Example #1
 public void SetBlock(int x, int y, int z, ScBlock block)
     //int blockX = x % 16;
     //int blockZ = z % 16;
     //int chunkX = (x - blockX) / 16;
     //int chunkZ = (z - blockZ) / 16;
     //ScChunkPosition position = new ScChunkPosition(chunkX, chunkZ);
     //if (!ChunkDictionary.ContainsKey(position))
     //    throw new ArgumentException("Chunk not found.");
     //ScChunk chunk = ChunkDictionary[position];
     //chunk.SetBlockInChunk(blockX, y, blockZ, block);
Example #2
        private void LoadChunk(ScChunkPosition argChunkPosition, byte[] argChunkInfo)
            //TODO: Thread this (now that the fileread is done).
            Blocks = new ScBlock[SizeX * SizeY * SizeZ];

            //Read the next two 32-byte pieces.
            UInt32 magic1 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(argChunkInfo, 0);
            UInt32 magic2 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(argChunkInfo, 4);

            //Check that the Magic bytes are valid
            if (magic1 != 0xDEADBEEF || magic2 != 0xFFFFFFFF)
                throw new FormatException("Not a Chunks.dat file.");

            //Read the next two 32-byte pieces as the chunk X and Z (there is no Y because the entire height is always described)
            Int32 chunkX = BitConverter.ToInt32(argChunkInfo, 8);

            //Int32 chunkZ = file.ReadInt32();
            Int32 chunkZ = BitConverter.ToInt32(argChunkInfo, 12);

            //Validate that the chunk being read is the same as the chunk at the offset.
            if (chunkX != argChunkPosition.ChunkX || chunkZ != argChunkPosition.ChunkZ)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Chunk header does not match chunk directory.");

            ChunkX = chunkX;
            ChunkZ = chunkZ;

            int infoIndex = 16;

            for (var blockYPosition = 0; blockYPosition < Blocks.Length; ++blockYPosition)
                //Need to calc each block position.
                //Start at ChunkX, 0, ChunkZ
                //For every 128 ChunkY we increment ChunkZ
                //For every 16 ChunkZ we reset ChunkZ and increment ChunkX

                Blocks[blockYPosition] = new ScBlock(new Point3D(ChunkX, 0, ChunkZ), argChunkInfo[infoIndex++], argChunkInfo[infoIndex++]);  //Block Type, Block Data
Example #3
        public void SetBlockInChunk(int x, int y, int z, ScBlock block)
            int index = CalculateBlockIndex(x, y, z);

            Blocks[index] = block;