Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply an update from the action to the treenode
        /// First apply to the GUI tree where the selection happend then copy it over to master tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">The action that carries the update</param>
        public void UpdateAction(ActionCommandCls actionCmd)
            //log.Debug( "UpdateNodeFromAction - Entry" );
            if (actionCmd == null)

            // input is either "" or a valid mapping or a blended mapping
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(actionCmd.Input))
                // new unmapped
                this.Command = ""; this.BackColor = MyColors.UnassignedColor;
                if (this.Level == 2)
                    this.Action = "UNDEF";            // apply UNDEF - 20160525 fix addbind not showing UNDEF if assigned
            // blended mapped ones - can only get a Blend Background
            else if (actionCmd.Input == DeviceCls.BlendedInput)
                this.Command = actionCmd.DevInput; this.BackColor = MyColors.BlendedColor;
                // mapped ( regular ones )
                this.Command = actionCmd.DevInput;
                //if ( this.Level == 2 ) this.Action = ""; // remove UNDEF - 20160525 fix addbind not showing UNDEF if assigned
                // background is along the input
                this.BackColor = ActionCls.DeviceColor(actionCmd.DevInput);
            this.Modified = !actionCmd.DefaultActivationMode; // apply modifier visual
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Merge action is simply copying the new input control
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newAc"></param>
 public void Merge(ActionCls newAc)
     this.inputList.Clear( );
     foreach (ActionCommandCls acc in newAc.inputList)
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates an actionCommand with a new input (command)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="devInput">The input command</param>
 public void UpdateCommandFromInput(String devInput, ActionCls.ActionDevice actionDevice) // ActionCommandCls actionCmd )
     // Apply the input to the ActionTree
     this.DevInput = ActionCls.BlendInput(devInput, actionDevice);
     if (ActionCls.IsBlendedInput(this.DevInput) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(devInput))
         this.ActivationMode = new ActivationMode(ActivationMode.Default); // reset activation mode if the input is empty
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads an action sub element
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xr">An XML reader @ StartElement</param>
        private void ReadActionSub(XmlReader xr, String actionName)
            //<action name="v_brake" onPress="1" onHold="1" onRelease="1" keyboard="space" xboxpad="xi_shoulderl+xi_shoulderr">
            //	<joystick input="js2_button7" />
            //	<joystick input="js2_button8" />
            //<action name="v_hud_confirm" onPress="1" onRelease="1" xboxpad="xi_triggerL_btn+xi_a" joystick="js1_button19">
            //	<keyboard>
            //		<inputdata input="enter"/>
            //	</keyboard>
            Boolean done = false;

                xr.Read( ); // get next element
                Dictionary <String, String> attr = new Dictionary <string, string>( );
                String eName = xr.Name;
                while (xr.MoveToNextAttribute( ))
                    attr.Add(xr.Name, xr.Value); // save the attributes
                    //Console.Write( " {0}='{1}'", xr.Name, xr.Value );
                xr.MoveToElement( ); // backup
                Action ac = new Action( );
                ac.name = actionName;
                // the element name is a control
                if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                    done = (xr.Name == "action");
                else if (xr.IsEmptyElement)
                    // an attribute only element
                    ac.input      = ActionCls.DevID(eName);
                    ac.defBinding = attr["input"];
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ac.defBinding))
                        m_currentMap.Add(ac);                                    // finally add it to the current map if it was bound
                    // one with subelements again
                    xr.Read( );
                    ac.input      = ActionCls.DevID(eName);
                    ac.defBinding = xr["input"];
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ac.defBinding))
                        m_currentMap.Add(ac);                                    // finally add it to the current map if it was bound
            } while (!done);
            m_nodeNameStack.Pop( ); // action is finished
Example #5
        }                                                 // regular bind is the 0-element, addbinds are added to the list

        /// <summary>
        /// Clone this object
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A deep Clone of this object</returns>
        private ActionCls MyClone()
            ActionCls newAc = (ActionCls)this.MemberwiseClone( );

            // more objects to deep copy
            newAc.defActivationMode = (ActivationMode)this.defActivationMode.Clone( );
            newAc.inputList         = this.inputList.Select(x => (ActionCommandCls)x.Clone( )).ToList( );

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy return the action while reassigning the JsN Tag
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newJsList">The JsN reassign list</param>
        /// <returns>The action copy with reassigned input</returns>
        public ActionCls ReassignJsN(JsReassingList newJsList)
            ActionCls newAc = this.MyClone( );

            // creates a copy of the list with reassigned jsN devs
            newAc.inputList.Clear( ); // get rid of cloned list
            foreach (ActionCommandCls acc in inputList)
                newAc.inputList.Add(acc.ReassignJsN(newJsList)); // creates the deep copy of the list

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy return the action while reassigning the JsN Tag
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newJsList">The JsN reassign list</param>
        /// <returns>The action copy with reassigned input</returns>
        public ActionCls ReassignJsN(JsReassingList newJsList)
            ActionCls newAc = new ActionCls( );

            // full copy from 'this'
            newAc.key          = this.key;
            newAc.actionDevice = this.actionDevice;
            newAc.device       = this.device;
            newAc.name         = this.name;
            newAc.defBinding   = this.defBinding;

            foreach (ActionCommandCls acc in inputList)

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy return the action while reassigning the JsN Tag
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newJsList">The JsN reassign list</param>
        /// <returns>The action copy with reassigned input</returns>
        public ActionCls ReassignJsN(JsReassingList newJsList)
            ActionCls newAc = new ActionCls( );

            // full copy from 'this'
            newAc.key               = this.key;
            newAc.actionDevice      = this.actionDevice;
            newAc.device            = this.device;
            newAc.name              = this.name;
            newAc.defBinding        = this.defBinding;
            newAc.defActivationMode = this.defActivationMode;

            // creates a copy of the list with reassigned jsN devs
            foreach (ActionCommandCls acc in inputList)

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply an update from the action to the treenode
        /// First apply to the GUI tree where the selection happend then copy it over to master tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input command</param>
        /// <param name="node">The TreeNode to update</param>
        /// <param name="actionCmd">The actionCommand that carries the update</param>
        /// <param name="inKind">The input device</param>
        private void UpdateInputNodeFromAction( ActionTreeInputNode node, ActionCommandCls actionCmd, ActionCls.ActionDevice inKind )
            log.Debug( "UpdateInputNodeFromAction - Entry" );
              if ( actionCmd == null ) return;
              if ( node.Level != 2 ) return; // applies only to ActionTreeInputNode

              // input is either "" or a valid mapping or a blended mapping
              if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( actionCmd.input ) ) {
            // new unmapped
            node.Command = ""; node.BackColor = MyColors.UnassignedColor;

              // blended mapped ones - can only get a Blend Background
              else if ( ( inKind == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Joystick ) && ( actionCmd.input == JoystickCls.BlendedInput ) ) {
            node.Command = actionCmd.input; node.BackColor = MyColors.BlendedColor;
              else if ( ( inKind == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Gamepad ) && ( actionCmd.input == GamepadCls.BlendedInput ) ) {
            node.Command = actionCmd.input; node.BackColor = MyColors.BlendedColor;
              else if ( actionCmd.input == DeviceCls.BlendedInput ) {
            // Manually Blended input
            node.Command = actionCmd.input; node.BackColor = MyColors.BlendedColor;
              else {
            // mapped ( regular ones )
            node.Command = actionCmd.input;

            // background is along the input
            if ( inKind == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Joystick ) {
              int jNum = JoystickCls.JSNum( actionCmd.input );
              node.BackColor = JoystickCls.JsNColor( jNum );
            else if ( inKind == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Gamepad ) {
              node.BackColor = GamepadCls.XiColor( );
            else if ( inKind == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Keyboard ) {
              node.BackColor = KeyboardCls.KbdColor( );
            else {
              // ?? what else
              node.BackColor = MyColors.UnassignedColor;
              UpdateMasterNode( node );
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates an actionCommand with a new input (command)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input command</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action to containing the command</param>
        /// <param name="actionCmd">The actionCommand to update</param>
        private void UpdateActionCommandFromInput( String input, ActionCommandCls actionCmd, ActionCls.ActionDevice inKind )
            //log.Debug( "UpdateActionCommandFromInput - Entry" );
              if ( actionCmd == null ) return;

              // Apply the input to the ActionTree
              if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( input ) ) {
            // unmapped - handle the blended ones from setting
            if ( ( inKind == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Joystick ) && BlendUnmappedJS ) actionCmd.input = JoystickCls.BlendedInput;
            else if ( ( inKind == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Gamepad ) && BlendUnmappedGP ) actionCmd.input = GamepadCls.BlendedInput;
            else actionCmd.input = "";
              else {
            // mapped ones
            actionCmd.input = input;
              Dirty = true;
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Find an ActionCommand with index in an Action
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="actionMap">The actionmap name</param>
 /// <param name="action">The action</param>
 /// <param name="input">The input</param>
 /// <returns>An actionCommand or null if not found</returns>
 private ActionCommandCls FindActionInputObject( ActionCls ac, int index )
     log.Debug( "FindActionInputObject - Entry" );
       // Apply the input to the ActionTree
       ActionCommandCls acc = null;
       if ( ac != null ) acc = ac.inputList.Find( delegate( ActionCommandCls _ACC ) { return _ACC.nodeIndex == index; } );
       if ( acc == null ) {
     log.Error( "FindActionInputObject - Action Input not found in Action" );
     return null;  // ERROR - Action Input not found in tree
       return acc;
Example #12
        // input is like  js1_button3 OR keyboard such as lctrl+x (mouse is keyboard too)
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply an update the the treenode
        /// First apply to the GUI tree where the selection happend then copy it over to master tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The new Text property</param>
        public Boolean UpdateSelectedItem( String input, ActionCls.ActionDevice inKind, Boolean checkKind )
            if ( ( Ctrl.SelectedNode.Level == 0 ) || ( Ctrl.SelectedNode.Level > 2 ) ) return false; // ERROR exit
              if ( Ctrl.SelectedNode == null ) return false; // ERROR exit
              if ( Ctrl.SelectedNode.Parent == null ) return false; // ERROR exit

              // has a parent - must be level 1 or 2
              if ( Ctrl.SelectedNode.Level == 1 ) {
            // this is the main node with Action Cmd
            ActionCls ac = FindActionObject( Ctrl.SelectedNode.Parent.Name, Ctrl.SelectedNode.Name );
            if ( ac == null ) return false; // ERROR exit
            if ( checkKind && ( ac.actionDevice != inKind ) ) return false; // ERROR exit

            ActionCommandCls acc = FindActionInputObject( Ctrl.SelectedNode.Parent.Name, Ctrl.SelectedNode.Name, CommandFromNodeText( Ctrl.SelectedNode.Text ) );
            if ( acc == null ) return false; // ERROR exit
            UpdateActionCommandFromInput( input, acc, inKind );
            UpdateNodeFromAction( ( ActionTreeNode )Ctrl.SelectedNode, acc, inKind );
              else if ( Ctrl.SelectedNode.Level == 2 ) {
            // this is a child of an action with further commands
            ActionTreeNode atn = ( m_ctrl.SelectedNode.Parent as ActionTreeNode );  // the parent treenode
            ActionCls ac = FindActionObject( atn.Parent.Name, atn.Name );   // the related action
            if ( ac == null ) return false; // ERROR exit
            if ( checkKind && ( ac.actionDevice != inKind ) ) return false; // ERROR exit

            ActionCommandCls acc = FindActionInputObject( ac, m_ctrl.SelectedNode.Index );
            if ( acc == null ) return false; // ERROR exit
            UpdateActionCommandFromInput( input, acc, inKind );
            UpdateInputNodeFromAction( ( ActionTreeInputNode )Ctrl.SelectedNode, acc, inKind );
              return true;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Load Mappings into the ActionList and create the Master TreeView 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defaultProfileName">The name of the profile to load (w/o extension)</param>
        /// <param name="applyDefaults">True if default mappings should be carried on</param>
        public void LoadProfileTree( String defaultProfileName, Boolean applyDefaults )
            log.Debug( "LoadProfileTree - Entry" );

              ActionTreeNode tn = null;
              ActionTreeNode[] cnl = { };
              ActionTreeNode cn = null;
              ActionTreeNode topNode = null;

              ActionMapCls acm = null;
              ActionCls ac = null;
              ActionCommandCls acc = null;

              ActionMaps = new ActionMapsCls( m_jsList );
              m_MasterTree.Nodes.Clear( );

              // read the action items into the TreeView
              DProfileReader dpReader = new DProfileReader( ); // we may read a profile
              TextReader txReader = null;

              dpReader.fromXML( SCDefaultProfile.DefaultProfile( defaultProfileName + ".xml" ) );
              if ( dpReader.ValidContent ) {
            txReader = new StringReader( dpReader.CSVMap );

              // we assume no addbind items in the profile
              //  so all actions are shown in the ActionTreeNode and no ActionTreeNode childs must be created here
              //  however we create the ActionCommand for each entry that is supported - even if it is not mapped (input= "")
              using ( TextReader sr = txReader ) {
            String buf = sr.ReadLine( );
            while ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( buf ) ) {
              String[] elem = buf.Split( new char[] { ';', ',' } );
              if ( elem.Length > 1 ) {
            if ( !IgnoreMaps.Contains( "," + elem[0] + "," ) ) {
              // must have 2 elements min
              Array.Resize( ref cnl, 0 );
              acm = new ActionMapCls( ); acm.name = elem[0]; // get actionmap name
              // process items
              for ( int ei=1; ei < elem.Length; ei += 2 ) { // step 2  - action;defaultBinding come in pairs
                if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( elem[ei] ) ) {
                  // default assignments
                  String action = elem[ei].Substring( 1 );
                  String defBinding = elem[ei + 1].Substring( 0 );
                  String devID = elem[ei].Substring( 0, 1 );
                  String device = ActionCls.DeviceFromID( devID );

                  // visual item for the action
                  cn = new ActionTreeNode( "UNDEF" ); cn.Name = elem[ei]; cn.Action = action; cn.BackColor = Color.White; // name with the key it to find it..
                  cn.ImageKey = devID; cn.BackColor = Color.White; // some stuff does not work properly...
                  Array.Resize( ref cnl, cnl.Length + 1 ); cnl[cnl.Length - 1] = cn;

                  // derive content tree
                  ac = new ActionCls( ); ac.key = cn.Name; ac.name = action; ac.device = device; ac.actionDevice = ActionCls.ADevice( device ); ac.defBinding = defBinding;
                  acm.Add( ac ); // add to our map
                  cn.ActionDevice = ac.actionDevice; // should be known now
                  // create just an unmapped ActionCommand item
                  acc = new ActionCommandCls( ); acc.input = ""; acc.nodeIndex = -1; // profile items are shown in the ActionTreeNode (not in a child)
                  ac.inputList.Add( acc );// add to our Action

                  // modify defaults and blendings
                  if ( applyDefaults ) {
                    // apply the default mappings
                    if ( ac.actionDevice == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Joystick ) {
                      int jNum = JoystickCls.JSNum( ac.defBinding );
                      if ( JoystickCls.IsJSValid( jNum ) ) {
                        acc.input = ac.defBinding;
                        cn.Command = ac.defBinding; cn.BackColor = JoystickCls.JsNColor( jNum );
                      else if ( BlendUnmappedJS ) {
                        // jsx_reserved gets here
                        acc.input = JoystickCls.BlendedInput;
                        cn.Command = JoystickCls.BlendedInput; cn.BackColor = MyColors.BlendedColor;
                    else if ( ac.actionDevice == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Gamepad ) {
                      if ( GamepadCls.IsXiValid( ac.defBinding ) ) {
                        acc.input = ac.defBinding;
                        cn.Command = ac.defBinding; cn.BackColor = GamepadCls.XiColor( );
                      else if ( BlendUnmappedGP ) {
                        // xi_reserved gets here
                        acc.input = GamepadCls.BlendedInput;
                        cn.Command = GamepadCls.BlendedInput; cn.BackColor = MyColors.BlendedColor;
                    else if ( ac.actionDevice == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Keyboard ) {
                      if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ac.defBinding ) ) {
                        acc.input = ac.defBinding;
                        cn.Command = ac.defBinding; cn.BackColor = KeyboardCls.KbdColor( );
                  // Don't apply defaults - but blend if checked
                  else {
                    if ( ( ac.actionDevice == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Joystick ) && BlendUnmappedJS ) {
                      cn.Command = JoystickCls.BlendedInput; cn.BackColor = MyColors.BlendedColor;
                      acc.input = JoystickCls.BlendedInput;
                    else if ( ( ac.actionDevice == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Gamepad ) && BlendUnmappedGP ) {
                      cn.Command = GamepadCls.BlendedInput; cn.BackColor = MyColors.BlendedColor;
                      acc.input = GamepadCls.BlendedInput;

              tn = new ActionTreeNode( acm.name, cnl ); tn.Name = acm.name;  // name it to find it..
              tn.ImageIndex = 0; tn.NodeFont = new Font( m_MasterTree.Font, FontStyle.Bold );
              m_MasterTree.BackColor = Color.White; // fix for defect TreeView (cut off bold text)
              m_MasterTree.Nodes.Add( tn ); // add to control
              if ( topNode == null ) topNode = tn; // once to keep the start of list
              ActionMaps.Add( acm ); // add to our map
            }//not ignored

              }// if valid line
              buf = sr.ReadLine( );
              // fix for defect TreeView (cut off bold text at last element -despite the BackColor fix) add another and delete it
              tn = new ActionTreeNode( "DUMMY" ); tn.Name = "DUMMY";
              tn.ImageIndex = 0; tn.NodeFont = new Font( m_MasterTree.Font, FontStyle.Bold );
              m_MasterTree.BackColor = m_MasterTree.BackColor; // fix for defect TreeView (cut off bold text)
              m_MasterTree.Nodes.Add( tn ); // add to control
              m_MasterTree.Nodes.RemoveByKey( "DUMMY" );
              // fix for defect TreeView (cut off bold text)

              txReader = null;
              Dirty = false;

              // finally apply the filter and make it visible
              FilterTree( );
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy return the action while reassigning the JsN Tag
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newJsList">The JsN reassign list</param>
        /// <returns>The action copy with reassigned input</returns>
        public ActionCls ReassignJsN( JsReassingList newJsList )
            ActionCls newAc = new ActionCls( );
              // full copy from 'this'
              newAc.key = this.key;
              newAc.actionDevice = this.actionDevice;
              newAc.device = this.device;
              newAc.name = this.name;
              newAc.defBinding = this.defBinding;

              foreach ( ActionCommandCls acc in inputList ) {
            newAc.inputList.Add( acc.ReassignJsN( newJsList ) );

              return newAc;
Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Merge action is simply copying the new input control
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newAc"></param>
 public void Merge( ActionCls newAc )
     this.inputList.Clear( );
       foreach ( ActionCommandCls acc in newAc.inputList ) {
     this.inputList.Add( acc );