GetInt32(3)) { // add header sb.AppendLine("CLUB " + Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(reader.GetInt32(3), world)); sb.AppendLine(" TYPE PRICE SHARES NAME"); } string type = string.Empty; if (reader.GetInt32(1) == 1) { type = "ask"; } else if (reader.GetInt32(1) == 0) { type = "bid"; } string price = reader.GetInt32(6).ToString("N0"); string num = reader.GetInt32(5).ToString("N0"); string name = reader.GetString(4); sb.AppendLine( string.Format( StringTemplates.ClubsOrderbooksRow, type, price, num, name )); lastClubId = reader.GetInt32(3); } } } return(sb.ToString()); }
public static string GetPlayerNameFromId(long id, world world) { int i = Int32.Parse(id.ToString()); try { return(world.players[i].firstname + " " + world.players[i].lastname); } catch { return("Unknown player id: " + i.ToString()); } }
public static string GetClubNameFromId(long id, world world) { string result = string.Empty; int i = Int32.Parse(id.ToString()); try { return(world.clubs[i].name); } catch { return("Unknown club id: " + i.ToString()); } }
// To parse this JSON data, add NuGet 'Newtonsoft.Json' then do: // // using get_all_managers; // // var getAllManagers = GetAllManagers.FromJson(jsonString); public static string ManagersListReport(GetAllManagers managers, world world) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("ALL MANAGERS"); sb.AppendLine("============"); foreach (var manager in managers.Result.Data) { sb.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.AllManagersReport, manager.ManagerName, manager.ClubId, Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(manager.ClubId, world))); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public static string UsersReport(GetAllUsers users, world world) { string result = string.Empty; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Users is pretty boring unless we add some other information. Manager or agent would be good. foreach (var user in users.Result.Data) { // user.Name } return(result); }
private static string GetPlayerNameFromId(long id, world) { int id2 = Convert.ToInt32(id); string result = string.Empty; try { result = world.players[id2].firstname + " " + world.players[id2].lastname + " - " + id.ToString(); } catch { result = "Uknown - encountered an error"; } return(result); }
public static string GetAllTransferHistoryReport(GetAllTransferHistory allTransferHistory, world world) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(StringTemplates.AllTransferHistoryHeader); foreach (var history in allTransferHistory.Result.Data) { // Set up nicely named vars to use string amount = Utilities.GetNiceAmount(history.Amount); string from = Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(history.ClubIdFrom, world); string to = Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(history.ClubIdTo, world); string sDate = Utilities.GetNiceDateTime(Utilities.UnixTimeStampToDateTime((double)history.Date)); string player = Utilities.GetPlayerNameFromId(history.PlayerId, world); // Add a line to the report with the string templates. sb.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.AllTransferHistoryRow, player, from, to, amount.ToString(), sDate)); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public static string ClubEconomicsReport(world world) { Dictionary <int, int> result = new Dictionary <int, int>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + Utilities.smcSqlite; sb.AppendLine("CLUB SHARE INFO REPORT"); sb.AppendLine(" This report is to help you decide on what clubs you wish to purchase shares in."); sb.AppendLine(" 50% of clubs in this report are playing 'away', so they don't have much revenue."); sb.AppendLine(" Those are marked with '**' in the total revenue column."); sb.AppendLine(" What you should pay attention to is the'HOUSE MONEY WEEKS' column."); sb.AppendLine(" That tells you how many weeks it takes to earn back your initial investment in weeks. "); sb.AppendLine(" That number is a rough estimate based on the current market. It could change radically and quickly. "); sb.AppendLine(""); sb.AppendLine( string.Format( StringTemplates.ClubEconomicsRow, "CLUB", "COUNTRY", "BALANCE", "PRICE", "TV REVENUE", "MANAGER SALARY", "TOTAL REVENUE", "DIVIDENDS", "DIV PER SHARE", "HOUSE MONEY WEEKS" )); using (var connection = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + folder)) { connection.Open(); var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @" select c.club_id, c.balance, c.value, c.manager_name, country_id, min(s.price) as price, b.tv_revenue as tv, (b.tv_revenue * 0.002) as manager_money, (b.gate_receipts + b.tv_revenue + b.sponsor + merchandise) as revenue, (b.gate_receipts + b.tv_revenue + b.sponsor + merchandise) * 0.01 as dividend, (b.gate_receipts + b.tv_revenue + b.sponsor + merchandise) * 0.01 / 10000 as dividend_per_share, ( min(s.price) / ( (b.gate_receipts + b.tv_revenue + b.sponsor + merchandise) * 0.01) * 10000 ) as housemoney from clubs as c, share_orders as s, balance_sheets as b where c.club_id = s.share_id and s.share_type = ""club"" and c.club_id = b.club_id and s.is_ask = 1 -- and c.club_id = 45 group by c.club_id order by housemoney asc , manager_money desc, c.club_id "; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { string club = Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(reader.GetInt32(0), world); string country = reader.GetString(4); int balance = reader.GetInt32(1); int price = reader.GetInt32(5); int tv_revenue = reader.GetInt32(6); double manager_salary = reader.GetDouble(7); int total_revenue = reader.GetInt32(8); double dividends = reader.GetDouble(9); double div_per_share = reader.GetDouble(10); double housemoney = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? 0 : reader.GetDouble(11); string revenue_flag = tv_revenue == total_revenue ? "** " : ""; sb.AppendLine( string.Format( StringTemplates.ClubEconomicsRow, club, country, balance.ToString("N0"), price.ToString("N0"), tv_revenue.ToString("N0"), manager_salary.ToString("#,##0.00"), revenue_flag + total_revenue.ToString("N0"), dividends.ToString("#,##0.00"), div_per_share.ToString("0.00"), housemoney.ToString("0.00") )); } } } return(sb.ToString()); }
// find financial advice for buying players/clubs // sme code POPULATEtACTICS.CS =- line 1433 or so for positions public static string PlayerEconomicsReport(world world) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + Utilities.smcSqlite; sb.AppendLine( string.Format( StringTemplates.PlayerEconomicsRow, "NAME", "CLUB", "COUNTRY", "DOB", "HEIGHT", "WEIGHT", "FOOT", "POSITION", "FITNESS", "MORALE", "WAGES", "VALUE", "DIVIDENDS", "COMMISSIONS", "PRICE", "HOUSE MONEY WEEKS" )); using (var connection = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + folder)) { connection.Open(); var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @"select p.player_id,, p.morale, p.wages, p.position, p.dob, p.foot, p.value, p.height, p.weight, p.country_id, p.club_id, min(s.price) as price, (price / ((p.wages * 0.02 * 2) / 10000)) as housemoney from players as p, share_orders as s where p.player_id = s.share_id and s.share_type = ""player"" and s.is_ask = 1 group by p.player_id order by housemoney asc, p.wages desc, p.club_id asc, value "; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { string pname = Utilities.GetPlayerNameFromId(reader.GetInt32(0), world); string cname = Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(reader.GetInt32(11), world); string country = reader.GetString(10); string dob = Utilities.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(reader.GetInt32(5)).ToLongDateString(); int height = reader.GetInt32(8); int weight = reader.GetInt32(9); int foot = reader.GetInt32(6); int value = reader.GetInt32(7) * 1000; int wages = reader.GetInt32(3); int fitness = reader.GetInt32(1); int position = reader.GetInt32(4); int morale = reader.GetInt32(2); int price = reader.GetInt32(12); double housemoney = reader.GetDouble(13); double weeklyShareDividends = wages * 0.02 * 2; // paid 2x per week double weeklyAgentCommissions = wages * 0.001 * 2; // paid 2x per week // weeks to earn back investment - House Money Weeks double weeksToEarnBackInvestment = weeklyShareDividends / (price * 100); double onesharedividend = weeklyShareDividends / 10000; double priceBy1share = price / onesharedividend; sb.AppendLine( string.Format( StringTemplates.PlayerEconomicsRow, pname, cname, country, dob, height.ToString(), weight.ToString(), Utilities.FootString(foot), Utilities.PositionString(position), fitness.ToString(), Utilities.MoraleString(morale), wages.ToString("N0"), value.ToString("N0"), weeklyShareDividends.ToString("N0"), weeklyAgentCommissions.ToString("N0"), price.ToString("N0"), housemoney.ToString("#.00") )); } } } return(sb.ToString()); }
public static string PlayerOrderbookReport(long clubId, world world) { StringBuilder report = new StringBuilder(); string folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + Utilities.smcSqlite; int name_length = 0; bool is_bid_header_done = false; using (var connection = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + folder)) { connection.Open(); var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @"select s.order_id, s.is_ask, s.share_id,, s.num, s.price, p.player_id, p.club_id, p.wages,, p.morale, p.injured, p.injury_id, p.form, p.rating, p.banned, p.cup_tied, p.yellow_cards, p.red_cards, p.dob, p.foot, p.value, p.height, p.weight, p.country_id, p.agent_name from share_orders as s, players as p where share_type = ""player"" and s.share_id = p.player_id order by s.is_ask desc, p.rating desc, s.share_id, s.price desc, s.num,, s.share_type" ; int lastPlayerId = 0; //0 order_id //1 is_ask //2 share_id //3 name //4 num //5 price //6 player_id //7 club_id //8 wages //9 fitness //10 morale //11 injured //12 injury_id //13 form //14 rating //15 banned //16 cup_tied //17 yellow_cards //18 red_cards //19 dob //20 foot //21 value //22 height //23 weight //24 country_id //25 agent_name int order_id = 0; string is_ask = string.Empty; int share_id = 0; string name = string.Empty; int num = 0; int price = 0; int player_id = 0; int club_id = 0; int wages = 0; //************ int fitness = 0; int morale = 0; int injured = 0; int injury_id = 0; string form = string.Empty; int rating = 0; int banned = 0; int cup_tied = 0; int yellow_cards = 0; int red_cards = 0; int dob = 0; int foot = -1; int value = 0;//************ int height = 0; int weight = 0; string country_id = string.Empty; string agent_name = string.Empty; report.AppendLine(" A/B NAME PRICE QTY RATING VALUE WAGES V/W SELLER/BIDDER"); report.AppendLine(" ASKS"); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { order_id = reader.GetInt32(0); is_ask = reader.GetInt32(1) == 1 ? "ask" : "bid"; share_id = reader.GetInt32(2); name = reader.GetString(3); num = reader.GetInt32(4); price = reader.GetInt32(5); player_id = reader.GetInt32(6); club_id = reader.GetInt32(7); wages = reader.GetInt32(8); fitness = reader.GetInt32(9); morale = reader.GetInt32(10); injured = reader.GetInt32(11); injury_id = reader.GetInt32(12); form = reader.GetString(13); rating = reader.GetInt32(14); banned = reader.GetInt32(15); cup_tied = reader.GetInt32(16); yellow_cards = reader.GetInt32(17); red_cards = reader.GetInt32(18); dob = reader.GetInt32(19); foot = reader.GetInt32(20); value = reader.GetInt32(21); height = reader.GetInt32(22); weight = reader.GetInt32(23); country_id = reader.GetString(24); agent_name = reader.IsDBNull(25) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(25); string player_name = Utilities.GetPlayerNameFromId(player_id, world); if (player_name.Length > name_length) { name_length = player_name.Length; } // bid header if (!is_bid_header_done && is_ask == "bid") { is_bid_header_done = true; // add bid header report.AppendLine(" BIDS"); } if (lastPlayerId != player_id) { // add header for each player report.Append(string.Format(StringTemplates.PlayerOrderbookHeader, is_ask, /* player name */ player_name + " (" + player_id + ")")); } else { // append appropriate padding report.Append(StringTemplates.PlayerOrderbookHeaderDummy); } //string type = string.Empty; //if (reader.GetInt32(1) == 1) // type = "ask"; //else if (reader.GetInt32(1) == 0) // type = "bid"; //price = reader.GetInt32(6).ToString("N0"); //num = reader.GetInt32(5).ToString("N0"); //name = reader.GetString(4); report.Append( string.Format( StringTemplates.PlayerOrderbookRow, price.ToString("N0"), num.ToString("N0"), rating, (value * 1000).ToString("N0"), wages.ToString("N0"), ((float)(value * 1000) / (float)wages).ToString("0.0"), name ) + Environment.NewLine); lastPlayerId = player_id; } } } return(report.ToString()); // name_length.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + }
public static List <AdgvRow> GetPlayerOrderbookAdgvRows(List <AdgvColumn> cols, world world) { string folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + Utilities.smcSqlite; List <AdgvRow> rows = new List <AdgvRow>(); int shortcircuit = 0; // stop if the player doesn't exist List <int> existing_players = Utilities.GetAllPlayerIds(); using (var connection = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + folder)) { connection.Open(); var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @"select s.order_id, s.is_ask, s.share_id,, s.num, s.price, p.player_id, p.club_id, p.wages,, p.morale, p.injured, p.injury_id, p.form, p.rating, p.banned, p.cup_tied, p.yellow_cards, p.red_cards, p.dob, p.foot, p.value, p.height, p.weight, p.country_id, p.agent_name, p.position from share_orders as s, players as p where share_type = ""player"" and s.share_id = p.player_id order by s.is_ask desc, p.rating desc, s.share_id, s.price desc, s.num,, s.share_type" ; //0 order_id //1 is_ask //2 share_id //3 name //4 num //5 price //6 player_id //7 club_id //8 wages //9 fitness //10 morale //11 injured //12 injury_id //13 form //14 rating //15 banned //16 cup_tied //17 yellow_cards //18 red_cards //19 dob //20 foot //21 value //22 height //23 weight //24 country_id //25 agent_name //26 position int order_id = 0; string is_ask = string.Empty; int share_id = 0; string name = string.Empty; int num = 0; int price = 0; int player_id = 0; int club_id = 0; int wages = 0; //************ int fitness = 0; string morale = string.Empty; int injured = 0; int injury_id = 0; string form = string.Empty; int rating = 0; int banned = 0; int cup_tied = 0; int yellow_cards = 0; int red_cards = 0; DateTime dob = DateTime.Now; string foot = string.Empty; int value = 0;//************ int height = 0; int weight = 0; string country_id = string.Empty; string agent_name = string.Empty; string position = string.Empty; decimal value_wages = 0; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { order_id = reader.GetInt32(0); is_ask = reader.GetInt32(1) == 1 ? "ask" : "bid"; share_id = reader.GetInt32(2); name = reader.GetString(3); num = reader.GetInt32(4); price = reader.GetInt32(5); player_id = reader.GetInt32(6); // Stop if player doesn't exist if (!existing_players.Contains(player_id)) { continue; } club_id = reader.GetInt32(7); wages = reader.GetInt32(8); fitness = reader.GetInt32(9); morale = Utilities.MoraleString(reader.GetInt32(10)); injured = reader.GetInt32(11); injury_id = reader.GetInt32(12); form = reader.GetString(13); rating = reader.GetInt32(14); banned = reader.GetInt32(15); cup_tied = reader.GetInt32(16); yellow_cards = reader.GetInt32(17); red_cards = reader.GetInt32(18); dob = Utilities.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(reader.GetInt32(19)); foot = Utilities.FootString(reader.GetInt32(20)); value = reader.GetInt32(21) * 1000; height = reader.GetInt32(22); weight = reader.GetInt32(23); country_id = reader.GetString(24); agent_name = reader.IsDBNull(25) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(25); position = Utilities.PositionString(reader.GetInt32(26)); value_wages = decimal.Round((decimal)value / (decimal)wages, 2); string player_name = Utilities.GetPlayerNameFromId(player_id, world); string club_name = Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(club_id, world); List <object> list = new List <object>(); list.Add(order_id); list.Add(is_ask); list.Add(share_id); list.Add(name); list.Add(num); list.Add(price); list.Add(player_id); list.Add(player_name); list.Add(club_id); list.Add(club_name); list.Add(position); list.Add(wages); list.Add(value); // add in ((float)(value * 1000) / (float)wages).ToString("0.0") list.Add(value_wages); list.Add(fitness); list.Add(morale); list.Add(injured); list.Add(injury_id); list.Add(form); list.Add(rating); list.Add(banned); list.Add(cup_tied); list.Add(yellow_cards); list.Add(red_cards); list.Add(dob); list.Add(foot); list.Add(height); list.Add(weight); list.Add(country_id); list.Add(agent_name); AdgvRow row = new AdgvRow(cols, list); rows.Add(row); //shortcircuit++; //if (shortcircuit >= 100) // break; } } } return(rows); }
// To parse this JSON data, add NuGet 'Newtonsoft.Json' then do: // // using QuickType; // // var getBestShareOrders = GetBestShareOrders.FromJson(jsonString); public static string GetShareOrdersReport(get_best_share_orders.GetBestShareOrders shareOrders, world world) { StringBuilder sbClubs = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbPlayers = new StringBuilder(); // var sortedDict = from entry in Players orderby entry.Value.Minted descending, entry.Value.Inventory.Count descending select entry; List <Datum> clubAskOrders = new List <Datum>(); List <Datum> clubBidOrders = new List <Datum>(); List <Datum> playerAskOrders = new List <Datum>(); List <Datum> playerBidOrders = new List <Datum>(); foreach (var order in shareOrders.Result.Data) { if (order.Share.Club.HasValue) { string clubName = Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(order.Share.Club.Value, world); if (order.BestAsk.HasValue) { clubAskOrders.Add(order); } if (order.BestBid.HasValue) { clubBidOrders.Add(order); } } else { string playerName = Utilities.GetPlayerNameFromId(order.Share.Player.Value, world); //playerOrders.Add(order); if (order.BestAsk.HasValue) { playerAskOrders.Add(order); } if (order.BestBid.HasValue) { playerBidOrders.Add(order); } } } // Bug fix - GSP is returning players that don't exist in orders - need to remove them // 2020-10-22 - This bug may be fixed - remove this after verifying List <int> existingPlayers = new List <int>(); // A list to contain all players that exist - their player_ids existingPlayers = Utilities.GetAllPlayerIds(); // Just returns select player_id from players List <Datum> playersToRemove = new List <Datum>(); // Create a list of players to remove, i.e. the ones that don't exist foreach (var player in playerBidOrders) { if (!existingPlayers.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(player.Share.Player))) { // If the player_id isn't in the list of existing players, add it to the remove list playersToRemove.Add(player); } } // It only affects bids, but might as well do asks as well foreach (var player in playerAskOrders) { if (!existingPlayers.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(player.Share.Player))) { //playerAskOrders.Remove(player); playersToRemove.Add(player); } } // Go over our list of players to remove, and remove them from the bid and ask lists foreach (var player in playersToRemove) { playerBidOrders.Remove(player); playerAskOrders.Remove(player); } // Done - lists are now cleaned of players that don't exist var sortedClubAsks = from entry in clubAskOrders orderby entry.BestAsk.Value descending select entry; var sortedClubBids = from entry in clubBidOrders orderby entry.BestBid.Value descending select entry; var sortedPlayerAsks = from entry in playerAskOrders orderby entry.BestAsk.Value descending select entry; var sortedPlayerBids = from entry in playerBidOrders orderby entry.BestBid.Value descending select entry; sbClubs.AppendLine("CLUB ASKS"); foreach (var club in sortedClubAsks) { sbClubs.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.OrdersReportClubRow, Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(club.Share.Club.Value, world).ToString(), "ask", club.BestAsk.Value.ToString("N0"))); } sbClubs.AppendLine("CLUB BIDS"); foreach (var club in sortedClubBids) { sbClubs.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.OrdersReportClubRow, Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(club.Share.Club.Value, world).ToString(), "bid", club.BestBid.Value.ToString("N0"))); } Dictionary <int, int> playerClubIds = Utilities.GetClubsForPlayers(); sbPlayers.AppendLine("PLAYER ASKS"); foreach (var player in sortedPlayerAsks) { try { sbPlayers.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.OrdersReportPlayerRow, Utilities.GetPlayerNameFromId(player.Share.Player.Value, world), "ask", player.BestAsk.Value.ToString("N0"), Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(playerClubIds[Convert.ToInt32(player.Share.Player.Value)], world) //Utilities.GetClubForPlayer(player.Share.Player.Value, world) )); } catch { } } sbPlayers.AppendLine("PLAYER BIDS"); foreach (var player in sortedPlayerBids) { try { //int? cId = playerClubIds[Convert.ToInt32(player.Share.Player.Value)]; sbPlayers.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.OrdersReportPlayerRow, Utilities.GetPlayerNameFromId(player.Share.Player.Value, world), "bid", player.BestBid.Value.ToString("N0"), Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(playerClubIds[Convert.ToInt32(player.Share.Player.Value)], world) //Utilities.GetClubForPlayer(player.Share.Player.Value, world )); } catch { } } return(sbClubs.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + sbPlayers.ToString()); }
// To parse this JSON data, add NuGet 'Newtonsoft.Json' then do: // // using QuickType; // // var getUserShareOrders = GetUserShareOrders.FromJson(jsonString); public static string GetUserShareOrdersReport(GetUserShareOrders userShareOrders, world world, string name) { if (userShareOrders.Result.Data.Length == 0) { return(string.Empty); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); var sortedOrders = from entry in userShareOrders.Result.Data orderby entry.Type ascending, entry.Price descending select entry; sb.AppendLine(name + " ASKS & BIDS"); foreach (var order in sortedOrders) { // " {0, 16} {1, 4} {2,-8} SMC for {3, 6} shares of {4, 16} totaling {5, -15}"; string type = order.Type.ToString(); string price = order.Price.ToString("N0"); string total = (order.Price * order.Num).ToString("N0"); // club or player? string asset = "Unknown club or player"; string PorC = "???"; if (order.Share.Club.HasValue) { asset = Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(order.Share.Club.Value, world); PorC = "CLUB"; } else if (order.Share.Player.HasValue) { asset = Utilities.GetPlayerNameFromId(order.Share.Player.Value, world); PorC = "PLAYER"; } sb.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.UserShareOrderRow, name, type, price, order.Num.ToString("N0"), PorC, asset, total)); } sb.AppendLine(" ==============="); return(sb.ToString()); }
public static List <AdgvRow> GetClubOrderbookAdgvRows(List <AdgvColumn> cols, world world) { string folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + Utilities.smcSqlite; List <AdgvRow> rows = new List <AdgvRow>(); //Stop if club doesn't exist // List<int> existing_clubs = Utilities.Get #region get rows using (var connection = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + folder)) { connection.Open(); var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @"select so.order_id, so.is_ask, so.share_type, so.share_id,, so.num, so.price, (so.price * so.num) as total, c.club_id, c.balance, c.form, c.fans_start, c.fans_current, c.stadium_size_start, c.stadium_size_current, c.stadium_id, c.manager_name, c.chairman_name, c.home_colour, c.away_colour, c.value, c.default_formation, c.rating, c.country_id, -- c.committed_tactics, c.game_world_id, c.proposed_manager from share_orders as so, clubs as c where share_type = ""club"" and c.club_id = so.share_id -- and c.club_id = 45 order by so.price desc, c.value desc, c.club_id asc --c.committed_tactics, "; //0 order_id //1 is_ask //2 share_type //3 share_id //4 name //5 num //6 price //7 total //8 club_id //9 balance //10 form //11 fans_start //12 fans_current //13 stadium_size_start //14 stadium_size_current //15 stadium_id //16 manager_name //17 chairman_name //18 home_colour //19 away_colour //20 value //21 default_formation //22 rating //23 country_id //24 committed_tactics -- commented out... //24 game_world_id //25 proposed_manager int order_id = 0; string is_ask = "???"; string share_type = string.Empty; int share_id = 0; string name = string.Empty; int num = 0; int price = 0; int total = 0; int club_id = 0; int balance = 0; string form = string.Empty; int fans_start = 0; int fans_current = 0; int stadium_size_start = 0; int stadium_size_current = 0; int stadium_id = 0; string manager_name = string.Empty; string chairman_name = string.Empty; string home_colour = string.Empty; string away_colour = string.Empty; int value = 0; int default_formation = 0; int rating = 0; string country_id = string.Empty; //Byte[] committed_tactics; int game_world_id = 0; string proposed_manager = string.Empty; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { order_id = reader.GetInt32(0); is_ask = reader.GetInt32(1) == 1 ? "ask" : "bid"; share_id = reader.GetInt32(3); name = reader.GetString(4); num = reader.GetInt32(5); price = reader.GetInt32(6); total = reader.GetInt32(7); club_id = reader.GetInt32(8); // Stop if club doesn't exist //if (!existing_clubs.Contains(player_id)) // Still need to create method for this // continue; balance = reader.GetInt32(9); form = reader.GetString(10); fans_start = reader.GetInt32(11); fans_current = reader.GetInt32(12); stadium_size_start = reader.GetInt32(13); stadium_size_current = reader.GetInt32(14); stadium_id = reader.GetInt32(15); manager_name = reader.IsDBNull(16) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(16); chairman_name = reader.IsDBNull(17) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(17); home_colour = reader.GetString(18); away_colour = reader.GetString(19); value = reader.GetInt32(20); default_formation = reader.IsDBNull(21) ? -1 : reader.GetInt32(21); rating = reader.GetInt32(22); country_id = reader.GetString(23); // committed_tactics = reader.GetBytes .GetString(24); game_world_id = reader.GetInt32(24); proposed_manager = reader.IsDBNull(25) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(25); string club_name = Utilities.GetClubNameFromId(club_id, world); List <object> list = new List <object>(); list.Add(order_id); list.Add(is_ask); //list.Add(share_type); list.Add(share_id); list.Add(club_name); list.Add(name); list.Add(num); list.Add(price); list.Add(total); //list.Add(club_id); //list.Add(club_name); list.Add(balance); list.Add(form); list.Add(fans_start); list.Add(fans_current); list.Add(stadium_size_start); list.Add(stadium_size_current); list.Add(stadium_id); list.Add(manager_name); list.Add(chairman_name); list.Add(home_colour); list.Add(away_colour); list.Add(value); list.Add(default_formation); list.Add(rating); list.Add(country_id); // list.Add(committed_tactics); list.Add(game_world_id); list.Add(proposed_manager); AdgvRow row = new AdgvRow(cols, list); rows.Add(row); //shortcircuit++; //if (shortcircuit >= 100) // break; } } } #endregion return(rows); }
public static string Get_club_tactics(SMElite.get_club_tactics.GetClubTactics getClubTactics, world) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); // result.AppendLine("Team Instructions"); //result.AppendLine("Tackling Style: " + getClubTactics.Result.Data.t) foreach (var v in getClubTactics.Result.Data.TacticActions) { result.AppendLine("TEAM INSTRUCTIONS @ Time: " + v.Time.ToString()); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Goal Margin ", tactics.GetGoalMargin(Convert.ToInt32(v.GoalMargin)))); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Tackling Style ", tactics.tacklingstyle[v.TacklingStyle])); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Passing Style ", tactics.passingstyle[v.PassingStyle])); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Tempo ", tactics.tempo[v.Tempo])); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Mentality ", tactics.mentality[v.Mentality])); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Attacking ", tactics.attackingstyle[v.Attacking])); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Pressing ", tactics.pressing[v.Pressing])); result.AppendLine(" ----"); result.AppendLine(""); result.AppendLine("PLAY STYLE"); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Counter Attack ", YesOrNo(v.CounterAttack))); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Tight Marking ", YesOrNo(v.TightMarking))); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Use Playmaker ", YesOrNo(v.UsePlaymaker))); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Men Behind Ball ", YesOrNo(v.MenBehindBall))); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Play Offside Trap ", YesOrNo(v.PlayOffside))); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Use Target Man ", YesOrNo(v.UseTargetMan))); result.AppendLine(" ----"); result.AppendLine(""); result.AppendLine("PLAYER INSTRUCTIONS"); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Captain ", GetPlayerNameFromId(getClubTactics.Result.Data.TeamSheet[Convert.ToInt32(v.Captain)], world))); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Freekicks ", GetPlayerNameFromId(getClubTactics.Result.Data.TeamSheet[Convert.ToInt32(v.FreeKicks)], world))); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Playmaker ", GetPlayerNameFromId(getClubTactics.Result.Data.TeamSheet[Convert.ToInt32(v.Playmaker)], world))); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Penalty Taker ", GetPlayerNameFromId(getClubTactics.Result.Data.TeamSheet[Convert.ToInt32(v.PenaltyTaker)], world))); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Corner Taker ", GetPlayerNameFromId(getClubTactics.Result.Data.TeamSheet[Convert.ToInt32(v.CornerTaker)], world))); result.AppendLine(string.Format(StringTemplates.Tactics, "Target Man ", GetPlayerNameFromId(getClubTactics.Result.Data.TeamSheet[Convert.ToInt32(v.TargetMan)], world))); result.AppendLine(" ----"); result.AppendLine(""); result.AppendLine("LINE UP"); foreach (var p in v.Lineup) { result.AppendLine(" " + GetPlayerNameFromId(getClubTactics.Result.Data.TeamSheet[Convert.ToInt32(p)], world)); } result.AppendLine(" ----"); result.AppendLine(""); } // And the team result.AppendLine("TEAM SHEET"); foreach (var v in getClubTactics.Result.Data.TeamSheet) { result.AppendLine(" " + GetPlayerNameFromId(v, world)); } return(result.ToString()); }