public rootPage(bool isUserLoggedIn) { if (isUserLoggedIn) { //set the menu list items for logged in user menuData data = new menuData(true); menuPage = new menuPage(); = data; Master = menuPage; //var displayPage = new tenderEligiblePage(); var displayPage = new tenderPage(); //var displayPage = new accountRegistrationPage(); Detail = new NavigationPage(displayPage); += onItemSelected; } else { //Admin is logged in //set the menu list items for logged in admin menuData data = new menuData(false); menuPage = new menuPage(); = data; Master = menuPage; var displayPage = new announcementPage(); Detail = new NavigationPage(displayPage); += onItemSelected; } }
private void onCancelBtnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var page = App.Current.MainPage as rootPage; var announcementPage = new announcementPage(); page.changePage(announcementPage); //Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopAsync(); }
async void OnSubmitButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (adminAuth.Username == null) { Console.WriteLine("No username"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Test Username:"******"TEST Password:"******"No PASSWORD"); } if (adminAuth.Username != null && adminAuth.Password != null) { activityIndicator.IsVisible = true; activityIndicator.IsRunning = true; string httpTask = await Task.Run <string>(() => HttpRequestHandler.PostAddAnnouncement(adminAuth.Username, adminAuth.Password, titleInput.Text, contentInput.Text)); string httpResult = httpTask.ToString(); activityIndicator.IsVisible = false; activityIndicator.IsRunning = false; if (httpResult == "You have succesfully posted your announcement!") { await DisplayAlert("Success", "Announcement has been successfully posted!", "OK"); var page = App.Current.MainPage as rootPage; var announcementPage = new announcementPage(); page.changePage(announcementPage); } else { await DisplayAlert("Failed", httpResult, "OK"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("User is not logged in"); } }
async void OnDeleteButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var answer = await DisplayAlert("Delete", "Are you sure you want to delete the announcement?", "Yes", "No"); if (answer) { string username = ""; username = adminAuth.Username; //Send HTTP request to check user exists Task <string> httpTask = Task.Run <string>(() => HttpRequestHandler.deleteAnnouncement(announcementid, username)); var httpResult = httpTask.Result; if (httpResult == "deletesuccess") { await DisplayAlert("Success", "Announcement successfully deleted", "OK"); var page = App.Current.MainPage as rootPage; var announcementPage = new announcementPage(); page.changePage(announcementPage); } else { int count = 0; while (count < 3 && httpResult != "deletesuccess") { Console.WriteLine("Looping for failure delete"); httpTask = Task.Run <string>(() => HttpRequestHandler.deleteAnnouncement(announcementid, username)); httpResult = httpTask.Result; count++; } if (httpResult != "deletesuccess") { await DisplayAlert("Failed", "Failed to delete announcement. Please try again later.", "OK"); var page = App.Current.MainPage as rootPage; var announcementPage = new announcementPage(); page.changePage(announcementPage); } } } }
async void onUpdateBtnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (updateTitleError == true) { await DisplayAlert("Invalid Title", "Title cannot be empty.", "OK"); } if (updateContentError == true) { await DisplayAlert("Invalid Content", "Content cannot be empty.", "OK"); } if (updateTitleError == false && updateContentError == false) { updatedTitle = editTitle.Text; updatedContent = editContent.Text; if (adminAuth.Username == null) { Console.WriteLine("No username"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Test Username:"******"TEST Password:"******"No PASSWORD"); } if (adminAuth.Username != null && adminAuth.Password != null) { activityIndicator.IsVisible = true; activityIndicator.IsRunning = true; string httpTask = await Task.Run <string>(() => HttpRequestHandler.PostEditAnnouncement(adminAuth.Username, adminAuth.Password, editID, updatedTitle, updatedContent)); string httpResult = httpTask.ToString(); activityIndicator.IsVisible = false; activityIndicator.IsRunning = false; if (httpResult == "You have succesfully edited the announcement post!") { await DisplayAlert("Success", httpResult, "OK"); var page = App.Current.MainPage as rootPage; var announcementPage = new announcementPage(); page.changePage(announcementPage); } else { await DisplayAlert("Failed", httpResult, "OK"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("User is not logged in"); } } }
async void onRegisterButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { string name = "", email = "", username = "", password = "", confPassword = ""; var selectedRole = rolePicker.Items[rolePicker.SelectedIndex]; if (selectedRole == "Administrator") { selectedRole = "admin"; } else if (selectedRole == "Editor") { selectedRole = "editor"; } //Input error checking bool isInputsValid = true; errorLbl.Text = ""; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(confPasswordInput.Text) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(confPasswordInput.Text)) { errorLbl.Text = "Please enter Confirm Password. "; isInputsValid = false; } else { confPassword = confPasswordInput.Text; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(passwordInput.Text) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(passwordInput.Text)) { errorLbl.Text = "Please enter Password. "; isInputsValid = false; } else { password = passwordInput.Text; } if (isInputsValid) { if (confPassword != password) { errorLbl.Text = "Password does not match. "; isInputsValid = false; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(usernameInput.Text) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(usernameInput.Text)) { errorLbl.Text = "Please enter Username. "; isInputsValid = false; } else { username = usernameInput.Text; if (!username.All(Char.IsLetterOrDigit)) { errorLbl.Text = "Username must be alphanumeric. "; isInputsValid = false; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(emailInput.Text) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emailInput.Text)) { errorLbl.Text = "Please enter Email. "; isInputsValid = false; } else { email = emailInput.Text; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameInput.Text) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nameInput.Text)) { errorLbl.Text = "Please enter Name. "; isInputsValid = false; } else { name = nameInput.Text; if (!Regex.IsMatch(name, @"^[a-zA-Z ]*$")) { errorLbl.Text = "Name must be alphabetic. "; isInputsValid = false; } } if (isInputsValid) { activityIndicator.IsVisible = true; activityIndicator.IsRunning = true; //Send HTTP request if inputs are valid string httpTask = await Task.Run <string>(() => HttpRequestHandler.registerNewAdmin(name, email, selectedRole, username, password, confPassword)); string httpResult = httpTask.ToString(); activityIndicator.IsVisible = false; activityIndicator.IsRunning = false; if (httpResult == "Account successfully registered!") { await DisplayAlert("Success", "Account has been successfully registered!", "OK"); var page = App.Current.MainPage as rootPage; var announcementPage = new announcementPage(); page.changePage(announcementPage); } else { await DisplayAlert("Failed", httpResult, "OK"); errorLbl.Text = httpResult; } } }