Example #1
        public static void DNSNAPTRRecordLookup(string host, bool async, ref SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult)
            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS NAPTR record lookup initiated for " + host + ".", null));

            // Target is a hostname with no explicit port, DNS lookup for NAPTR records.
            DNSResponse naptrRecordResponse = DNSManager.Lookup(host, DNSQType.NAPTR, DNS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT, null, true, async);

            if (naptrRecordResponse == null && async)
                lookupResult.Pending = true;
            else if (naptrRecordResponse.Timedout)
                lookupResult.NAPTRTimedoutAt = DateTime.Now;
            else if (naptrRecordResponse.Error == null && naptrRecordResponse.RecordNAPTR != null && naptrRecordResponse.RecordNAPTR.Length > 0)
                foreach (RecordNAPTR naptrRecord in naptrRecordResponse.RecordNAPTR)
                    SIPDNSServiceResult sipNAPTRResult = new SIPDNSServiceResult(SIPServices.GetService(naptrRecord.Service), naptrRecord.Order, 0, naptrRecord.RR.TTL, naptrRecord.Replacement, 0, DateTime.Now);
                    SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS NAPTR record found for " + host + ", result " + naptrRecord.Service + " " + naptrRecord.Replacement + ".", null));
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS no NAPTR records found for " + host + ".", null));
Example #2
        private void SendInitialRegister()
                if (m_attempts >= MAX_REGISTER_ATTEMPTS)
                    Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.ContactRegisterFailed, "Registration to " + m_sipAccountAOR.ToString() + " reached the maximum number of allowed attempts without a failure condition.", m_owner));
                    m_isRegistered = false;
                    if (RegistrationTemporaryFailure != null)
                        RegistrationTemporaryFailure(m_sipAccountAOR, "Registration reached the maximum number of allowed attempts.");

                    SIPEndPoint registrarSIPEndPoint = m_outboundProxy;
                    if (registrarSIPEndPoint == null)
                        SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult = m_sipTransport.GetHostEndPoint(m_registrarHost, false);
                        if (lookupResult.LookupError != null)
                            Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.ContactRegisterFailed, "Could not resolve " + m_registrarHost + ", " + lookupResult.LookupError, m_owner));
                            registrarSIPEndPoint = lookupResult.GetSIPEndPoint();

                    if (registrarSIPEndPoint == null && RegistrationFailed != null)
                        RegistrationFailed(m_sipAccountAOR, "Could not resolve " + m_registrarHost + ".");
                        Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.ContactRegisterInProgress, "Initiating registration to " + m_registrarHost + " at " + registrarSIPEndPoint.ToString() + " for " + m_sipAccountAOR.ToString() + ".", m_owner));
                        SIPRequest regRequest = GetRegistrationRequest(m_localEndPoint);

                        SIPNonInviteTransaction regTransaction = m_sipTransport.CreateNonInviteTransaction(regRequest, registrarSIPEndPoint, m_localEndPoint, m_outboundProxy);
                        // These handlers need to be on their own threads to take the processing off the SIP transport layer.
                        regTransaction.NonInviteTransactionFinalResponseReceived += (lep, rep, tn, rsp) => { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { ServerResponseReceived(lep, rep, tn, rsp); }); };
                        regTransaction.NonInviteTransactionTimedOut += (tn) => { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { RegistrationTimedOut(tn); }); };

            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception SendInitialRegister to " + m_registrarHost + ". " + excp.Message);
                if (RegistrationFailed != null)
                    RegistrationFailed(m_sipAccountAOR, "Exception SendInitialRegister to " + m_registrarHost + ". " + excp.Message);
Example #3
        public static SIPDNSLookupResult DNSAAAARecordLookup(string host, int port, bool async, SIPURI uri, SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult = null)
            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS A record lookup requested for " + host + ".", null));

            SIPDNSLookupResult result = lookupResult ?? new SIPDNSLookupResult(uri);

            result.LookupError = null;

            DNSResponse aaaaRecordResponse = DNSManager.Lookup(host, QType.AAAA, DNS_A_RECORD_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT, null, true, async);

            if (aaaaRecordResponse == null)
                if (async)
                    result.Pending = true;
            else if (aaaaRecordResponse.Timedout)
                result.ATimedoutAt = DateTime.Now;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aaaaRecordResponse.Error))
                result.LookupError = aaaaRecordResponse.Error;
            else if (aaaaRecordResponse.RecordsAAAA == null || aaaaRecordResponse.RecordsAAAA.Length == 0)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS no AAAA records found for " + host + ".", null));
                result.LookupError = "No AAAA records found for " + host + ".";
                SIPURI sipURI = result.URI;
                foreach (RecordAAAA aRecord in aaaaRecordResponse.RecordsAAAA)
                    SIPDNSLookupEndPoint sipLookupEndPoint = new SIPDNSLookupEndPoint(new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, new IPEndPoint(aRecord.Address, port)), aRecord.RR.TTL);
                    SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS AAAA record found for " + host + ", result " + sipLookupEndPoint.LookupEndPoint.ToString() + ".", null));

Example #4
        public static SIPDNSLookupResult DNSNameRecordLookup(string host, int port, bool async, SIPURI lookupURI, ref SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult, bool?preferIPv6 = null)
            SIPDNSLookupResult result = null;

            if (lookupResult.SIPSRVResults != null)
                foreach (SIPDNSServiceResult nextSRVRecord in lookupResult.SIPSRVResults)
                    if (nextSRVRecord != null && nextSRVRecord.Data != null)
                        result = DNSNameRecordLookup(nextSRVRecord.Data, nextSRVRecord.Port, async, lookupResult.URI, lookupResult, preferIPv6);
                        if (result.LookupError == null)

            result = DNSNameRecordLookup(host, port, async, lookupResult.URI, lookupResult, preferIPv6);
Example #5
        public static SIPDNSLookupResult ResolveSIPService(SIPURI sipURI, bool async)
                if (sipURI == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("sipURI", "Cannot resolve SIP service on a null URI.");

                string host = sipURI.Host;
                int port = (sipURI.Scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip) ? m_defaultSIPPort : m_defaultSIPSPort;
                bool explicitPort = false;

                if (sipURI.Host.IndexOf(':') != -1)
                    host = sipURI.Host.Split(':')[0];
                    Int32.TryParse(sipURI.Host.Split(':')[1], out port);
                    explicitPort = true;

                if (Regex.Match(host, @"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$").Success)
                    // Target is an IP address, no DNS lookup required.
                    IPAddress hostIP = IPAddress.Parse(host);
                    SIPDNSLookupEndPoint sipLookupEndPoint = new SIPDNSLookupEndPoint(new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, new IPEndPoint(hostIP, port)), 0);
                    SIPDNSLookupResult result = new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI);
                    return result;
                else if (explicitPort)
                    // Target is a hostname with an explicit port, DNS lookup for A or AAAA record.
                    return DNSARecordLookup(host, port, async, sipURI);
                    // Target is a hostname with no explicit port, use the whole NAPTR->SRV->A lookup procedure.
                    SIPDNSLookupResult sipLookupResult = new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI);

                    // Do without the NAPTR lookup for the time being. Very few organisations appear to use them and it can cost up to 2.5s to get a failed resolution.
                    /*SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS full lookup requested for " + sipURI.ToString() + ".", null));
                    DNSNAPTRRecordLookup(host, async, ref sipLookupResult);
                    if (sipLookupResult.Pending)
                        if (!m_inProgressSIPServiceLookups.Contains(sipURI.ToString()))
                            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { ResolveSIPService(sipURI, false); });
                        return sipLookupResult;

                    DNSSRVRecordLookup(sipURI.Scheme, sipURI.Protocol, host, async, ref sipLookupResult);
                    if (sipLookupResult.Pending)
                        //logger.Debug("SIPDNSManager SRV lookup for " + host + " is pending.");
                        return sipLookupResult;
                        //logger.Debug("SIPDNSManager SRV lookup for " + host + " is final.");
                        SIPDNSServiceResult nextSRVRecord = sipLookupResult.GetNextUnusedSRV();
                        int lookupPort = (nextSRVRecord != null) ? nextSRVRecord.Port : port;
                        return DNSARecordLookup(nextSRVRecord, host, lookupPort, async, sipLookupResult.URI);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception SIPDNSManager ResolveSIPService (" + sipURI.ToString() + "). " + excp.Message);
                return new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI, excp.Message);
Example #6
        public static void DNSSRVRecordLookup(SIPSchemesEnum scheme, SIPProtocolsEnum protocol, string host, bool async, ref SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult)
            SIPServicesEnum reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.none;
            if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.udp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipudp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipstcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tls)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptls;

            // If there are NAPTR records available see if there is a matching one for the SIP scheme and protocol required.
            SIPDNSServiceResult naptrService = null;
            if (lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults != null && lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults.Count > 0)
                if (reqdNAPTRService != SIPServicesEnum.none && lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults.ContainsKey(reqdNAPTRService))
                    naptrService = lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults[reqdNAPTRService];

            // Construct the SRV target to lookup depending on whether an NAPTR record was available or not.
            string srvLookup = null;
            if (naptrService != null)
                srvLookup = naptrService.Data;
                srvLookup = "_" + scheme.ToString() + "._" + protocol.ToString() + "." + host;

            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup requested for " + srvLookup + ".", null));

            DNSResponse srvRecordResponse = DNSManager.Lookup(srvLookup, DNSQType.SRV, DNS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT, null, true, async);
            if (srvRecordResponse == null && async)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup pending for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
                lookupResult.Pending = true;
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Timedout)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup timed out for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
                lookupResult.SRVTimedoutAt = DateTime.Now;
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Error != null)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup for " + srvLookup + " returned error of " + lookupResult.LookupError + ".", null));
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Error == null && srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV != null && srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV.Length > 0)
                foreach (RecordSRV srvRecord in srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV)
                    SIPDNSServiceResult sipSRVResult = new SIPDNSServiceResult(reqdNAPTRService, srvRecord.Priority, srvRecord.Weight, srvRecord.RR.TTL, srvRecord.Target, srvRecord.Port, DateTime.Now);
                    SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record found for " + srvLookup + ", result " + srvRecord.Target + " " + srvRecord.Port + ".", null));
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS no SRV records found for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
Example #7
        public static void DNSNAPTRRecordLookup(string host, bool async, ref SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult)
            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS NAPTR record lookup initiated for " + host + ".", null));

            // Target is a hostname with no explicit port, DNS lookup for NAPTR records.
            DNSResponse naptrRecordResponse = DNSManager.Lookup(host, DNSQType.NAPTR, DNS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT, null, true, async);
            if (naptrRecordResponse == null && async)
                lookupResult.Pending = true;
            else if (naptrRecordResponse.Timedout)
                lookupResult.NAPTRTimedoutAt = DateTime.Now;
            else if (naptrRecordResponse.Error == null && naptrRecordResponse.RecordNAPTR != null && naptrRecordResponse.RecordNAPTR.Length > 0)
                foreach (RecordNAPTR naptrRecord in naptrRecordResponse.RecordNAPTR)
                    SIPDNSServiceResult sipNAPTRResult = new SIPDNSServiceResult(SIPServices.GetService(naptrRecord.Service), naptrRecord.Order, 0, naptrRecord.RR.TTL, naptrRecord.Replacement, 0, DateTime.Now);
                    SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS NAPTR record found for " + host + ", result " + naptrRecord.Service + " " + naptrRecord.Replacement + ".", null));
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS no NAPTR records found for " + host + ".", null));
Example #8
        public static SIPDNSLookupResult DNSARecordLookup(string host, int port, bool async, SIPURI uri)
            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS A record lookup requested for " + host + ".", null));
            SIPDNSLookupResult result = new SIPDNSLookupResult(uri);

            DNSResponse aRecordResponse = DNSManager.Lookup(host, DNSQType.A, DNS_A_RECORD_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT, null, true, async);
            if (aRecordResponse == null && async)
                result.Pending = true;
            else if (aRecordResponse.Timedout)
                result.ATimedoutAt = DateTime.Now;
            else if (aRecordResponse.Error != null)
                result.LookupError = aRecordResponse.Error;
            else if (aRecordResponse.RecordsA == null || aRecordResponse.RecordsA.Length == 0)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS no A records found for " + host + ".", null));
                result.LookupError = "No A records found for " + host + ".";
                SIPURI sipURI = result.URI;
                foreach (RecordA aRecord in aRecordResponse.RecordsA)
                    SIPDNSLookupEndPoint sipLookupEndPoint = new SIPDNSLookupEndPoint(new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, new IPEndPoint(aRecord.Address, port)), aRecord.RR.TTL);
                    SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS A record found for " + host + ", result " + sipLookupEndPoint.LookupEndPoint.ToString() + ".", null));

            return result;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// The event handler for responses to the initial register request.
        /// </summary>
        private void ServerResponseReceived(SIPEndPoint localSIPEndPoint, SIPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, SIPTransaction sipTransaction, SIPResponse sipResponse)
                Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.ContactRegisterInProgress, "Server response " + sipResponse.Status + " received for " + m_sipAccountAOR.ToString() + ".", null));

                if (sipResponse.Status == SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.ProxyAuthenticationRequired || sipResponse.Status == SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Unauthorised)
                    if (sipResponse.Header.AuthenticationHeader != null)
                        if (m_attempts >= MAX_REGISTER_ATTEMPTS)
                            Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.ContactRegisterFailed, "Registration to " + m_sipAccountAOR.ToString() + " reached the maximum number of allowed attempts without a failure condition.", null));
                            m_isRegistered = false;
                            RegistrationTemporaryFailure?.Invoke(m_sipAccountAOR, "Registration reached the maximum number of allowed attempts.");
                            SIPRequest  authenticatedRequest = GetAuthenticatedRegistrationRequest(sipTransaction.TransactionRequest, sipResponse);
                            SIPEndPoint registrarSIPEndPoint = m_outboundProxy;
                            if (registrarSIPEndPoint == null)
                                SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult = m_sipTransport.GetHostEndPoint(m_registrarHost, false);
                                if (lookupResult.LookupError != null)
                                    Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.ContactRegisterFailed, "Could not resolve " + m_registrarHost + ", " + lookupResult.LookupError, null));
                                    registrarSIPEndPoint = lookupResult.GetSIPEndPoint();
                            if (registrarSIPEndPoint == null)
                                logger.LogWarning("SIPRegistrationAgent could not resolve " + m_registrarHost + ".");

                                RegistrationFailed?.Invoke(m_sipAccountAOR, "Could not resolve " + m_registrarHost + ".");
                                SIPNonInviteTransaction regAuthTransaction = new SIPNonInviteTransaction(m_sipTransport, authenticatedRequest, registrarSIPEndPoint);
                                regAuthTransaction.NonInviteTransactionFinalResponseReceived += (lep, rep, tn, rsp) => { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { AuthResponseReceived(lep, rep, tn, rsp); }); return(Task.FromResult(SocketError.Success)); };
                                regAuthTransaction.NonInviteTransactionTimedOut += (tn) => { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { RegistrationTimedOut(tn); }); };
                        Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.ContactRegisterFailed, "Registration failed with " + sipResponse.Status + " but no authentication header was supplied for " + m_sipAccountAOR.ToString() + ".", null));
                        m_isRegistered = false;
                        RegistrationTemporaryFailure?.Invoke(m_sipAccountAOR, "Registration failed with " + sipResponse.Status + " but no authentication header was supplied.");
                    if (sipResponse.Status == SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Ok)
                        if (m_expiry > 0)
                            m_isRegistered = true;
                            m_expiry       = GetUpdatedExpiry(sipResponse);
                            m_isRegistered = false;

                    else if (sipResponse.Status == SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Forbidden || sipResponse.Status == SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.NotFound)
                        // SIP account does not appear to exist.
                        Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.ContactRegisterFailed, "Registration failed with " + sipResponse.Status + " for " + m_sipAccountAOR.ToString() + ", no further registration attempts will be made.", null));
                        string reasonPhrase = (sipResponse.ReasonPhrase.IsNullOrBlank()) ? sipResponse.Status.ToString() : sipResponse.ReasonPhrase;
                        RegistrationFailed?.Invoke(m_sipAccountAOR, "Registration failed with " + (int)sipResponse.Status + " " + reasonPhrase + ".");
                        m_exit = true;
                    else if (sipResponse.Status == SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.IntervalTooBrief && m_expiry != 0)
                        m_expiry = GetUpdatedExpiryForIntervalTooBrief(sipResponse);
                        Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.ContactRegisterInProgress, "Registration for " + m_sipAccountAOR.ToString() + " had a too short expiry, updated to +" + m_expiry + " and trying again.", null));
                        Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.ContactRegisterFailed, "Registration failed with " + sipResponse.Status + " for " + m_sipAccountAOR.ToString() + ".", null));
                        m_isRegistered = false;
                        RegistrationTemporaryFailure?.Invoke(m_sipAccountAOR, "Registration failed with " + sipResponse.Status + ".");
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogError("Exception SIPRegistrationUserAgent ServerResponseReceived (" + remoteEndPoint + "). " + excp.Message);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates a SUBSCRIBE request to a notification server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subscribeToURI">The SIP user that dialog notifications are being subscribed to.</param>
        public void Subscribe(SIPURI subscribeURI, int expiry, SIPEventPackage sipEventPackage, string subscribeCallID, SIPURI contactURI)
                if (m_attempts >= MAX_SUBSCRIBE_ATTEMPTS)
                    Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.NotifierClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.SubscribeFailed, "Susbcription to " + subscribeURI.ToString() + " reached the maximum number of allowed attempts without a failure condition.", null));
                    m_subscribed = false;
                    SubscriptionFailed(subscribeURI, SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.InternalServerError, "Subscription reached the maximum number of allowed attempts.");

                    SIPRequest subscribeRequest = m_sipTransport.GetRequest(
                        new SIPToHeader(null, subscribeURI, m_subscriptionToTag),

                    if (contactURI != null)
                        subscribeRequest.Header.Contact = new List <SIPContactHeader>()
                            new SIPContactHeader(null, contactURI)

                    subscribeRequest.Header.From    = new SIPFromHeader(null, new SIPURI(m_authUsername, m_authDomain, null, SIPSchemesEnum.sip, SIPProtocolsEnum.udp), m_subscriptionFromTag);
                    subscribeRequest.Header.CSeq    = m_localCSeq;
                    subscribeRequest.Header.Expires = expiry;
                    subscribeRequest.Header.Event   = sipEventPackage.ToString();
                    subscribeRequest.Header.CallId  = subscribeCallID;

                    if (!m_filter.IsNullOrBlank())
                        subscribeRequest.Body = m_filter;
                        subscribeRequest.Header.ContentLength = m_filter.Length;
                        subscribeRequest.Header.ContentType   = m_filterTextType;

                    SIPEndPoint dstEndPoint = m_outboundProxy;
                    if (dstEndPoint == null)
                        SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult = m_sipTransport.GetURIEndPoint(m_resourceURI, false);
                        if (lookupResult.LookupError != null)
                            Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.NotifierClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.SubscribeFailed, "Could not resolve " + m_resourceURI.Host + ", " + lookupResult.LookupError, null));
                            dstEndPoint = lookupResult.GetSIPEndPoint();

                    SIPNonInviteTransaction subscribeTransaction = m_sipTransport.CreateNonInviteTransaction(subscribeRequest, dstEndPoint, null, m_outboundProxy);
                    subscribeTransaction.NonInviteTransactionFinalResponseReceived += SubscribeTransactionFinalResponseReceived;
                    subscribeTransaction.NonInviteTransactionTimedOut += SubsribeTransactionTimedOut;


                    LastSubscribeAttempt = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception SIPNotifierClient Subscribe. " + excp.Message);
                SubscriptionFailed(m_resourceURI, SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.InternalServerError, "Exception Subscribing. " + excp.Message);
Example #11
        public static SIPDNSLookupResult ResolveSIPService(SIPURI sipURI, bool async)
                if (sipURI == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("sipURI", "Cannot resolve SIP service on a null URI.");

                string host         = sipURI.Host;
                int    port         = (sipURI.Scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip) ? m_defaultSIPPort : m_defaultSIPSPort;
                bool   explicitPort = false;

                if (sipURI.Host.IndexOf(':') != -1)
                    host = sipURI.Host.Split(':')[0];
                    Int32.TryParse(sipURI.Host.Split(':')[1], out port);
                    explicitPort = true;

                if (Regex.Match(host, @"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$").Success)
                    // Target is an IP address, no DNS lookup required.
                    IPAddress            hostIP            = IPAddress.Parse(host);
                    SIPDNSLookupEndPoint sipLookupEndPoint = new SIPDNSLookupEndPoint(new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, new IPEndPoint(hostIP, port)), 0);
                    SIPDNSLookupResult   result            = new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI);
                else if (explicitPort)
                    // Target is a hostname with an explicit port, DNS lookup for A or AAAA record.
                    return(DNSARecordLookup(host, port, async, sipURI));
                    // Target is a hostname with no explicit port, use the whole NAPTR->SRV->A lookup procedure.
                    SIPDNSLookupResult sipLookupResult = new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI);

                    // Do without the NAPTR lookup for the time being. Very few organisations appear to use them and it can cost up to 2.5s to get a failed resolution.

                    /*SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS full lookup requested for " + sipURI.ToString() + ".", null));
                     * DNSNAPTRRecordLookup(host, async, ref sipLookupResult);
                     * if (sipLookupResult.Pending)
                     * {
                     *  if (!m_inProgressSIPServiceLookups.Contains(sipURI.ToString()))
                     *  {
                     *      m_inProgressSIPServiceLookups.Add(sipURI.ToString());
                     *      ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { ResolveSIPService(sipURI, false); });
                     *  }
                     *  return sipLookupResult;
                     * }*/

                    DNSSRVRecordLookup(sipURI.Scheme, sipURI.Protocol, host, async, ref sipLookupResult);
                    if (sipLookupResult.Pending)
                        //logger.Debug("SIPDNSManager SRV lookup for " + host + " is pending.");
                        //logger.Debug("SIPDNSManager SRV lookup for " + host + " is final.");

                        // Add some custom logic to cope with sips SRV records using _sips._tcp (e.g. free.call.ciscospark.com).
                        // By default only _sips._tls SRV records are checked for. THis block adds an additional check for _sips._tcp SRV records.
                        //if ((sipLookupResult.SIPSRVResults == null || sipLookupResult.SIPSRVResults.Count == 0) && sipURI.Scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips)
                        //    DNSSRVRecordLookup(sipURI.Scheme, SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp, host, async, ref sipLookupResult);
                        //    SIPDNSServiceResult nextSRVRecord = sipLookupResult.GetNextUnusedSRV();
                        //    int lookupPort = (nextSRVRecord != null) ? nextSRVRecord.Port : port;
                        //    return DNSARecordLookup(nextSRVRecord, host, lookupPort, async, sipLookupResult.URI);
                        SIPDNSServiceResult nextSRVRecord = sipLookupResult.GetNextUnusedSRV();
                        int lookupPort = (nextSRVRecord != null) ? nextSRVRecord.Port : port;
                        return(DNSARecordLookup(nextSRVRecord, host, lookupPort, async, sipLookupResult.URI));
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception SIPDNSManager ResolveSIPService (" + sipURI.ToString() + "). " + excp.Message);
                return(new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI, excp.Message));
Example #12
        public static void DNSSRVRecordLookup(SIPSchemesEnum scheme, SIPProtocolsEnum protocol, string host, bool async, ref SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult)
            SIPServicesEnum reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.none;

            if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.udp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipudp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipstcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tls)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptls;

            // If there are NAPTR records available see if there is a matching one for the SIP scheme and protocol required.
            SIPDNSServiceResult naptrService = null;

            if (lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults != null && lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults.Count > 0)
                if (reqdNAPTRService != SIPServicesEnum.none && lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults.ContainsKey(reqdNAPTRService))
                    naptrService = lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults[reqdNAPTRService];

            // Construct the SRV target to lookup depending on whether an NAPTR record was available or not.
            string srvLookup = null;

            if (naptrService != null)
                srvLookup = naptrService.Data;
                if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips)
                    srvLookup = SIPDNSConstants.SRV_SIPS_TCP_QUERY_PREFIX + host;
                    srvLookup = "_" + scheme.ToString() + "._" + protocol.ToString() + "." + host;

            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup requested for " + srvLookup + ".", null));

            DNSResponse srvRecordResponse = DNSManager.Lookup(srvLookup, DNSQType.SRV, DNS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT, null, true, async);

            if (srvRecordResponse == null && async)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup pending for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
                lookupResult.Pending = true;
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Timedout)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup timed out for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
                lookupResult.SRVTimedoutAt = DateTime.Now;
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Error != null)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup for " + srvLookup + " returned error of " + lookupResult.LookupError + ".", null));
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Error == null && srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV != null && srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV.Length > 0)
                foreach (RecordSRV srvRecord in srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV)
                    SIPDNSServiceResult sipSRVResult = new SIPDNSServiceResult(reqdNAPTRService, srvRecord.Priority, srvRecord.Weight, srvRecord.RR.TTL, srvRecord.Target, srvRecord.Port, DateTime.Now);
                    SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record found for " + srvLookup + ", result " + srvRecord.Target + " " + srvRecord.Port + ".", null));
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS no SRV records found for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
Example #13
        public static void DNSSRVRecordLookup(SIPSchemesEnum scheme, SIPProtocolsEnum protocol, string host, bool async, ref SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult)
            SIPServicesEnum reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.none;

            if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.udp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipudp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipstcp;
            //rj2 2018-10-17: this looks wrong, but the www says: if sips then protocol is _tcp not _tls
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tls)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipstcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tls)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptls;

            // If there are NAPTR records available see if there is a matching one for the SIP scheme and protocol required.
            // this works best (only works) if protocol in sip-uri matches sip-service of NAPTRRecord
            SIPDNSServiceResult naptrService = null;

            if (lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults != null && lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults.Count > 0)
                if (reqdNAPTRService != SIPServicesEnum.none && lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults.ContainsKey(reqdNAPTRService))
                    naptrService = lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults[reqdNAPTRService];

            // Construct the SRV target to lookup depending on whether an NAPTR record was available or not.
            string srvLookup = null;

            if (naptrService != null)
                srvLookup = naptrService.Data;
                if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips)
                    srvLookup = SIPDNSConstants.SRV_SIPS_TCP_QUERY_PREFIX + host;
                    srvLookup = "_" + scheme.ToString() + "._" + protocol.ToString() + "." + host;

            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup requested for " + srvLookup + ".", null));

            DNSResponse srvRecordResponse = DNSManager.Lookup(srvLookup, QType.SRV, DNS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT, null, true, async);

            if (srvRecordResponse == null && async)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup pending for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
                lookupResult.Pending = true;
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Timedout)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup timed out for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
                lookupResult.SRVTimedoutAt = DateTime.Now;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(srvRecordResponse.Error))
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup for " + srvLookup + " returned error of " + lookupResult.LookupError + ".", null));
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(srvRecordResponse.Error) && srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV != null && srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV.Length > 0)
                foreach (RecordSRV srvRecord in srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV)
                    SIPDNSServiceResult sipSRVResult = new SIPDNSServiceResult(reqdNAPTRService, srvRecord.PRIORITY, srvRecord.WEIGHT, srvRecord.RR.TTL, srvRecord.TARGET, srvRecord.PORT, DateTime.Now);
                    SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record found for " + srvLookup + ", result " + srvRecord.TARGET + " " + srvRecord.PORT + ".", null));
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS no SRV records found for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
Example #14
        public static SIPDNSLookupResult DNSNameRecordLookup(string host, int port, bool async, SIPURI uri, SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult = null, bool?preferIPv6 = null, int recursionLevel = 0)
            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS Name record lookup requested for " + host + ".", null));

            SIPDNSLookupResult result = lookupResult ?? new SIPDNSLookupResult(uri);

            result.LookupError = null;

            if (UseANYLookups)
                DNSResponse aRecordResponse = DNSManager.Lookup(host, QType.ANY, DNS_A_RECORD_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT, null, true, async);
                if (aRecordResponse == null && async)
                    result.Pending = true;
                else if (aRecordResponse == null)
                else if (aRecordResponse.Timedout)
                    result.ATimedoutAt = DateTime.Now;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aRecordResponse.Error))
                    result.LookupError = aRecordResponse.Error;
                else if ((aRecordResponse.RecordsAAAA == null || aRecordResponse.RecordsAAAA.Length == 0) && (aRecordResponse.RecordsA == null || aRecordResponse.RecordsA.Length == 0) && (aRecordResponse.RecordsCNAME == null || aRecordResponse.RecordsCNAME.Length == 0))
                    SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS no CNAME, A or AAAA records found for " + host + ".", null));
                    result.LookupError = "No CNAME, A or AAAA records found for " + host + ".";
                    if (preferIPv6 == null)
                        preferIPv6 = SIPDNSManager.PreferIPv6NameResolution;

                    foreach (RecordCNAME aRecord in aRecordResponse.RecordsCNAME)
                        //CNAME could be another CNAME or A/AAAA Record -> max 3 levels recursive name resolution
                        if (recursionLevel < 3)
                            SIPDNSLookupResult resultCName = DNSNameRecordLookup(aRecord.CNAME, port, async, uri, lookupResult, preferIPv6, recursionLevel + 1);
                            if (resultCName != null)
                                foreach (SIPDNSLookupEndPoint ep in resultCName.EndPointResults)
                    if (preferIPv6 == true)
                        SIPURI sipURI = result.URI;
                        foreach (RecordAAAA aRecord in aRecordResponse.RecordsAAAA)
                            SIPDNSLookupEndPoint sipLookupEndPoint = new SIPDNSLookupEndPoint(new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, new IPEndPoint(aRecord.Address, port)), aRecord.RR.TTL);
                            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS AAAA record found for " + host + ", result " + sipLookupEndPoint.LookupEndPoint.ToString() + ".", null));
                        foreach (RecordA aRecord in aRecordResponse.RecordsA)
                            SIPDNSLookupEndPoint sipLookupEndPoint = new SIPDNSLookupEndPoint(new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, new IPEndPoint(aRecord.Address, port)), aRecord.RR.TTL);
                            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS A record found for " + host + ", result " + sipLookupEndPoint.LookupEndPoint.ToString() + ".", null));
                        SIPURI sipURI = result.URI;
                        foreach (RecordA aRecord in aRecordResponse.RecordsA)
                            SIPDNSLookupEndPoint sipLookupEndPoint = new SIPDNSLookupEndPoint(new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, new IPEndPoint(aRecord.Address, port)), aRecord.RR.TTL);
                            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS A record found for " + host + ", result " + sipLookupEndPoint.LookupEndPoint.ToString() + ".", null));
                        foreach (RecordAAAA aRecord in aRecordResponse.RecordsAAAA)
                            SIPDNSLookupEndPoint sipLookupEndPoint = new SIPDNSLookupEndPoint(new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, new IPEndPoint(aRecord.Address, port)), aRecord.RR.TTL);
                            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS AAAA record found for " + host + ", result " + sipLookupEndPoint.LookupEndPoint.ToString() + ".", null));

            if (result.LookupError != null || result.EndPointResults == null || result.EndPointResults.Count == 0)
                if (preferIPv6 == true)
                    result = DNSAAAARecordLookup(host, port, async, uri, lookupResult);
                    result = DNSARecordLookup(host, port, async, uri, lookupResult);

Example #15
        // TODO: Remove this nasty code duplication with ResolveSIPService!
        public static async Task <SIPDNSLookupResult> ResolveAsync(SIPURI sipURI, bool?preferIPv6 = null)
                if (sipURI == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("sipURI", "Cannot resolve SIP service on a null URI.");

                if (IPSocket.TryParseIPEndPoint(sipURI.MAddrOrHost, out var ipEndPoint))
                    // Target is an IP address, no DNS lookup required.
                    SIPDNSLookupEndPoint sipLookupEndPoint = new SIPDNSLookupEndPoint(new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, ipEndPoint), 0);
                    SIPDNSLookupResult   result            = new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI);
                    string host = sipURI.MAddrOrHostAddress;
                    //int port = IPSocket.ParsePortFromSocket(host);
                    int port = sipURI.Protocol != SIPProtocolsEnum.tls ? m_defaultSIPPort : m_defaultSIPSPort;
                    if (preferIPv6 == null)
                        preferIPv6 = SIPDNSManager.PreferIPv6NameResolution;
                    bool explicitPort = false;

                        //Parse returns true if sipURI.Host can be parsed as an ipaddress
                        bool parseresult = SIPSorcery.Sys.IPSocket.Parse(sipURI.MAddrOrHost, out host, out port);
                        explicitPort = port >= 0;
                        if (!explicitPort)
                            //port = (sipURI.Scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip) ? m_defaultSIPPort : m_defaultSIPSPort;
                            port = sipURI.Protocol != SIPProtocolsEnum.tls ? m_defaultSIPPort : m_defaultSIPSPort;
                        if (parseresult == true)
                            IPAddress            hostIP            = IPAddress.Parse(host);
                            SIPDNSLookupEndPoint sipLookupEndPoint = new SIPDNSLookupEndPoint(new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, new IPEndPoint(hostIP, port)), 0);
                            SIPDNSLookupResult   result            = new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "Exception SIPDNSManager ResolveSIPService (" + sipURI.ToString() + "). " + ex, null));

                        //rj2: if there is a parsing exception, then fallback to original sipsorcery parsing mechanism
                        port         = IPSocket.ParsePortFromSocket(sipURI.Host);
                        explicitPort = port > 0;

                        //if(Regex.Match(host, @"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$").Success)
                        if (SIPSorcery.Sys.IPSocket.IsIPAddress(host))
                            // Target is an IP address, no DNS lookup required.
                            IPAddress            hostIP            = IPAddress.Parse(host);
                            SIPDNSLookupEndPoint sipLookupEndPoint = new SIPDNSLookupEndPoint(new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, new IPEndPoint(hostIP, port)), 0);
                            SIPDNSLookupResult   result            = new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI);

                    if (!explicitPort)
                        //port = (sipURI.Scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip) ? m_defaultSIPPort : m_defaultSIPSPort;
                        port = sipURI.Protocol != SIPProtocolsEnum.tls ? m_defaultSIPPort : m_defaultSIPSPort;

                    if (host.Contains(".") == false || IPSocket.ParseHostFromSocket(host).EndsWith(MDNS_TLD))
                        string hostOnly = IPSocket.ParseHostFromSocket(host);

                        // If host is not fully qualified then assume there's no point using NAPTR or SRV record look ups and go straight to A's.
                        if (hostOnly.ToLower() == System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()?.ToLower())
                            // The lookup is for the current machine.
                            var addressList = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList;

                            if (addressList?.Length == 0)
                                return(new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI, $"Failed to resolve local machine hostname."));
                                // Preference for IPv4 IP address for local host name lookup.
                                IPAddress   firstAddress = addressList.Where(x => x.AddressFamily == (preferIPv6 == true ? AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 : AddressFamily.InterNetwork)).FirstOrDefault() ?? addressList.FirstOrDefault();
                                SIPEndPoint resultEp     = new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, new IPEndPoint(firstAddress, port));
                                return(new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI, resultEp));
                            return(await Task.Run(() => DNSNameRecordLookup(hostOnly, port, false, sipURI, null, preferIPv6)).ConfigureAwait(false));
                    else if (explicitPort)
                        // If target is a hostname with an explicit port then SIP lookup rules state to use DNS lookup for A or AAAA record.
                        host = host.Substring(0, host.LastIndexOf(':'));
                        return(await Task.Run(() => DNSNameRecordLookup(host, port, false, sipURI, null, preferIPv6)).ConfigureAwait(false));
                        // Target is a hostname with no explicit port, use the whole NAPTR->SRV->A lookup procedure.
                        SIPDNSLookupResult sipLookupResult = new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI);

                        // Do without the NAPTR lookup for the time being. Very few organisations appear to use them and it can cost up to 2.5s to get a failed resolution.
                        //rj2: uncomment this section for telekom 1TR118 lookup
                        SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS full lookup requested for " + sipURI.ToString() + ".", null));
                        DNSNAPTRRecordLookup(host, false, ref sipLookupResult);
                        if (sipLookupResult.Pending)
                            if (!m_inProgressSIPServiceLookups.Contains(sipURI.ToString()))
                                //ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { ResolveSIPService(sipURI, false); });
                                System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((obj) => ResolveSIPService(sipURI, false, preferIPv6));

                        return(await Task.Run(() =>
                            DNSSRVRecordLookup(sipURI.Scheme, sipURI.Protocol, host, false, ref sipLookupResult);
                            if (sipLookupResult.Pending)
                                //logger.LogDebug("SIPDNSManager SRV lookup for " + host + " is pending.");
                                return sipLookupResult;
                                //logger.LogDebug("SIPDNSManager SRV lookup for " + host + " is final.");

                                // Add some custom logic to cope with sips SRV records using _sips._tcp (e.g. free.call.ciscospark.com).
                                // By default only _sips._tls SRV records are checked for. THis block adds an additional check for _sips._tcp SRV records.
                                //if ((sipLookupResult.SIPSRVResults == null || sipLookupResult.SIPSRVResults.Count == 0) && sipURI.Scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips)
                                //    DNSSRVRecordLookup(sipURI.Scheme, SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp, host, async, ref sipLookupResult);
                                //    SIPDNSServiceResult nextSRVRecord = sipLookupResult.GetNextUnusedSRV();
                                //    int lookupPort = (nextSRVRecord != null) ? nextSRVRecord.Port : port;
                                //    return DNSARecordLookup(nextSRVRecord, host, lookupPort, async, sipLookupResult.URI);
                                //   SIPDNSServiceResult nextSRVRecord = sipLookupResult.GetNextUnusedSRV();
                                //   int lookupPort = (nextSRVRecord != null) ? nextSRVRecord.Port : port;
                                //   return DNSARecordLookup(nextSRVRecord, host, lookupPort, false, sipLookupResult.URI);

                                // The SRV record can indicate the SIP server is using a non-standard port.
                                SIPDNSServiceResult nextSRVRecord = sipLookupResult.GetNextUnusedSRV();
                                int lookupPort = (nextSRVRecord != null) ? nextSRVRecord.Port : port;

                                return DNSNameRecordLookup(host, lookupPort, false, sipLookupResult.URI, ref sipLookupResult, preferIPv6);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogError("Exception SIPDNSManager ResolveSIPService (" + sipURI.ToString() + "). " + excp.Message);
                return(new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI, excp.Message));
Example #16
        public static SIPDNSLookupResult ResolveSIPService(SIPURI sipURI, bool async)
                if (sipURI == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("sipURI", "Cannot resolve SIP service on a null URI.");

                if (IPSocket.TryParseIPEndPoint(sipURI.Host, out var ipEndPoint))
                    // Target is an IP address, no DNS lookup required.
                    SIPDNSLookupEndPoint sipLookupEndPoint = new SIPDNSLookupEndPoint(new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, ipEndPoint), 0);
                    SIPDNSLookupResult   result            = new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI);
                    string host         = sipURI.Host;
                    int    port         = IPSocket.ParsePortFromSocket(sipURI.Host);
                    bool   explicitPort = (port != 0);

                    if (!explicitPort)
                        port = (sipURI.Scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip) ? m_defaultSIPPort : m_defaultSIPSPort;

                    if (host.Contains(".") == false)
                        string hostOnly = IPSocket.ParseHostFromSocket(host);

                        // If host is not fully qualified then assume there's no point using NAPTR or SRV record look ups and go straight to A's.
                        if (hostOnly.ToLower() == System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()?.ToLower())
                            // The lookup is for the current machine.
                            var addressList = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList;

                            if (addressList?.Length == 0)
                                return(new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI, $"Failed to resolve local machine hostname."));
                                // Preference for IPv4 IP address for local host anem lookup.
                                IPAddress   firstAddress = addressList.Where(x => x.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork).FirstOrDefault() ?? addressList.FirstOrDefault();
                                SIPEndPoint resultEp     = new SIPEndPoint(sipURI.Protocol, new IPEndPoint(firstAddress, port));
                                return(new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI, resultEp));
                            return(DNSARecordLookup(hostOnly, port, async, sipURI));
                    else if (explicitPort)
                        // If target is a hostname with an explicit port then SIP lookup rules state to use DNS lookup for A or AAAA record.
                        host = host.Substring(0, host.LastIndexOf(':'));
                        return(DNSARecordLookup(host, port, async, sipURI));
                        // Target is a hostname with no explicit port, use the whole NAPTR->SRV->A lookup procedure.
                        SIPDNSLookupResult sipLookupResult = new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI);

                        // Do without the NAPTR lookup for the time being. Very few organisations appear to use them and it can cost up to 2.5s to get a failed resolution.

                        /*SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS full lookup requested for " + sipURI.ToString() + ".", null));
                         * DNSNAPTRRecordLookup(host, async, ref sipLookupResult);
                         * if (sipLookupResult.Pending)
                         * {
                         *  if (!m_inProgressSIPServiceLookups.Contains(sipURI.ToString()))
                         *  {
                         *      m_inProgressSIPServiceLookups.Add(sipURI.ToString());
                         *      ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { ResolveSIPService(sipURI, false); });
                         *  }
                         *  return sipLookupResult;
                         * }*/

                        DNSSRVRecordLookup(sipURI.Scheme, sipURI.Protocol, host, async, ref sipLookupResult);
                        if (sipLookupResult.Pending)
                            //logger.LogDebug("SIPDNSManager SRV lookup for " + host + " is pending.");
                            //logger.LogDebug("SIPDNSManager SRV lookup for " + host + " is final.");

                            // Add some custom logic to cope with sips SRV records using _sips._tcp (e.g. free.call.ciscospark.com).
                            // By default only _sips._tls SRV records are checked for. THis block adds an additional check for _sips._tcp SRV records.
                            //if ((sipLookupResult.SIPSRVResults == null || sipLookupResult.SIPSRVResults.Count == 0) && sipURI.Scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips)
                            //    DNSSRVRecordLookup(sipURI.Scheme, SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp, host, async, ref sipLookupResult);
                            //    SIPDNSServiceResult nextSRVRecord = sipLookupResult.GetNextUnusedSRV();
                            //    int lookupPort = (nextSRVRecord != null) ? nextSRVRecord.Port : port;
                            //    return DNSARecordLookup(nextSRVRecord, host, lookupPort, async, sipLookupResult.URI);
                            SIPDNSServiceResult nextSRVRecord = sipLookupResult.GetNextUnusedSRV();
                            int lookupPort = (nextSRVRecord != null) ? nextSRVRecord.Port : port;
                            return(DNSARecordLookup(nextSRVRecord, host, lookupPort, async, sipLookupResult.URI));
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogError("Exception SIPDNSManager ResolveSIPService (" + sipURI.ToString() + "). " + excp.Message);
                return(new SIPDNSLookupResult(sipURI, excp.Message));