Message filter for detecting events that may hide the compbo
Inheritance: IMessageFilter, IFWDisposable
Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Hide the containing form (and thus the list box as a whole).
		/// </summary>
		public void HideForm()

			// The order of the following two lines is very important!  On some
			// machines the LT-2962 issue will show itself if this is changed.
			// The summary statement is that making the form not visible causes
			// the system to activate another application, and with out telling
			// it before hand what to activate it would get confused and cycle
			// through the applications that were currently running.  By
			// activating the main form first and then hiding the little form
			// the bug is not seen (and maybe not present...
			// but that's much like the forest and a falling tree debate.)
			// ** Dont change the order of the following two lines **
			if (m_previousForm != null) // Somehow may not be, if no form is active when launched!
			if (m_listForm != null)
				m_listForm.Visible = false;
			// reset HighlightedItem to current selected.
			HighlightedIndex = SelectedIndex;
			if (m_comboMessageFilter != null)
				m_comboMessageFilter = null;
Example #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Launch the ComboListBox.
		/// Typical usage, where 'this' is a control that the list should appear below:
		/// 		m_listBox.Launch(Parent.RectangleToScreen(Bounds), Screen.GetWorkingArea(this));
		/// Or, where rect is a rectangle in the client area of control 'this':
		///			m_listBox.Launch(RectangleToScreen(rect), Screen.GetWorkingArea(this);
		///	(Be sure to set the height and width of the ComboListBox first.)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="launcherBounds">A rectangle in 'screen' coordinates indicating where to display the list. Typically, as shown
		/// above, the location of something the user clicked to make the list display. It's significance is that
		/// the list will usually be shown with its top left just to the right of the bottom left of the rectangle, and
		/// (if the list width has not already been set explicitly) its width will match the rectangle. If there is not
		/// room to displya the list below this rectangle, it will be displayed above instead.</param>
		/// <param name="screenBounds">A rectangle in 'screen' coordinates indicating the location of the actual screen
		/// that the list is to appear on.</param>
		public void Launch(Rectangle launcherBounds, Rectangle screenBounds)

			m_previousForm = Form.ActiveForm;
#if __MonoCS__	// FWNX-908: Crash closing combobox.
			// Somehow on Mono, Form.ActiveForm can sometimes return m_listForm at this point.
			if (m_previousForm == null || m_previousForm == m_listForm)
				m_previousForm = LaunchingForm;
			m_listForm.ShowInTaskbar = false; // this is mainly to prevent it showing in the task bar.
			//Figure where to put it. First try right below the main combo box.
			// Pathologically the list box may be bigger than the available height. If so shrink it.
			int maxListHeight = Math.Max(launcherBounds.Top - screenBounds.Top,
				screenBounds.Bottom - launcherBounds.Bottom);
			if (m_listForm.Height > maxListHeight)
				m_listForm.Height = maxListHeight;
			// This is the default position right below the combo.
			var popupBounds = new Rectangle(launcherBounds.Left, launcherBounds.Bottom, m_listForm.Width, m_listForm.Height);
			if (screenBounds.Bottom < popupBounds.Bottom)
				// extends below the bottom of the screen. Use a rectangle above instead.
				// We already made sure it will fit in one place or the other.
				popupBounds = new Rectangle(launcherBounds.Left, launcherBounds.Top - m_listForm.Height,
					m_listForm.Width, m_listForm.Height);
			if (screenBounds.Right < popupBounds.Right)
				// Extends too far to the right; adjust (amount is negative to move left).
				popupBounds.Offset(screenBounds.Right - popupBounds.Right, 0);
			if (screenBounds.Left > popupBounds.Left)
				// Extends too far to the left; adjust (amount is positive to move right).
				popupBounds.Offset(screenBounds.Left - popupBounds.Left, 0);
			m_listForm.Location = new Point(popupBounds.Left, popupBounds.Top);

			if (m_activateOnShow)
				ShowInactiveTopmost(m_previousForm, m_listForm);

			if (m_comboMessageFilter != null)
				// losing our ref to m_comboMessageFilter, while it's still added to the Application Message Filter,
				// would mean it would never get removed. (Which would be very bad.)

			m_comboMessageFilter = new FwComboMessageFilter(this);
			if (m_activateOnShow)
Example #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Launch the ComboListBox.
		/// Typical usage, where 'this' is a control that the list should appear below:
		/// 		m_listBox.Launch(Parent.RectangleToScreen(Bounds), Screen.GetWorkingArea(this));
		/// Or, where rect is a rectangle in the client area of control 'this':
		///			m_listBox.Launch(RectangleToScreen(rect), Screen.GetWorkingArea(this);
		///	(Be sure to set the height and width of the ComboListBox first.)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="launcherBounds">A rectangle in 'screen' coordinates indicating where to display the list. Typically, as shown
		/// above, the location of something the user clicked to make the list display. It's significance is that
		/// the list will usually be shown with its top left just to the right of the bottom left of the rectangle, and
		/// (if the list width has not already been set explicitly) its width will match the rectangle. If there is not
		/// room to displya the list below this rectangle, it will be displayed above instead.</param>
		/// <param name="screenBounds">A rectangle in 'screen' coordinates indicating the location of the actual screen
		/// that the list is to appear on.</param>
		public void Launch(Rectangle launcherBounds, Rectangle screenBounds)

			m_previousForm = Form.ActiveForm;
			m_listForm.ShowInTaskbar = false; // this is mainly to prevent it showing in the task bar.
			//Figure where to put it. First try right below the main combo box.
			// Pathologically the list box may be bigger than the available height. If so shrink it.
			int maxListHeight = Math.Max(launcherBounds.Top - screenBounds.Top,
				screenBounds.Bottom - launcherBounds.Bottom);
			if (m_listForm.Height > maxListHeight)
				m_listForm.Height = maxListHeight;
			// This is the default position right below the combo.
			Rectangle popupBounds = new Rectangle(launcherBounds.Left, launcherBounds.Bottom, m_listForm.Width, m_listForm.Height);
			if (screenBounds.Bottom < popupBounds.Bottom)
				// extends below the bottom of the screen. Use a rectangle above instead.
				// We already made sure it will fit in one place or the other.
				popupBounds = new Rectangle(launcherBounds.Left, launcherBounds.Top - m_listForm.Height,
					m_listForm.Width, m_listForm.Height);
			if (screenBounds.Right < popupBounds.Right)
				// Extends too far to the right; adjust (amount is negative to move left).
				popupBounds.Offset(screenBounds.Right - popupBounds.Right, 0);
			if (screenBounds.Left > popupBounds.Left)
				// Extends too far to the left; adjust (amount is positive to move right).
				popupBounds.Offset(screenBounds.Left - popupBounds.Left, 0);
			m_listForm.Location = new Point(popupBounds.Left, popupBounds.Top);

			m_comboMessageFilter = new FwComboMessageFilter(this);
Example #4
		// Region last reviewed: never

		/// <summary>
		/// Clean up any resources being used.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
			System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** Missing Dispose() call for " + GetType().Name + " ******************");
			// Must not be run more than once.
			if (IsDisposed)

			if (disposing)
				// Don't call Controls.Clear() - we need to dispose the controls it contains.
				// This will be done in base class.
				if (m_listForm != null)
					m_listForm.Deactivate -= m_ListForm_Deactivate;
					if (m_listForm.Visible)
				if (m_comboMessageFilter != null)
			m_listForm = null;
			m_button = null;
			m_comboMessageFilter = null;

Example #5
		// Region last reviewed: never

		/// <summary>
		/// Clean up any resources being used.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
			//Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** " + GetType().Name + " 'disposing' is false. ******************");
			// Must not be run more than once.
			if (IsDisposed)

			if (disposing)
				if (m_listForm != null)
					m_listForm.Deactivate -= new EventHandler(m_ListForm_Deactivate);
					m_listForm.Controls.Clear(); // 'this' is its control, so must be removed.
				if (m_comboMessageFilter != null)
			m_listForm = null;
			m_button = null;
			m_comboMessageFilter = null;
