/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the cached character associated with the given codepoint
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="codepoint">The integer codepoint of the cached character.</param>
		/// <returns>The character as a PUACharacter</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public PUACharacter FindCachedIcuEntry(int codepoint)

			//? Need to have at least 4 digits in the string.
			//? string codepointAsString = string.Format("{0:x4}", codepoint).ToUpper();
			string codepointAsString = codepoint.ToString("x").ToUpper();
			foreach (int[] range in m_cachedIcuRanges)
				if (IsInRange(codepoint, range))
					// If the range is not loaded, load it
					if (range[2]++ == 0)
					return (PUACharacter)m_cachedIcu.Find(codepointAsString, new UCDComparer());

			// If we get here, we didn't find the codepoint
			PUACharacter newIcuChar = new PUACharacter(codepointAsString);
			// Load the character if it exists and has a name
			if (newIcuChar.RefreshFromIcu(false))
				// This can be called from PuaCharacterDlg where m_cachedIcu has not been initialized.
				return newIcuChar;

			return null;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void FillRange(int[] range)
			// Makes a new empty Icu Cache, if it doesn't already exist

			PUACharacter newIcuChar;

			for (int codepoint = range[0]; codepoint <= range[1]; codepoint++)
				// TODO: Make sure that leaving off leading zeros is okay.
				newIcuChar = new PUACharacter(codepoint.ToString("x").ToUpper());
				// Fill in the character from the ICU database.
				// Add the character to the cache

				// REVIEW (TimS/EberhardB): We don't think we should call GC.Collect().
				// If there seems to be a need for it, then we probably need to call
				// Dispose() on one of the variables we want disposed.
				if (codepoint % 0x100 == 0)
Example #3
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Makes sure that if the specified codepoint is a custom PUA character, that that
		/// character is added to the language definition's PUA collection.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private static void UpdateLangDefPUACollection(int codepoint,
			LanguageDefinition langDef, List<PUACharacter> customPuaCharacters)
			// Go through all the custom defined PUA characters in ICU and make sure that if
			// our codepoint is one of them, the language definition contains our codepoint
			// in its collection of PUA characters.
			foreach (PUACharacter customChar in customPuaCharacters)
				string sCodePoint = codepoint.ToString("x4").ToUpperInvariant();

				// Is our codepoint one of the custom PUA characters? If so,
				// add it to the language definition's PUA collection.
				if (sCodePoint == customChar.CodePoint)
					PUACharacter puaChar = new PUACharacter(sCodePoint);
					langDef.AddPuaDefinition(codepoint, puaChar.ToString());
Example #4
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Returns a list of the user defined custom characters in ICU by scanning the Unicode data file.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public static List<PUACharacter> GetDefinedCustomPUACharsFromICU()
			List<PUACharacter> definedChars = new List<PUACharacter>();

			string uniData = DirectoryFinder.GetIcuDirectory; // "c:\\work\\fw60\\distfiles\\Icu40\\icudt40l\\"
			uniData = uniData.Substring(0, uniData.LastIndexOf(@"\icudt"));
			uniData = Path.Combine(uniData, @"data\unidata\UnicodeData.txt");
			StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(uniData, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII);
			int chT = reader.Peek();	// force autodetection of encoding.
				string line;
				while((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
					// skip entirely blank lines
					if(line.Length <= 0)

					if (line.IndexOf("User Added") != -1)
						PUACharacter puaChar = new PUACharacter("0000");
						string codepoint = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf(';')).Trim();
						puaChar.CodePoint = codepoint;

			// REVIEW (TimS/EberhardB): We don't think we should call GC.Collect().
			// If there seems to be a need for it, then we probably need to call
			// Dispose() on one of the variables we want disposed.

			return definedChars;
Example #5
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines whether or not the specified codepoint is defined in ICU. If it is and
		/// its a custom PUA character, then make sure the language definition's PUA character
		/// collection is updated. Return false if the codepoint is not defined in ICU.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private static bool IsCodePointDefined(int codepoint)
			PUACharacter puaChar = new PUACharacter(codepoint);
				// If the definition doesn't exist in ICU or the character has no name then
				// it's undefined and shouldn't be allowed in the valid characters list.
				if (!puaChar.RefreshFromIcu(false) || puaChar.Name.Length == 0)
					return false;

				// If the ICU category is one of the "Other" categories, then it's
				// undefined and shouldn't be allowed in the valid characters list.
				string ucdrep = puaChar.GeneralCategory.UcdRepresentation;
				ucdrep = ucdrep.ToUpperInvariant();

				// TODO: When tabs are supported, then allow them (they are in category Cc).
				// See TE-3004.
				if (ucdrep[0] == 'C' && ucdrep[1] != 'F')
					return false;
				return false;

			return true;