Example #1
        public static string FindQuery(int userID, int bussinessID, OutcomeFilter filter = null, int?max = 100)
            var conditions = new List <string>();

            if (filter != null)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Code))
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and o.Code like N'%{0}%'", filter.Code));
                if (filter.EmployeeID.HasValue)
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and o.EmployeeID = {0}", filter.EmployeeID.Value));
                if (filter.WarehouseID.HasValue)
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and o.WarehouseID = {0}", filter.WarehouseID.Value));
                if (filter.From.HasValue)
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and o.SubmitDate >= '{0}'", filter.From.Value.ToString(Constants.DatabaseDatetimeString)));
                if (filter.To.HasValue)
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and o.SubmitDate <= '{0}'", filter.To.Value.ToString(Constants.DatabaseDatetimeString)));
                       @"select {3} o.*, e.Name as [EmployeeName], w.Name as [WarehouseName]
                    from Outcome o join Employee e on o.EmployeeID = e.ID join Warehouse w on o.WarehouseID = w.ID and w.Status = 'active' and ((select Username from Login where ID = {2}) = 'admin' or w.ID in (select WarehouseID from LoginWarehouse where LoginID = {2}))
                    where o.Status = 'active' and o.BussinessID = {0} {1} order by o.ID desc",
                       bussinessID, String.Join(" ", conditions), userID,
                       max.HasValue ? String.Format("top {0}", max.Value) : ""));
Example #2
        public static OutcomeList Find(int userID, int bussinessID, OutcomeFilter filter = null, int?max = 100)
            var result = new OutcomeList("", filter);

            using (var con = Repo.DB.SKtimeManagement)
                result.Data = con.Query <OutcomeInfo>(FindQuery(userID, bussinessID, filter, max)).ToList();
Example #3
        public ActionResult List(OutcomeFilter filter)
            var data = OutcomeInfo.Find(UserID, Employee.ID, Employee.BussinessID, "", filter, true);

            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    result = true,
                    html = RenderPartialViewToString(Views.ListPartial, data)
                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            return(View(Views.List, data));
Example #4
        public ActionResult Download(OutcomeFilter filter)
            var result = false;

                var data = OutcomeInfo.Find(UserID, Employee.ID, Employee.BussinessID, "", filter, true, null);
                if (data != null)
                    var fileName = String.Format("Outcomes_{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmmss"));
                    var file     = String.Format("{0}/Content/Download/{1}", SiteConfiguration.ApplicationPath, fileName);
                    Functions.CheckDirectory(String.Format("{0}/Content/Download/", SiteConfiguration.ApplicationPath));
                    SaveDownload(file, data.Data);
                    Session[SessionKey.Download] = fileName;
                    result = true;
            catch { }
                result = result
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet));
Example #5
 public OutcomeList(string message = "", OutcomeFilter filter = null)
     Data    = new List <OutcomeInfo>();
     Filter  = filter != null ? filter : new OutcomeFilter();
     Message = message;
Example #6
        public static OutcomeList Find(int userID, int employeeID, int bussinessID, string message = "", OutcomeFilter filter = null, bool log = false, int?max = 100)
            QueryOutput queryResult;
            var         result = new OutcomeList(message, filter);

            result.Data = Query <OutcomeInfo>(new DbQuery(userID, employeeID, DbAction.Outcome.View, FindQuery(userID, bussinessID, filter, max), log), out queryResult);