ExportDialog implements an XML-configurable set of export choices. The base class here implements the main lexicon export (and thus has some specific behavior we may want to refactor into a subclass one day). Override ConfigurationFilePath to give the path to a file (like the one in the example here) from the FW root directory. This file specifies what will appear in the export options. You will typically also need to override the actual Export process, unless it is a standard FXT export.
Inheritance: System.Windows.Forms.Form, IFWDisposable
        public bool OnExport(object argument)

            using (var dlg = new ExportDialog(m_mediator))
            return(true);               // handled
        public bool OnExport(object argument)

                using (var dlg = new ExportDialog(m_mediator))
            return true;	// handled
Example #3
		public bool OnExport(object argument)

			string areaChoice = m_mediator.PropertyTable.GetStringProperty("areaChoice", null);
			if (areaChoice == "notebook")
				if (AreCustomFieldsAProblem(new int[] { RnGenericRecTags.kClassId}))
					return true;
				using (var dlg = new NotebookExportDialog(m_mediator))
				// It's somewhat unfortunate that this bit of code knows what classes can have custom fields.
				// However, we put in code to prevent punctuation in custom field names at the same time as this check (which is therefore
				// for the benefit of older projects), so it should not be necessary to check any additional classes we allow to have them.
				if (AreCustomFieldsAProblem(new int[] { LexEntryTags.kClassId, LexSenseTags.kClassId, LexExampleSentenceTags.kClassId, MoFormTags.kClassId }))
					return true;
				using (var dlg = new ExportDialog(m_mediator))
			return true;	// handled
Example #4
        public void ExportSemanticDomains()
            using (var exportDlg = new ExportDialog())
                var tempPath = Path.GetTempFileName();
                var fxt = new ExportDialog.FxtType();
                fxt.m_sXsltFiles = "SemDomQs.xsl";
                var fxtPath = Path.Combine(exportDlg.FxtDirectory, "SemDomQs.xml");
                var wss = new List<int>();

                exportDlg.ExportSemanticDomains(new DummyProgressDlg(), new object[] {tempPath, fxt, fxtPath, false});

                string result;
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(tempPath, Encoding.UTF8))
                    result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                Assert.That(result, Is.StringContaining("What words refer to the sun?"));
                Assert.That(result, Is.Not.StringContaining(""), "should not output double abbr for en");
                Assert.That(result, Is.Not.StringContaining("class: english"),
                    "English should not give anything the missing translation style");


                exportDlg.ExportSemanticDomains(new DummyProgressDlg(), new object[] {tempPath, fxt, fxtPath, false});

                using (var reader = new StreamReader(tempPath, Encoding.UTF8))
                    result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                Assert.That(result, Is.Not.StringContaining("What words refer to the sun?"),
                    "french export should not have english questions");
                Assert.That(result, Is.StringContaining("<p class=\"quest1\" lang=\"fr\">(1) Quels mots se"),
                    "French export should have the French question (not english class)");

                exportDlg.ExportSemanticDomains(new DummyProgressDlg(), new object[] {tempPath, fxt, fxtPath, true});
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(tempPath, Encoding.UTF8))
                    result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                Assert.That(result, Is.StringContaining("<span class=\"english\" lang=\"en\">(1) What words refer to the sun?"),
                    "french export with all questions should have english where french is missing (in red)");
                Assert.That(result, Is.StringContaining("<p class=\"quest1\" lang=\"fr\">(1) Quels mots se"),
                    "French export should have the French question (not red)");
                Assert.That(result, Is.Not.StringContaining("What words refer to everything we can see"),
                    "French export should not have English alternative where French is present");