Example #1
        public static sWAV ConvertToWAV(sSWAV swav, bool loop)
            sWAV wav = new sWAV();

            if (swav.data.info.nWaveType == 0) // 8 Bits per sample, PCM-8
                swav.data.data = PCM.PCM8SignedToPCM16(swav.data.data);
                if (loop)
                    Byte[] data = new Byte[(int)swav.data.info.nNonLoopLen];
                    Array.Copy(swav.data.data, swav.data.info.nLoopOffset, data, 0, data.Length);
                    swav.data.data = data;

                wav = WAV.Create_WAV(1, swav.data.info.nSampleRate, 16, swav.data.data);
            else if (swav.data.info.nWaveType == 1) // 16 Bits per sample, PCM-16
                if (loop)                           // NO TESTED
                    Byte[] data = new Byte[(int)swav.data.info.nNonLoopLen];
                    Array.Copy(swav.data.data, swav.data.info.nLoopOffset, data, 0, data.Length);
                    swav.data.data = data;

                wav = WAV.Create_WAV(1, swav.data.info.nSampleRate, 16, swav.data.data);
            else if (swav.data.info.nWaveType >= 2) // 4 Bits per sample, IMA-ADPCM
                swav.data.data = Compression_ADPCM.Decompress(
                    BitConverter.ToUInt16(swav.data.data, 0),
                    BitConverter.ToUInt16(swav.data.data, 2));

                if (loop)
                    Byte[] data = new Byte[swav.data.data.Length - ((int)swav.data.info.nLoopOffset * 2)];
                    Array.Copy(swav.data.data, swav.data.info.nLoopOffset * 2, data, 0, data.Length);
                    swav.data.data = data;

                wav = WAV.Create_WAV(1, swav.data.info.nSampleRate, 16, swav.data.data);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a STRM structure to a WAV structure
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strm">STRM structure to convert</param>
        /// <param name="loop">If true, the new WAV data will start in the loop offset</param>
        /// <returns>WAV structure converted</returns>
        public static sWAV ConvertToWAV(sSTRM strm, bool loop)
            sWAV wav = new sWAV();

            // Get the audio data
            if (strm.head.channels == 2)
                // Get both channels and convert it to PCM-16
                strm.data.leftChannel = DivideChannels(strm.data.data, strm.head.nBlocks, strm.head.blockLen,
                                                       strm.head.lastBlocklen, true, strm.head.waveType);
                strm.data.rightChannel = DivideChannels(strm.data.data, strm.head.nBlocks, strm.head.blockLen,
                                                        strm.head.lastBlocklen, false, strm.head.waveType);
                Array.Clear(strm.data.data, 0, strm.data.data.Length);

                if (loop && strm.head.waveType == 0) // 8 bits per sample
                    strm.data.data = MergeChannels(strm.data.leftChannel, strm.data.rightChannel, (int)strm.head.loopOffset);
                else if (loop && strm.head.waveType == 2) // 4 bits per sample
                    strm.data.data = MergeChannels(strm.data.leftChannel, strm.data.rightChannel, (int)strm.head.loopOffset * 2);
                else if (loop && strm.head.waveType == 1) // 16 bits per sample (NO TESTED)
                    strm.data.data = MergeChannels(strm.data.leftChannel, strm.data.rightChannel, (int)strm.head.loopOffset);
                else // No loop
                    strm.data.data = MergeChannels(strm.data.leftChannel, strm.data.rightChannel);
            else if (strm.head.channels == 1)
                // Get the channel and convert it to PCM-16
                strm.data.data = MonoChannel(strm.data.data, strm.head.nBlocks, strm.head.blockLen,
                                             strm.head.lastBlocklen, strm.head.waveType);

                if (strm.head.waveType == 0 && loop) // 8 bits per sample
                    Byte[] data = new Byte[strm.data.data.Length - (int)strm.head.loopOffset];
                    Array.Copy(strm.data.data, strm.head.loopOffset, data, 0, data.Length);
                    strm.data.data = data;
                else if (loop && strm.head.waveType == 2) // 4 bits per sample
                    Byte[] data = new Byte[strm.data.data.Length - ((int)strm.head.loopOffset * 2)];
                    Array.Copy(strm.data.data, strm.head.loopOffset * 2, data, 0, data.Length);
                    strm.data.data = data;
                else if (loop && strm.head.waveType == 1) // 16-bits per sample (NO TESTED)
                    Byte[] data = new Byte[strm.data.data.Length - (int)strm.head.loopOffset];
                    Array.Copy(strm.data.data, strm.head.loopOffset, data, 0, data.Length);
                    strm.data.data = data;

            // Create the WAV structure from the STRM data
            wav = WAV.Create_WAV(strm.head.channels, strm.head.sampleRate, 16, strm.data.data);
