PopupTree is a form containing a TreeView, designed to pop up like the list of a combo box to allow a one-time choice from a list. Although this is currently implemented using the standard TreeView class, it is possible that a need will arise for items to be rendered using View code, either to support styled text in items, or to support Graphite rendering. For this reason the TreeView is not made public, and only a limited subset of its capabilities is currently exposed.
Inheritance: System.Windows.Forms.Form, IFWDisposable, IDropDownBox
Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor.
		/// </summary>
		public MSAPopupTreeManager(PopupTree popupTree, FdoCache cache, ICmPossibilityList list,
			int ws, bool useAbbr, Mediator mediator, Form parent)
			: base(popupTree,  cache, list, ws, useAbbr, parent)
			m_mediator = mediator;
		protected override TreeNode MakeMenuItems(PopupTree popupTree, int hvoTarget)
			int tagNamePOS = UseAbbr ?
				CmPossibilityTags.kflidAbbreviation :

			List<HvoTreeNode> relevantPartsOfSpeech = new List<HvoTreeNode>();
			GatherPartsOfSpeech(Cache, List.Hvo, CmPossibilityListTags.kflidPossibilities,
				tagNamePOS, WritingSystem,
			int tagNameClass = UseAbbr ?
				MoInflClassTags.kflidAbbreviation :
			TreeNode match = null;
			foreach(HvoTreeNode item in relevantPartsOfSpeech)
				TreeNode match1 = AddNodes(item.Nodes, item.Hvo,
					hvoTarget, tagNameClass);
				if (match1 != null)
					match = match1;
			return match;
		protected override TreeNode MakeMenuItems(PopupTree popupTree, int hvoTarget)
			int tagNamePOS = UseAbbr ?
				(int)CmPossibility.CmPossibilityTags.kflidAbbreviation :

			List<HvoTreeNode> relevantPartsOfSpeech = new List<HvoTreeNode>();
			InflectionClassPopupTreeManager.GatherPartsOfSpeech(Cache, List.Hvo,
				tagNamePOS, WritingSystem,
			TreeNode match = null;
			foreach(HvoTreeNode item in relevantPartsOfSpeech)
				IPartOfSpeech pos = (IPartOfSpeech)PartOfSpeech.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, item.Hvo, false);
				foreach(IFsFeatStruc fs in pos.ReferenceFormsOC)
					// Note: beware of using fs.ShortName. That can be
					// absolutely EMPTY (if the user has turned off the 'Show Abbreviation as its label'
					// field for both the feature category and value).
					// ChooserName shows the short name if it is non-empty, otherwise the long name.
					HvoTreeNode node = new HvoTreeNode(fs.ChooserNameTS, fs.Hvo);
					if (fs.Hvo == hvoTarget)
						match = node;
				item.Nodes.Add(new HvoTreeNode(Cache.MakeUserTss(LexTextControls.ksChooseInflFeats), kMore));
			return match;
Example #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor.
		/// </summary>
		public PopupTreeManager(PopupTree popupTree, FdoCache cache, Mediator mediator, ICmPossibilityList list, int ws, bool useAbbr, Form parent)
			m_popupTree = popupTree;
			Init(cache, mediator, list, ws, useAbbr, parent);
			popupTree.BeforeSelect += m_treeCombo_BeforeSelect;
			popupTree.AfterSelect += m_treeCombo_AfterSelect;
			popupTree.PopupTreeClosed += popupTree_PopupTreeClosed;
Example #5
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor.
		/// </summary>
		public PopupTreeManager(PopupTree popupTree, FdoCache cache, ICmPossibilityList list, int ws, bool useAbbr, Form parent)
			m_popupTree = popupTree;
			Init(cache, list, ws, useAbbr, parent);
			popupTree.BeforeSelect += new TreeViewCancelEventHandler(m_treeCombo_BeforeSelect);
			popupTree.AfterSelect += new TreeViewEventHandler(m_treeCombo_AfterSelect);
			popupTree.PopupTreeClosed += new TreeViewEventHandler(popupTree_PopupTreeClosed);
Example #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates the drop down box.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected override IDropDownBox CreateDropDownBox()
			// Create the list.
			var popupTree = new PopupTree { TabStopControl = m_comboTextBox };
			popupTree.AfterSelect += m_tree_AfterSelect;
			popupTree.BeforeSelect += m_popupTree_BeforeSelect;
			popupTree.Load += m_tree_Load;
			popupTree.PopupTreeClosed += m_popupTree_PopupTreeClosed;
			return popupTree;
Example #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates the drop down box.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected override IDropDownBox CreateDropDownBox()
			// Create the list.
			var popupTree = new PopupTree();
			popupTree.TabStopControl = m_comboTextBox;
			//m_tree.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(m_listBox_SelectedIndexChanged);
			//m_listBox.SameItemSelected += new EventHandler(m_listBox_SameItemSelected);
			popupTree.AfterSelect += m_tree_AfterSelect;
			popupTree.BeforeSelect += m_popupTree_BeforeSelect;
			popupTree.Load += m_tree_Load;
			popupTree.PopupTreeClosed += m_popupTree_PopupTreeClosed;
			return popupTree;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the drop down box.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override IDropDownBox CreateDropDownBox()
            // Create the list.
            var popupTree = new PopupTree();

            popupTree.TabStopControl = m_comboTextBox;
            //m_tree.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(m_listBox_SelectedIndexChanged);
            //m_listBox.SameItemSelected += new EventHandler(m_listBox_SameItemSelected);
            popupTree.AfterSelect     += m_tree_AfterSelect;
            popupTree.BeforeSelect    += m_popupTree_BeforeSelect;
            popupTree.Load            += m_tree_Load;
            popupTree.PopupTreeClosed += m_popupTree_PopupTreeClosed;
		protected override TreeNode MakeMenuItems(PopupTree popupTree, int hvoTarget)
			int tagName = UseAbbr ?
				CmPossibilityTags.kflidAbbreviation :
			popupTree.Sorted = Sorted;
			TreeNode match = null;
			if (List != null)
				match = AddNodes(popupTree.Nodes, List.Hvo,
									CmPossibilityListTags.kflidPossibilities, hvoTarget, tagName);
			var empty = AddAnyItem(popupTree);
			if (hvoTarget == 0)
				match = empty;
			return match;
		protected override TreeNode MakeMenuItems(PopupTree popupTree, int hvoTarget)

			TreeNode match = null;

			// We need a way to store feature structures the user has chosen during this session.
			// We use an annotation to do this.
			foreach (ICmBaseAnnotation cba in m_annotations)
				IFsFeatStruc fs = cba.FeaturesOA;
				if (fs == null || fs.IsEmpty)
				if (cba.BeginObjectRA != null)
					continue;  // is not one of the feature structures created via the phon feat chooser
				HvoTreeNode node = new HvoTreeNode(fs.LongNameTSS, fs.Hvo);
				if (fs.Hvo == hvoTarget)
					match = node;

			if (ClosedFeature != null)
				var sortedVaues = from v in ClosedFeature.ValuesOC
								  orderby v.Abbreviation.BestAnalysisAlternative.Text
								  select v;
				foreach (var closedValue in sortedVaues)
					HvoTreeNode node = new HvoTreeNode(closedValue.Abbreviation.BestAnalysisAlternative, closedValue.Hvo);
					if (closedValue.Hvo == hvoTarget)
						match = node;

			popupTree.Nodes.Add(new HvoTreeNode(
					Cache.TsStrFactory.MakeString(LexTextControls.ksRemoveThisFeature, Cache.WritingSystemFactory.UserWs),
			/* Trying this now without using the phonological feature chooser; if users ask for it, will reconsider.
			 * popupTree.Nodes.Add(new HvoTreeNode(
					Cache.TsStrFactory.MakeString(LexTextControls.ksChoosePhonFeats, Cache.WritingSystemFactory.UserWs),

			return match;

Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes in two distinct scenarios.
        /// 1. If disposing is true, the method has been called directly
        /// or indirectly by a user's code via the Dispose method.
        /// Both managed and unmanaged resources can be disposed.
        /// 2. If disposing is false, the method has been called by the
        /// runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference (access)
        /// other managed objects, as they already have been garbage collected.
        /// Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If any exceptions are thrown, that is fine.
        /// If the method is being done in a finalizer, it will be ignored.
        /// If it is thrown by client code calling Dispose,
        /// it needs to be handled by fixing the bug.
        /// If subclasses override this method, they should call the base implementation.
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            //Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** " + GetType().Name + " 'disposing' is false. ******************");
            // Must not be run more than once.
            if (m_isDisposed)

            if (disposing)
                // Dispose managed resources here.

            // Dispose unmanaged resources here, whether disposing is true or false.
            m_popupTree = null;             // It is disposed of elsewhere.

            m_isDisposed = true;
Example #12
		protected override TreeNode MakeMenuItems(PopupTree popupTree, int hvoTarget)
			int tagName = UseAbbr ?
				CmPossibilityTags.kflidAbbreviation :
			popupTree.Sorted = true;
			TreeNode match = null;
			if (List != null)
				match = AddNodes(popupTree.Nodes, List.Hvo,
								 CmPossibilityListTags.kflidPossibilities, hvoTarget, tagName);
			popupTree.Sorted = false;
			// Add two special nodes used to:
			//	1. Set the value to 'empty', or
			//	2. Launch the new Grammatical Category Catalog dlg.
			var empty = m_fNotSureIsAny ? AddAnyItem(popupTree) : AddNotSureItem(popupTree);
			if (hvoTarget == 0)
				match = empty;
			return match;
Example #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor.
		/// </summary>
		public POSPopupTreeManager(PopupTree popupTree, FdoCache cache, ICmPossibilityList list, int ws, bool useAbbr, Mediator mediator, Form parent)
			: base(popupTree, cache, mediator, list, ws, useAbbr, parent)
Example #14
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="popupTree"></param>
		/// <param name="hvoTarget"></param>
		/// <returns>the node matching hvoTarget, if found</returns>
		protected TreeNode AddPossibilityListItems(PopupTree popupTree, int hvoTarget)
			int tagName = UseAbbr ?
						 (int)CmPossibility.CmPossibilityTags.kflidAbbreviation :
			TreeNode match = null;
				// detect whether this possibility list is (to be) sorted.
				popupTree.Sorted = List.IsSorted;
				match = AddNodes(popupTree.Nodes, List.Hvo,
					(int)CmPossibilityList.CmPossibilityListTags.kflidPossibilities, hvoTarget, tagName);
				// now allow subsequent items to get added, but not necessarily sorted.
				popupTree.Sorted = false;
			return match;
Example #15
		/// <summary>
		/// Add an 'Any' item to the menu. If the current target is zero, it will be selected.
		/// It is saved as m_kEmptyNode. Also returns the new node.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="popupTree"></param>
		/// <param name="hvoTarget"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected TreeNode AddAnyItem(PopupTree popupTree)
			HvoTreeNode empty = new HvoTreeNode(
				Cache.TsStrFactory.MakeString(LexTextControls.ksAny, Cache.WritingSystemFactory.UserWs),
			m_kEmptyNode = empty;
			return empty;
Example #16
 /// <summary>Constructor for filter object</summary>
 public FwPopupMessageFilter(PopupTree popupTree)
     m_popupTree = popupTree;
Example #17
		/// <summary>
		/// Add a 'More...' item to the tree. Subclass is responsible to implement.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="popupTree"></param>
		protected void AddMoreItem(PopupTree popupTree)
			popupTree.Nodes.Add(new HvoTreeNode(Cache.MakeUserTss(LexTextControls.ksMore_), kMore));
Example #18
		/// <summary>Constructor for filter object</summary>
		public FwPopupMessageFilter(PopupTree popupTree)
			m_popupTree = popupTree;
			public override void SetupCombo()

				m_tree = new PopupTree();
				// Try a bigger size here only for Sandbox POS editing (GordonM) [LT-7529]
				// Enhance: It would be better to know what size we need for the data,
				// but it gets displayed before we know what data goes in it!
				// PopupTree.DefaultSize was (120, 200)
				m_tree.Size = new Size(180, 220);
				m_tree.Load += new EventHandler(m_tree_Load);
				// Handle AfterSelect events through POSPopupTreeManager in m_tree_Load().
Example #20
		/// <summary>
		/// NOTE that this implementation IGNORES hvoTarget and selects the MSA indicated by the sense.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="popupTree"></param>
		/// <param name="hvoTarget"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected override TreeNode MakeMenuItems(PopupTree popupTree, int hvoTarget)
			Debug.Assert(m_sense != null);
			hvoTarget = m_sense.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA == null ? 0 : m_sense.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA.Hvo;
			TreeNode match = null;
			ITsStrFactory tsf = Cache.TsStrFactory;
			bool fStem = m_sense.GetDesiredMsaType() == MsaType.kStem;
			if (fStem /*m_sense.Entry.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC.Count != 0*/)
				// We want the order to be:
				// 1. current msa items
				// 2. possible Parts of Speech
				// 3. "not sure" items
				// We also want the Parts of Speech to be sorted, but not the whole tree.
				// First add the part of speech items (which may be a tree...).
				int tagName = CmPossibilityTags.kflidName;
				// make sure they are sorted
				popupTree.Sorted = true;
				AddNodes(popupTree.Nodes, List.Hvo,
					CmPossibilityListTags.kflidPossibilities, 0, tagName);
				// reset the sorted flag - we only want the parts of speech to be sorted.
				popupTree.Sorted = false;
				// Remember the (sorted) nodes in an array (so we can use the AddRange() method).
				TreeNode[] posArray = new TreeNode[popupTree.Nodes.Count];
				popupTree.Nodes.CopyTo(posArray, 0);
				// now clear out the nodes so we can get the order we want

				// Add the existing MSA items for the sense's owning entry.
				foreach (var msa in m_sense.Entry.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC)
					HvoTreeNode node = AddTreeNodeForMsa(popupTree, tsf, msa);
					if (msa.Hvo == hvoTarget)
						match = node;

				// now add the sorted parts of speech


				//	1. "<Not Sure>" to produce a negligible Msa reference.
				//	2. "More..." command to launch category chooser dialog.
				TreeNode empty = AddNotSureItem(popupTree);
				if (match == null)
					match = empty;
				int cMsa = m_sense.Entry.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC.Count;
				if (cMsa == 0)
					//	1. "<Not Sure>" to produce a negligible Msa reference.
					//	2. "Specify..." command.
					//Debug.Assert(hvoTarget == 0);
					match = AddNotSureItem(popupTree);
					popupTree.Nodes.Add(new HvoTreeNode(Cache.TsStrFactory.MakeString(m_sSpecifyGramFunc, Cache.WritingSystemFactory.UserWs), kCreate));
					// 1. Show the current Msa at the top.
					// 2. "Modify ..." command.
					// 3. Show other existing Msas next (if any).
					// 4. <Not Sure> to produce a negligible Msa reference.
					// 5. "Specify different..." command.
					hvoTarget = 0;
					// We should always have an MSA assigned to every sense, but sometimes this
					// hasn't happened.  Don't crash if the data isn't quite correct.  See FWR-3090.
					if (m_sense.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA != null)
						hvoTarget = m_sense.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA.Hvo;
					if (hvoTarget != 0)
						ITsString tssLabel = m_sense.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA.InterlinearNameTSS;
						HvoTreeNode node = new HvoTreeNode(tssLabel, hvoTarget);
						match = node;
						popupTree.Nodes.Add(new HvoTreeNode(Cache.TsStrFactory.MakeString(m_sModifyGramFunc, Cache.WritingSystemFactory.UserWs), kModify));
					int cMsaExtra = 0;
					foreach (var msa in m_sense.Entry.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC)
						if (msa.Hvo == hvoTarget)
						ITsString tssLabel = msa.InterlinearNameTSS;
						HvoTreeNode node = new HvoTreeNode(tssLabel, msa.Hvo);
					if (cMsaExtra > 0)
					// Per final decision on LT-5084, don't want <not sure> for affixes.
					//TreeNode empty = AddNotSureItem(popupTree, hvoTarget);
					//if (match == null)
					//    match = empty;
					popupTree.Nodes.Add(new HvoTreeNode(Cache.TsStrFactory.MakeString(m_sSpecifyDifferent, Cache.WritingSystemFactory.UserWs), kCreate));
			return match;
Example #21
		/// <summary>
		/// Add the --- line to the popup (use if adding any 'extra' items).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="popupTree"></param>
		protected void AddTimberLine(PopupTree popupTree)
			popupTree.Nodes.Add(new HvoTreeNode(Cache.TsStrFactory.MakeString(TimberLine, Cache.WritingSystemFactory.UserWs), kLine));
Example #22
		protected override TreeNode MakeMenuItems(PopupTree popupTree, int hvoTarget)
			TreeNode match1 = AddPossibilityListItems(popupTree, hvoTarget);
			TreeNode match2 = AppendAdditionalItems(popupTree, hvoTarget);
			return match1 ?? match2;
Example #23
		/// <summary>
		/// Add the --- line to the popup (use if adding any 'extra' items).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="popupTree"></param>
		protected void AddTimberLine(PopupTree popupTree)
			popupTree.Nodes.Add(new HvoTreeNode(Cache.MakeUserTss(TimberLine), kLine));
Example #24
		/// <summary>
		/// Add a 'not sure' item to the menu. If the current target is zero, it will be selected.
		/// It is saved as m_kEmptyNode. Also returns the new node.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="popupTree"></param>
		/// <param name="hvoTarget"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected TreeNode AddNotSureItem(PopupTree popupTree, int hvoTarget)
			HvoTreeNode empty = new HvoTreeNode(Cache.MakeUserTss(LexTextControls.ks_NotSure_), kEmpty);
			m_kEmptyNode = empty;
			return empty;
Example #25
		/// <summary>
		/// Make all the menu items. May well call things like AddTimberline, AddNotSureItem, AddMoreItem.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="popupTree"></param>
		/// <param name="hvoTarget"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected abstract TreeNode MakeMenuItems(PopupTree popupTree, int hvoTarget);
Example #26
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct one.
		/// </summary>
		public TreeCombo()
			// Set this box's own properties (first, as we use some of them in figuring the
			// size of other things).

			// Make and install the ComboTextBox
			m_comboTextBox = new ComboTextBox(this);
			m_comboTextBox.AccessibleName = "TextBox";
			m_comboTextBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
			m_comboTextBox.Visible = true;
			// Don't allow typing or pasting into the text box: see LT-6595.
			m_comboTextBox.ReadOnlyView = true;

			// These two lines causes us to get a notification when the string gets changed,
			// so we can fire our TextChanged event.
			m_sda = m_comboTextBox.DataAccess;

			m_comboTextBox.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(m_comboTextBox_MouseDown);
			m_comboTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(m_comboTextBox_KeyPress);
			m_comboTextBox.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(m_comboTextBox_KeyDown);
			m_comboTextBox.GotFocus += new EventHandler(m_comboTextBox_GotFocus);
			m_comboTextBox.LostFocus += new EventHandler(m_comboTextBox_LostFocus);

			m_textBoxPanel = new Panel();
			m_textBoxPanel.AccessibleName = "TextBoxPanel";
			m_textBoxPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
			m_textBoxPanel.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

			// Make and install the button that pops up the list.
			m_button = new DropDownButton(this);
			m_button.AccessibleName = "DropDownButton";
			m_button.Dock = DockStyle.Right; // Enhance JohnT: Left if RTL language?

			//m_button.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; // no raised edges etc for this button.
			m_button.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(m_button_MouseDown);
			m_button.GotFocus += new EventHandler(m_button_GotFocus);
			m_button.LostFocus += new EventHandler(m_button_LostFocus);
			m_button.TabStop = false;

			m_buttonPanel = new Panel();
			m_buttonPanel.AccessibleName = "DropDownButtonPanel";
			m_buttonPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Right;
			m_buttonPanel.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

			HasBorder = true;
			Padding = new Padding(Application.RenderWithVisualStyles ? 2 : 1);
			base.BackColor = SystemColors.Window;

			m_buttonPanel.Width = m_button.PreferredWidth + m_buttonPanel.Padding.Horizontal;

			// Create the list.
			m_popupTree = new PopupTree();
			m_popupTree.TabStopControl = m_comboTextBox;
			//m_tree.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(m_listBox_SelectedIndexChanged);
			//m_listBox.SameItemSelected += new EventHandler(m_listBox_SameItemSelected);
			m_popupTree.AfterSelect += new TreeViewEventHandler(m_tree_AfterSelect);
			m_popupTree.BeforeSelect += new TreeViewCancelEventHandler(m_popupTree_BeforeSelect);
			m_popupTree.Load += new EventHandler(m_tree_Load);
			m_popupTree.PopupTreeClosed += new TreeViewEventHandler(m_popupTree_PopupTreeClosed);
			m_popupTree.VisibleChanged += new EventHandler(m_popupTree_VisibleChanged);

			/// <summary>
			/// Executes in two distinct scenarios.
			/// 1. If disposing is true, the method has been called directly
			/// or indirectly by a user's code via the Dispose method.
			/// Both managed and unmanaged resources can be disposed.
			/// 2. If disposing is false, the method has been called by the
			/// runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference (access)
			/// other managed objects, as they already have been garbage collected.
			/// Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="disposing"></param>
			/// <remarks>
			/// If any exceptions are thrown, that is fine.
			/// If the method is being done in a finalizer, it will be ignored.
			/// If it is thrown by client code calling Dispose,
			/// it needs to be handled by fixing the bug.
			/// If subclasses override this method, they should call the base implementation.
			/// </remarks>
			protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
				//Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** " + GetType().Name + " 'disposing' is false. ******************");
				// Must not be run more than once.
				if (IsDisposed)

				if (disposing)
					// Dispose managed resources here.
					if (m_pOSPopupTreeManager != null)
						m_pOSPopupTreeManager.AfterSelect -= new TreeViewEventHandler(m_pOSPopupTreeManager_AfterSelect);
					if (m_tree != null)
						m_tree.Load -= new EventHandler(m_tree_Load);

				// Dispose unmanaged resources here, whether disposing is true or false.
				m_pOSPopupTreeManager = null;
				m_tree = null;

Example #28
		/// <summary>
		/// Clean up any resources being used.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
			//Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** " + GetType().Name + " 'disposing' is false. ******************");
			// Must not be run more than once.
			if (IsDisposed)

			// m_sda COM object block removed due to crash in Finializer thread LT-6124

			if (disposing)
				if (m_button != null)
					m_button.MouseDown -= new MouseEventHandler(m_button_MouseDown);
					m_button.GotFocus -= new EventHandler(m_button_GotFocus);
					m_button.LostFocus -= new EventHandler(m_button_LostFocus);

				if (m_sda != null)

				if (m_comboTextBox != null)
					m_comboTextBox.KeyPress -= new KeyPressEventHandler(m_comboTextBox_KeyPress);
					m_comboTextBox.KeyDown -= new KeyEventHandler(m_comboTextBox_KeyDown);
					m_comboTextBox.MouseDown -= new MouseEventHandler(m_comboTextBox_MouseDown);
					m_comboTextBox.GotFocus -= new EventHandler(m_comboTextBox_GotFocus);
					m_comboTextBox.LostFocus -= new EventHandler(m_comboTextBox_LostFocus);
				if (m_popupTree != null)
					m_popupTree.AfterSelect -= new TreeViewEventHandler(m_tree_AfterSelect);
					m_popupTree.BeforeSelect -= new TreeViewCancelEventHandler(m_popupTree_BeforeSelect);
					m_popupTree.Load -= new EventHandler(m_tree_Load);
					m_popupTree.VisibleChanged -= new EventHandler(m_popupTree_VisibleChanged);

				if (m_popupTree != null && !m_popupTree.IsDisposed)
			m_button = null; // So OnLayout knows to do nothing.
			m_comboTextBox = null;
			m_popupTree = null;
			m_sda = null;

Example #29
		/// <summary>
		/// Executes in two distinct scenarios.
		/// 1. If disposing is true, the method has been called directly
		/// or indirectly by a user's code via the Dispose method.
		/// Both managed and unmanaged resources can be disposed.
		/// 2. If disposing is false, the method has been called by the
		/// runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference (access)
		/// other managed objects, as they already have been garbage collected.
		/// Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="disposing"></param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// If any exceptions are thrown, that is fine.
		/// If the method is being done in a finalizer, it will be ignored.
		/// If it is thrown by client code calling Dispose,
		/// it needs to be handled by fixing the bug.
		/// If subclasses override this method, they should call the base implementation.
		/// </remarks>
		protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
			Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** " + GetType().Name + " 'disposing' is false. ******************");
			// Must not be run more than once.
			if (m_isDisposed)

			if (disposing)
				// Dispose managed resources here.
				if (m_treeCombo != null && !m_treeCombo.IsDisposed)
					m_treeCombo.BeforeSelect -= new TreeViewCancelEventHandler(m_treeCombo_BeforeSelect);
					m_treeCombo.AfterSelect -= new TreeViewEventHandler(m_treeCombo_AfterSelect);
					if (m_treeCombo.Tree != null)
						m_treeCombo.Tree.PopupTreeClosed -= new TreeViewEventHandler(popupTree_PopupTreeClosed);
					// We only manage m_treeCombo, so it gets disposed elsewhere.
				if (m_popupTree != null)
					m_popupTree.BeforeSelect -= new TreeViewCancelEventHandler(m_treeCombo_BeforeSelect);
					m_popupTree.AfterSelect -= new TreeViewEventHandler(m_treeCombo_AfterSelect);
					m_popupTree.PopupTreeClosed -= new TreeViewEventHandler(popupTree_PopupTreeClosed);
					// We only manage m_popupTree, so it gets disposed elsewhere.

			// Dispose unmanaged resources here, whether disposing is true or false.
			m_lastConfirmedNode = null;
			m_kEmptyNode = null;
			m_treeCombo = null;
			m_popupTree = null;
			m_parent = null;
			m_cache = null;
			m_list = null;

			m_isDisposed = true;
Example #30
		/// <summary>
		/// override to add additional nodes to popupTree (e.g. AddNotSureItem, AddTimberline)
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual TreeNode AppendAdditionalItems(PopupTree popupTree, int hvoTarget)
			return null; // subclasses override.
Example #31
		/// <summary>
		/// Executes in two distinct scenarios.
		/// 1. If disposing is true, the method has been called directly
		/// or indirectly by a user's code via the Dispose method.
		/// Both managed and unmanaged resources can be disposed.
		/// 2. If disposing is false, the method has been called by the
		/// runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference (access)
		/// other managed objects, as they already have been garbage collected.
		/// Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="disposing"></param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// If any exceptions are thrown, that is fine.
		/// If the method is being done in a finalizer, it will be ignored.
		/// If it is thrown by client code calling Dispose,
		/// it needs to be handled by fixing the bug.
		/// If subclasses override this method, they should call the base implementation.
		/// </remarks>
		protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
			Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** Missing Dispose() call for " + GetType().Name + " ******************");
			// Must not be run more than once.
			if (m_isDisposed)

			if (disposing)
				// Dispose managed resources here.

			// Dispose unmanaged resources here, whether disposing is true or false.
			m_popupTree = null; // It is disposed of elsewhere.

			m_isDisposed = true;
Example #32
		/// <summary>
		/// Select the specified menu item in the tree.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="item"></param>
		/// <param name="popupTree"></param>
		protected void SelectChosenItem(TreeNode item, PopupTree popupTree)

			if (item != null)
				// Simulate a mouse click so that TextBox gets updated.
				popupTree.SelectByAction = TreeViewAction.ByMouse;
				popupTree.SelectedNode = item;
Example #33
		private HvoTreeNode AddTreeNodeForMsa(PopupTree popupTree, ITsStrFactory tsf, IMoMorphSynAnalysis msa)
			// JohnT: as described in LT-4633, a stem can be given an allomorph that
			// is an affix. So we need some sort of way to handle this.
			//Debug.Assert(msa is MoStemMsa);
			ITsString tssLabel = msa.InterlinearNameTSS;
			if (msa is IMoStemMsa && (msa as IMoStemMsa).PartOfSpeechRA == null)
				tssLabel = tsf.MakeString(
			var node = new HvoTreeNode(tssLabel, msa.Hvo);
			return node;
Example #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct one.
        /// </summary>
        public TreeCombo()
            // Set this box's own properties (first, as we use some of them in figuring the
            // size of other things).

            // Make and install the ComboTextBox
            m_comboTextBox = new ComboTextBox(this);
            m_comboTextBox.AccessibleName = "TextBox";
            m_comboTextBox.Dock           = DockStyle.Fill;
            m_comboTextBox.Visible        = true;
            // Don't allow typing or pasting into the text box: see LT-6595.
            m_comboTextBox.ReadOnlyView = true;

            // These two lines causes us to get a notification when the string gets changed,
            // so we can fire our TextChanged event.
            m_sda = m_comboTextBox.DataAccess;

            m_comboTextBox.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(m_comboTextBox_MouseDown);
            m_comboTextBox.KeyPress  += new KeyPressEventHandler(m_comboTextBox_KeyPress);
            m_comboTextBox.KeyDown   += new KeyEventHandler(m_comboTextBox_KeyDown);
            m_comboTextBox.GotFocus  += new EventHandler(m_comboTextBox_GotFocus);
            m_comboTextBox.LostFocus += new EventHandler(m_comboTextBox_LostFocus);

            m_textBoxPanel = new Panel();
            m_textBoxPanel.AccessibleName = "TextBoxPanel";
            m_textBoxPanel.Dock           = DockStyle.Fill;
            m_textBoxPanel.BackColor      = Color.Transparent;

            // Make and install the button that pops up the list.
            m_button = new DropDownButton(this);
            m_button.AccessibleName = "DropDownButton";
            m_button.Dock           = DockStyle.Right;   // Enhance JohnT: Left if RTL language?

            //m_button.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; // no raised edges etc for this button.
            m_button.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(m_button_MouseDown);
            m_button.GotFocus  += new EventHandler(m_button_GotFocus);
            m_button.LostFocus += new EventHandler(m_button_LostFocus);
            m_button.TabStop    = false;

            m_buttonPanel = new Panel();
            m_buttonPanel.AccessibleName = "DropDownButtonPanel";
            m_buttonPanel.Dock           = DockStyle.Right;
            m_buttonPanel.BackColor      = Color.Transparent;

            HasBorder      = true;
            Padding        = new Padding(Application.RenderWithVisualStyles ? 2 : 1);
            base.BackColor = SystemColors.Window;

            m_buttonPanel.Width = m_button.PreferredWidth + m_buttonPanel.Padding.Horizontal;

            // Create the list.
            m_popupTree = new PopupTree();
            m_popupTree.TabStopControl = m_comboTextBox;
            //m_tree.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(m_listBox_SelectedIndexChanged);
            //m_listBox.SameItemSelected += new EventHandler(m_listBox_SameItemSelected);
            m_popupTree.AfterSelect     += new TreeViewEventHandler(m_tree_AfterSelect);
            m_popupTree.BeforeSelect    += new TreeViewCancelEventHandler(m_popupTree_BeforeSelect);
            m_popupTree.Load            += new EventHandler(m_tree_Load);
            m_popupTree.PopupTreeClosed += new TreeViewEventHandler(m_popupTree_PopupTreeClosed);
            m_popupTree.VisibleChanged  += new EventHandler(m_popupTree_VisibleChanged);
