Example #1
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Provides access to the "MakeLabelFromText" method.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="labelText">text to put in the label</param>
		/// <param name="styleName">style name to use for the character style on the text</param>
		/// <param name="ann">The annotation.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public ITsString CallMakeLabelFromText(string labelText, string styleName,
			ScrScriptureNote ann)

			return base.MakeLabelFromText(labelText, styleName, ann);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks the given object agains the filter criteria
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hvoObj">ID of object to check against the filter criteria</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// 	<c>true</c> if the object passes the filter criteria; otherwise
		/// <c>false</c>
		/// </returns>
		/// <remarks>currently only handles basic filters (single cell)</remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public bool MatchesCriteria(int hvoObj)
			int classId = m_cache.GetClassOfObject(hvoObj);
			if (classId != ScrScriptureNote.kClassId)
				return false; // Not an annotation or not one we will care about

			ScrScriptureNote note = new ScrScriptureNote(m_cache, hvoObj);
			if (note.AnnotationType != NoteType.CheckingError)
				return true; // Annotation is a Translator or Consultant note

			if (note.ResolutionOA != null)
				foreach (StTxtPara para in note.ResolutionOA.ParagraphsOS)
					if (para.Contents.Length > 0)
						return true;

			return false;
Example #3
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a new note at its correct position in the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startRef">beginning reference note refers to</param>
        /// <param name="endRef">ending reference note refers to</param>
        /// <param name="beginObject">id of beginning object to which annotation refers</param>
        /// <param name="endObject">id of ending object to which annotation refers</param>
        /// <param name="guidNoteType">The GUID representing the CmAnnotationDefn to use for
        /// the type</param>
        /// <param name="wsSelector">The writing system selector, indicating which
        /// writing system the annotation refers to.</param>
        /// <param name="startOffset">The starting character offset.</param>
        /// <param name="endOffset">The ending character offset.</param>
        /// <param name="bldrQuote">Para builder to use to build the Quote paragraph</param>
        /// <param name="bldrDiscussion">Para builder to use to build the Discussion
        /// paragraph</param>
        /// <param name="bldrRecommendation">Para builder to use to build the
        /// Recommendation paragraph</param>
        /// <param name="bldrResolution">Para builder to use to build the Resolution
        /// paragraph</param>
        /// <param name="insertIndex">index where annotation is to be inserted into
        /// annotation list</param>
        /// <returns>note inserted into annotation list</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IScrScriptureNote InsertNote(BCVRef startRef, BCVRef endRef,
                                            ICmObject beginObject, ICmObject endObject, Guid guidNoteType, int wsSelector,
                                            int startOffset, int endOffset, StTxtParaBldr bldrQuote, StTxtParaBldr bldrDiscussion,
                                            StTxtParaBldr bldrRecommendation, StTxtParaBldr bldrResolution, int insertIndex)
            IScrScriptureNote annotation = new ScrScriptureNote();

            NotesOS.InsertAt(annotation, insertIndex);

            // Initialize the annotation.
            ((ScrScriptureNote)annotation).InitializeNote(guidNoteType, startRef, endRef,
                                                          beginObject, endObject, wsSelector, startOffset, endOffset,
                                                          bldrQuote, bldrDiscussion, bldrRecommendation, bldrResolution);

            annotation.SourceRA = annotation.AnnotationType == NoteType.CheckingError ?
                                  m_cache.LangProject.DefaultComputerAgent : m_cache.LangProject.DefaultUserAgent;

            // Notify all windows that the new annotation exists
            m_cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, Hvo,
                                (int)ScrBookAnnotationsTags.kflidNotes, insertIndex, 1, 0);

Example #4
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Export an Open XML for Exchanging Scripture Annotations (OXESA) file.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public bool OnFileExportOXESA(object args)

			XmlScrAnnotationsList list = new XmlScrAnnotationsList(Cache);
			TeNotesVc vc = m_dataEntryView.NotesEditingHelper.CurrentNotesVc;
			int filterFlid = vc.NotesSequenceHandler.Tag;
			foreach (int hvoAnnotations in m_scr.BookAnnotationsOS.HvoArray)
				int[] allHvos = Cache.GetVectorProperty(hvoAnnotations, filterFlid, true);
				List<int> notesToExport = new List<int>();
				foreach (int noteHvo in allHvos)
					ScrScriptureNote note = new ScrScriptureNote(m_cache, noteHvo);
					if (note.AnnotationTypeRA.Guid == LangProject.kguidAnnTranslatorNote ||
						note.AnnotationTypeRA.Guid == LangProject.kguidAnnConsultantNote)
						// When we are exporting only notes, we only want to export notes that
						// are translator notes or consultant notes (i.e. no checking error notes).
				list.Add(new FdoObjectSet<IScrScriptureNote>(Cache, notesToExport.ToArray(), false));

			using (TeImportExportFileDialog dlg = new TeImportExportFileDialog(Cache, FileType.OXESA))
				// TODO: Need to supply a decent default filename. Should it include
				// a date/time to avoid accidental overwriting?
				if (dlg.ShowSaveDialog(null, this) == DialogResult.OK)
			return true;
Example #5
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Makes a selection in the specified annotation (without scrolling the annotation in
		/// the view).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="vc">The notes view constructor</param>
		/// <param name="fScrollNearTop">if set to <c>true</c> scrolls the specified note to a
		/// position near the top of the view.</param>
		/// <param name="bookIndex">Index of the book.</param>
		/// <param name="iAnnotation">Index of the annotation.</param>
		/// <param name="iResponse">Index of the response (0 if setting the selection in one of
		/// the StJournalText fields rather than in a response.</param>
		/// <param name="noteTag">The tag indicating the field of the annotation where the
		/// selection is to be made.</param>
		/// <param name="rootSite">The root site.</param>
		/// <param name="fNoteIsExpanded">if <c>true</c> make a selection at the start and end so
		/// that the whole annotation can be scrolled into view. if set to <c>false</c> only
		/// make a selection at the start of the annotation.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal void MakeSelectionInNote(TeNotesVc vc, bool fScrollNearTop, int bookIndex,
			int iAnnotation, int iResponse, ScrScriptureNote.ScrScriptureNoteTags noteTag,
			IVwRootSite rootSite, bool fNoteIsExpanded)
			if (vc == null || vc.NotesSequenceHandler == null)

			SelectionHelper selHelper;
			if (fScrollNearTop)
				// Make an un-installed selection at the top of the annotation in order to scroll the
				// annotation to the top of the view.
				selHelper = new SelectionHelper();
				selHelper.NumberOfLevels = 2;
				selHelper.LevelInfo[0].cpropPrevious = 0;
				selHelper.LevelInfo[0].ich = -1;
				selHelper.LevelInfo[0].ihvo = iAnnotation;
				selHelper.LevelInfo[0].tag = vc.NotesSequenceHandler.Tag;
				selHelper.LevelInfo[0].ws = 0;
				selHelper.LevelInfo[1].cpropPrevious = 0;
				selHelper.LevelInfo[1].ich = -1;
				selHelper.LevelInfo[1].ihvo = bookIndex;
				selHelper.LevelInfo[1].tag = (int)Scripture.ScriptureTags.kflidBookAnnotations;
				selHelper.LevelInfo[1].ws = 0;
				selHelper.SetTextPropId(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor, -2);
				selHelper.IchAnchor = 0;
				selHelper.AssocPrev = false;
				selHelper.NumberOfPreviousProps = 2;
				if (fNoteIsExpanded)
					selHelper.SetSelection(rootSite, true, true, VwScrollSelOpts.kssoNearTop);
					// Annotation is collapsed. Only attempt a selection at the start of it.
					selHelper.SetSelection(rootSite, true, true);
				EnsureNoteIsVisible(vc, bookIndex, iAnnotation, rootSite);

			// Now make the real (installed) selection in the desired field of the annotation.
			bool fIsResponse = (noteTag == ScrScriptureNote.ScrScriptureNoteTags.kflidResponses);
			selHelper = new SelectionHelper();
			selHelper.NumberOfLevels = 4;
			selHelper.LevelInfo[0].tag = (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs;
			selHelper.LevelInfo[0].ihvo = 0;
			selHelper.LevelInfo[1].tag = (int)noteTag;
			selHelper.LevelInfo[1].ihvo = iResponse;
			selHelper.LevelInfo[1].cpropPrevious = (fIsResponse ? 0 : 1);
			selHelper.LevelInfo[2].tag = vc.NotesSequenceHandler.Tag;
			selHelper.LevelInfo[2].ihvo = iAnnotation;
			selHelper.LevelInfo[3].tag = (int)Scripture.ScriptureTags.kflidBookAnnotations;
			selHelper.LevelInfo[3].ihvo = bookIndex;
			selHelper.IchAnchor = 0;
			selHelper.AssocPrev = false;
			selHelper.SetSelection(rootSite, true, true);
Example #6
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Displays the annotation fragment.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void DisplayAnnotationFragment(IVwEnv vwenv, int hvo)
			ScrScriptureNote ann = new ScrScriptureNote(m_cache, hvo);
			bool isExpanded = (m_expandTable.ContainsKey(hvo) && m_expandTable[hvo]);
			int hvoFirstResponse = ann.ResponsesOS.Count > 0 ? ann.ResponsesOS.HvoArray[0] : 0;
			bool responseExpanded = m_expandTable.ContainsKey(hvoFirstResponse) && m_expandTable[hvoFirstResponse];

			// put the separator at the top of the note

			// Open a table to display the first line of the annotation.
			VwLength vlTable; // we use this to specify that the table takes 100% of the width.
			vlTable.nVal = 10000;
			vlTable.unit = VwUnit.kunPercent100;

			int borderThickness = 2000;
			int columnCount = 9;
			VwFramePosition framePos = VwFramePosition.kvfpVoid;
			if (ann.Hvo == SelectedNoteHvo)
				columnCount = 7;
				framePos = (ann.ResponsesOS.Count == 0 || !isExpanded || !responseExpanded) ?
					VwFramePosition.kvfpBox : (VwFramePosition.kvfpAbove | VwFramePosition.kvfpVsides);

				vlTable, // Table uses 100% of available width.
				VwAlignment.kvaLeft, // Default alignment.
				//VwRule.kvrlAll, // rule lines between cells
				0, //No space between cells.
				0, //No padding inside cells.

			vwenv.NoteDependency(new int[] { hvo, hvo }, new int[]{m_expansionTag,
				(int)ScrScriptureNote.ScrScriptureNoteTags.kflidResponses}, 2);

			// Specify column widths. The first argument is the number of columns,
			// not a column index.
			VwLength vlColumn;
			if (ann.Hvo != SelectedNoteHvo)
				vlColumn.nVal = borderThickness;
				vlColumn.unit = VwUnit.kunPoint1000;
				vwenv.MakeColumns(1, vlColumn);
			vlColumn.nVal = 13000;
			vlColumn.unit = VwUnit.kunPoint1000;
			vwenv.MakeColumns(2, vlColumn);
			vlColumn.nVal = 60000;
			vlColumn.unit = VwUnit.kunPoint1000;
			vwenv.MakeColumns(1, vlColumn);
			vlColumn.nVal = 2;
			vlColumn.unit = VwUnit.kunRelative;
			vwenv.MakeColumns(1, vlColumn); // Column for the CONNOT categories
			vlColumn.nVal = 12000;
			vlColumn.unit = VwUnit.kunPoint1000;
			vwenv.MakeColumns(1, vlColumn); // Column for the chooser button when showing quote
			vlColumn.nVal = 3;
			vlColumn.unit = VwUnit.kunRelative;
			vwenv.MakeColumns(1, vlColumn); // Column for the quote when collapsed
			vlColumn.nVal = 12000;
			vlColumn.unit = VwUnit.kunPoint1000;
			vwenv.MakeColumns(1, vlColumn); // Column for the chooser button when not showing quote
			if (ann.Hvo != SelectedNoteHvo)
				vlColumn.nVal = borderThickness;
				vlColumn.unit = VwUnit.kunPoint1000;
				vwenv.MakeColumns(1, vlColumn);

			DisplayAnnotation(vwenv, ann, isExpanded);

			// Only display the responses if this note is expanded and has responses.
			if (!isExpanded || ann.ResponsesOS.Count == 0)
				// Close table

			vwenv.NoteDependency(new int[] { ann.ResponsesOS.HvoArray[0] },
				new int[] { m_expansionTag }, 1);
			OpenTableRow(vwenv, ann);

			// Display empty first cell
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 1);

			// Display expand box (+/-) in the second cell
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 1);
			vwenv.AddObj(ann.ResponsesOS.HvoArray[0], this, (int)NotesFrags.kfrExpansion);

			// Display response label in the remaining cells
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 5);
			vwenv.OpenConcPara(0, 0, 0, 0);
			CloseTableRow(vwenv, ann);

			// Close table

			if (responseExpanded)
					this, (int)NotesFrags.kfrResponse);
Example #7
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Attempts to scroll to an annotation whose BeginObjectRAHvo is the same as the hvo
		/// of the paragraph where the anchor is in the specified editing helper's selection.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="editingHelper">The TE editing helper with information about the
		/// selection in the Scripture pane.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedText">The selected text or the word containing the IP if the
		/// selection is not a range.</param>
		/// <param name="fExactMatchOnly">if set to <c>true</c> then only scroll to a found
		/// note if the cited text is an exact match.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private bool ScrollToAnnotationByPara(TeEditingHelper editingHelper,
			string selectedText, bool fExactMatchOnly)
			if (editingHelper == null || editingHelper.CurrentSelection == null)
				return false;

			ScrReference scrRef = editingHelper.CurrentStartRef;
			SelLevInfo[] info = editingHelper.CurrentSelection.GetLevelInfo(

			if (info.Length == 0)
				return false;

			int bookHvo = m_scr.BookAnnotationsOS[scrRef.Book - 1].Hvo;
			int[] annHvos = m_fdoCache.GetVectorProperty(bookHvo,
				m_vc.NotesSequenceHandler.Tag, false);

			if (annHvos.Length == 0)
				return false;

			int ich = editingHelper.CurrentSelection.IchAnchor;

			// Go through the annotations for the book and find the one whose
			// begin object is in the same as the selection's paragraph.
			for (int i = 0; i < annHvos.Length; i++)
				ScrScriptureNote ann = new ScrScriptureNote(m_fdoCache, annHvos[i]);
				if (ann.BeginObjectRAHvo == info[0].hvo)
					// When matching on the cited text, allow for the possibility that the
					// begin offset is off by a little bit since leading spaces and/or ORCs
					// may have been trimmed and subsequent editing may have messed up the
					// offsets a little.
					int adjustedBeginOffset = ann.BeginOffset -
						(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ann.CitedText) ? 1 : ann.CitedText.Length);

					if ((!fExactMatchOnly && ich >= ann.BeginOffset && ich <= ann.EndOffset) ||
						(ich >= adjustedBeginOffset && selectedText == ann.CitedText))
						m_vc.SelectedNoteHvo = ann.Hvo;
						NotesEditingHelper.MakeSelectionInNote(m_vc, scrRef.Book - 1, i, this,
						return true;

			return false;
		public void CreateScrNoteCategories()
			XmlDocument doc = CreateCategoryXmlDoc();

			// Create the annotation categories.
			DummyTeScrNoteCategoriesInit.CallCreateScrNoteCategories(m_scr, doc);

			ScrScriptureNote note = new ScrScriptureNote();

			// Set the note's category to Discourse-Chiasmus

			// Reload the annotation categories.
			DummyTeScrNoteCategoriesInit.CallCreateScrNoteCategories(m_scr, doc);

			// Confirm that the note's category is retained.
Example #9
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// We override this method to make a selection in all of the views that are in a
		/// snynced group. This fixes problems where the user changes the selection in one of
		/// the slaves, but the master is not updated. Thus the view is not scrolled as the
		/// groups scroll position only scrolls the master's selection into view. (TE-3380)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="prootb"></param>
		/// <param name="vwselNew"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public override void SelectionChanged(IVwRootBox prootb, IVwSelection vwselNew)

			if (s_fInSelectionChanged)
			base.SelectionChanged(prootb, vwselNew);

			if (m_ignoreSelChanged || EditingHelper.CurrentSelection == null)

			SelLevInfo noteInfo =

			if (noteInfo.hvo == m_prevNoteHvo)

			ScrScriptureNote ann = new ScrScriptureNote(m_fdoCache, noteInfo.hvo);
			s_fInSelectionChanged = true;
				// Remove highlighting on previously selected annotation, and add highlighting to selected annotation.
				SelectionHelper sel = EditingHelper.CurrentSelection;
				m_vc.SelectedNoteHvo = noteInfo.hvo;
				if (m_prevNoteHvo != 0)
					// Make sure we use the index in the virtual property and not
					// the index in the list of notes.
					int ownerHvo = m_fdoCache.GetOwnerOfObject(m_prevNoteHvo);
					int ihvo = m_fdoCache.GetObjIndex(ownerHvo, m_currentNotesTag, m_prevNoteHvo);
					if (ihvo >= 0) // Could be -1 if not in the filter anymore (TE-8891)
						m_fdoCache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, ownerHvo,
							m_currentNotesTag, ihvo, 1, 1);
				m_fdoCache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, ann.OwnerHVO,
					m_currentNotesTag, noteInfo.ihvo, 1, 1);

				sel.SetSelection(false); // restore selection taken from PropChange
				s_fInSelectionChanged = false;

			// Set text of caption to indicate which annotation is selected
			m_notesMainWnd.InformationBarText = BaseInfoBarCaption + " - " + GetRefAsString(ann) + "     " +
				GetQuotedText(ann.QuoteOA, 30);

			m_prevNoteHvo = noteInfo.hvo;

			if (!m_fSendSyncScrollMsg)

			NotesMainWnd notesMainWnd = TheMainWnd as NotesMainWnd;
			if (notesMainWnd != null && notesMainWnd.SyncHandler != null)
				Trace.WriteLine("Calling SyncToAnnotation from NotesDataEntryView: " + ann.CitedText);
				notesMainWnd.SyncHandler.SyncToAnnotation(this, ann, m_scr);

Example #10
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Updates the updateTime on the specified note. This method deletes the mark in the
		/// undo stack. If fStartNewMark is true then a new mark is created.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="noteHvo">The hvo of the note to be updated, or 0 to ignore</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void SetNoteUpdateTime(int noteHvo)

			IActionHandler handler = m_fdoCache.ActionHandlerAccessor;
			if (m_fIgnoreTmStmpUpdate || handler == null || handler.CurrentDepth > 0 ||
				handler.TopMarkHandle == 0)

			if (!handler.get_TasksSinceMark(true))
				 // Can happen... just continue on
				if (noteHvo != 0 && m_fdoCache.IsValidObject(noteHvo))
					ScrScriptureNote ann = new ScrScriptureNote(m_fdoCache, noteHvo);
					ann.DateModified = DateTime.Now;
					m_fdoCache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, noteHvo,
						(int)CmAnnotation.CmAnnotationTags.kflidDateModified, 0, 1, 1);

				string sUndo;
				string sRedo;
					out sUndo, out sRedo);
				handler.CollapseToMark(0, sUndo, sRedo);
				// If no tasks since the mark actually change the data, they should all get
				// deleted when we collapse.
Example #11
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Displays an annotation expanded or contracted
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="vwenv"></param>
		/// <param name="ann"></param>
		/// <param name="expanded"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void DisplayAnnotation(IVwEnv vwenv, ScrScriptureNote ann, bool expanded)
			#region First row has status, ref, category, & quote
			SetBackgroundColorForNote(ann, vwenv);

			OpenTableRow(vwenv, ann);

			// Display expand box (+/-) in the first cell
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 1);
			vwenv.AddObj(ann.Hvo, this, (int)NotesFrags.kfrExpansion);

			// Display status in the second cell
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 1);
				(int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvMilliPoint, 1000);

			if (ann.AnnotationType == NoteType.CheckingError)
				// When the annotation is a checking error, we don't want clicking on the status
				// to change the status. Therefore, make the min and max the same.
					this, (int)NotesFrags.kfrStatus, 0, 0);
					this, (int)NotesFrags.kfrStatus, (int)NoteStatus.Open, (int)NoteStatus.Closed);

			// Display reference in the third cell and make it readonly.
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 1);
			vwenv.set_IntProperty((int)FwTextPropType.ktptEditable, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, 0);
			vwenv.AddProp((int)CmBaseAnnotation.CmBaseAnnotationTags.kflidBeginRef, this,

			// Display CONNOT category in the fourth (and possibly fifth and sixth) cell(s)
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, expanded ? 3 : 1);
			int hvoQuotePara = ann.QuoteOA.ParagraphsOS.HvoArray[0];
			bool fQuoteParaRtoL = IsParaRightToLeft(hvoQuotePara);

			// Conc paragraphs don't work well for R-to-L: If the text doesn't fit, it will
			// show the trailing text rather than the leading text.
			if (fQuoteParaRtoL || expanded)
				vwenv.OpenConcPara(0, 0, 0, 0);
			vwenv.AddObjVec((int)ScrScriptureNote.ScrScriptureNoteTags.kflidCategories, this,

			// Display CONNOT category chooser button in the penultimate or last cell
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 1);
				(int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvMilliPoint, 1000);
				(int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvMilliPoint, 2000);

			vwenv.AddPicture(m_picChooser, -(int)NotesFrags.kfrConnotCategory, 0, 0);

			// If not expanded, display the quote in the last cell
			if (!expanded)
				vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 1);
				StTxtPara quotePara = (StTxtPara)ann.QuoteOA.ParagraphsOS[0];
				SetupWsAndDirectionForPara(vwenv, quotePara.Hvo);
				if (fQuoteParaRtoL)
					vwenv.OpenParagraph(); // Conc paragraphs don't work well for R-to-L
					vwenv.OpenConcPara(0, 0, 0, 0);

			CloseTableRow(vwenv, ann);

			if (!expanded)

			#region Second through fifth rows
			bool fRegularAnnotation = ann.AnnotationType != NoteType.CheckingError;
			//Second row has quote
			DisplayExpandableAnnotation(vwenv, ann,
				ann.QuoteOAHvo, ann.QuoteOA,
				fRegularAnnotation ? m_quoteLabel : m_detailsLabel, !fRegularAnnotation);

			// Third row has discussion
			DisplayExpandableAnnotation(vwenv, ann,
				ann.DiscussionOAHvo, ann.DiscussionOA,
				fRegularAnnotation ? m_discussionLabel : m_messageLabel, !fRegularAnnotation);

			// Fourth row has recommendation (i.e. suggestion)
			DisplayExpandableAnnotation(vwenv, ann,
				ann.RecommendationOAHvo, ann.RecommendationOA, m_suggestionLabel);

			// Fifth row has resolution
			DisplayExpandableAnnotation(vwenv, ann,
				ann.ResolutionOAHvo, ann.ResolutionOA, m_resolutionLabel);


			#region Sixth row has author
			SetBackgroundColorForNote(ann, vwenv);
			OpenTableRow(vwenv, ann);

			// Display empty first and second cell
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 2);

			// Display author in third cell
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 3);

			CloseTableRow(vwenv, ann);

			#region Seventh row has dates
			SetBackgroundColorForNote(ann, vwenv);
			OpenTableRow(vwenv, ann);

			// Display empty first and second cell
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 2);

			// Display date created in third cell
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 1);
			vwenv.AddTimeProp((int)ScrScriptureNote.CmAnnotationTags.kflidDateCreated, 0);

			// Display date modified in fourth/fifth cells
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 2);
			vwenv.AddTimeProp((int)CmAnnotation.CmAnnotationTags.kflidDateModified, 0);

			// Display date resolved in last two cells
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 2);
			if (ann.ResolutionStatus == NoteStatus.Closed)
				// TODO (TE-4039) This date is incorrect
				//vwenv.AddTimeProp(ScrScriptureNote.ScrScriptureNoteTags.kflidDateResolved, 0);

			CloseTableRow(vwenv, ann);
Example #12
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Insert a new note at its correct position in the list.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="startRef">beginning reference note refers to</param>
		/// <param name="endRef">ending reference note refers to</param>
		/// <param name="beginObject">id of beginning object to which annotation refers</param>
		/// <param name="endObject">id of ending object to which annotation refers</param>
		/// <param name="guidNoteType">The GUID representing the CmAnnotationDefn to use for
		/// the type</param>
		/// <param name="wsSelector">The writing system selector, indicating which
		/// writing system the annotation refers to.</param>
		/// <param name="startOffset">The starting character offset.</param>
		/// <param name="endOffset">The ending character offset.</param>
		/// <param name="bldrQuote">Para builder to use to build the Quote paragraph</param>
		/// <param name="bldrDiscussion">Para builder to use to build the Discussion
		/// paragraph</param>
		/// <param name="bldrRecommendation">Para builder to use to build the
		/// Recommendation paragraph</param>
		/// <param name="bldrResolution">Para builder to use to build the Resolution
		/// paragraph</param>
		/// <param name="insertIndex">index where annotation is to be inserted into
		/// annotation list</param>
		/// <returns>note inserted into annotation list</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public IScrScriptureNote InsertNote(BCVRef startRef, BCVRef endRef,
			ICmObject beginObject, ICmObject endObject, Guid guidNoteType, int wsSelector,
			int startOffset, int endOffset, StTxtParaBldr bldrQuote, StTxtParaBldr bldrDiscussion,
			StTxtParaBldr bldrRecommendation, StTxtParaBldr bldrResolution, int insertIndex)
			IScrScriptureNote annotation = new ScrScriptureNote();
			NotesOS.InsertAt(annotation, insertIndex);

			// Initialize the annotation.
			((ScrScriptureNote)annotation).InitializeNote(guidNoteType, startRef, endRef,
				beginObject, endObject, wsSelector, startOffset, endOffset,
				bldrQuote, bldrDiscussion, bldrRecommendation, bldrResolution);

			annotation.SourceRA = annotation.AnnotationType == NoteType.CheckingError ?
				m_cache.LangProject.DefaultComputerAgent : m_cache.LangProject.DefaultUserAgent;

			// Notify all windows that the new annotation exists
			m_cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, Hvo,
				(int)ScrBookAnnotationsTags.kflidNotes, insertIndex, 1, 0);

			return annotation;
Example #13
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the color of the note background.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ann">The ann.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private Color GetNoteBackgroundColor(ScrScriptureNote ann)
			switch (ann.AnnotationType)
				case NoteType.Consultant: return Color.PaleGoldenrod;
				case NoteType.Translator: return Color.LightBlue;
				case NoteType.CheckingError: return Color.PaleGreen;
				default: return Color.Red;
Example #14
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Set the background color based on the type of annotation
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ann">annotation</param>
		/// <param name="vwenv"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void SetBackgroundColorForNote(ScrScriptureNote ann, IVwEnv vwenv)
			int color = (int)ColorUtil.ConvertColorToBGR(GetNoteBackgroundColor(ann));

			switch (ann.AnnotationType)
				case NoteType.Consultant:
						(int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, color);

				case NoteType.Translator:
						(int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, color);

				case NoteType.CheckingError:
						(int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, color);

					throw new Exception("Unexpected annotation type");
Example #15
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Displays an expandable annotation of the specified type.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void DisplayExpandableAnnotation(IVwEnv vwenv, ScrScriptureNote ann,
			int tag, int hvo, IStJournalText paras, ITsString label, bool readOnly)
			vwenv.NoteDependency(new int[] { hvo }, new int[] { m_expansionTag }, 1);
			SetBackgroundColorForNote(ann, vwenv);
			OpenTableRow(vwenv, ann);

			// Display empty first cell
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 1);

			// Display +/- in the second cell, unless this is read-only
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 1);
			if (!readOnly)
				vwenv.AddObjProp(tag, this, (int)NotesFrags.kfrExpansion);

			// Display text in the remaining cells
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 5);
			vwenv.OpenConcPara(0, 0, 0, 0);

			if (!m_expandTable.ContainsKey(hvo))

			CloseTableRow(vwenv, ann);

			if (!m_expandTable.ContainsKey(hvo))

			SetBackgroundColorForNote(ann, vwenv);
			OpenTableRow(vwenv, ann);

			// Display empty first and second cell
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 2);

			// Display text in cells 3-7
			vwenv.OpenTableCell(1, 5);
			if (!readOnly)
			vwenv.AddObjProp(tag, this, (int)StTextFrags.kfrText);
			CloseTableRow(vwenv, ann);
Example #16
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Displays an expandable annotation of the specified type.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void DisplayExpandableAnnotation(IVwEnv vwenv, ScrScriptureNote ann,
			int tag, int hvo, IStJournalText paras, ITsString label)
			DisplayExpandableAnnotation(vwenv, ann, tag, hvo, paras, label, false);
Example #17
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Handle display of a Scripture reference or range.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="vwenv">View environment</param>
		/// <param name="tag">Tag</param>
		/// <param name="v">Not used. (usually <c>null</c>)</param>
		/// <param name="frag">Fragment to identify what type of prompt should be created.</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// ITsString that will be displayed as user prompt.
		/// </returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public override ITsString DisplayVariant(IVwEnv vwenv, int tag, object v, int frag)
			if (frag == (int)NotesFrags.kfrScrRef)
				ScrScriptureNote ann = new ScrScriptureNote(Cache, vwenv.CurrentObject());
				BCVRef startRef = new BCVRef(ann.BeginRef);
				string bookAbbrev = m_scrBooks.GetBookAbbrev(startRef.Book);
				string sAnnRef = ScrReference.MakeReferenceString(bookAbbrev, ann.BeginRef,
					ann.EndRef, m_scr.ChapterVerseSepr, m_scr.Bridge);
				return MakeLabelFromText(sAnnRef, ann);
			return base.DisplayVariant(vwenv, tag, v, frag);
Example #18
		public void GoToScrScriptureNoteRef_OrigParaGone()

			IScrBook exodus = ScrBook.FindBookByID(m_scr, 2);
			StTxtPara para = (StTxtPara)exodus.SectionsOS[1].ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[0];
			int ichStartExpected = para.Contents.Text.IndexOf("one");
			Assert.IsTrue(ichStartExpected > 0, "Unexpected data in paragraph");

			StTxtParaBldr bldrQuote = new StTxtParaBldr(Cache);
			ITsPropsFactory fact = TsPropsFactoryClass.Create();
			bldrQuote.ParaProps = fact.MakeProps(ScrStyleNames.Remark, 0, 0);
			bldrQuote.AppendRun("one", fact.MakeProps(null, Cache.DefaultVernWs, 0));
			ScrScriptureNote note = new ScrScriptureNote();
			StTxtPara para2 = (StTxtPara)exodus.SectionsOS[1].ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[1];
			note.InitializeNote(LangProject.kguidAnnConsultantNote, 2001001, 2001001,
				para2, para2, -1, 0 ,0, bldrQuote, null, null, null);
			// Now delete the paragraph the note refers to.
			// Initial offsets are irrelevant since the original paragraph is deleted.
			note.BeginOffset = 10;
			note.EndOffset = 13;
			TeEditingHelper helper = m_draftView.TeEditingHelper;

			// Confirm that the text referenced in the ScrScriptureNote is selected.
			ITsString tss;
			int ichStart, ichEnd;
			bool assocPrev;
			int hvoSel, tag, ws;
			helper.EditedRootBox.Selection.TextSelInfo(false, out tss, out ichStart,
				out assocPrev, out hvoSel, out tag, out ws);
			helper.EditedRootBox.Selection.TextSelInfo(true, out tss, out ichEnd,
				out assocPrev, out hvoSel, out tag, out ws);
			helper.EditedRootBox.Selection.GetSelectionString(out tss, "#");
			Assert.AreEqual("one", tss.Text);
			Assert.AreEqual(ichStartExpected, ichStart);
			Assert.AreEqual(ichStartExpected + 3, ichEnd);
			Assert.AreEqual(2001001, helper.CurrentStartRef.BBCCCVVV);
Example #19
		public void GoToScrScriptureNoteRef_OrigParaEmpty()

			ScrBook exodus = (ScrBook)ScrBook.FindBookByID(m_scr, 2);
			StTxtPara para = (StTxtPara)exodus[1].ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[1];
			int ichStartExpected = para.Contents.Text.IndexOf("three");
			Assert.IsTrue(ichStartExpected > 0, "Unexpected data in paragraph");

			StTxtParaBldr bldrQuote = new StTxtParaBldr(Cache);
			ITsPropsFactory fact = TsPropsFactoryClass.Create();
			bldrQuote.ParaProps = fact.MakeProps(ScrStyleNames.Remark, 0, 0);
			bldrQuote.AppendRun("three", fact.MakeProps(null, Cache.DefaultVernWs, 0));
			ScrScriptureNote note = new ScrScriptureNote();
			note.InitializeNote(LangProject.kguidAnnConsultantNote, 2001003, 2001003,
				para, para, -1, 0 ,0, bldrQuote, null, null, null);
			note.BeginOffset = ichStartExpected;
			note.EndOffset = ichStartExpected + 5;
			ITsStrBldr bldr = para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString.GetBldr();
			bldr.ReplaceRgch(0, para.Contents.Length, string.Empty, 0, null);
			// We want to prevent data validation so that we can set up an empty paragraph.
			Cache.PropChangedHandling = PropChangedHandling.SuppressChangeWatcher;
			para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = bldr.GetString();
			Assert.AreEqual(0, para.Contents.Length, "Contents of paragraph 3 should have been deleted.");
			// Initial offsets are irrelevant since the original paragraph is empty.
			note.BeginOffset = 7;
			note.EndOffset = 12;
			TeEditingHelper helper = m_draftView.TeEditingHelper;

			// Confirm that a selection is made close to the empty paragraph with the deleted verse.
			Assert.AreEqual(2001002, helper.CurrentStartRef.BBCCCVVV);
Example #20
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Shows the category chooser dialog to let the user set the category for the
		/// specified annotation.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void SetAnnotationCategory(ScrScriptureNote ann)
			if (ann == null)
				return; // Not much we can do

			string sUndo, sRedo;
			TeResourceHelper.MakeUndoRedoLabels("kstidSetAnnotationCategory", out sUndo, out sRedo);

			using (new UndoTaskHelper(this, sUndo, sRedo, true))
			using (new WaitCursor(this))
			using (CategoryChooserDlg dlg =
				new CategoryChooserDlg(m_scr.NoteCategoriesOA, ann.CategoriesRS.HvoArray))
				if (dlg.ShowDialog(ParentForm) == DialogResult.OK &&
					ann.DateModified = DateTime.Now;
Example #21
		public void GoToScrScriptureNoteRef_TextExistethNot()

			IScrBook exodus = ScrBook.FindBookByID(m_scr, 2);
			StTxtPara para = (StTxtPara)exodus.SectionsOS[1].ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[0];
			Assert.IsFalse(para.Contents.Text.Contains("sixty-three"), "Unexpected data in paragraph");

			StTxtParaBldr bldrQuote = new StTxtParaBldr(Cache);
			ITsPropsFactory fact = TsPropsFactoryClass.Create();
			bldrQuote.ParaProps = fact.MakeProps(ScrStyleNames.Remark, 0, 0);
			// Set text to something that does not exist in the verse to simiulate subsequent deletion.
			bldrQuote.AppendRun("sixty-three", fact.MakeProps(null, Cache.DefaultVernWs, 0));
			ScrScriptureNote note = new ScrScriptureNote();
			note.InitializeNote(LangProject.kguidAnnConsultantNote, 2001001, 2001001,
				para, para, -1, 0 ,0, bldrQuote, null, null, null);
			note.BeginOffset = 100;
			note.EndOffset = 111;
			TeEditingHelper helper = m_draftView.TeEditingHelper;

			// Confirm that the selection is at the start of the verse.
			ITsString tss;
			int ichStart;
			bool assocPrev;
			int hvoSel, tag, ws;
			helper.EditedRootBox.Selection.TextSelInfo(false, out tss, out ichStart,
				out assocPrev, out hvoSel, out tag, out ws);
			Assert.AreEqual(2, ichStart, "IP should be at start of verse, following chapter number and verse number.");
			Assert.AreEqual(2001001, helper.CurrentStartRef.BBCCCVVV);
Example #22
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the Scripture reference of the specified annotation as string.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ann">The specified annotation.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private string GetRefAsString(ScrScriptureNote ann)
			BCVRef startRef = new BCVRef(ann.BeginRef);
			IScrBook book = m_scr.FindBook(startRef.Book);
			string titleText = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidScriptureTitle");
			string introText = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidScriptureIntro");
			return ScrReference.MakeReferenceString(book.BestUIName, startRef, new BCVRef(ann.EndRef),
				m_scr.ChapterVerseSepr, m_scr.Bridge, titleText, introText);
Example #23
		public void GoToScrScriptureNoteRef_VerseDeleted()

			IScrBook exodus = ScrBook.FindBookByID(m_scr, 2);
			StTxtPara para = (StTxtPara)exodus.SectionsOS[1].ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[0];
			int ichStartOrig = para.Contents.Text.IndexOf("two");

			StTxtParaBldr bldrQuote = new StTxtParaBldr(Cache);
			ITsPropsFactory fact = TsPropsFactoryClass.Create();
			bldrQuote.ParaProps = fact.MakeProps(ScrStyleNames.Remark, 0, 0);
			bldrQuote.AppendRun("two", fact.MakeProps(null, Cache.DefaultVernWs, 0));
			ScrScriptureNote note = new ScrScriptureNote();
			note.InitializeNote(LangProject.kguidAnnConsultantNote, 2001002, 2001002,
				para, para, -1, 0 ,0, bldrQuote, null, null, null);
			note.BeginOffset = ichStartOrig;
			note.EndOffset = ichStartOrig + 3;
			// Now we delete verse two from that paragraph.
			int ichStartOfVerse2 = para.Contents.Text.IndexOf("2");
			ITsStrBldr bldr = para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString.GetBldr();
			bldr.Replace(ichStartOfVerse2, para.Contents.Length, string.Empty, null);
			para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = bldr.GetString();

			TeEditingHelper helper = m_draftView.TeEditingHelper;

			// Confirm that the selection is at the start of the verse 3.
			ITsString tss;
			int ichStart;
			bool assocPrev;
			int hvoSel, tag, ws;
			helper.EditedRootBox.Selection.TextSelInfo(false, out tss, out ichStart,
				out assocPrev, out hvoSel, out tag, out ws);
			Assert.AreEqual(2, ichStart, "IP should be after verse number one and chapter number one.");
			Assert.AreEqual(2001001, helper.CurrentStartRef.BBCCCVVV);
Example #24
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Looks for any annotations in the curtrently filtered set whose reference range
		/// covers the given Scripture reference. Any such annotations are expanded and the
		/// first on is scrolled to near the top of the view.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal void ScrollRefIntoView(ScrReference reference, string quotedText)
			if (reference.Book <= 0)

			bool fSaveSendSyncScrollMsg = m_fSendSyncScrollMsg;

				m_fSendSyncScrollMsg = false;
				int bookHvo = m_scr.BookAnnotationsOS[reference.Book - 1].Hvo;
				int[] annHvos = m_fdoCache.GetVectorProperty(bookHvo,
					m_vc.NotesSequenceHandler.Tag, false);

				int exactMatchingAnnotation = -1;
				int firstMatchingAnnotation = -1;

				for (int i = 0; i < annHvos.Length; i++)
					ScrScriptureNote ann = new ScrScriptureNote(m_fdoCache, annHvos[i]);
					if (ann.BeginRef <= reference && ann.EndRef >= reference)
						if (firstMatchingAnnotation < 0)
							firstMatchingAnnotation = i;

						string qtext = ((StTxtPara)ann.QuoteOA.ParagraphsOS[0]).Contents.Text;
						if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qtext) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(quotedText) &&
							qtext == quotedText && exactMatchingAnnotation < 0)
							exactMatchingAnnotation = i;
					else if (firstMatchingAnnotation >= 0)

				int idx = Math.Max(exactMatchingAnnotation, firstMatchingAnnotation);
				if (idx >= 0)
					NotesEditingHelper.MakeSelectionInNote(m_vc, reference.Book - 1, idx, this, m_vc.IsExpanded(annHvos[idx]));
				m_fSendSyncScrollMsg = fSaveSendSyncScrollMsg;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Connects the notes to new categories using a map created before the new categories
		/// were loaded. If the note category does not already exist, it will create the
		/// category.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="map">The map (for each writing system) from the note id to the
		/// full string path of the category name.</param>
		/// <remarks>Limitation: If any category is renamed, any notes that used the previous
		/// name will continue to use the old category. To fix this problem, we would need to
		/// specify in the category file (for each category with a changed name) how the old
		/// category maps to its renamed/relocated category).</remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void ConnectNotesToNewCategories(Dictionary<int, List<string>> map)
			foreach (int noteHvo in map.Keys)
				ScrScriptureNote note = new ScrScriptureNote(m_scr.Cache, noteHvo);
				note.CategoriesRS.RemoveAll(); // Just in case

				List<string> strCategories = map[noteHvo];
				foreach (string strCategory in strCategories)
						strCategory, m_scr.Cache.DefaultAnalWs));
Example #26
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Attempts to scroll to the first annotation whose beginning reference's book is
		/// the same as the specified book.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private bool ScrollToNonScrAnnotationByBook(int book, string selectedText)
			int bookHvo = m_scr.BookAnnotationsOS[book - 1].Hvo;
			int[] annHvos = m_fdoCache.GetVectorProperty(bookHvo,
				m_vc.NotesSequenceHandler.Tag, false);

			if (annHvos.Length == 0)
				return false;

			int ihvo = 0;
			ScrScriptureNote ann;
			BCVRef bcvRef;

			// Go through the annotations for the book and find the one whose
			// cited text is the same as the specified selected text.
			for (int i = 0; i < annHvos.Length; i++)
				ann = new ScrScriptureNote(m_fdoCache, annHvos[i]);
				bcvRef = new BCVRef(ann.BeginRef);
				if (ann.CitedText == selectedText && bcvRef.Chapter == 0)
					ihvo = i;

			ann = new ScrScriptureNote(m_fdoCache, annHvos[ihvo]);
			bcvRef = new BCVRef(ann.BeginRef);
			if (bcvRef.Chapter > 0)
				return false;

			NotesEditingHelper.MakeSelectionInNote(m_vc, book - 1, ihvo, this, m_vc.IsExpanded(ann.Hvo));
			return true;
Example #27
		public void MakeLabelFromText_AnnotationOnFootnote()

			ScrScriptureNote note = new ScrScriptureNote();
			note.BeginRef = 01001011;
			note.EndRef = 01001011;
			StFootnote footnote = m_scrInMemoryCache.AddFootnote(m_gen,
				(IStTxtPara)m_gen.SectionsOS[1].ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[0], 0);
			note.BeginObjectRA = m_scrInMemoryCache.AddParaToMockedText(footnote.Hvo, "Whatever");
			ITsString tss = m_vc.CallMakeLabelFromText("GEN 1:11", "WhoCares", note);
			Assert.AreEqual(3, tss.RunCount);
			Assert.AreEqual("\u0032", tss.get_RunText(0));
			Assert.AreEqual("GEN 1:11", tss.get_RunText(1));
Example #28
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Makes a selection in the specified annotation (without scrolling the annotation in
		/// the view).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="bookIndex">Index of the book.</param>
		/// <param name="iAnnotation">Index of the annotation.</param>
		/// <param name="iResponse">Index of the response (0 if setting the selection in one of
		/// the StJournalText fields rather than in a response.</param>
		/// <param name="noteTag">The tag indicating the field of the annotation where the
		/// selection is to be made.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal void MakeSelectionInNote(int bookIndex, int iAnnotation, int iResponse,
			ScrScriptureNote.ScrScriptureNoteTags noteTag)
			MakeSelectionInNote(CurrentNotesVc, true, bookIndex, iAnnotation, iResponse,
				noteTag, Control as IVwRootSite, true);
Example #29
		public void MakeLabelFromText_AnnotationOnBackTrans()

			ScrScriptureNote note = new ScrScriptureNote();
			note.BeginRef = 01001011;
			note.EndRef = 01001011;
			StTxtPara para = (StTxtPara)m_gen.SectionsOS[1].ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[0];
			note.BeginObjectRA = para.GetOrCreateBT();
			ITsString tss = m_vc.CallMakeLabelFromText("GEN 1:11", "WhoCares", note);
			Assert.AreEqual(2, tss.RunCount);
			Assert.AreEqual("GEN 1:11", tss.get_RunText(0));
Example #30
		public void TestCreateAnnotationResponse()

			ScrScriptureNote annotation = new ScrScriptureNote();

			// add this annotation collection to the list
			FdoOwningSequence<IScrScriptureNote> genesisNotes = m_scr.BookAnnotationsOS[0].NotesOS;
			int cNotesBeforeResponse = genesisNotes.Count;

			IStJournalText response = annotation.CreateResponse();
			Assert.AreEqual(cNotesBeforeResponse, genesisNotes.Count,
				"Response annotation should not get added to master list.");
			Assert.AreEqual(1, annotation.ResponsesOS.Count);
			Assert.AreEqual(response.Hvo, annotation.ResponsesOS.HvoArray[0]);
			Assert.AreEqual(1, response.ParagraphsOS.Count);
			ITsTextProps ttpParaStyle = response.ParagraphsOS[0].StyleRules;
			Assert.AreEqual(ScrStyleNames.Remark, ttpParaStyle.GetStrPropValue(
Example #31
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Make a label string to use in the view.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="labelText">text to put in the label</param>
		/// <param name="styleName">style name to use for the character style on the text</param>
		/// <param name="ann">The annotation</param>
		/// <returns>An ITsString</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected ITsString MakeLabelFromText(string labelText, string styleName,
			ScrScriptureNote ann)
			ITsTextProps ttpLabel = StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(styleName, m_cache.DefaultUserWs);
			ITsStrBldr bldr = TsStrBldrClass.Create();

			if (ann != null && m_cache.IsValidObject(ann.BeginObjectRAHvo))
				StTxtPara startPara = ann.BeginObjectRA as StTxtPara;

				if (startPara != null)
					int ownerOwnFlid = m_cache.GetOwningFlidOfObject(startPara.OwnerHVO);
					if (ownerOwnFlid == (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidFootnotes)
						ITsPropsBldr propsBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
						bldr.Replace(0, 0, "\u0032", propsBldr.GetTextProps());
			bldr.Replace(bldr.Length, bldr.Length, labelText, ttpLabel);

			// Add a space with default paragraph characters. This prevents style bleed-through
			// from the label when the user types in the text with (part of) the label selected.
			bldr.Replace(bldr.Length, bldr.Length, " ",
				StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null,	m_cache.DefaultUserWs));
			return bldr.GetString();