private static void Main(string[] args) { var contextSettings = new ContextSettings { DepthBits = 32 }; var window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(640, 480), "JukeSaver spike: SFML Basic", Styles.Default, contextSettings); window.SetActive(); window.Closed += OnClosed; window.KeyPressed += OnKeyPressed; int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; var shape = new CircleShape() { Position = new Vector2f(320, 240), }; while (window.IsOpen()) { window.DispatchEvents(); window.Clear(new Color((byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b)); shape.Radius = (float)(80.0 + GetPulse() * 40.0); shape.Origin = new Vector2f(shape.Radius * 0.5f, shape.Radius * 0.5f); shape.Position = new Vector2f(320 - shape.Radius * 0.5f, 240 - shape.Radius * 0.5f); shape.FillColor = new Color(50, (byte)(160 + 80 * GetPulse()), (byte)(40 - (40 * GetPulse()))); window.Draw(shape); window.Display(); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="pos">Posición inicial</param> /// <param name="radius">Radio</param> /// <param name="color">Color de la estrella</param> /// <param name="velocity">Velocidad de la estrella</param> public Star(Vector2f pos, float radius, Color color, Vector2f velocity) : base(velocity) { _shape = new CircleShape(radius); Position = pos; _shape.FillColor = color; }
public Circle(float radius) : base((float)Math.PI * radius * radius) { circle = new CircleShape(radius); circle.FillColor = Color.Green; Origin = new Vector2f(1, 1).Unit() * radius; }
static void Main(string[] args) { RenderWindow window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(800, 600), "Test01"); window.Closed += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { (sender as Window).Close(); }; Font font = new Font("SnowflakeLetters.ttf"); Text text = new Text("BALD IST WEIHNACHTEN!", font); Color col1 = new Color(123, 12, 12); text.Position = new Vector2f(200, 200); CircleShape shape = new CircleShape(20, 8); shape.FillColor = Color.White; shape.Position = new Vector2f(50, 50); float a, c; a = c = 50f; while (window.IsOpen()) { window.Clear(col1); window.Draw(text); if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Left) && a > 0) a -= 0.1f; if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Right) && a < window.Size.X - shape.Radius * 2) a += 0.1f; if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Down) && c < window.Size.Y - shape.Radius * 2) c += 0.1f; if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Up) && c > 0) c -= 0.1f; window.Draw(shape); shape.Position = new Vector2f(a, c); window.Display(); window.DispatchEvents(); } }
public Pickup(Game game, dynamic model = null) : base(game, (object) model) { Collision = new CircleShape(15); Collision.Origin = new Vector2f(15, 15); Collision.FillColor = new Color(0, 255, 0); }
public GameCharacter(Sorting sort, string str, int layer) : base(sort, str, layer) { BodyShape = new CircleShape(BodyRadius, 8); BodyShape.Origin = new Vector2f(BodyRadius, BodyRadius); Game.Sounds.Prepare(ref SFX_Death, "GenericHit1", 100, 0.5f); }
public static CircleShape GetModel(int type, uint graphicsMode, byte alpha = 180, byte alpha_outline = 200) { CircleShape model = new CircleShape(15); model.Origin = new Vector2f(model.Radius, model.Radius); if (graphicsMode == Game.GRAPHICSMODE_NORMAL) { model.OutlineColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, alpha_outline); model.OutlineThickness = 6; } else { model.OutlineColor = new Color(255, 255, alpha_outline); model.OutlineThickness = 3; } switch (type) { case Powerup.DOUBLE_EXPLOSION_RADIUS: model.FillColor = new Color(255, 48, 48, alpha); break; case Powerup.AIM_SPEED_INCREASE: model.FillColor = new Color(96, 255, 99, alpha); break; case Powerup.FREEZE_TIME: model.FillColor = new Color(86, 198, 255, alpha); break; case Powerup.TRIPLE_CANNON: model.FillColor = new Color(255, 135, 205, alpha); break; case Powerup.OCTUPLE_CANNON: model.FillColor = new Color(172, 56, 255, alpha); break; case Powerup.RED_HOT_BEACH: model.FillColor = new Color(255, 87, 10, alpha); break; } return model; }
public Ball(float x, float y, float radius, float speed, Color color) : base(x, y, radius*2, radius*2, speed) { graphic = new CircleShape(radius); graphic.FillColor = color; graphic.Position = new Vector2f(x, y); }
private void SetDisplayTraits() { m_shape = new CircleShape((float)Math.Log(Mass) * 2f); m_shape.Origin = new Vector2f(m_shape.Radius / 2f, m_shape.Radius / 2f); m_shape.FillColor = Color.White; m_shape.Position = Position; }
public void Draw(Points points, Color color) { var shape = new SFML.Graphics.CircleShape((points.TopRight - points.Center).Length()); shape.Position = GetDrawPositions(points.Center); shape.FillColor = new SFML.Graphics.Color(color.r, color.g, color.b); window.Draw(shape); }
public Player(FloatRect screenRect) { // setup player _shape = new CircleShape(30, 3); _shape.Position = new Vector2f(screenRect.Width/2 - (_shape.Radius), screenRect.Height - (_shape.Radius*2)); _shape.FillColor = Color.Green; _bullets = new List<RectangleShape> (); }
public override void DrawSolidCircle(Vector2 center, float radius, Vector2 axis, float red, float blue, float green) { var col = new Color((byte)red, (byte)green, (byte)blue); var shape = new SFML.Graphics.CircleShape(radius * 64, 8); shape.Position = new Vector2f(center.X * 64, center.Y * 64); shape.Origin = new Vector2f(radius * 64, radius * 64); shape.FillColor = col; rt.Draw(shape); }
public Planet(double mass, Vector2f vel) { Mass = 0; Mass = mass; Velocity = vel; m_shape = null; m_velDisplay = null; SetDisplayTraits(); }
public WindowManager() { //Init main window shit window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(640, 480), "Super cool window title!"); window.SetVerticalSyncEnabled(true); window.SetActive(true); window.Closed += window_Closed; // Open gl Gl.glEnable(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D); Gl.glLoadIdentity(); Gl.glOrtho(0, 640, 480, 0, 0, 1); Gl.glMatrixMode(Gl.GL_MODELVIEW); Gl.glDisable(Gl.GL_DEPTH_TEST); Gl.glLoadIdentity(); Gl.glTranslatef(0.375f, 0.375f, 0); particles = new CircleShape[pcount]; for (int i = 0; i < pcount; i++) { particles[i] = new CircleShape(4f); particles[i].FillColor = Color.White; particles[i].Position = new Vector2f(0, 0); particles[i].Radius = 4; } circletest = new CircleShape(); circletest.Position = new Vector2f(100, 100); circletest.OutlineColor = Color.Red; circletest.OutlineThickness = 1; circletest.FillColor = Color.Black; circletest.Radius = 100; circletest2 = new CircleShape(); circletest2.Position = new Vector2f(200, 300); circletest2.OutlineColor = Color.Red; circletest2.OutlineThickness = 1; circletest2.FillColor = Color.Black; circletest2.Radius = 100; mytext = new Text("test", new Font("arial.ttf"), 16); mytext.Position = new Vector2f(4, 4); mytext.Color = Color.White; mytext.Style = Text.Styles.Bold; mytextShadow = new Text("test", new Font("arial.ttf"), 16); mytextShadow.Position = new Vector2f(6, 6); mytextShadow.Color = Color.Black; sim = new Simulation(); sim.InitSimulation(pcount); }
/// <summary> /// Drawing of the Project Model. Can simply override and return a Sprite if need be. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public virtual dynamic GetProjectileModel() { float radius = 10; CircleShape proj = new CircleShape(radius); proj.Origin = new Vector2f(radius, radius); proj.FillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); proj.OutlineThickness = 2; proj.OutlineColor = new Color(250, 250, 250); proj.SetPointCount(20); return proj; }
public Ball(int x, int y, int radius, Color colour) { Position = new Vector2f(x, y); Velocity = new Vector2f( (float)Game.Rand.NextDouble(), (float)Game.Rand.NextDouble()); Radius = radius; Colour = colour; Speed = 600; Circle = new CircleShape(); Circle.Radius = Radius; }
public PhysicsWorld(World world, bool noDim = false) { = world; renderer = new SceneRenderer(world); Bodies = new List<BodyEx>(); ignoreDim = noDim; unitCircle = new CircleShape(5.0f, 32); unitRect = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(10, 10)); unitRect.Origin = new Vector2f(5, 5); unitCircle.Origin = new Vector2f(5, 5); unitCircle.FillColor = Color.White; unitRect.FillColor = Color.White; }
public AbstractTower() : base() { LoadStats(); TowerHandler.Add(this); timeSpan = new TimeSpan(); IsAlive = true; Activated = false; c = new CircleShape(Range); Color col = Color.Red; col.A = 100; c.FillColor = col; }
public void Draw(RenderWindow window) { // Draw outer dark circle CircleShape shape = new CircleShape(mass, 40); shape.FillColor = new Color((byte)Math.Max(color.R - 50, 0), (byte)Math.Max(color.G - 50, 0), (byte)Math.Max(color.B - 50, 0)); shape.Position = new Vector2f(position.X - (ushort)mass, position.Y - (ushort)mass); window.Draw(shape); float diff = 4 + mass / 50; // Draw inner circle shape.Radius -= diff; shape.FillColor = color; shape.Position = new Vector2f(position.X - (ushort)mass + diff, position.Y - (ushort)mass + diff); window.Draw(shape); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(500, 500), "test"); //window = new Window(new VideoMode(500, 500), "My window"); window.Closed += Window_Closed; window.Clear(); CircleShape shape = new CircleShape(50); shape.FillColor = Color.Red; shape.OutlineThickness = 10; shape.OutlineColor = Color.Blue; //while (window.IsOpen) { window.Draw(shape); window.Display(); //} Console.ReadKey(); }
/// <param name="spawnDelay">In ms. Used to easily allow infantry to gradually move out of a ship.</param> /// <param name="ship">The ship this infantry is/will be spawned from (used only if spawnDelay is not 0).</param> public Infantryman(Game game, int spawnDelay = 0, Ship ship = null) : base(game, null) { Model = new CircleShape(4, 12); if (Game.GraphicsMode == Game.GRAPHICSMODE_NORMAL) { Model.FillColor = new Color((byte)Utils.RandomInt(0, 255), (byte)Utils.RandomInt(0, 255), (byte)Utils.RandomInt(0, 255)); Model.OutlineColor = new Color(0, 0, 0); Model.OutlineThickness = 3; } else if (Game.GraphicsMode == Game.GRAPHICSMODE_BLUEPRINT) { Model.FillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); Model.OutlineColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); Model.OutlineThickness = 2; } AddChild(Model); Origin = new Vector2f(Model.Radius, Model.Radius); Collision = Model; HealthMax = 4000; Health = HealthMax; //SpeedMax = 100.0f; //Acc = 400.0f; SpeedMax = 10.0f + Math.Min(0.1f * Game.AIManager.Difficulty, 10.0f); Acc = 80.0f; Friction = 1000.0f; if (spawnDelay == 0) { SetAI(new InfantrymanAI(Game)); } else { CanTakeDamage = false; Visible = false; if (ship == null) return; Ship = ship; SpawnDelayTimer = new Timer(spawnDelay); SpawnDelayTimer.AutoReset = false; SpawnDelayTimer.Elapsed += OnSpawn; SpawnDelayTimer.Start(); } }
public Circle(Vector2f position, float radius, uint fontSize) { _shape = new CircleShape(radius, 200); _shape.Origin = new Vector2f(_shape.Radius, _shape.Radius); _shape.Position = position; RadiusPow = _shape.Radius * _shape.Radius; _text = new Text(string.Empty, ResourceManager.Instance["fonts/verdana"] as Font, fontSize) { Color = Color .Black }; UpdateCircleText(string.Empty); }
public Player() : base(Sorting.Tag, "Player", 1) { Color = Color.Blue; BodyShape.FillColor = Color; MeleeShape = new CircleShape(MeleeRadius, 3); MeleeShape.FillColor = Color; MeleeShape.Origin = new Vector2f(MeleeRadius, MeleeRadius); Position = Game.Bounds.Center; Speed = 100; Health = new Stat(MaxHealth); Weapons[0] = new Minigun(this); Weapons[1] = new Flamer(this); SelectedWeapon = Weapons[0]; IsWeaponUnlocked[0] = true; }
public Enemy(Vector position) : base(Sorting.Group, "Enemies", 2) { var roll = MathExtender.Roll(Chance_Fast, Chance_Big); if (roll == 0) { Color = new Color(255, 0, 255); Speed = 150; Health = new Stat(50); Radius = BodyRadius * 0.75f; MeleeTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4); MeleeDamage = -5; } else if (roll == 1) { Color = new Color(0, 255, 0); Speed = 25; Health = new Stat(5000); Radius = BodyRadius * 2.0f; MeleeTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8); MeleeDamage = -75; } else { Color = new Color(255, 0, 0); Speed = 50; Health = new Stat(100); Radius = BodyRadius; MeleeTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5); MeleeDamage = -10; } Position = position; BodyShape.FillColor = Color; BodyShape.Radius = Radius; BodyShape.Origin = new Vector2f(Radius, Radius); MeleeRadius = Radius / 2.0f; MeleeShape = new CircleShape(MeleeRadius, 3); MeleeShape.Origin = new Vector2f(MeleeRadius, MeleeRadius); MeleeShape.FillColor = Color; ApplyDifficulty(); }
public DebugView() { _staticColor = new Color(100, 150, 100, 128); _dynamicColor = new Color(100, 100, 150, 128); _staticOutlineColor = new Color(_staticColor.R, _staticColor.G, _staticColor.B, 255); _dynamicOutlineColor = new Color(_dynamicColor.R, _dynamicColor.G, _dynamicColor.B, 255); _circles = new CircleShape[MAX_SHAPES]; _polygons = new ConvexShape[MAX_SHAPES]; _lines = new RectangleShape[MAX_SHAPES]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SHAPES; i++) { _circles[i] = new CircleShape(); _circles[i].OutlineThickness = -0.05f; _polygons[i] = new ConvexShape(); _polygons[i].OutlineThickness = -0.05f; _lines[i] = new RectangleShape(); } }
public Planet(Vector2u displaySize) : base(displaySize) { _planet = new CircleShape(0.9f*displaySize.X / 2f, 4 + 2 * (uint)Math.Sqrt(displaySize.X)) { Position = new Vector2f(1.1f*displaySize.X/2f, 1.1f*displaySize.Y/2f), OutlineThickness = 3, OutlineColor = new Color(20, 20, 20), Origin = new Vector2f(displaySize.X / 2f, displaySize.Y / 2f) }; //_planet.FillColor = SFML.Graphics.Color.Magenta; _planet.Texture = GeneratePlanetTexture(new Vector2u((uint)_planet.Radius, (uint)_planet.Radius)); AddItemToDraw(_planet, 5); //_hoverText = new Label("Planet", FontManager.ActiveFontManager, new Vector2u(100, 40)); OnMouseMove += Planet_OnMouseMove; }
//Open Window public void StartGame() { this.XWindowSize = 400; this.YWindowSize = 300; this.WindowOffset = 15; _window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(XWindowSize, YWindowSize), "Pixel Blaster"); _window.SetVisible(true); _window.Closed += new EventHandler(OnClosed); _window.KeyPressed += new EventHandler<SFML.Window.KeyEventArgs>(OnKeyPress); circle = new CircleShape(); circle.Radius = 25f; circle.FillColor = Color.Green; Vector2f vect = new Vector2f(); vect.X = (float)XWindowSize / 2 - circle.Radius; vect.Y = 4 * (float)YWindowSize / 5; circle.Position = vect; float circleSpeed = 4.0f; sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.Color = Color.Red; sprite.Scale = vect; while (_window.IsOpen ) { _window.DispatchEvents(); _window.Clear(); handleMovement(circleSpeed); _window.Draw(circle); _window.Draw(sprite); _window.Display(); } }
/// <summary> /// Прави рисуваеми обекти /// </summary> /// <param name="rf">Рамката, която определя трансформациите</param> /// <returns>Обекти за рисуване</returns> public List<Drawable> getDrawables(RenderFrame rf) { Vector2f actualPos = new Vector2f(center.X - rf.xCenter, center.Y - rf.yCenter); // преместване на камерата actualPos.X *= rf.zoom; actualPos.Y *= rf.zoom; float actualR = radius * rf.zoom; // превръщане в екранни координати actualPos.X += rf.width / 2; actualPos.Y = -actualPos.Y + rf.height / 2; actualPos.X -= radius*rf.zoom; actualPos.Y -= radius*rf.zoom; CircleShape cs = new CircleShape(actualR, 60); cs.Position = actualPos; cs.FillColor = color; return new List<Drawable> { cs }; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var mode = new SFML.Window.VideoMode(800, 600); var window = new SFML.Graphics.RenderWindow(mode, "SFML works!"); //window.KeyPressed += Window_KeyPressed; var circle = new SFML.Graphics.CircleShape(100f) { FillColor = SFML.Graphics.Color.Blue }; // Start the game loop while (window.IsOpen) { // Process events window.DispatchEvents(); window.Draw(circle); // Finally, display the rendered frame on screen window.Display(); } }
public override void Draw(RenderWindow window) { CircleShape shape = new CircleShape(30); shape.Position = new Vector2f(position[0], position[1]); window.Draw(shape); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Construct the shape from another shape /// </summary> /// <param name="copy">Shape to copy</param> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public CircleShape(CircleShape copy) : base(copy) { Radius = copy.Radius; SetPointCount(copy.GetPointCount()); }
protected override void UpdateDrawable() { base.UpdateDrawable(); if (isCircle) { var circle = new SFML.Graphics.CircleShape(radius); circle.OutlineThickness = OutlineThickness; circle.OutlineColor = OutlineColor.SFMLColor; circle.FillColor = Color.SFMLColor; circle.SetPointCount((uint)CirclePointCount); SFMLDrawable = circle; Width = (int)circle.GetLocalBounds().Width; Height = (int)circle.GetLocalBounds().Height; } else { if (isShape) { var rect = new SFML.Graphics.RectangleShape(new Vector2f(rectWidth, rectHeight)); rect.OutlineColor = OutlineColor.SFMLColor; rect.OutlineThickness = OutlineThickness; rect.FillColor = Color.SFMLColor; SFMLDrawable = rect; Width = (int)rect.GetLocalBounds().Width; Height = (int)rect.GetLocalBounds().Height; } else { SFMLVertices.Clear(); float x1, y1, x2, y2, u1, v1, u2, v2, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2; cx1 = ClippingRegion.Left; cy1 = ClippingRegion.Top; cx2 = ClippingRegion.Right; cy2 = ClippingRegion.Bottom; x1 = Util.Max(0, cx1); u1 = TextureLeft + x1; if (FlippedX) { u1 = TextureRegion.Width - u1 + TextureLeft + TextureRegion.Left; } y1 = Util.Max(0, cy1); v1 = TextureTop + y1; if (FlippedY) { v1 = TextureRegion.Height - v1 + TextureTop + TextureRegion.Top; } x2 = Util.Min(TextureRegion.Right, cx2); u2 = TextureLeft + x2; if (FlippedX) { u2 = TextureRegion.Width - u2 + TextureLeft + TextureRegion.Left; } y2 = Util.Min(TextureRegion.Bottom, cy2); v2 = TextureTop + y2; if (FlippedY) { v2 = TextureRegion.Height - v2 + TextureTop + TextureRegion.Top; } SFMLVertices.Append(x1, y1, Color, u1, v1); SFMLVertices.Append(x1, y2, Color, u1, v2); SFMLVertices.Append(x2, y2, Color, u2, v2); SFMLVertices.Append(x2, y1, Color, u2, v1); } } }
/// <summary> Draws a user-defined circle object. </summary> public void Draw(CircleShape shape, RenderStates?state = null) { var shapeObj = new CircleShape(shape); DrawShape(shapeObj, state ?? RenderStates.Default); }
private void loadContent() { _font = new Font(@"resources\courbd.ttf"); _messages = new List<Text>(); _title = new Text("SFML_Farseer_Network", _font, 18); _title.Color = Color.White; _title.Position = new Vector2f(16, 16); Text clientOption = new Text("1. Start Client", _font, 14); clientOption.Position = new Vector2f(340, 300); clientOption.Color = Color.Red; Text serverOption = new Text("2. Start Server", _font, 14); serverOption.Position = new Vector2f(340, 332); serverOption.Color = Color.Red; _setupOptions = new List<Text>(); _setupOptions.Add(clientOption); _setupOptions.Add(serverOption); _ipPrompt = new Text("Please enter an IP address:", _font, 14); _ipPrompt.Position = new Vector2f(340, 300); _ipPrompt.Color = Color.Red; _ipAddressText = new Text("", _font, 18); _ipAddressText.Position = new Vector2f(340, 332); _ipAddressText.Color = Color.Green; _fpsText = new Text("FPS: 0", _font, 18); _fpsText.Color = Color.Red; _fpsText.Position = new Vector2f(700, 16); _mousePointer = new CircleShape(0.1f); _mousePointer.Origin = new Vector2f(0.05f, 0.05f); _mousePointer.FillColor = Color.Yellow; _mousePointer.Position = new Vector2f(-100, -100); }
public void Run() { var mode = new SFML.Window.VideoMode(800, 600); var window = new SFML.Graphics.RenderWindow(mode, "SFML works!"); window.KeyPressed += Window_KeyPressed; var circle = new SFML.Graphics.CircleShape(100f) { FillColor = SFML.Graphics.Color.Blue }; Clock clock = new Clock(); window.SetActive(true); //window.PushGLStates(); GuiImpl.Init(window); //window.PopGLStates(); window.SetActive(false); Image image = new Image(100, 100, Color.Red); Texture texture = new Texture(image); // Start the game loop while (window.IsOpen) { // Process events window.DispatchEvents(); window.SetActive(true); //window.PushGLStates(); GuiImpl.Update(window, clock.Restart()); ImGui.BeginMainMenuBar(); if (ImGui.BeginMenu("File")) { ImGui.MenuItem("Open"); ImGui.EndMenu(); } ImGui.EndMainMenuBar(); ImGui.Begin("Hello, world!"); if (ImGui.Button("Look at this pretty button")) { System.Console.WriteLine("Hi!"); } //System.Console.WriteLine(texture.NativeHandle); ImGui.Image(new IntPtr(texture.NativeHandle), new System.Numerics.Vector2(200, 200)); ImGui.End(); ImGui.Begin("Hello, world!2"); if (ImGui.Button("Look at this pretty button22")) { System.Console.WriteLine("Hi2!"); } ImGui.Text("Hallo"); ImGui.End(); ImGui.Button("lll"); //window.PopGLStates(); window.SetActive(false); window.Clear(); window.Draw(circle); GuiImpl.Render(); // Finally, display the rendered frame on screen window.Display(); } GuiImpl.Shutdown(); }