get_ObjFromGuid() public method

Member get_ObjFromGuid
ISilDataAccess method
public get_ObjFromGuid ( Guid uid ) : int
uid Guid uid
return int
Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a RealDataCache object, and laod it with metadata and real data.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="metadataPathname"></param>
		/// <param name="realDataPathname"></param>
		/// <param name="objects"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public RealDataCache LoadCache(string metadataPathname, string realDataPathname, Dictionary<int, uint> objects)

			m_realDataCache = new RealDataCache();
			m_realDataCache.CheckWithMDC = false;

				//Process objectBrowser = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
				//long memory = objectBrowser.PrivateMemorySize64;
				//Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Memory used (start load): {0}.", memory.ToString()));

				DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
				m_metaDataCache = new MetaDataCache();
				m_metaDataCache.InitXml(metadataPathname, true);
				m_realDataCache.MetaDataCache = m_metaDataCache;
				DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
				TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(end.Ticks - start.Ticks);
				string totalTime = String.Format("Hours: {0}, Minutes: {1}, Seconds: {2}, Millseconds: {3}",
					span.Hours.ToString(), span.Minutes.ToString(), span.Seconds.ToString(), span.Milliseconds.ToString());
				Debug.WriteLine("Time to load MDC: " + totalTime);
				start = end;
				//memory = objectBrowser.PrivateMemorySize64;
				//Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Memory used (loaded MDC load): {0}.", memory.ToString()));

				XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
				end = DateTime.Now;
				span = new TimeSpan(end.Ticks - start.Ticks);
				totalTime = String.Format("Hours: {0}, Minutes: {1}, Seconds: {2}, Millseconds: {3}",
					span.Hours.ToString(), span.Minutes.ToString(), span.Seconds.ToString(), span.Milliseconds.ToString());
				Debug.WriteLine("Time to load XML: " + totalTime);
				start = end;
				//memory = objectBrowser.PrivateMemorySize64;
				//Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Memory used (loaded data XML): {0}.", memory.ToString()));

				// Load Writing Systems first.
				int ord = 0;
				int hvo;
				uint clid = 0;
					XmlNodeList wsNodes = doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("LgWritingSystem");
					uint flid = m_metaDataCache.GetFieldId("LgWritingSystem", "ICULocale", false);
					// We need a full list of ints and strings for Wses,
					// before we can load string data,
					// so cache the barebones first.
					foreach (XmlNode wsNode in wsNodes)
						hvo = BootstrapWs(wsNode, flid, out clid, objects);
					foreach (XmlNode wsNode in wsNodes)
						string uid = wsNode.Attributes["id"].Value.Substring(1);
						hvo = m_realDataCache.get_ObjFromGuid(new Guid(uid));
						LoadObject(wsNode, hvo, clid, objects);
				// Now load other ownerless objects, except LangProject and Wses.
				foreach (XmlNode otherOwnerlessNode in doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
					if (otherOwnerlessNode.Name != "LangProject" && otherOwnerlessNode.Name != "LgWritingSystem")
						hvo = LoadCmObjectProperties(otherOwnerlessNode, 0, 0, ord, out clid, objects);
						LoadObject(otherOwnerlessNode, hvo, clid, objects);
				// Now load LangProject
				XmlNode langProjectNode = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("LangProject");
				hvo = LoadCmObjectProperties(langProjectNode, 0, 0, ord, out clid, objects);
				LoadObject(langProjectNode, hvo, clid, objects);

				// Set references
				// Set atomic references
				foreach (KeyValuePair<HvoFlidKey, XmlNode> kvp in m_delayedAtomicReferences)
					string uid = kvp.Value.Attributes["target"].Value.Substring(1);
						int hvoTarget = m_realDataCache.get_ObjFromGuid(new Guid(uid));
						m_realDataCache.CacheObjProp(kvp.Key.Hvo, (int)kvp.Key.Flid, hvoTarget);
						// Invalid reference. Just clear the cache in case there is a save.
						m_realDataCache.SetObjProp(kvp.Key.Hvo, (int)kvp.Key.Flid, 0);
				//// Remove all items from m_delayedAtomicReferences that are in handledRefs.
				//// Theory has it that m_delayedAtomicReferences should then be empty.

				// Set vector (col or seq) references.
				foreach (KeyValuePair<HvoFlidKey, List<XmlNode>> kvp in m_delayedVecterReferences)
					List<int> hvos = new List<int>();
					foreach (XmlNode obj in kvp.Value)
						string uid = obj.Attributes["target"].Value.Substring(1);
							int ownedHvo = m_realDataCache.get_ObjFromGuid(new Guid(uid));
							// Invalid reference. Just remove the bogus hvo.
							// Since the id is added after the exception, it is effectively 'removed'.
							Debug.WriteLine("Bogus Id found.");
					m_realDataCache.CacheVecProp(kvp.Key.Hvo, (int)kvp.Key.Flid, hvos.ToArray(), hvos.Count);
				end = DateTime.Now;
				span = new TimeSpan(end.Ticks - start.Ticks);
				totalTime = String.Format("Hours: {0}, Minutes: {1}, Seconds: {2}, Millseconds: {3}",
					span.Hours.ToString(), span.Minutes.ToString(), span.Seconds.ToString(), span.Milliseconds.ToString());
				Debug.WriteLine("Time to load main Cache: " + totalTime);
				start = end;

				Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Number of objects cached: {0}", (m_realDataCache.NextHvo - 1).ToString()));
				//memory = objectBrowser..PrivateMemorySize64;
				//Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Memory used (cache loaded): {0}.", memory.ToString()));
				m_realDataCache.CheckWithMDC = true;
			return m_realDataCache;
Example #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a RealDataCache object, and laod it with metadata and real data.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="metadataPathname"></param>
		/// <param name="realDataPathname"></param>
		/// <param name="objects"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public ISilDataAccess LoadCache(string metadataPathname, string realDataPathname, Dictionary<int, int> objects)

			m_realDataCache = new RealDataCache {CheckWithMDC = false};

				//Process objectBrowser = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
				//long memory = objectBrowser.PrivateMemorySize64;
				//Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Memory used (start load): {0}.", memory.ToString()));

				DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
				m_metaDataCache = new MetaDataCache();
				m_metaDataCache.InitXml(metadataPathname, true);
				m_realDataCache.MetaDataCache = m_metaDataCache;
				var end = DateTime.Now;
				var span = new TimeSpan(end.Ticks - start.Ticks);
				var totalTime = String.Format("Hours: {0}, Minutes: {1}, Seconds: {2}, Millseconds: {3}",
					span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds, span.Milliseconds);
				Debug.WriteLine("Time to load MDC: " + totalTime);
				start = end;
				//memory = objectBrowser.PrivateMemorySize64;
				//Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Memory used (loaded MDC load): {0}.", memory.ToString()));

				var doc = new XmlDocument();
				end = DateTime.Now;
				span = new TimeSpan(end.Ticks - start.Ticks);
				totalTime = String.Format("Hours: {0}, Minutes: {1}, Seconds: {2}, Millseconds: {3}",
					span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds, span.Milliseconds);
				Debug.WriteLine("Time to load XML: " + totalTime);
				start = end;
				//memory = objectBrowser.PrivateMemorySize64;
				//Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Memory used (loaded data XML): {0}.", memory.ToString()));
				int hvo, clid = 0;
				const int ord = 0;

				// First load all objects as if they were ownerless, except top-level objects.
				foreach (XmlNode ownedNode in doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
					if (ownedNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("owner").Value == "none")

					hvo = LoadCmObjectProperties(ownedNode, 0, 0, ord, out clid, objects);
					LoadObject(ownedNode, hvo, clid, objects);
				// Now load all owned objects
				//XmlNode langProjectNode = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("LangProject");
				//hvo = LoadCmObjectProperties(langProjectNode, 0, 0, ord, out clid, objects);
				//LoadObject(langProjectNode, hvo, clid, objects);
				foreach (XmlNode unownedNode in doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
					if (unownedNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("owner").Value == "none")
						hvo = LoadCmObjectProperties(unownedNode, 0, 0, ord, out clid, objects);
						LoadObject(unownedNode, hvo, clid, objects);

				// Set references
				// Set atomic references
				foreach (var kvp in m_delayedAtomicReferences)
					var id = kvp.Value.Attributes["target"].Value.Substring(1);
						var hvoTarget = m_realDataCache.get_ObjFromGuid(new Guid(id));
						m_realDataCache.CacheObjProp(kvp.Key.Hvo, kvp.Key.Flid, hvoTarget);
						// Invalid reference. Just clear the cache in case there is a save.
						m_realDataCache.SetObjProp(kvp.Key.Hvo, kvp.Key.Flid, 0);
				//// Remove all items from m_delayedAtomicReferences that are in handledRefs.
				//// Theory has it that m_delayedAtomicReferences should then be empty.

				// Set vector (col or seq) references.
				foreach (var kvp in m_delayedVecterReferences)
					var hvos = new List<int>();
					foreach (XmlNode obj in kvp.Value)
						var id = obj.Attributes["target"].Value.Substring(1);
							var ownedHvo = m_realDataCache.get_ObjFromGuid(new Guid(id));
							// Invalid reference. Just remove the bogus hvo.
							// Since the id is added after the exception, it is effectively 'removed'.
							Debug.WriteLine("Bogus Id found.");
					m_realDataCache.CacheVecProp(kvp.Key.Hvo, kvp.Key.Flid, hvos.ToArray(), hvos.Count);
				end = DateTime.Now;
				span = new TimeSpan(end.Ticks - start.Ticks);
				totalTime = String.Format("Hours: {0}, Minutes: {1}, Seconds: {2}, Millseconds: {3}",
					span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds, span.Milliseconds);
				Debug.WriteLine("Time to load main Cache: " + totalTime);

				Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Number of objects cached: {0}", (m_realDataCache.NextHvo - 1)));
				//memory = objectBrowser..PrivateMemorySize64;
				//Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Memory used (cache loaded): {0}.", memory.ToString()));
				m_realDataCache.CheckWithMDC = true;
			return m_realDataCache;