List <NetworkPrint> players = new List <NetworkPrint>(); // Creating List of players in the room void OnPhotonInstantiate(PhotonMessageInfo info) { singleton = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); InstantiateNetworkPrint(); }
public void OnHit(StateManager shooter, Weapon w, Vector3 dir, Vector3 pos) { if (shooter == this) { return; } Debug.Log("Player has been hit by: " + shooter.photonId); GameObject hitParticle = GameManagers.GetObjectPool().RequestObject("BloodSplat_FX"); Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(-dir); hitParticle.transform.position = pos; hitParticle.transform.rotation = rot; if (Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient) { if (!isDead) { -= w.ammoType.damageValue; MultiplayerManager mm = MultiplayerManager.singleton; mm.BroadcastPlayerHealth(photonId,, shooter.photonId); if ( <= 0) { Debug.Log("Player: " + this.photonId + " has been killed by: " + shooter.photonId); isDead = true; } } } }
public void EndMatch(MultiplayerManager mm, bool isWinner) { if (PhotonNetwork.InRoom) { PhotonNetwork.LeaveRoom(); } this.isWinner.value = isWinner; mm.ClearReferences(); LoadMainMenuFromGame(); }
void IPunInstantiateMagicCallback.OnPhotonInstantiate(PhotonMessageInfo info) { Debug.Log("(1) Multiplayer Manager: OnPhotonInstantiate called"); singleton = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); mRef = new MultiplayerReferences(); DontDestroyOnLoad(mRef.referencesParent.gameObject); InstantiateNetworkPrint(); currentTime = startingTime; isMaster = PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient; }
void IPunInstantiateMagicCallback.OnPhotonInstantiate(PhotonMessageInfo info) { MultiplayerManager mm = MultiplayerManager.singleton; photonId = photonView.OwnerActorNr; isLocal = photonView.IsMine; //This data is then passed to Instantiate Controller-ish object[] data = photonView.InstantiationData; weapon = (string)data[0]; modelId = (string)data[1]; mm.AddNewPlayer(this); }
public override void Execute(StateManager states, Weapon w) { Vector3 origin = w.runtime.modelInstance.transform.position; Vector3 dir = states.movementValues.aimPosition - origin; Ray ray = new Ray(origin, dir); Debug.DrawLine(origin, dir); RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(origin, dir, 100); if (hits == null) { return; } if (hits.Length == 0) { return; } RaycastHit closestHit; closestHit = GetClosestHit(origin, hits, states.photonId); IHittable isHittable = closestHit.transform.GetComponentInParent <IHittable>(); if (isHittable == null) { Debug.Log("isHittable was null"); GameObject hitParticle = GameManagers.GetObjectPool().RequestObject("Bullet_Impact_FX"); Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(-dir); hitParticle.transform.position = closestHit.point; hitParticle.transform.rotation = rot; } else { Debug.Log("The object hit is: " + closestHit); isHittable.OnHit(states, w, dir, closestHit.point); } MultiplayerManager mm = MultiplayerManager.singleton; if (mm != null) { mm.BroadcastShootWeapon(states, dir, origin); } }
public void OnPhotonInstantiate(PhotonMessageInfo info) { states = GetComponent <StateManager>(); states.InitReferences(); mTransform = this.transform; object[] data = photonView.InstantiationData; states.photonId = (int)data[0]; string modelId = (string)data[2]; states.LoadCharacterModel(modelId); MultiplayerManager m = MultiplayerManager.singleton; this.transform.parent = m.GetMRef().referencesParent; PlayerHolder playerHolder = m.GetMRef().GetPlayer(states.photonId); playerHolder.states = states; string weaponId = (string)data[1]; Debug.Log("Weapon ID: " + weaponId); states.inventory.weaponID = weaponId; if (photonView.IsMine) { states.isLocal = true; states.SetCurrentState(local); initLocalPlayer.Execute(states); } else { states.isLocal = false; states.SetCurrentState(client); initClientPlayer.Execute(states); states.multiplayerListener = this; } }