public SMBShareACL(HostShare share, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > shareACL, Dictionary <DateTime, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > > ShareACLEvolution) { this.discoveryDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; this.share = share; this.shareACL = shareACL; this.shareACLEvolution = ShareACLEvolution; }
static private bool IsRecursivelyScannable(HostShare hostShare) { return( !( hostShare.shareInfo.shi1_type == (UInt16)SHARE_TYPE.STYPE_PRINTQ || hostShare.shareInfo.shi1_type == (UInt16)SHARE_TYPE.STYPE_IPC || Config.SharesRecursiveScanBlackList.Contains(hostShare.shareInfo.shi1_netname) ) ); }
static private bool IsRecursivelyScannable(HostShare hostShare) { if (hostShare.shareInfo.shi1_type == (UInt16)SHARE_TYPE.STYPE_PRINTQ || hostShare.shareInfo.shi1_type == (UInt16)SHARE_TYPE.STYPE_IPC) { return(false); } if (Config.SharesRecursiveScanBlackList.Contains(hostShare.shareInfo.shi1_netname)) { return(false); } return((Config.SharesScanWhiteList.Count > 0) ? Config.SharesScanWhiteList.Contains(hostShare.shareInfo.shi1_netname) : true); }
public static SMBShareACL GetShareACL(HostShare share) { if (share.shareInfo.shi1_type == (UInt16)SHARE_TYPE.STYPE_IPC || share.shareInfo.shi1_type == (UInt16)SHARE_TYPE.STYPE_PRINTQ) { if (Config.Debug) { Console.WriteLine("[*][" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "] The shareInfo " + share.ToString() + " will not be scanned"); } return(new SMBShareACL { share = share, shareACL = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >() }); } return(new SMBShareACL { share = share, shareACL = GetShareACL(share.ToString()) }); }